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In recalling a set of previously experienced events, people exhibit striking effects of recency, contiguity, and similarity: Recent items tend to be recalled best and first, and items that were studied in neighboring positions or that are similar to one another in some other way tend to evoke one another during recall. Effects of recency and contiguity have most often been investigated in tasks that require people to recall random word lists. Similarity effects have most often been studied in tasks that require people to recall categorized word lists. Here we examine recency and contiguity effects in lists composed of items drawn from 3 distinct taxonomic categories and in which items from a given category are temporally separated from one another by items from other categories, all of which are tested for recall. We find evidence for long-term recency and for long-range contiguity, bolstering support for temporally sensitive models of memory and highlighting the importance of understanding the interaction between temporal and semantic information during memory search.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the role of the degree of temporal contiguity between an action and an outcome in human causality judgement. In all the experiments subjects were required to perform an action—pressing a key on a computer keyboard—and to judge the extent to which the action caused an outcome on the computer screen to occur. The action and outcome occurred on a free-operant schedule. In the first experiment a 2-sec delay between the action and outcome reduced causality judgements relative to a situation in which there was no delay. In the second experiment judgements in conditions with delays of 0, 4, 8, and 16 sec were compared with judgements in conditions in which the same pattern of outcomes occurred non-contingently with respect to the subjects' responding. In both of these experiments the events were controlled by random ratio schedules, following the procedure of Wasserman, Chatlosh, and Neunaber (1983), in which each condition was divided into 1-sec intervals. In the third experiment judgements in conditions with delays of 0, 2, 4, or 8 sec were compared in a continuous procedure rather than one divided into 1-sec intervals. In all experiments the increasing delays led to progressively lower judgements of causality. The results are related to three accounts of the mechanism underlying human causality judgement and are also compared with results from analogous animal conditioning studies.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the effects of spatial contiguity upon the formation of second-order conditioning in pigeon subjects. Experiment 1 used an autoshaping procedure to pair two visual stimuli, S2 and S1, after S1 had previously been paired with food. The resulting second-order conditioning of S2 was superior when both stimuli appeared on the same response key within a trial, compared with their appearing on different keys. Experiment 2 found a similar importance of spatial contiguity between S2 and S1 in a conditioned suppression paradigm. In addition, consistently presenting S2 and S1 in the same spatial location produced superior conditioning compared with varying their spatial relation from trial to trial. The design of these experiments was such as to imply that spatial contiguity facilitates performance by improving the formation of association rather than by promoting stimulus generalization or pseudoconditioning. Moreover, the observation of a facilitative effect of spatial contiguity between S1 and S2 in two different paradigms that use qualitatively different unconditioned stimuli and evoke different responses implies some generality for these findings. Consequently, these results suggest that spatially contiguous stimuli are especially associable in Pavlovian conditioning paradigms.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the effects of variable-interval, variable-time, and tandem variable-interval fixed-time schedules on key-peck responding of pigeons. The variable-interval component of the tandem schedule retained the response-reinforcement dependency; the fixed-time component allowed the temporal proximity between responding and reinforcement to vary, constrained only by the duration of the fixed-time interval. Response rates were highest during the variable-interval and lowest during the variable-time schedule. Intermediate response rates occurred during the tandem schedule. The results of a yoked control condition showed that the effects of the tandem schedule were not due simply to changes in reinforcement distribution or frequency. The results suggest that substantial reductions in responding occur when reinforcement is response-dependent but not necessarily contiguous with the response required to produce reinforcement.  相似文献   

The effect of repeatedly imagining paired or unpaired CSs and USs on the frequency of post-CS responses during real extinction was studied. Four groups of 10 Ss first received a model tone and shock. For two of the groups the stimuli were paired (delayed conditioning paradigm). For the others the stimuli were arranged in a long trace paradigm. The Ss then received a series of commands requiring them to imagine receiving paired CSs and USs, or to imagine the events singly. Then 10 real tone extinction trials were given. The groups which received delayed conditioning model stimuli were more responsive than trace groups, and groups which had imagined paired stimuli were more responsive than their unpaired controls. Cognitively oriented explanations of these findings were discussed.  相似文献   

The two experiments reported examine the role of temporal contiguity on judgments of contingency in a human analogue of the Pavlovian task. The data show that the effect of the actual delay on contingency judgment depends on the observer’s expectation regarding the delay. for a fixed contingency between the cue and the outcome, ratings of the contingency are higher when the actual delay is congruent with the observer’s expectation than when it is incongruent. We argue that our data can be understood within the context of the temporal coding hypothesis.  相似文献   

Sequences of temporally spaced responses were reinforced to investigate the effects of delay of reinforcement on the formation of functional behavioral units. In Experiment 1, rats' two- and three-response demarcated sequences of left and right lever presses were reinforced such that different response distributions would occur depending on whether the sequences themselves or individual responses were functional units. The matching law could thus be obeyed either by individual responses or by sequences, but not by both; intermediate results were possible. Both regular (nonretractable) and retractable levers were used; the retractable levers precluded the occurrence of insufficiently spaced responses. At a minimum interresponse time of 5 s for regular levers and 7 s for retractable ones, matching results were intermediate, with greater evidence of sequence conditionability in the two-response sequences than in the three-response sequences. In Experiment 2, the required minimum interresponse spacing for two-response retractable-lever sequences was varied in an attempt to locate the sequence matching threshold. This attempt was unsuccessful, but the sequences (instead of individual responses) more closely obeyed the matching law. In the shortest spaced condition, conditional probability data on Lag 1 sequence emission order showed marked, highly similar patterning for all rats, indicating sequential control of the sequences. Post hoc definition of the behavioral unit in these studies is ambiguous. Although reinforcement contiguity was important, aspects of the results could support both molar- and molecular-level interpretations.  相似文献   

The authors present a new model of free recall on the basis of M. W. Howard and M. J. Kahana's temporal context model and M. Usher and J. L. McClelland's leaky-accumulator decision model. In this model, contextual drift gives rise to both short-term and long-term recency effects, and contextual retrieval gives rise to short-term and long-term contiguity effects. Recall decisions are controlled by a race between competitive leaky accumulators. The model captures the dynamics of immediate, delayed, and continual distractor free recall, demonstrating that dissociations between short- and long-term recency can naturally arise from a model in which an internal contextual state is used as the sole cue for retrieval across time scales.  相似文献   

Three experiments describe the effects of manipulating the frequency of response-reinforcer contiguity in a recycling conjunctive schedule. The schedule arranged that a reinforcer was delivered after 30 s provided at least one response had occurred; otherwise the next cycle started immediately. In Experiment 1, this schedule produced the typical pause–respond–pause pattern, with most responses at mid-interval; and, when a limited number of contiguities between responses and food delivery were added, the pattern became more like the monotonic scallop seen on fixed-interval schedules. In Experiment 2, the schedule was initially presented with an additional contingency that allowed contiguity on every trial. Fixed-interval-like behavior occurred and tended to persist as contiguities were gradually eliminated. In Experiment 3, the recycling conjunctive schedule alternated with a condition in which a large number of contiguities occurred. The pause–respond–pause pattern and fixed-interval-like performance occurred with few or many contiguities, respectively. The results of all three experiments illustrate how contiguity interacts with a small number of other variables to determine performance on interval schedules and illuminate previous findings with fixed-interval and fixed-time schedules.  相似文献   

The stimulus properties of brief disruptions in response-reinforcer temporal contiguity were investigated using a discrete trial conditional discrimination procedure. Key pecking (nondelay) or key pecking followed by a brief interval of nonpecking (delay) in the sample component produced a stimulus change (choice component). Pecks in the choice component to one of two alternatives resulted in food or blackout, conditional upon which response requirement was met in producing the choice component. A baseline condition, in which key pecking always produced the choice component and correct choices were arranged randomly, alternated with experimental conditions that included nondelay and delay values of either 0.2, 0.5, or 1.0 sec between the last key peck and the initiation of the choice component. All subjects accurately discriminated brief temporal delays between a response and stimulus change, with choice accuracy increasing for three of four subjects as the temporal disruption in contiguity increase. Implications of the research for the study of delayed reinforcement, response-independent reinforcement, and the discrimination of causality are discussed.  相似文献   

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