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Key-pecking of pigeons, maintained by an FR 50 grain reinforcement schedule, was punished by shocking the first, middle, or last response of the ratio. Under high shock levels, the three punishment conditions produced differential effects on the behavior. Punishment of the first response of the ratio resulted in consistent and extended post-reinforcement pausing and frequent extended breaks after the initial response(s) of the ratio. Punishment of the 25th response disrupted responding in the first half of the ratio with little effect on the last half of the ratio. Punishment of the final response resulted in breaks and local rate changes in various parts of the ratio. Durations of pauses after reinforcement were more variable when the 25th and 50th responses were punished relative to those when the first response was punished.  相似文献   

The emission of a fixed number of responses by rats was followed by food reinforcement. This fixed number could be accumulated in any way from two continuously available but mutually incompatible response classes, bar pressing, and not bar pressing for a fixed time period. A preference for one response class was arranged by specifying different maximum reinforcement rates for the two classes. Under selective punishment conditions, the preferred response occasionally led to both food and electric shock, while the non-preferred response led only to food. Selective punishment effects were measured through changes in the preference to the two responses in the sequence. The actions of shock intensity, deprivation, the specification of the non-preferred response, and three drugs were investigated. The results were broadly similar to the work reported by Dardano and Sauerbrunn (1964), who found localized increases in interresponse times before punished responses in fixed-ratio schedules. Performance under this procedure was found to be stable and sensitive to each of the experimental variables examined.  相似文献   

Three rats were trained on a schedule in which every sixth response produced a timeout of 5 sec minimum duration, and food was delivered at the onset of timeout. Successive interresponse times were measured under these conditions, and also when behavior was maintained by second-order fixed-ratio and fixed-interval schedules. Under the second-order schedules, each six-response fixed-ratio component was followed by a timeout, and occasionally food was delivered at the onset of a timeout. In the fixed-ratio schedule, the successive interresponse times showed a decrease followed by an increase before food delivery, but this systematic variation in interresponse times was not found when the performance was under second-order reinforcement. Under both second-order schedules the latencies of successive components, and the successive interresponse times within each component, showed a decrease as food delivery was approached.  相似文献   

Pigeons key pecked for grain on a fixed-ratio 100 schedule; electric shocks occurred intermittently at the fifteenth or eighty-fifth response in the ratio. In Experiment I, shock was at the fifteenth response for two birds, and at the eighty-fifth response for two others, in every sixth, twelfth, or eighteenth ratio. Rate of responding decreased as frequency of shock increased, and the pattern of responding included an increased initial pause and low rates or pause-run sequences that extended further into the ratio when shock was at the fifteenth response than when it was at the eighty-fifth response. Shock early in the ratio engendered longer initial pauses than shock late in the ratio. In Experiment II, four birds responded on a two-component multiple schedule in which shock occurred at the fifteenth response of the third ratio in the presence of a white keylight and at the eighty-fifth response of the third ratio in the presence of a green keylight. The overall rates of responding decreased as shock intensity increased. All four birds responded differentially to the white and green keylights, but with a pattern that varied between birds. In general, punishment reduced the probability of responses that preceded it, regardless of the ordinal position of those responses. Both studies confirm that the probability of responding is reduced less by aversive stimuli produced late in a fixed-ratio than by aversive stimuli produced early in a fixed-ratio.  相似文献   

The effects of several conditions of response cost (response-produced point loss) upon FR 50 performance maintained by 100-point reinforcements were investigated. Post-reinforcement pauses did not appear under no-cost (no points deducted per response) conditions. Such pauses were effected, however, by introducing 5-sec periods of one-point and two-point costs after each reinforcement. Continuous response cost did not affect responding as long as the cost was less than the 100-point reinforcements. Rapid cessation of responding occurred when continuous response cost was made equal to reinforcement.  相似文献   

Reinforcing the absence of fixed-ratio performance   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons received food for key pecking according to a fixed-ratio schedule, while, at the same time, food also was available for not pecking for a specified time. With a fixed ratio of 60, responding was not affected by not-pecking times of 80 or 40 seconds, and was eliminated completely at 10 seconds. With ratios of 180, pecking stopped with not-pecking times of 80 seconds or less; with ratios of 300, it stopped at 120 seconds or less. Not-responding schedules produced steady-state performance immediately following contact with the schedule. With return to the fixed-ratio schedule alone, response rate sometimes was elevated temporarily. When response-independent food presentations replaced the not-pecking schedule, response rate often was enhanced, and the ratio pattern was lost. Only the highest densities of food delivery eliminated responding, even with a fixed ratio of 300. In general, the effects corresponded to those of punishment, except that contrast had appeared both during and after punishment, and now appeared only after the response elimination procedure was suspended.  相似文献   

In one component of a multiple schedule, pigeons were required to complete the same four-response chain each session by responding sequentially on three identically lighted keys in the presence of four successively presented colors (chain performance). Food presentation occurred after five completions of the chain (i.e., after 20 correct responses). Errors, such as responding on the center or right key when the left was designated correct, produced a brief timeout but did not reset the chain. In the other component, responding on a single key (lighted white) was maintained by food presentation under a fixed-ratio 20 schedule. In general, phencyclidine and d-amphetamine produced dose-dependent decreases in the overall response rates in both components. With pentobarbital, overall rate in each component generally increased at intermediate doses and decreased at higher doses. All three drugs produced dose-dependent disruptive effects on chain-performance accuracy. Phencyclidine and pentobarbital increased percent errors at doses that had little or no rate-decreasing effects, whereas d-amphetamine generally increased percent errors only at doses that substantially decreased overall rate. At high doses, all three drugs produced greater disruption of chain performance than of fixed-ratio performance, as indicated by a slower return to control responding, although the effects of d-amphetamine were less selective than those of phencyclidine or pentobarbital.  相似文献   

Eighteen young adults performed a lever-pulling task for money. Subjects were initially exposed to a fixed-interval 80-second schedule and subsequently to one of three conjunctive schedules in which the added fixed-ratio requirement was set at either 10, 80, or 120 responses. Three fixed-interval response patterns emerged: high constant rate, intermediate rate, or low rate, with most subjects displaying the last. Conjunctive performance was related to the subjects' prior fixed-interval patterns and the conjunctive ratio requirements. Low-rate subjects tended to optimize reinforcement (maximum reinforcers for minimum responses) on conjunctive schedules. Response rate was directly related to ratio requirements. Subjects' performance closely corresponded to their verbal statements of the contingencies.  相似文献   

The performance of pigeons was studied under conditions in which the completion of a fixed-ratio requirement was not contiguous with the presentation of a reinforcer. Timein and timeout periods alternated throughout the experimental sessions. Responses made by an experimental bird during the timein period were accumulated, and when a fixed-ratio requirement had been met, grain was presented to the experimental bird and a yoked control following their first response in the next timein period. Across most manipulations of the fixed-ratio requirement and of the duration of the timeout period, the response rates of the experimental birds were considerably higher than those of their controls, suggesting that the response-reinforcer dependency controlled the behavior of the experimental bird in the absence of a close temporal association between responding on the ratio schedule and reinforcer presentations.  相似文献   

Three female human subjects pressed a button for monetary reinforcement in a range of variable-interval schedules specifying different frequencies of reinforcement. On alternate days, responding was also punished (by subtracting money) according to a variable-ratio 34 schedule. In the absence of punishment, rate of responding was an increasing negatively accelerated function of reinforcement frequency; the relationship between response rate and reinforcement frequency conformed to Herrnstein's equation. The effect of the punishment schedule was to suppress responding at all frequencies of reinforcement. This was reflected in a change in the values of both constants in Herrnstein's equation: the value of the theoretical maximum response-rate parameter was reduced, while the parameter describing the reinforcement frequency corresponding to the half-maximal response rate was increased.  相似文献   

The transition from fixed-ratio 1 performance (every response reinforced) to fixed-ratio 30 performance (every thirtieth response reinforced) was studied in nine pigeons. These were divided into three treatment groups given daily oral doses of saline, or 250 mg/kg/day or 500 mg/kg/day of yeast ribonucleic acid. Detailed computer-assisted analyses of how fixed-ratio behavior develops revealed the following typical sequence. After the transition, the first few ratios typically were emitted without long interresponse times within the ratio. Steady responding then ceased, and numerous long interresponse times occurred, with no systematic relationship to ordinal position within the ratio. Gradually, a new pattern evolved, characterized by a consistently long post-reinforcement time, a border region of the next few interresponse times within which the mean interresponse time monotonically decreased, and short interresponse times within the last 80% of the ratio. Long interresponse times were eliminated from this last section of the ratio without regard to proximity to reinforcement. Various analytical procedures suggested that the final pattern can be conceived, in part, as the shaping of a reliable response topography. The group of three pigeons given 250 mg/kg/day of yeast ribonucleic acid responded at higher rates than the saline and 500 mg/kg/day groups. The latter group, in contrast to the saline and lower dose groups, which continued to increase their rates, reached a rate asymptote very early.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to discriminate 5.0 mg/kg pentobarbital from saline under a two-key concurrent fixed-ratio 10 fixed-ratio 40 schedule of food presentation, in which the fixed-ratio component with the lower response requirement was programmed to reinforce responding on one key after drug administration (pentobarbital-biased key) and on the other key after saline administration (saline-biased key). After responding stabilized, pigeons averaged 98% of their responses on the pentobarbital-biased key during training sessions preceded by pentobarbital, and they averaged 90% of their responses on the saline-biased key during training sessions preceded by saline. In test sessions preceded by doses of pentobarbital, chlordiazepoxide, or ethanol, pigeons switched from responding on the saline-biased key at low doses to responding on the pentobarbital-biased key at higher doses (the dose-response curve was quantal). High doses of phencyclidine produced responding on both keys, whereas pigeons responded almost exclusively on the saline-biased key after all doses of methamphetamine. These and previous experiments using concurrent reinforcement schedules to study drug discrimination illustrate that the schedule of reinforcement is an important determinant of the shape of dose-effect curves in drug-discrimination experiments.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys, initially trained under a schedule of electric shock postponement and then under fixed-interval schedules of electric shock presentation, were studied under multiple fixed-interval fixed-ratio and under fixed-ratio schedules of shock presentation. Under the fixed-interval (10-min) component of the multiple schedule, a pause was followed by a gradual increase in responding to a rate maintained until shock presentation; under the fixed-ratio (3-, 10-, or 30-response) component of the multiple schedule, a brief pause was typically followed by a relatively high and uniform rate of responding until shock was presented. When the 60-sec timeout periods, which usually followed shock presentation, were eliminated from the multiple schedule for one monkey, responding was only transiently affected. In the one monkey studied, responding was maintained under a fixed-ratio schedule alone (with timeout periods), but rates of responding were lower than under the fixed-ratio component of the multiple schedule. Characteristic patterns of responding, similar to those engendered under schedules of food presentation or shock termination, can be maintained under fixed-ratio schedules of shock presentation; further, patterns of responding can be controlled by discriminative stimuli in multiple schedules.  相似文献   

Key pecking by 6 pigeons was maintained by a fixed-ratio 30 schedule of food presentation while body weights were 80% of free-feeding weights. Acute administration of cocaine (0.3 to 13.0 mg/kg, i.m.) dose-dependently decreased response rates. Dose-effect curves were shifted to the right when 3 of the 6 pigeons were maintained at 70% of free-feeding weights and were shifted to the left when the other 3 pigeons were maintained at 90% of free-feeding weights. Then a dose of cocaine that initially decreased response rates by more than 95% of control rates was administered before each daily session. Comparable degrees of tolerance to these rate-decreasing effects developed in the two groups. The rate at which responding recovered was relatively rapid for pigeons in the 70% free-feeding-weight group and was slower for 2 of the 3 pigeons in the 90% free-feeding-weight group. When body weights were then increased from 70% to 80% or were decreased from 90% to 80% of free-feeding weight, performance was disrupted initially only for pigeons whose weight went from 70% to 80% of free feeding. In the present experiment the degree of deprivation may have indirectly influenced the degree of tolerance that developed to cocaine's response rate-decreasing effects because it directly influenced the dose chosen to be administered chronically. The degree of deprivation appeared to have a more direct influence on the rate at which tolerance developed.  相似文献   

Alternative fixed-ratio fixed-interval schedules of reinforcement   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Five rats were trained under alternative fixed-ratio fixed-interval schedules, in which food reinforcement was provided for the completion of either a fixed-ratio or a fixed-interval requirement, whichever was met first. Overall response rate and running rate (the rate of responding after the postreinforcement pause) decreased for all subjects as the fixed-ratio value increased. As the proportion of reinforcements obtained from the fixed-ratio component increased and the alternative schedule approached a simple fixed ratio, overall response rate and running rate both increased; conversely, as the proportion of reinforcements obtained from the fixed-interval component increased and the alternative schedule approached a simple fixed interval, response rates decreased. Postreinforcement pause length increased linearly as the average time between reinforcements increased, regardless of the schedule parameters. A break-run pattern of responding was predominant at low- and medium-valued fixed ratios. All subjects displayed at least occasional positively accelerated responding within interreinforcement intervals at higher fixed-ratio values.  相似文献   

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