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Individuals typically exhibit "unrealistic optimism" (UO), the belief that they are less likely than the average person to experience a negative event. This may be because, fearing the event, they try to reassure themselves by distorting their reasoning to conclude that they are at comparatively little risk. If this is so, the greater the "event threat" (i.e., the more serious the event's consequences and/or the greater the likelihood that those consequences will be experienced), the more reassurance should be required, and the greater the UO that should be observed. This prediction was tested in a study in which students (N = 148) were informed about a type of heart disease that could develop in later life due to inadequate diet when young. The risk attributable to diet was stated to be either slight (low-threat condition) or great (high-threat condition). Participants were asked to rate their own risk and that of the average student of developing the disease; question order was counterbalanced. The effects of event threat and question order were found to interact: event threat affected UO in the predicted way, but only when the question about own risk came first. The results are explained in motivational terms. Implications for health education are discussed.  相似文献   

This work analyzed the effects of unrealistic optimism in the interaction between the emotional valence of future events, the perception of control over these events, and the person with whom one compares oneself. It was hypothesized that, if the person of comparison is judged as very competent, a pessimistic bias should be produced. Likelihood of four different types of events (positive and controllable, positive and uncontrollable, negative and controllable, and negative and uncontrollable) were rated by 133 university students (22 men and 111 women) for themselves, for an average student, for their best friend, and for a bright friend. A pessimistic bias was observed on the relative likelihood of the events when the comparison was made between oneself and a competent and bright friend, when events were perceived as controllable, especially positive ones. Not enough is known, however, to provide meaningful interpretation at present; that must await further data and theoretical development.  相似文献   

BackgroundSexual Violence (SV) is highly prevalent and experienced by women and men throughout the United States and world. Survivors of SV often experience poor mental and physical health, and poor health-related quality of life. Studies have explored the associations between SV survivorship and maladaptive health behaviors, but few have examined SV and health promoting activities such as exercise.PurposeThe aim of this narrative review is to describe available peer-reviewed literature regarding SV and physical activity and provide recommendations for future research. Specifically, this review aimed to identify information relevant for promoting and designing exercise interventions that can integrate into clinical treatments for adult survivors of SV.MethodsA search of electronic databases identified 18 articles on SV and exercise behavior.ResultsFour of these studies were exercise interventions, 10 were observational studies, and 4 were qualitative interviews. Results broadly indicate that levels of physical activity among survivors of SV is unclear. Findings from trials indicate exercise may have a positive impact on mental health in survivors of SV. Qualitative interviews found survivors often enjoyed exercising and identified several health benefits, suggesting exercise interventions may be feasible and acceptable in this population. Interviews also identified valuable information about survivors' experiences with exercise.ConclusionsResearch in this area would benefit from: representative samples of adults among populations at high risk for victimization, more consistent and in-depth reporting of SV history and exercise levels, consistent and trauma-informed outcome measurements, and more diverse study designs and interventions. Increased exploration of exercise in this population is warranted given the well-established evidence base indicating the health promoting qualities of exercise for mental and physical health among trauma affected populations.  相似文献   

Concern about weight gain after tobacco cessation is a potential barrier to quitting tobacco. Few studies, however, have examined the role of body image in cessation-related weight concerns and anticipated relapse. This study investigated relationships between current body image dissatisfaction, anticipated body image dissatisfaction (discrepancy between anticipated post-cessation body shape and desired body shape), cessation-related weight concerns, and intention to resume tobacco with weight gain. Body image dissatisfaction was significantly related to cessation-related weight concerns. Participants who reported current dissatisfaction with their body image were 2.6 times more likely to intend to resume tobacco use with cessation-related weight gain than those with no body image dissatisfaction. Individuals with anticipated body image dissatisfaction were 3.4 times more likely to intend to resume tobacco compared to individuals with no anticipated body image dissatisfaction. Women and normal weight individuals with anticipated body image dissatisfaction appear to be at particularly high risk for intending to relapse. Results suggest that tobacco cessation interventions may need to target concerns about body image as well as weight gain.  相似文献   


Research suggests that review of risk factors increases optimism about health. The present experimental study explored the effects of reviewing risk increasing and risk decreasing factors on HIV risk perception (own risk, others' risk, optimism), self efficacy and behavioural intentions. 164 heterosexual subjects completed a questionnaire concerning their beliefs about HTV and their sexual behaviour. Subjects were allocated to either the risk increasing condition (eg. since being sexually active how often have you asked your partners HIV status?), the risk decreasing condition (eg. since being sexually active how often have you tried to select your sexual partners carefully?), or a control group. The results suggest that review of risk decreasing factors increased optimism and that this change in optimism was related to an increase in perceived others' risk. The results are discussed in terms of theories of selective focus and egocentricism in risk perception and the implications for health promotion.  相似文献   

Although the role of exercise in improving mood is well established, less is known about moderators of this effect, particularly outside of the laboratory. The current study examined the effect of gender, type of exercise, level of exertion, and duration of workout on the exercise–mood relationship in a naturalistic setting. One hundred and thirty five participants (64 females) either engaged in weight training (n = 52) or cardiovascular (n = 83) exercise. Pre- and post-exercise assessments of mood were collected and changes in two types of mood, negative mood and exhaustion, were examined. Overall, participants reported improved mood after exercise in both domains. Workout duration and level of exertion significantly moderated the relationship of exercise to mood improvement (i.e., an increase in either corresponded to greater improved mood, ps<0.05). Overall, women showed more improved mood than men in the domain of exhaustion (p = 0.001).  相似文献   

It has been proposed that angry people exhibit optimistic risk estimates about future events and, consequently, are biased towards making risk-seeking choices. The goal of this study was to directly test the hypothesised effect of trait anger on optimism and risk-taking behaviour. One hundred healthy volunteers completed questionnaires about personality traits, optimism and risk behaviour. In addition their risk tendency was assessed with the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART), which provides an online measure of risk behaviour. Our results partly confirmed the relation between trait anger and outcome expectations of future life events, but suggest that this optimism does not necessarily translate into actual risk-seeking behaviour.  相似文献   


This paper reports an empirical study of the self-reported psychological strain, ill-health, job satisfaction and organizational commitment of 2450 public sector employees located in Western Australia. The framework used to predict these variables is a demands, supports-constraints framework. The key theoretical issue explored is the differential roles of negative affectivity in predicting the outcomes from this framework. Four different pathways are explored which are taken from Moyle ( Journal of Organizational Behaviour , 16 (1995), 647-668). Multiple regression methods are used to control for negative affectivity and other effects such as curvilinear relationships. The results show that negative affectivity has a variety of effects on both health and job attitude variables but the effects are much larger for the health variables. The conclusion recommends that, in studies that rely on all self-report data, the various possible effects of personality variables such as negative affectivity should be explored in preference to ignoring them.  相似文献   

This article explores the hypothesis that factors associated with relapse early in a quit attempt may lose their predictive power over time. Participants were 195 recent ex-smokers calling a telephone Quitline. Quitters were interviewed, then re-interviewed three weeks later to determine outcome (relapse or maintenance of attempt). There was strong evidence for a discontinuity in prediction of outcome between those who quit for less than one week, or who reported at least daily strong urges to smoke and those who quit for more than a week who reported less than daily strong urges to smoke. Several variables, including self-efficacy and scales of positive social and negative affect temptations, reversed predictive value. This study provides evidence of a perspective or stage within the Action stage of the TTM. More work is required to confirm both the findings and the exact nature of the discontinuity point.  相似文献   

Research has shown that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an efficacious treatment for children and adolescents with anxiety disorders. CBT incorporates techniques such as cognitive restructuring and exposure, which foster symptom reduction. While these components promote sustained fear reduction, greater attention to relapse prevention (RP) may be warranted, particularly given the comorbidity associated with anxiety disorders. A case example demonstrates a comprehensive relapse prevention (RP) component. Specifically, parental involvement was emphasized as well as the creation of a bound book that consolidated skills and provided a concrete resource for potential future anxious episodes.  相似文献   

Using the framework of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), this study examined whether the extent to which people are concerned with others’ approval of them moderates the subjective norms–intentions relationship in the context of exercise. The participants were 325 undergraduate students who completed a questionnaire assessing the TPB constructs (subjective norms, attitudes, perceived behavioural control, intentions) and the Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale. The results of hierarchical regression analyses indicated that subjective norms were a significant predictor of intentions to exercise only for people highly concerned with receiving disapproval from others (i.e., high fear of negative evaluation) and not for people low on this trait.  相似文献   

Systematic differences in the attitudes of men and women towards risk is well established. In this paper, we investigate the joint role of two prominent psychological characteristics in explaining this difference. Our starting point is that risk assessments can be thought of, in general terms, to combine beliefs about the probability of negative outcomes occurring with a subjective valuation of how painful that negative outcome would be. Exploiting large-scale panel data from the United Kingdom, we find that gender differences in financial optimism and financial loss aversion – the stronger psychological response to monetary losses than monetary gains – explain a substantial proportion of the parallel gender difference in willingness to take risks. This result prevails even after controlling for the Big Five personality traits, suggesting that the prominent psychological characteristics capture different aspects of behaviour than the Big Five.  相似文献   

Recent research has documented the effectiveness of tailoring health behavior change messages to characteristics of the recipients, but little is known about the processes underlying these effects. Drawing from the elaboration likelihood model (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986), we examined the role of message scrutiny in moderating the congruency effect (Mann, Sherman, & Updegraff, 2004). One hundred and thirty-six undergraduate participants read either a strong or weak message promoting regular dental flossing with a frame (gain vs. loss) that either matched or mismatched their motivational orientation (approach vs. avoidance). Results showed that participants were sensitive to argument quality in the matched but not mismatched conditions. Further, argument quality moderated the effect of congruency on participants’ attitudes and perceived norms regarding flossing, as well as their subsequent self-reported flossing behavior. Results suggest that increased message scrutiny underlies message tailoring effects.  相似文献   


A sample of 403 members of the public responded to a postal questionnaire concerning their own health behaviour and their attitudes towards health publicity. A principal components analysis of these attitudes revealed three factors, the first of which reflected a tendency to deny the “relevance” of health campaigns. This tendency was higher among those who smoked, took less exercise and had less healthy diets. It is inferred that the direct effects of such campaigns may be impeded by the fact that they appeal most to those people whose own behaviour (from the point of view of health) is in least need of change.  相似文献   

This study explored the influence of participation, gender and organizational sense of community (SOC) on both the intrapersonal and interactional components of psychological empowerment (PE). Participants were residents (n = 562) involved in community organizing efforts in five U.S. communities. Measures of participation and SOC were tailored to community organization contexts. SOC assessed three dimensions: (1) connection of members to the organization; (2) perceptions about the organization as a bridge to other groups and organizations in the broader community; and (3) bond or attachment to the community at large. Income (low, middle and high-income) was tested as a moderator of these relationships. Results showed significant moderating effects of income on the relationship between participation, gender and SOC on both components of PE. Participation was positively related with intrapersonal empowerment across income levels, but positively related with interactional empowerment only for low-income individuals. Gender was only associated with intrapersonal empowerment, and only for low-income individuals. SOC, as expressed through bridging to the broader community, was positively related with interactional PE for all income levels, but with intrapersonal PE for only low and middle-income individuals. In contrast, member connection to the organization was not related to interactional empowerment and significantly related to intrapersonal empowerment only for individuals with higher income. The importance of participation, gender and SOC for different types of empowerment and the impact of income on the SOC-empowerment relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to obtain a heritability estimate of exercise behaviour in twins and to examine the genetic and environmental contributions to phenotypic associations between personality and exercise behaviour.DesignTwin study was used, the sample including 339 twin pairs (105 MZ and 234 DZ), between 15 and 22 years of age (M = 18.6, SD = 2.31).MethodThe participants filled in a NEO-FFI personality inventory and answered two questions about the frequency (FPE) and intensity (IPE) of physical exercise. We also calculated the composite physical exercise score (CS) representing a combination of FPE and IPE items.ResultsThe broad heritability estimates of three physical exercise variables (FPE, IPE, CS) were significant, with results in the 0.55 to 0.69 range. We found significant phenotypic associations with neuroticism and extraversion. Contrary to our expectations, correlations with conscientiousness were not significant. People scoring higher on extraversion and lower on neuroticism reported exercising more often and more intensely. Phenotypic association between personality traits and physical exercise variables were due to overlapping genetic influences.ConclusionsOur results indicate that the genetic factors contributing to an active lifestyle overlap with those contributing to personality traits extraversion and neuroticism, in line with the “nature” hypothesis which infers the presence of biological differences in predisposition for regular physical activity.  相似文献   

The model of prevention science advocated by the Institute of Medicine (P. J. Mrazek & R. J. Haggerty, 1994) has not lead to widespread adoption of prevention and promotion programs for four reasons. The model of dissemination of programs to communities fails to consider community and organizational capacity to implement programs, ignores the need for congruence in values between programs and host sites, displays a pro-innovation bias that undervalues indigenous practices, and assumes a simplistic model of how community organizations adopt innovations. To address these faults, researchers should locate, study, and help disseminate successful indigenous programs that fit community capacity and values. In addition, they should build on theoretical models of how locally developed programs work to make existing programs and polices more effective.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to examine narratives of ageing in a clinical population embarking on a physical activity/exercise programme, exploring if and how their narratives changed throughout their experiences.DesignThe study employed a longitudinal narrative approach.MethodParticipants were six sedentary individuals aged between 78 and 89 years who were enrolled on an exercise programme for older adults. During the course of the 32-week programme participants took part in multiple interviews focused on their attitudes towards physical activity and their physical self-perceptions and identity. A structural narrative analysis was used to focus on the progression of the plot outlined in each participant's story.ResultsOur results suggested the emergence of two comparative narratives, with each demonstrated in the stories told by three participants. The first narrative is one of decelerated decline, in which the exercise programme is assimilated or fitted into the existing life narrative, but little is made of the personal meaning of being active. In the second narrative, participation in exercise prompted participants to re-story their ageing narratives, changing from initially accepting the decline they associated with an ageing body, to the prospect of gaining some control. While this increased sense of control may intuitively seem positive, participants initially described a number of existential challenges and dilemmas as well as their resolution of these.ConclusionParticipants' emergent stories highlighted that while older adults may perceive exercise positively, their existing narratives of decline may be resistant to change. Where changes do occur, it is important for health professionals to recognize the associated difficulties with gaining increased responsibility for health.  相似文献   

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