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This paper presents five studies with 2,420 total participants on the development and validation of the Exercise Dependence Scale (EDS), which is conceptualized based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-IV (APA, 1994) criteria for substance dependence, and differentiates among at-risk, nondependent-symptomatic, and nondependent-asymptomatic exercisers. Results of the studies revealed evidence for the a priori hypothesized components, acceptable test-retest and internal consistency reliability, and content and concurrent validity of the EDS. Individuals at-risk for exercise dependence reported more strenuous exercise, perfectionism, and self-efficacy compared to the nondependent groups. The findings provide initial support for the EDS and indicate the need for a multifaceted approach to its conceptualization and measurement.  相似文献   

Health psychology has at least two masters; cognitive behavioral theory and clinical and public health practice. We are expected to contribute to theory by creating new models and adding to existent models of human behavior, and to contribute to improvements in health outcomes for the public. In this brief note, we propose that translating concepts from practice into theory to create interventions that meet the standards of evidence-based practice will satisfy both masters. However, the integration will require a re-examination of our current understanding of how to use theory, the process of translation, and the development of pragmatic evidence-based practice.  相似文献   

Three different studies were conducted to examine the impact of heuristic reasoning in the perception of health-related events: lifetime risk of breast cancer (Study 1, n = 468), subjective life expectancy (Study 2, n = 449), and subjective age of onset of menopause (Study 3, n = 448). In each study, three experimental conditions were set up: control, anchoring heuristic and availability heuristic. Analyses of Covariance controlling for optimism, depressive mood, Locus of Control, hypochondriac tendencies and subjective health, indicated significant effect of experimental conditions on perceived breast-cancer risk (p = 0.000), subjective life expectancy (p = 0.000) and subjective onset of menopause (p = 0.000). Indeed, all findings revealed that availability and anchoring heuristics were being used to estimate personal health-related events. The results revealed that some covariates, hypochondriac tendencies in Study 1, optimism, depressive mood and subjective health in Study 2 and internal locus of control in Study 3 had significant impact on judgment of riskiness.  相似文献   

The popular 1913 novel, Pollyanna, introduced the Glad Game. Its author showed how the use of the Glad Game could contribute to the mastery of stressful life events and daily hassles. The Glad Game consists of developing the habit of not dwelling on dysphoric emotions in relation to life's disappointments or threats. The player is taught not to deny negative emotions, but to turn one's attention away and to think of something one could feel glad about in the situation. Eleanor Hodgman Porter emphasized that the Glad Game could be taught. Based on the novel, a number of testable psychological hypotheses, potentially useful to practitioners, can be derived. These include the value of persistence in using a psychological mediator to arouse hope, and personality characteristics consequent to the use of the Glad Game. Popular writings are fruitful sources of insight and hypotheses about psychological processes.  相似文献   

Practice Guidelines have become increasingly popular at the national and international level. Practice Guidelines are a natural extension of the “evidence-based intervention” movement, and could be a mechanism to promote the use of evidence-based interventions within the field of school psychology practice and training. In this paper we review the use of Practice Guidelines in other fields and the promise and potential pitfalls associated with the development and application of Practice Guidelines within the field of school psychology. Recommendations for how to avert some of the difficulties faced by other disciplines in the development and application of Practice Guidelines are discussed. Suggestions for next steps in the profession and future research are noted.  相似文献   

Over the past 3 decades, cultural psychologists have empirically investigated the influence of cultural meaning systems on human psychology. Under the rubric of holistic versus analytic thought, researchers have demonstrated that there are substantial cultural variations in social cognition, and that such variations are observable even in so‐called fundamental psychological processes, such as attention. The aim of this paper is to review 3 major themes in culture and attention: (1) culture and attention to nonsocial scenes, (2) culture and attention to social scenes, and (3) culture and aesthetics. The paper also discusses 4 major strands of research that could be considered important candidates to further advance the understanding of culture and attention: (1) research on “culture ? human psychological processes,” where we investigate how culture influences modes of attention; (2) research on “human psychology ? cultural processes,” where we investigate how those who hold a specific mode of attention create cultural products and tangible representations of culturally shared meanings; (3) research on cultural neuroscience, where we investigate underlying mechanisms and processes of specific modes of attention; and (4) research on cultural transmission processes, where we investigate how specific modes of attention is taught by adults and internalized by children.  相似文献   

傅斯年是被忽视的近代中国心理学人, 他与心理学渊源极深, 不仅是近代科学心理学思想的学习者、传播者, 也是科学心理学思想的践行者。傅斯年学习心理学前后共12年, 写有《心理分析导引》专著一部, 最早翻译麦独孤的《群体心理学》, 另有《性命古训辩证》等哲学著作和多篇文章阐述其心理学观点。傅斯年认为中国近代学术包括心理学研究必然走向科学化, 做出“科学化的东方学之正统在中国”的基本判断, 将“有群众无社会的无秩序取向” “心中无主义的心气薄弱性” “万恶之源的家庭教育”作为当时民众心理发展的三大障碍, 并倡导民众确定一个健康的、即物穷理的、积极努力和纪律约束并存的人性观。傅斯年参与了“中研院”心理研究所、中山大学和台湾大学心理系的创建, 与蔡元培、汪敬熙、唐钺、苏芗雨等心理学人关系密切, 共同推动了科学心理学在中国的传播和早期中国心理学学科建设, 其一生中存在一条选择心理学, 学习心理学, 离开心理学又助推心理学和运用心理学的心灵探索之路。  相似文献   


Quality of life assessment is a central element of clinical trials and related forms of evaluative research. Early efforts to establish appropriate methods of measuring quality of life drew on psychometric principles and emphasised the need for validated measures. However, it is increasingly clear that, whilst still a central requirement of quality of life measures, validity needs to be emphasised alongside a number of other essential properties that have become clearer as the field has developed. Moreover formal psychometric methodology has to be adapted to take account of the specific needs of evaluative research. Research is beginning to develop more appropriate methods of outcome assessment in this area. Further lines of research are suggested to examine psychometric with other approaches to measurement of health-related quality of life.  相似文献   

This report describes the current status of health psychology in the nation of Catalonia (Spain). Emphasis is placed upon autonomy and self-governance, which have progressively influenced the structure and functioning of the health care system and the professional colleges. The current university educational model of training and practice in health psychology is reviewed. The most important characteristics of professional psychologists are presented. A critical view of health psychology research in medical settings and future perspectives of health psychology in Catalonia are also discussed.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined the reciprocal effects of the frequency of parent–adolescent communication on tobacco-related issues (smoking-specific communication), and adolescents’ smoking. Participants were 428 Dutch older and younger siblings between 13 and 16 years old. Smoking-specific communication did not affect youth smoking in general; however, among younger, but not older, siblings, smoking-specific communication was associated with a higher likelihood of smoking over time. In addition, when adolescents already smoked parents started to talk more frequently about smoking-related issues with their older and younger adolescents later on. Neither the quality of smoking-specific communication, the quality of parent–adolescent relationship, nor parental smoking moderated these reciprocal effects. In conclusion, prevention campaigns encouraging parents to undertake smoking-specific communication might not be desirable.  相似文献   

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