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五月的绵山风光绮丽 ,漫山披绿。经国家宗教局批准 ,由中国道教协会、山西省道教协会 (筹 )、山西介休市道教协会共同启建的“罗天大醮”法会 ,于 2 0 0 1年 5月 2 1日至 5月 30日在绵山各道观举行 ,来自全国各名山道观以及香港、台湾、澳门、新加坡、韩国等国家和地区的经团及代表约 30 0多人参加了法会活动。中国道协会长闵智亭 ,副会长刘怀元、王光德、黄信阳、黄至安、唐诚青 ,秘书长袁炳栋等领导出席了开幕式并参加了部分活动。绵山位于山西太原西南约 1 0 0多公里处的介休市境内 ,因春秋晋大夫介子推携母隐居被焚于此而又称介山。绵山…  相似文献   

烤瓷固定修复是牙列缺损患者一种既兼顾修复体强度又兼顾修复美观效果的修复形式。目前在我国普遍开展 ,深受医患双方欢迎。在烤瓷固定修复中 ,应本着实事求是的原则 ,科学分析 ,分清优劣 ,权衡利弊 ,既考虑患者当前利益又兼顾患者长远利益 ,正确进行抉择。1 活髓牙选作基牙优点 :(1)选活髓牙作基牙 ,扩展了烤瓷固定修复的适应症 ,使烤瓷固定修复适应范围更加广泛。(2 )活髓牙有正常的代谢与反应能力 ,能维持牙齿各组织的健康状态 ,能灵敏显示修复体功能状态 ,如若产生继发病变 ,牙髓反应会提醒医师和患者进行及时处理。缺点 :(1)牙体硬组…  相似文献   

引起人类细菌性感染的病原菌可以分为条件致病菌和非条件致病菌,不同性质的细菌引起的感染决定了感染矛盾的特殊性,对于不同质的矛盾,只有用不同质的方法才能解决。抗生素的发明和使用为人类控制感染性疾病的同时,这种单纯的“对抗”的解决方法也引出了一些新的矛盾。因此,细菌感染矛盾的特殊性决定我们不能采用千篇一律的“对抗斗争”形式,而必须寻求一种特殊的解决方式。对QS系统的研究发现在细菌表现致病性过程中发挥重要作用,通过QS系统减弱细菌的致病性而不杀死细菌的“抗致病性药物”来治疗感染成为一种新的抗感染思路,这种“抗致病性”概念使我们抗感染的态度从与细菌“对抗”转变为“共生”,因而QS系统可以为这种特殊矛盾提供一个合理的解决方式。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— We discuss four potential ways to reduce conflict between groups: consideration of future consequences, independent leadership, outgroup empathy, and coordination. We review relevant empirical findings for each method and discuss how each can be used to promote intergroup cooperation.  相似文献   

脂肪性肝病从病因上分为酒精性和非酒精性FLD,两者在临床诊断标准、分型、针对性治疗措施方面显著不同;但在防治目标、非药物治疗、保肝护肝等基础治疗方面又是一致的,这种对立统一的关系对我们的临床诊疗有着重要的指导意义,在临床实践中需要通盘考虑.  相似文献   

脂肪性肝病从病因上分为酒精性和非酒精性FLD,两者在临床诊断标准、分型、针对性治疗措施方面显著不同;但在防治目标、非药物治疗、保肝护肝等基础治疗方面又是一致的,这种对立统一的关系对我们的临床诊疗有着重要的指导意义,在临床实践中需要通盘考虑。  相似文献   

试论心理学中两种文化的对立与统一   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方明 《心理科学》2001,24(1):116-116,101
科学文化心理学,拥护心理学的自然科学观和实证主义的研究范式,把心理学的研究对象局限于心理现象的自然特征方面,采用自然科学的研究方法,依赖于实证与数据,试图建立一门像物理学那样具有客观性与精密性的统一的心理学学科;人文文化的心理学,拥护心理学的人文科学观和现象学的研究范式,注重人的整体性、主体性与创造性,突出心理现象的社会特征方面,采用非实证的研究方法。心理学中的两种文化既冲突又对立,贯穿于整个心理学的发展史。  相似文献   

Conflict and the Stochastic-Dominance Principle of Decision Making   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the key principles underlying rational models of decision making is the idea that the decision maker should never choose an action that is stochastically dominated by another action. In the study reported in this article, violations of stochastic dominance frequently occurred when the payoffs produced by two actions were negatively correlated (in conflict), but no violations occurred when the payoffs were positively correlated (no conflict). This finding is contrary to models which assume that choice probability depends on the utility of each action, and the utility for an action depends solely on its own payoffs and probabilities. This article also reports, for the first time ever, the distribution of response times observed in a risky decision task. Both the violations of stochastic dominance and the response time distributions are explained in terms of a dynamic theory of decision making called multiattribute decision field theory.  相似文献   

在中国传统伦理文化中,存在着统治阶层和思想阶层的"大传统"与平民阶层的"小传统"之间的分野,前者宣扬仁爱与礼教,倡导以"仁"为核心的道德体系,后者则崇尚情义与平等,信奉以"义"为特色的道德观念,二者既对立又统一,共同存在于同一社会中并相互融合.  相似文献   

今逢中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年之际,中国宗教界和平委员会联合全国各宗教团体,发起举行纪念活动,缅怀英烈,不忘历史,祈愿和平。海峡两岸暨港澳地区道教界代表,特此集会江南道教圣地茅山,隆重举行和平大法会!甲子运转,斗换星移。追忆往昔,日本法西斯悍然发动全面侵华战争,使神州遭劫,生灵涂炭。洞天福地,本为道侣清修之所,然日寇侵凌,岂容清静修持?民族兴亡,匹夫有责,护国爱民,玄裔所愿。中华儿女奋起抗争,抛洒热血,前仆后继,保卫家园,保卫和平;国难中的道教人士,积极协助抗日力量抗击日寇,救死扶伤,赈济难民,护我中华,…  相似文献   

Executive functions play an important role in cognitive development, and during the preschool years especially, children's performance is limited in tasks that demand flexibility in their behavior. We asked whether preschoolers would exhibit limitations when they are required to apply a general rule in the context of novel stimuli on every trial (the “opposites” task). Two types of inhibitory processing were measured: response interference (resistance to interference from a competing response) and proactive interference (resistance to interference from a previously relevant rule). Group data show 3-year-olds have difficulty inhibiting prepotent tendencies under these conditions, whereas 5-year-olds’ accuracy is near ceiling in the task.  相似文献   

Psychological science has the potential to contribute to international diplomacy, and thereby indirectly to the prevention of conflicts between and within states that may escalate to wars. In this introduction of the Special Issue on Diplomacy and Psychology, different varieties of diplomacy are first briefly introduced. Then follows an enumeration of areas of psychological research that show the greatest promise of being directly or indirectly relevant to diplomacy. These research areas include judgement and decision making in negotiations and social dilemmas, social justice, intergroup conflicts, and intercultural processes. An additional area is research on environmental policy making, whose important role needs to be better recognized in international diplomacy. Overviews are also given of the articles included in the Special Issue.  相似文献   

Slow, variable, and error-prone performance on speeded reaction time (RT) tasks has been well documented in childhood ADHD, but equally well documented is the context-dependent nature of those deficits, particularly with respect to event rate. As event rates increase (or, as the interstimulus intervals become shorter), RTs decrease, a pattern of performance that has long been interpreted as evidence that cognitive deficits in ADHD are a downstream consequence of a fundamental difficulty in the regulation of arousal to meet task demands. We test the extent to which this is a misinterpretation of the data that occurs when RT and accuracy are considered separately, as is common in neurocognitive research. In two samples of children aged 8–10 with (N?=?97; 33 girls) and without (N?=?39; 26 girls) ADHD, we used the diffusion model, an influential computational model of RT, to examine the effect of event rate on inhibitory control in a go-no-go task. Contrary to longstanding belief, we found that fast event rates slowed the rate at which children with ADHD accumulated evidence to make a decision to “no-go”, as indexed by drift rate. This in turn resulted in a higher proportion of failed inhibits, and occurred despite increased task engagement, as reflected by changes in the starting point of the decision process. Thus, although faster event rates increased task engagement among children with ADHD, the increased engagement was unable to counteract the concurrent slowing of processing speed to “no-go” decisions. Implications for theoretical models of ADHD and treatments are discussed.  相似文献   

生命伦理学所追求的,是在基本原则指导下建构一个程序规则,让各种理论和价值观获得平等对话和合作的机会。必须充分尊重中国文化传统和社会现实,谨慎而合理的利用西方生命伦理资源。同时,也要意识到生命伦理学的发展所呈现给我们的是鲜活的伦理生活和问题,隐含在问题背后的对生命本身的价值思考,将逐渐展现出其理论趋向和可行的道德规则。  相似文献   

In 2008–2009, a team of educators from George Fox University, in collaboration with a committee of teachers and administrators from selected Quaker secondary schools in western Kenya, developed the first draft of a peace and conflict resolution curriculum for Kenyan form one (ninth grade) students. This case study offers a model for developing a peace curriculum relevant to the identified needs of form one students in Kenya, supported by adult learning strategies for teacher training. In addition, the development of this curriculum project serves as an example of effective collaborative cross-cultural partnerships. The outcomes of this project offer specific insights gained from this collaborative effort.  相似文献   

The question of whether women are more oriented towards peace has been debated in the research literature for several decades but has not been systematically tested in conflict-driven areas. The aim of our article is twofold: (1) to suggest a conceptual framework regarding gender differences in support for peace in intractable conflict and test it in a prominent case study; and (2) to examine whether major events leading to conflict reescalation have differential effects on women and men. Across 145 polls carried out on a monthly basis among nationally representative samples of Jewish-Israelis between 1995 and 2006, we found only marginally higher levels of support for the Oslo Accords among women versus men, while conflict-related worldviews—political ideology and religiosity—had a much larger effect. Furthermore, violent reescalation in the conflict had a stronger effect on reducing men's levels of support for the Oslo Accords than those of women. Robustness analysis of 196 monthly surveys from 2002 until 2018 examining the effect of gender on support for negotiation provided further support for our findings. Overall, our analyses indicate that sex-based differences play a minor role in explaining attitudes towards peace in situations of protracted violent conflicts at different stages, compared to the prominent effects of political ideology and religiosity.  相似文献   

This article presents a theoretical model of the process by which students construct and elaborate explanations of scientific phenomena using visual representations. The model describes progress in the underlying conceptual processes in students’ explanations as a reorganization of fine-grained knowledge elements based on the Knowledge in Pieces perspective. The core case study involved a pair of fifth-grade students who generated visual representations to explain the phases of the moon and collaboratively elaborated and improved their representations and explanations. The model describes the process of developing explanations as iterations of temporarily stable stages of coherence. The progression from one temporary coherent structure to the next is described as the increase of Resolution and/or Range of the explanation. Resolution and Range are newly defined theoretical constructs. The model accounts for the continuity in the students’ developing understanding and highlights the productive nature of their intuitive knowledge resources.  相似文献   

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