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The aim of the present research was to investigate whether susceptibility to experimentally-induced respiratory virus infections and illness is related to measures of personality, physiological state, performance efficiency, and subjective ratings of alertness and motivation obtained prior to virus challenge. Two studies, using different viruses, showed that volunteers who subsequently developed colds had higher temperatures prior to virus challenge than those who remained free from illness. Similarly, those who later had colds were worse than other volunteers on certain performance tests given in the pre-challenge period. The results also showed that task-related motivation was related to subsequent infection. Personality scores were poor predictors of infection and illness, the only exception being introversion, which, in one study, was related to the likelihood of developing a sub-clinical infection.  相似文献   

Mood and Emotion in Major Depression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

采用自我报告和生理反馈法,从强度、纯度、时间进程三方面考察图片、音乐、电影和回忆四种常用情绪诱发方法诱发出的高兴、激动、悲伤和恐惧四种不同维度的情绪的有效性。得出结论:(1)总体上,音乐诱发情绪的强度最高,图片最低;在积极情绪中,音乐诱发的强度普遍较高,图片较低;消极情绪中,回忆诱发的强度普遍较高,音乐较低。(2)音乐诱发情绪的纯度较高,图片较低。(3)效价和激活度不同,情绪的时间进程不同,高兴能持续将近1分钟,激动能持续2分30秒,悲伤能持续1分30秒,而恐惧能持续2分钟。  相似文献   

When individuals think about their future, feedback on their strengths and weaknesses may often serve as a useful source of information. Three studies investigated the influence of positive and neutral moods on feedback seeking. In Studies 1 and 2, positive mood increased interest in feedback about weaknesses when this information was useful for self-assessment and self-improvement. But when the feedback was not useful for these superordinate, long-term goals then positive mood directed participants’ interest to strength-focused feedback, thereby serving short-term, affective concerns (e.g., feeling good about oneself). Study 3 directly manipulated self-evaluative goals. When a learning goal was activated, positive mood increased interest in weaknesses-focused feedback, but when an affective goal was activated, positive mood increased interest in strength-focused feedback. These results support our hypothesis that positive mood attunes individuals to the relationships of goals and means, thus promoting actions that serve primary goals.
Yaacov TropeEmail:

驾驶员情绪状态量表信度与效度的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
朱国锋  何存道 《心理科学》2002,25(3):296-299
本量表由愤怒、疲劳、精力、紧张和慌乱等5个分量表组成。每个分量表包括若干个形容词(如紧张的、烦恼的等),共34个形容词。各分量表的信度系数(Cronbach’s alphas)在0.763—0.893之间,全量表为0.863。除运用主成份因素分析法判断结构效度外,还通过比较安全组与事故多发组驾驶员的情绪状态得分检验量表的结构效度。研究结果表明,本量表具有较高的信度和效度,符合心理测量学标准,可作为评估驾驶员情绪状态的工具。  相似文献   

情绪的ERP相关成分与心境障碍的ERP变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
技术是研究情绪问题的有力手段。实验对象包括正常被试以及心境障碍的病人。可从视觉或/和听觉通道给予情绪刺激材料,观测N2、P3和N400等成分的变化。研究发现,情绪可增强被试对情绪事件的注意强度,尤其是新异的情绪内容较易得到识别。在正常被试中,情绪词相较中性词能引起较大的新旧效应,抑郁症患者的新旧效应与正常人有所不同,但其再认成绩也能被情绪内容提高。在研究情绪对决策行为的影响时,观测到内侧额叶负波(MFN)。ERP研究表明,情绪活动也存在大脑功能偏侧化问题。  相似文献   

Different adaptive styles characterize cognition and behavior in different affective states. Whereas negative affect supports accommodation (i.e., stimulus‐driven bottom‐up processing), positive affect supports assimilation (i.e., self‐determined top‐down processing). Applying this well‐established rule to binary choices after self‐truncated information sampling, we predicted that positive mood should render choices less dependent on large samples than negative mood. Consequently, the potential primacy advantage underlying Wald's ( 1947 ) sequential testing (i.e., quick and correct decisions from the first few items in a sample) was exploited more efficiently when participants were in positive rather than negative mood. This efficient utilization of small samples in positive mood was obtained under the very conditions derived on a priori ground from a statistical model, namely, when a response criterion or threshold was high and when the true difference between choice options was relatively small. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mood induction paradigms have become particularly useful in isolating and examining the relationship between mood and cognition relative to depressive vulnerability. The relationship between these two variables was examined using a 2 × 4 design (Diagnostic Group × Condition) whereby subjects classified as depressed (N=72) and nondepressed (N=61) were assigned to one of four conditions. It was shown that the cognitions of clinically depressed individuals were more dysfunctional than those of nondepressed subjects and that they can undergo temporary states of elation in the absence of any significant change in depressive cognition. How these results relate to cognitive theories of emotion is discussed.  相似文献   

电针影响脑电和睡眠及心境的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究的目的是.探讨电针对脑电和被试主观感觉(困倦、心境)的影响。我们对24位健康志愿者施以电针.4—6小时后脑电测量表明.θ波的相对功率在额、颞区呈增加趋势.其中Fp1、Fp2、F3、F4、C3、C4,F7、F8、T5显著增加;α波的相对功率呈减少趋势,其中αI相对功率在左侧额、颞区Fp1、F3、F7、T5显著减少;α2.在F4、C3、C4,O1和T3显著减少;β频段的相对功率有增有减.其中β1在C3、C4显著减少,在O2、T3、T4显著增加;β2的相对功率在F3、C3显著减少,O1、O2T4、T5、T6显著增加。电针后的问卷调查表明,多数被试有困感,电针对睡眠深度、睡眠时间、醒来次数以及晨间心境有不同程度影响。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of a depressed mood on the realism of subjects' confidence judgements of the correctness of answers to general knowledge questions. Research conducted on how mood influences cognitive processes gives reason to expect that a depressed mood might increase the realism of individuals' confidence ratings. Sixty subjects were divided into three conditions, two of which were given mood induction, one condition into an elated-happy mood and one condition into a depressed-sad mood. As evidenced by subjects' responses to mood scales only the depressed condition was affected by the mood induction. All subjects answered 93 general knowledge questions and rated their confidence in the correctness of the answer given. Subjects were instructed to think aloud when answering the last 31 questions. The conditions did not differ with respect to the proportion of questions answered correctly, mean level of confidence, nor with respect to three measures of the realism in subjects' confidence ratings (calibration, over/underconfidence and resolution). The results were the same when questions answered with and without think aloud instructions were analysed separately.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate (a) dyadic associations between relationship quality (RQ) and both depressive and anxious mood (DM and AM), (b) reciprocity hypotheses of negative mood within dyadic interactions, and (c) mediational role of marital idealization between negative mood and relationship quality. Actor-partner interdependence models (APIMs) were performed using data from a sample of 198 dyads. Our results showed that (a) these two facets of negative mood did not have the same weight on RQ and that they had a gender-specific effects pattern, and (b) there was no support for the mood transmission hypothesis. Men's DM displayed direct and indirect (via marital idealization) actor as well as partner effects on RQ, whereas women's DM displayed only a direct actor effect on RQ. There were no significant direct actor effects of AM on RQ, meaning that this link is fully mediated by marital idealization. However, only women's AM showed such indirect effects on RQ.  相似文献   

驾驶员情绪状态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱国锋  何存道 《心理科学》2003,26(3):438-440
采用驾驶员情绪状态量表(DPOMS),对265名客车驾驶员的情绪状态进行了问卷调查。结果表明:(1)年龄对驾驶员的疲劳状态有显著影响,对其余各种情绪状态没有显著影响;(2)女驾驶员的紧张精绪显著高于男驾驶员,积极情绪(精力)显著于低于男驾驶员;(3)出租汽车驾驶员的愤怒、疲劳、紧张等消极精绪显著高于公交大客车驾驶员,积极情绪(精力)显著低于公交大客车驾驶员;(4)事故组驾驶员的愤怒、疲劳、紧张、慌乱等消极情绪显著高于安全组驾驶员,积极情绪(精力)显著低于安全组驾驶员。  相似文献   

One hundred sixty-three individuals participated in this study, which assessed relations among personality traits, mood states, and driving behaviors. Each participant underwent a standard driving evaluation on the road and completed the NEO PI-R Personality Inventory and the Profile of Mood States (POMS). Results indicated that the mood states of depression-dejection, anger-hostility, fatigue-inertia, vigor activity, and tension-anxiety were related to Cautiousness while driving for young adults, while personality traits were not found to be related to driving. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

突发公共卫生事件下心境障碍的特点与应对   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
突发公共卫生事件会给较大范围的人群造成相当的心理压力和情绪问题。突发事件发生时,社会心理因素对突发事件控制效果和进程的影响越来越显著,因疫情、疾病、生活、工作以及社会和人际关系等因素而致的情绪问题非常突出。突发事件时情绪问题的表现有疑病、恐慌、焦虑、抑郁和强迫心理等,对此应采取相应的对策,而不同群体如罹患人群、隔离人群、家属、普通就医者及一般公众的情绪问题有其独特的表现和应对措施。突发事件为情绪问题的研究提供了广阔的前景。  相似文献   

社会风气·荣辱观·羞耻感   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
改善社会风气是树立社会主义荣辱观的目标。愈益泛滥的不良社会风气表明,荣耻不辨,耻感消解已成群体性的现象,出现了一种“去羞耻化”(实质是“去道德化”)倾向。“耻不从枉”,知耻而后正;要树立正确的荣辱观,关键在于“知耻”、“有耻”,在于要激发和培育“耻感”。耻感或羞耻心是人之为人的底线,是人格的基本点,人有耻感,是保持做人尊严的自因。因此,在提高物质生活水平的前提下,尊重和保障公民的基本权利,尊重人格,保护和激发全体社会成员的耻感,培育公民的自尊心,是树立社会主义荣辱观,从而促进良好社会风气的形成和发展的必要条件。  相似文献   

郭晓飞 《心理科学》2007,30(1):244-246
情欲是中国古代心理学思想研究的重要范畴,是关系密切但又各有所指的两个范畴。庄子指出情欲对人的身心健康具负面影响,提出许多关于情欲本质及其调节的心理思想。本文分析和总结了庄子的情欲本质观和调节观,这些思想对今天人们实施情欲心理调节仍有重要借鉴价值。  相似文献   

为了验证积极情绪对人际信任的影响其实更符合启发式依赖模型而非情绪(心境)一致性模型,通过三个实验,以控制信任线索和信任博弈等方式,对102名大学生被试开展实验研究.结果表明:(1)积极情绪不是简单地增加信任,其对信任决策的影响受到信任线索的调节:与中性情绪相比,当易得性图式和线索促进信任时,积极情绪的被试显示更多信任;当易得性图式和线索促进不信任时,积极情绪的被试表现更少的信任.(2)实验三证实积极情绪对人际信任的作用也受到交往环境的影响.正如启发式依赖模型预测,外群体不值得信任的先验图式,使得被诱发了积极情绪的被试较中性情绪被试更不信任外群体成员.  相似文献   

We explored the impact of mood on the judgemental consequences of word pronounceability in six Experiments (1 preregistered, total N = 1183). Positive and negative mood was induced via video clips (all but Experiment 4) and subliminal affective primes (Experiment 4). Additionally, participants were presented with easy- and difficult-to-pronounce letter strings. These were framed as target words to be judged for liking (Experiments 1–2), as names of eBay sellers to be judged for trustworthiness (Experiments 3–5), or as either seller names or passwords to provoke opposing interpretations of pronunciation fluency (Experiment 6). While pronounceability showed a robust effect across experiments, mood did not modulate the judgemental use of (Experiments 1–4), the correction for (Experiment 5) and the interpretation (Experiment 6) of word pronounceability. In conclusion, the judgemental effects of pronounceability persist despite the presence of more objective and task-pertinent cues, resist judgemental correction and remain unaffected by affective states.  相似文献   

情绪状态对不同年龄儿童定势转换的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用情绪影片引发情绪的方法,考察64名8~12岁儿童在正负情绪状态下定势转换能力的表现。研究为4(年龄)×2(情绪)×3(重复转换条件:重复、短时转换、长时转换)3因素重复测量混合设计。结果表明,情绪状态对任务转换产生了影响,可能是积极情绪比消极情绪对任务定势的长时转换削弱更大。不同年龄的儿童在这两种任务转换条件中没有出现显著的年龄差异,说明8~12岁儿童均已具备在两个任务之间进行即时转换的能力。  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to demonstrate that sad and happy moods can cause individuals to be similarly sensitive to the valence of observed stimuli with regard to how effortfully such stimuli are processed. In Study 1, individuals in whom a sad or happy mood had been induced unitized a behavior sequence less finely when its contents were neutral as opposed to positive. Individuals in a neutral mood state maintained a comparable level of unitization regardless of the valence of the behavior sequence. In Study 2, individuals in whom a sad or a happy mood had been induced processed the arguments in a persuasive communication more extensively when its contents were affectively uplifting rather than depressing. Sad individuals showed this pattern only if no prior affective expectation was provided. Taken together, these studies may fit with the notion that under certain conditions sad and happy individuals similarly decrease the amount of information processed from a neutral (Study 1) or depressing (Study 2), relative to a positive, stimulus.  相似文献   

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