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The use of augmentative alternative communication (AAC) in psychotherapy is particularly important for psychotherapists who may have a disability related to speech-language production. The aim of our study was to examine the perceptions of using AAC in psychotherapy. We recruited 186 participants and randomly assigned them to either watch a video of a therapist using AAC or employing traditional talk psychotherapy. Subsequently, we asked participants to complete the Counsellor Rating Form-Short (CRF-S), respond to a question about behavioural intention to seek psychotherapy and complete the Working Alliance Inventory-Observer form (WAI-O). Most participants perceived the use of AAC to be related to the therapist having a disability. The use of AAC had higher ratings on the CRF-S and higher scores on the WAI-O. There were no significant differences in behavioural intention between the therapist using AAC or traditional talk psychotherapy. The use of AAC is a viable option for psychotherapy and is beneficial. Psychotherapists with a disability affecting speech-language production may opt to use AAC as others perceive the therapist positively, the alliance is rated higher and therapists do not need to be concerned with patients not wanting to seek out their services.  相似文献   

The collapse of significant human relationships is a primary cause of psychosis. When basic trust is extinguished, a person can feel that his or her actual existence is threatened by genuine relationships. Yet, every human being has a powerful innate need for relationships. Such is the tragic paradox of psychosis: the person is, at the same time, in terror over the possibility of a relationship and in despair over the impossibility of a relationship. An alternative psychotherapy must emerge that allows the psychotherapist and the disturbed person to build a bond of mutual care. Each person unconditionally accepts and confirms the other for what he is, and for what he may become. The psychotherapist must enter the bizarre psychotic world as a partner in a journey to recover the lost wholeness of the psychotic person. This relationship can serve as a bridge which allows the psychotic person to creatively discover a way to rejoin the normal world.  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of poetic documents in narrative therapy practice. It considers the ways in which feminist and poststructuralist ideas inform these practices and speculates about the extent to which a 'poetic-mindedness' might sustain the practice of double- (or multiple-) listening. The author illustrates these explorations with examples from her own therapeutic practice.  相似文献   

Murray Stein is a graduate of Yale University, Yale Divinity School, and has a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. In 1973 he received his Diploma from the C. G. Jung Institute in Zürich. He has been in private practice since 1976 in Wilmette, Illinois, where he is also a training analyst with the C. G. Institute of Chicago.

Dr. Stein is an ordained minister in the United Presbyterian Church. He is a founding member of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts and was the first president of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts. He is the current president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology.

He is the author and editor of a several books, including In Midlife, Transformation and Jung's Map of the Soul, and Jungian Analysis.

Dr. Stein and his wife Jan have two children, Sarah and Christopher, and a Maltese terrier named Papageno.  相似文献   

Conclusion The transistorized GSR apparatus is a convenient bio-feedback tool for monitoring the level of anxiety in a patient and for teaching him a simplified and expedient technique of meditation. Furthermore, once a patient attains a state of meditative relaxation, he becomes instantly aware of thoughts and associations that are conflict provoking and tension-building, by the fluctuations in the tone of the GSR. The therapist also becomes simultaneously aware of the significant areas of the patient's psycho-dynamics that need probing. This happens even when he is not verbalizing these thoughts. The therapeutic process is thereby expedited. Where the aim is symptom removal by desensitization, the GSR apparatus is helpful in promoting and measuring relaxation and in determining the subject's reactions to the anxiety-producing imagery used in this procedure.In short, used skillfully, this electronic device can be a valuable feedback instrument in the hands of a competent therapist.  相似文献   

Justifiable, defensive reactions of the black client in psychotherapy often are triggered by unconscious racist behaviors and stereotyped attitudes in the white therapist. Paradoxically, the therapist may misinterpret and label this pseudo-transference phenomenon on the part of the black client as pathological. An operant paradigm is employed to illustrate this sequential interaction. Implications in four critical areas are discussed: theory explication, research methodology, assessment models, and graduate training.This article is based upon a paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California, August, 1981.  相似文献   

Bright flooding sunlight, fresh cut flowers in generous crystal vases, and pristine clean shelves of philosophical and psychological books in several languages welcome the visitor to Liliane Frey-Rohn's upper-story modern apartment in Zürich. Even for as amateurish a photographer as our editor, it was hard to take a bad picture of her clear features—with her luminous hair, intimate eyes and warmly curious smile. This was a young, cosmopolitan woman of 88, with a classical education and dedication to the twin ideals of scholarship and the birthing of the new consciousness of her culture. She was very pleased with the recent publication in English of her book, Friedrich Nietzsche: A Psychological Approach to His Life and Work, and was happy to talk about its evolution through her studies and close association with Carl Jung  相似文献   

Conclusion This paper has attempted to convey a complex strategy and rationale for conducting group psychotherapy with a specific population. A variety of techniques have been integrated into an approach designed for adolescent groups. Modifications of this basic approach would be readily applicable in a variety of settings (e.g., school counseling programs, in-patient, facilities, private therapy).  相似文献   

Traditional single case studies have tended to focus on the individual's past and/or present with minimal reference to one's future. This allows for an incomplete assessment of the reality in which humans participate as organisms-in-process. The future case is advanced as a complement to traditional single case designs. Emphasis is upon imaginative and creative involvement with one's future in the clinical setting. The rationale and concrete outline for this future invention process reflect how individuals can move beyond restricting conditions to higher levels of emotional growth and satisfaction.  相似文献   

The ‘diffusion of responsibility’ hypothesis as an explanation of helping behavior (or lack of same) is qualified by suggesting that the hypothesis applies only in non-interacting situations. It is hypothesized that interacting groups who are aware of a help-demanding situation actually focus the responsibility and, therefore, take action as a group more rapidly than will a non-interacting group. Evidence is gathered in a contrived help-demanding situation employing a 2 × 3 (sex × condition) in which three conditions — alone, non-interacting (pseudo) groups, and interacting groups — are used. The evidence substantiates the major hypothesis. Speculation is also presented concerning the relationship of the ‘alone’ condition to the interacting and non-interacting groups and concerning sex effects.  相似文献   

Previous studies of verbal probabilities have tried to place expressions like a chance, possible, and certain on 0–1 numerical probability scales. We ask instead, out of a range of outcomes, which outcome a verbal probability suggests. When, for instance, a sample of laptop batteries lasts from 1.5 to 3.5 hours, what is a certain and what is a possible duration? Experiment 1 showed that speakers associate certain with low values and possible with (unlikely) high or maximal values. In Experiment 2, this methodology was applied to several positive and negative verbal probability phrases, showing a preference for high rather than low or middle values in a distribution. Experiment 3 showed that such maxima are not universally described by large numbers. For instance, maximum speed is often described in terms of a small number of time units. What can (possibly) happen is accordingly sometimes described with very low and sometimes with very high values, depending upon focus of interest. Finally, participants in Experiment 4 were given the role of hearers rather than speakers and were asked to infer outcome ranges from verbal probabilities. Hearers appeared to be partly aware of speakers' tendencies to describe outcomes at the top of the range.  相似文献   

To date, virtually all techniques appropriate for ordinal data are based on the uniform probability distribution over the permutations. In this paper we introduce and examine an alternative probability model for the distribution of ordinal data. Preliminary to deriving the expectations of Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau under this model, we show how to compute certain conditional expectations of rho and tau under the uniform distribution. The alternative probability model is then applied to ordinal test theory, and the calculation of true scores and test reliability are discussed.  相似文献   

This essay engages ways in which the manifestation of ??world?? occurs in poetry specifically through images, and how we can conceive of the imagination in this regard without reducing the imagination to a mimetic faculty of consciousness subordinate to cognition. Continental thought in the last century offers rich resources for this study. The notion of a ??world?? is related to the poetic image in ways fundamental to the Heidegger??s theory of language, and may be seen in Continental poetics following Heidegger, including Blanchot??s examination of poetry in his account of the space of literature. By means of images, I shall demonstrate, poetic language is exemplary in relation to ??world?? in two ways. (1) Images, poetically arranged, generate and open up a sense or experience of a world, specific to that poem, for its reader. Poetic images then, exhibit a generative evocation of world. (2) Through images, a poem may evoke the way in which space and time are inhabited as a world of human dwelling in an ontologically or existentially meaningful way. The relation of images to world is, then, an illumination or a disclosure of world. The first of these relations remains, to a large extent, immanent to the poem, but may be seen as an analogue of the essentially human experience of inhabiting a world. The second relation transcends the poem and relates the poem immediately to the existential framework of human dwelling.  相似文献   

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