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Psychologists should and can assume roles beyond those of college teacher, school counselor, and psychometrist since the reforms needed lie within their proper demesne, the fields or learning-motor, verbal, and social. Many schools first require renovation to enter the twentieth century. Some are now ready for possible innovations. The barbarous grading and marking system must be replaced by ungraded grouping and by criterion-instead of norm-referenced marking. Teaching roles must be differentiated as explaining, coaching, and discussion-leading. And the best methods and media must be employed for each in order to adapt to individual differences in the attainment of specific educational objectives.  相似文献   

ICU挽救了大量重症患者的生命,但也让很多患者留下了痛苦的回忆,ICU内人文关怀的缺失是发生这种现象的重要原因。疾病及医疗护理行为、ICU的环境、失眠、生命尊严与求生欲望之间的矛盾都使患者产生痛苦,由此提出要从制度层面完善学科设置,明确学科定位,加强专科人才培养,合理配置人力资源,完善管理政策,技术层面要对患者进行有效的镇静、镇痛治疗,重视患者诉求,减少有创操作,开展ICU床旁早期活动和康复治疗,从心理层面建立友好的ICU环境,注重医护患沟通,从多角度实施临终关怀,帮助患者减少痛苦。  相似文献   

This article raises a specific concern that is highlighted by the recent decision to raise the minimum standard for registration as a psychologist in Australia to postgraduate masters degree level. It is suggested that such an objective is limited because it does not address other, more important variables required to ensure that minimum standards for registration as a psychologist are achieved. Specifically, it is proposed that unless the existing methodology and content of both undergraduate and fourth year graduate university training for psychologists is improved to incorporate vital areas of practice, standards will continue to remain low regardless of the introduction of compulsory fifth and sixth years of postgraduate education. This article provides an overview of the issue while suggesting an alternative approach for developing professional expertise in those wishing to embark on a career in psychology.  相似文献   

Recent studies of job burnout in numerous work settings, as well as studies showing discrepancies between the real and ideal work functions of school psychologists, share the possible interpretation that they involve role conflict as a contributing factor. In 1971, Lyons demonstrated significant relationships between role clarity and job-related tension, propensity to leave, satisfaction and turnover in a sample of nursers. These correlations were particularly strong for nurses high in need for clarity. The present study tested the generality of some of Lyons' findings in a sample of school psychologists. Job-related tension and propensity to leave the job were more highly correlated for those psychologists high in need for clarity than for those who were low. Correlations between other variables were also similar to Lyons' results, including the low relationships of propensity to leave and tension with need for clarity. Neither tension nor propensity to leave were related to organizational size or to respondent characteristics (age, sex, tenure, etc.). The involvement of conflicting expectations and individual variables in creating and responding to role strain are discussed.  相似文献   

Counselling has long been considered to be an ancillary service in American education, its general purpose being to assure that the student is free enough from personal concerns and emotional problems to concentrate upon the objective of education, which is the development of the intellect (or cognitive abilities). Humanistic education questions this goal, and proposes that the objective of education should be the development of the student as a whole person, or the development of self-actualising persons. Counsellors, ideally, have always held this as their goal. When education adopts it also, then counselling will not be an ancillary activity, but will be central to the educative process.  相似文献   

Until relatively recently, most psychologists have had limited professional involvement with older adults. With the baby boomers starting to turn 65 years old in 2011, sheer numbers of older adults will continue to increase. About 1 in 5 older adults has a mental disorder, such as dementia. Their needs for mental and behavioral health services are not now adequately met, and the decade ahead will require an approximate doubling of the current level of psychologists' time with older adults. Public policy in the coming decade will face tensions between cost containment and facilitation of integrated models of care. Most older adults who access mental health services do so in primary care settings, where interdisciplinary, collaborative models of care have been found to be quite effective. To meet the needs of the aging population, psychologists need to increase awareness of competencies for geropsychology practice and knowledge regarding dementia diagnosis, screening, and services. Opportunities for psychological practice are anticipated to grow in primary care, dementia and family caregiving services, decision-making-capacity evaluation, and end-of-life care. Aging is an aspect of diversity that can be integrated into psychology education across levels of training. Policy advocacy for geropsychology clinical services, education, and research remains critical. Psychologists have much to offer an aging society.  相似文献   

General practitioners (GPs) have historically been at the centre of primary health‐care delivery in Australia, including delivery of mental health‐care services. Recent changes, however, by the Australian Federal government have led to the creation of a number of mental health‐care items provided by psychologists that are now available on the Medicare Benefits Schedule. The aim of the present study was to examine GPs' perceptions of psychologists and the ways in which GPs have responded to these policy changes in making referrals for mental health patients. Nine GPs were interviewed regarding the provision of mental health‐care services. Analysis of the interviews indicated a number of themes including the benefits of the new Medicare policy in increasing accessibility of psychologists, GPs' frustrations with the bureaucracy surrounding the use of this policy, GPs' knowledge about the specific skills and training of psychologists, and the importance of GPs' matching patients and clinicians. Recommendations are made to facilitate the professional and clinical relationship between GPs and psychologists.  相似文献   

A study of the growth of school psychology preparation programs reveals their rapid increase since 1950. With somewhat obscure origins related to professional growth in generic education and psychology, preparation has gained increasing clarity and stature that are consistent with the identify of school psychology in general.  相似文献   

Many of the researchers in the field of psychological science use strategies and methods in which human actions and experiences are reduced to behavioral contingencies, statistical regularities, neurophysiological states and processes, and computational functions and models. However, many psychologists talk readily and easily about how their research might assist human agents to solve problems, cope, make decisions, self-regulate, and more generally "make a difference" and "take control." The authors considered informally selected comments by several eminent psychologists, and more formally, 73 autobiographical accounts of prominent psychologists to see what could be learned about the attitudes of these psychologists toward reductionism in their own work and in the field of psychology in general. In interpreting these comments and accounts, the authors posit a gap between many psychologists' contemplation of their work and their actual research practices. The authors also suggest that such a gap may be related to psychologists' educational experiences and their scholarly and professional socialization, as well as to their subdisciplinary attachments and contexts.  相似文献   

道德教育回归人文精神路径探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德教育的使命是传承文化,培育个体的人文精神,使个体获得自由和解放.在当前中国遭遇的道德危机中,道德教育迷失了自身.道德教育向人文精神的回归可以以人的自由意志为出发点,以文化传承为内客,以情感逻辑为方法三方面完成,从而使道德教育真正履行人文解放的神圣使命.  相似文献   

The primary care groups (PCGs) newly introduced to the National Health Service require general practitioners and primary care teams to improve the health of their communities by addressing the health needs of their population, promoting the health of that population and working with other organizations to deliver effective and appropriate care. Community-oriented primary care (COPC) is an internationally tested model for primary health care development which is now being employed within the UK. This paper outlines the COPC model, and demonstrates how the skills and knowledge base of counselling psychologists and primary care counselling can contribute to a community-oriented primary care approach.  相似文献   

In the examination of role dissatisfaction and decline in marital quality across the transition to parenthood, it is postulated that 1) there would be a decline in the mean level of marital quality particularly among females, and 2) that the level of perceived inequity in postpartum allocation of marital roles would moderate the effects of the transition. A background review of pertinent literature pertaining to role dissatisfaction is presented, and found to be complex. Role inequity was measured as the level of dissatisfaction with a partner's contribution to a range of different role activities postpartum. The Australian sample was comprised of 59 primiparous couples who reported levels of marital satisfaction during the last trimester of pregnancy (Time 1) and then 3 months after the birth of the baby (Time 2). Couples were recruited from a variety of sources: private physicians, childbirth classes, and public hospitals. Average marriage duration was 3.5 years. Mean female age was 23.85 years and mean male age was 26.71 years. Most had completed at least 12 years of formal education. Marital quality was measured by a 32 item Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) comprised of units on dyadic satisfaction, consensus, cohesion, and affectional expression. Time 1 mean correlation of subscales was .43, and Time 2, .36. Dissatisfaction with partner's role performance was measured with an instrument of 18 items developed by Noller and Callan. Alpha coefficients were .69 and .71 for males and females respectively. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to assess marital quality scores by sex and time period and changes in marital quality due to level of postnatal role dissatisfaction by sex and time period. The Bonferronni procedure was used to control the Type 1 error rate for all analyses after the initial analysis of variance. The results revealed that the decline in marital quality reported in the literature may be a reflection of a decline in affectional expression. There was no support for the expectation that females experienced greater declines in marital quality than males, although it is possible that those experiencing greater dissatisfaction may not have provided followup data. There was support for the notion that females' levels of role dissatisfaction account for declines in marital quality; i.e., there was a decline in scores of affectional expression of women only who were also dissatisfied with a partner's role performance. When females perceived partner's performing a fair share in household tasks, marital quality increased. Future research on causation should explore the inequity model and use an objective measure of 1 or both variables. The link between role relations to the extent of change in new mothers' levels of marital quality suggests prenatal counseling on marital roles. Role inequity had no effect on male levels of decline in marital quality. Independent processes may account for these results, but there is a promising direction.  相似文献   

In 1894, French psychologist Alfred Binet published an article on the psychology of conjuring. By observing five magicians perform in his laboratory, he was hoping to gain a better understanding of the psychological processes responsible for inducing illusions in an audience. This article focuses on the subjects of these experiments and their world. It attempts to explain why five men belonging to a profession in which secrecy was vital agreed to enter the laboratory and reveal their tricks. It argues that magicians saw themselves as men of science and that, by entering Binet's laboratory, they were responding to an opportunity to participate in a world to which they wished to belong.  相似文献   

The parents of all children between 6 and 18 months in four Norwegian municipalities participated in an investigation to assess to what extent parents take actions to reduce household hazards their children are exposed to, and to identify factors associated with such behaviors. The Health Belief Model was used as a theoretical framework guiding the selection of variables. The results indicate that most parents take considerable action to reduce household hazards. The constructs derived from the Health Belief Model accounted for only a small part of the variance in parental behavior to reduce hazards in the home.  相似文献   

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