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This study aimed (i) to investigate the relationships among socioeconomic status, disease activity, quality of life, and the psychological status in Chinese rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients; (ii) to explore the possible risk factors of anxiety and depression. A total of 160 RA patients underwent standardized laboratory examinations and completed several questionnaires. Independent samples t-tests, χ2 analyses, and logistic regression modeling were used to analyze the data. We found 30.6% RA patients were anxiety, and 27.5% had depression, which were significantly higher than the control group (7.8 and 11.7%, respectively). And there were significant correlations among education, pain, disease activity, medication adherence, functional capacity, quality of life, and anxiety/depression. Meanwhile, logistic regression analysis revealed that poor quality of life and low education level were significantly associated with anxiety/depression in RA patients. In conclusion, there were significant relationships among education, quality of life, and anxiety/depression in Chinese RA patients.  相似文献   

The relationship between depressive symptomatology, as measured by the short-form Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and two social support variables was assessed. Based on a sample of 131 married men and 136 married women, the results indicated that the quality of the marital relationship and the frequency of positive social contact with adults other than the spouse were significantly related to depressive symptomatology for both men and women. These two variables accounted for 16% of the variance in BDI scores. Further, analyses of risk for high BDI scores showed that individuals having the least support were 13 times more likely to be in the high-BDI group than individuals with the highest levels of social support. These results suggest that social isolation and marital discord are related to high BDI scores among married adults.  相似文献   

Social phobia is a common anxiety disorder associated with significant impairment in social and occupational functioning. To date, few studies have examined the relationship between social phobia and perceived social support, a construct with important relationships to physical and mental health. The present study examined data from 2 widely used measures of perceived social support administered to 132 individuals with DSM‐IV generalized social phobia. These data were compared with those obtained from a healthy control group and from several clinical and non‐clinical samples reported in the literature. Persons with generalized social phobia scored significantly lower on both measures of social support compared with all other groups. It is suggested that deficits in perceived social support associated with generalized social phobia may play a role in the development of co‐morbid problems and should be explicitly targeted by treatments for social phobia. Low correlations between perceived social support and social anxiety measures suggest that perceived support should be specifically evaluated in this population.  相似文献   

When occupational stressors, that is stress-producing environmental circumstances (SPECs) in the workplace, lead to anxiety, this anxiety is considered work-related strain. Social support is frequently recommended as a treatment of such strain, because it is expected to help in one of three ways: by directly reducing the anxiety, by interacting with SPECs to reduce the strength of their effects on anxiety, and by weakening the strength of the SPECs themselves. Future research on anxiety and social support in conjunction with work-related SPECs could shed new light on the relations among these three, variables by employing one or more of three approaches: designing investigations that allow stronger causal inference, testing hypotheses derived from theory, and examining potential cross-cultural differences in the nature of and reactions to social support.  相似文献   

This study examined the transactional longitudinal association between social status (likeability and popularity) and social anxiety symptoms (fear of negative evaluation and social avoidance and distress), and explored gender differences in this association. Participants included 274 adolescents (136 boys, Mage = 12.55). Data were collected at two waves with a 6-month interval. Likeability and popularity were measured with peer nominations and social anxiety symptoms with self-reports. Autoregressive cross-lagged path models showed relative stability of social status and social anxiety. Girls who were seen as less popular by their classmates avoided social situations more frequently and experienced more distress during such situations over time. These results highlight the importance of distinguishing between different social status components and social anxiety symptoms and to take gender into account. Early support for less popular girls seems important to prevent more severe consequences of avoidance and distress, such as social exclusion and victimization.  相似文献   


Determinants of anxiety and life satisfaction were examined among the elderly. Study I related the experience of stressful loss events, i.e., the death of a friend or family member, as well as received social support, to anxiety. Support buffered the effects of life events: Only those who received no support after loss were highly anxious. Study II explored determinants of anxiety and life satisfaction over a twelvemonth period. About half of the criterion variance could be explained. Perceived health turned out to be an influential predictor, whereas the role of social support remained ambiguous. The results are discussed in terms of social factors and emotions in the life of the elderly.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to test whether coping responses mediated the influence of perceived social support on symptoms of anxiety/depression, social withdrawal, and aggressive behavior in American (N=349) and Spanish students (N=437). Participants completed measures of perceived support, social stress, coping, and distress. Coping partially mediated relations between perceived support and distress, with coping mediation most evident in individuals facing high levels of social stress. Decreased use of disengagement coping by individuals with high perceived support appears to partially explain the protective value of perceived social support. Multiple group covariance structure analysis showed that models linking perceived support, coping, and distress were very similar across cultures, suggesting that the mechanisms underlying decreased risk for individuals with high perceived support may be relatively independent of cultural context, and that interventions designed to increase perceived support and decrease disengagement could be appropriate in both cultures.  相似文献   

Pain-related avoidance factors and social resources, as assessed by pain coping and social support, are supposed to have lasting effects on functional disability and pain in chronic pain disorders. As a follow-up to a prospective study demonstrating short-term effects after one year (Behaviour Research and Therapy, 36, 179-193, 1998), the role of pain coping and social support at the time of diagnosis was investigated in relationship to the long-term course of functional disability and pain after three and five years in 78 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), taking into account personality characteristics of neuroticism and extraversion, clinical status and use of medication. In line with findings at the one-year follow-up, results showed that more passive pain coping predicted functional disability at the three-year, but not the five-year follow-up. In addition, low levels of social support at the time of diagnosis consistently predicted both functional disability and pain at the three and five-year follow-ups. Results indicate that pain coping and social support, assessed very early in the disease process, can affect long-term functional disability and pain in RA, and suggest that early interventions focusing on pain-related avoidance factors and social resources for patients at risk may beneficially influence long-term outcomes in RA.  相似文献   

This study sought to provide information on the Social Phobia Scale (SPS) and Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) of Mattick and Clarke (1989) with respect to factor structure, relations with psychopathology, and sex differences. A sample of 200 university students completed the SPS and SIAS and various measures of anxiety symptoms and depression. The results from the factor analyses for the sample as a whole suggest the presence of three factors corresponding to scrutiny fears, social interaction anxiety, and a general level of discomfort in social interactions. The results for men replicated this structure. For women, the three-factor solution demonstrated a blurring between the types of anxiety-provoking situations, and a general discomfort in situations involving differences in social power. In general, the discomfort factor was not correlated with measures of pathology, raising the possibility that uneasiness in these situations represents a process that is not part of social anxiety. The distinction between scrutiny fears and social interaction anxiety was also supported by the pattern of partial correlations that suggests that the presence of scrutiny fears is a stronger predictor of psychopathology than is social interaction anxiety, especially for men.  相似文献   

Stressful life events, personal control, and social support were examined relative to marital satisfaction among 1749 participants in seven Chinese cities. Stressful life events were categorized as life crises and life transitions. Life crises, rather than transitions, negatively predicted the marital satisfaction of Chinese. The moderating effects of personal control were found among women, but not men, and occurred only in the relationship between marital satisfaction and life crises, not life transitions. Social support buffers the negative effects of life crises on marital satisfaction. The results extend family stress‐coping theory in specifying two coping resources for Chinese marriages under stress.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate factors associated with chronic blushing. One hundred seven self-defined chronic blushers completed the Self-Consciousness Scale (SCS), the Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SADS), and two single-item ratings for severity and effect of blushing. Mean SADS scores obtained in the present study were not dissimilar to those obtained in studies of DSM-III-defined socially phobic patients. There was a predicted significant positive correlation between the severity/effect of blushing and the SADS and the Public and Private Self-Consciousness and Social Anxiety subscales of the SCS. The implications of the results for understanding chronic blushing are discussed.  相似文献   

领悟社会支持、实际社会支持与大学生抑郁   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
叶俊杰 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1141-1143,1131
该研究以316名大学生为被试,探讨了领悟社会支持和实际社会支持与大学生抑郁之间的关系。结构方程模型的分析表明,大学生对当前社会支持的领悟对抑郁具有直接的缓冲作用;实际社会支持主要通过领悟社会支持对大学生的抑郁情绪起缓冲作用。研究结果暗示着,领悟社会支持是一种在应对压力情境中发展起来的特质或图式,在个体应对压力时表现为一种弹性人格,从而防止消极情绪的恶化或产生。  相似文献   

The accuracy of depressed and nondepressed subjects' perceptions of their own and a social interactional partner's performance was investigated. Twenty depressed and twenty nondepressed college students participated in dyadic interactions and then rated their own and their partner's social behavior. The interactions were also rated by objective coders. Depressed subjects were differentiated from nondepressed subjects on several measures by both the coders and the subjects. Depressed subjects' self-ratings were correlated with the coders' ratings more often than were the nondepressives' ratings, suggesting depressives provided more accurate self-observations. Contrary to prediction, depressives were also more accurate in judging their partner's behavior. Depressives experienced heightened levels of self-focused attention, but this attentional focus did not mediate the relationship between depression level and self-accuracy. Finally, an analysis of the verbal statements suggests that performance differences between depressives and nondepressives may be a function of the quantity, rather than the quality, of the verbal production.  相似文献   

This study examines the relational model of self-supporting personality, enacted social support, and perceived social support in a sample of 482 Chinese high school students using the Self-Supporting Personality Scale for Adolescent Students (SSPS-AS), the Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS), and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS). Results from the cross-sectional structural equation analyses revealed that interpersonal initiative, interpersonal openness, personal openness and personal initiative predicted perceived social support through the mediating role of enacted social support, while interpersonal responsibility, interpersonal flexibility, and personal initiative predicted perceived social support directly. Thus, the hypothesized relational model of personality, enacted social support, and perceived social support was supported. The positive relational schema may be the main underpinning of the relation of self-supporting personality, enacted social support, and perceived social support. Culture also may influence the relation.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of exposure to violence and social support on self-reported state and trait anxiety and parental rated problem behaviors among school-aged African-American children in low and high violence areas. Ninety-seven (97) fourth through sixth graders and their parents were interviewed about exposure to community violence, social support, and state and trait anxiety. Results indicate that trait anxiety was correlated positively with exposure to violence and negatively with social support. State anxiety was correlated negatively with family social support. Problem behaviors were correlated negatively with family support and income. Hierarchial multiple regression analyses indicated that children's reports of their exposure to community violence continued to explain significant variability in trait anxiety, and problem behavior after controlling for both income and social support measures. Social support from peers, family and teachers played differential roles in predicting problem behaviors among children from high and lower violence areas. These findings suggest that in planning intervention programs for children exposed to violence, greater attention to empowering parents to support their children, to fostering peer group support, and to bolstering teacher support may be useful, but attention to the underlying socio-political causes of violence exposure is essential.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined potential differences between social anxiety disorder (SAD) and generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) in the sensitivity to detect emotional expressions. The present study aims to compare the detection of emotional expressions in SAD and GAD. Participants with a primary diagnosis of GAD (n?=?46), SAD (n?=?70), and controls (n?=?118) completed a morph movies task. The task presented faces expressing increasing degrees of emotional intensity, slowly changing from a neutral to a full-intensity happy, sad, or angry expressions. Participants used a slide bar to view the movie frames from left to right, and to stop at the first frame where they perceived an emotion. The frame selected thus indicated the intensity of emotion required to identify the facial expression. Participants with GAD detected the onset of facial emotions at lower intensity of emotion than participants with SAD (p?=?0.002) and controls (p?=?0.039). In a multiple regression analysis controlling for age, race, and depressive symptom severity, lower frame at which the emotion was detected was independently associated and GAD diagnosis (B?=?–5.73, SE?=?1.74, p?相似文献   

The current study aimed to investigate the discrepancy between self-reported and peer-reported likeability among children, and the relation with social anxiety, depression, and social support. In total, 532 children between 7 and 12 years completed questionnaires about social anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, and social support, estimated their own likeability, and indicated how much they liked their classmates. Children with higher levels of social anxiety or depression overestimated their likeability less or even underestimated their likeability. Social anxiety symptoms, but not depressive symptoms, were significant predictors of the discrepancy. Social support was positively related to likeability and negatively related to social anxiety, but did not moderate the association between social anxiety symptoms and perception accuracy of likeability. These results are in line with cognitive theories of childhood social anxiety, and they stress the importance of using multi-informant measures when studying the relation between social anxiety and social functioning in children.  相似文献   

Two hundred and fifty-two undergraduates completed a modified version of the Life Experience Survey (LES), the Beck Depression Inventory (Revised), and a measure of social support. Correlations between negative and total life changes on the LES and the Beck were significant for individuals with high social support (r=.36 and .29), but these correlations were significantly higher for individuals with low social support (r=.67 and .66). In addition, positive LES scores were significantly correlated with the Beck for individuals with low social support (r=.37), and individuals with low social support had higher mean scores on the Beck,F(1,250)=20.72,p<.0001. These findings were interpreted as supporting the theory of Holmes and Rahe and Sarason and Johnson that aversive life changes are related to depression, and provide evidence for the view the positive life changes can also be stressful. These data also support the concept of individual differences in vulnerability to stress and the role of social support in this vulnerability. The use of social support as a moderator variable appears to enhance correlations between the LES and depression to the level of clinical utility.  相似文献   

Cognitive‐behavioural models suggest that perfectionistic beliefs and anticipatory processing are key maintaining factors of social anxiety. The present study examined the moderating and mediating role that anticipatory processing has on the relationship between perfectionism and social anxiety. The sample consisted of 245 individuals from the general community who completed an online questionnaire package comprising depression, perfectionism, and social anxiety measures. Participants also rated their levels of anticipatory processing in response to vignettes describing an upcoming social interaction and performance situation. Results showed that maladaptive perfectionism and maladaptive anticipatory processing were positively associated with social anxiety. Furthermore, maladaptive anticipatory processes (stagnant deliberation and outcome fantasy) remained significantly and positively associated with social anxiety even after controlling for depression and maladaptive perfectionism, whereas adaptive anticipatory processes (plan rehearsal and problem analysis) were not significantly associated with social anxiety. These findings support current classifications of anticipatory processing in social anxiety. Contrary to predictions, maladaptive anticipatory processing did not moderate the relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and social anxiety. An exploratory analysis indicated that maladaptive anticipatory processing mediated the relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and social anxiety. Implications for therapeutic intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

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