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Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy: Series Editors, Karl Ameriks and Desmond M. Clarke. René Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy with Selections from the Objections and Replies. Translated and edited by John Cottingham. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. xlvi + 120. £25., £7.95 pb. ISBN 0–521–55252–4 (hb.). ISBN 0–521–55818–2 (pb.).

Ralph Cudworth, A Treatise Concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality with A Treatise of Freewill. Edited by Sarah Hutton. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. xxxvi + 218. £37.50 hb., £13.95 pb., ISBN 0–521–47362–4 (hb.). ISBN 0–521–47918–5 (pb.).

Anne Conway: The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy. Translated and edited by Allison P. Coudert and Taylor Corse. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. xxxix + 73. £35.00 hb., £12.95 pb. ISBN 0–521–47335–7 (hb.). ISBN 0–521–47904–5 (pb.).

Julien Offray de La Mettrie: Machine Man and Other Writings. Translated and edited by Ann Thomson. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. xxx + 179. £35.00 (hb.), £12.95. ISBN 0–521–47258‐X (hb.). ISBN 0–521–47849–9 (pb.).  相似文献   

部件、结构和名称对图形相似性判断的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同基本形状构成的几何图形为材料,研究了图形的部件形状、整体结构和名称对相似判断的影响。结论为:1)部件形状、整体结构和名称对相似判断估计值均有非常显著影响,且部件形状和整体结构的交互作用也非常显著;2)部件形状、整体结构和名称对相似判断反应时没有显著的影响,但部件形状和整体结构、整体结构和名称两组交互作用均非常显著;3)部件形状和整体结构相同对相似判断估计值的影响更大;名称和部件形状、名称和整体结构相同的条件居次;只有一个因素相同时,部件形状相同影响最大,其次是整体结构和名称。  相似文献   

情景判断测验的开发程序、构思效度及研究趋势   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
章详细介绍情景判断测验开发的一般程序,对情景判断测验的多种形式和记分方法进行了总结和比较。同时,从情景判断测验的结果与认知能力、个性和工作经验等关系的角度出发,分析了情景判断测验的构思效度,认为情景判断测验测量的是多维构思。文章最后认为,需要从与其他构思的关系、测评指定构思、影响效度的因素以及跨文化比较等四个方面对情景判断测验开展进一步研究。  相似文献   

The concept of repetition compulsion, which has never been fully acknowledged by Kohut and his followers, is re-evaluated in this article within the context of self-psychology. In line with the underlying principles of defensive contact-shunning on the one hand, and non-traumatic empathic failure on the other hand, the repetition can be seen as the twofold expression both of the wish for a new benign relationship and of the dread of traumatic, repeated disappointment. Therefore, early non-traumatic disappointments are initiated by the patient, and role-responded to by significant others. This way, the risk of disillusionment of full-blown expectations is avoided. The repetition compulsion, then, is a complex mechanism: preventive in one part, it protects the vulnerable self from potentially traumatising experiences; thus, it is operated in response to the danger signal of emotional cravings, once the latter are experienced as getting out of hand. Providing novel experiences, in its other part, it can lead to opening the road for change; such curative impact relies on lengthy working through in a safe, empathic, holding environment.  相似文献   

段蕾  莫书亮  范翠英  刘华山 《心理学报》2012,44(12):1607-1617
考察青少年儿童和成人在道德判断中利用心理状态和事件因果关系信息的差异,并验证道德判断双加工过程理论.以道德判断中“行为坏的”程度和“应担负的道德责任程度”作为判断问题类型,共有10~11岁和13~15岁的青少年儿童及大学生各120名,完成道德判断测试任务.结果表明在不同的道德判断问题类型下,事件中他人愿望和信念、因果关系信息的作用模式是不同的,支持道德判断双加工过程理论.10~11岁儿童和13~15岁青少年在判断行为坏的程度时,利用心理状态信息和因果关系信息与成人类似.在判断应担负的道德责任程度时,10~11岁儿童更注重行为结果,并且不能综合应用心理状态信息和事件的因果关系信息.13~15岁青少年的道德判断中心理状态信息和事件因果关系信息的作用与成人的情况类似,但在进行应担负的道德责任程度判断时,还不能融合信念与因果关系信息进行道德判断.研究结果为道德判断双加工过程理论提供了支持,而且表明从儿童青少年到成人,利用心理状态和因果关系信息进行道德判断存在不断发展和成熟的过程.  相似文献   

In contrast to the view that social perception has symmetric effects on judgments and behavior, the current research explored whether perspective-taking leads stereotypes to differentially affect judgments and behavior. Across three studies, perspective-takers consistently used stereotypes more in their own behavior while simultaneously using them less in their judgments of others. After writing about an African-American, perspective-taking tendencies were positively correlated with aggressive behavior but negatively correlated with judging others as aggressive. Similarly, after writing about an elderly man, perspective-takers walked more slowly and became more conservative, but judged others as less dependent. These divergent effects of perspective-taking on judgment and behavior occurred regardless of whether perspective-taking was manipulated or measured, whether judgments were measured before or after behavior, the stereotype that was activated, and participants’ culture (American, Singaporean). These findings support theorizing that judgments and behavior can diverge when individuals’ social strategies are geared towards establishing and maintaining social bonds, as well as provide insight into how perspective-taking helps individuals manage diversity.  相似文献   

In contrast to researchers who emphasize the distinction between perception and cognition it is claimed that the perceptual system is closely intertwined with cognition and with our comprehension of the external world. This claim is supported by evidence for two characteristic features of human information processing. One of these features is the use of mental models. If mental models are assumed to be anchored in the perceptual system it will not be necessary to assume a "little man in the head" who reads off the model. Moreover, perceptually based mental models will provide a referential semantics by anchoring mentally represented concepts in the external world. The other feature is the use of perceptually based perspectives in cognition, such as actor or observer perspectives in social cognition. It is concluded that human beings consistently interact within the real world--also when they are just thinking--and that this becomes possible via perceptual processes.  相似文献   

This paper contrasts two enactive theories of visual experience: the sensorimotor theory (O’Regan and Noë, Behav Brain Sci 24(5):939–1031, 2001; Noë and O’Regan, Vision and mind, 2002; Noë, Action in perception, 2004) and Susan Hurley’s (Consciousness in action, 1998, Synthese 129:3–40, 2001) theory of active perception. We criticise the sensorimotor theory for its commitment to a distinction between mere sensorimotor behaviour and cognition. This is a distinction that is firmly rejected by Hurley. Hurley argues that personal level cognitive abilities emerge out of a complex dynamic feedback system at the subpersonal level. Moreover reflection on the role of eye movements in visual perception establishes a further sense in which a distinction between sensorimotor behaviour and cognition cannot be sustained. The sensorimotor theory has recently come under critical fire (see e.g. Block, J Philos CII(5):259–272, 2005; Prinz, Psyche, 12(1):1–19, 2006; Aizawa, J Philos CIV(1), 2007) for mistaking a merely causal contribution of action to perception for a constitutive contribution. We further argue that the sensorimotor theory is particularly vulnerable to this objection in a way that Hurley’s active perception theory is not. This presents an additional reason for preferring Hurley’s theory as providing a conceptual framework for the enactive programme.  相似文献   

Kenneth Dorter 《Dao》2009,8(3):255-276
If Zhu Xi had been a western philosopher, we would say he synthesized the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and Plotinus: that he took from Plato the theory of forms, from Aristotle the connection between form and empirical investigation, and from Plotinus self-differentiating holism. But because a synthesis abstracts from the incompatible elements of its members, it involves rejection as well as inclusion. Thus, Zhu Xi does not accept the dualism by which Plato opposed to the rational forms an irrational material principle, and does not share Aristotle’s irreducible dualism between form and prime matter, or his teleology. Neither does he share Plotinus’ indifference to the empirical world. Understanding how these similarities and differences play out against one another will help us discover what is at stake in their various commitments.  相似文献   

本研究探讨知觉组织对时序知觉的双重影响。实验采用三条线段构成的C形为实验材料,操纵图形朝向和SOA水平(实验1和实验2)、图形颜色(实验3)以及反应限制(实验4),要求被试完成同时判断任务。结果发现,在不同的SOA条件下,图形对向条件的同时判断频率均显著高于图形反向条件(实验1),即使在知觉组织线索弱化时这种现象仍然存在(实验2和实验3),而且知觉组织对时序知觉的影响不是由于被试的反应偏向导致的(实验4)。结果说明知觉组织对时序知觉存在双重影响:当两个刺激同时出现时,知觉组织能够提高时序知觉表现; 而当两个刺激非同时出现时,知觉组织显著降低时序知觉表现。  相似文献   

基于日常经验取向,运用问卷调查的方法,探索自我责任归因与推断的心理结构及其基本特征。对382名被试问卷调查的统计分析结果显示:(1)自我责任归因与推断结构是一种一元单向决定模式,即“责任推断→责任情感→责任行为”。(2)个体倾向于较多地将挫折或失败的原因归咎于可控起因,而较少归因于不可控起因。(3)个体在进行自我责任推断时,可控性程度仅对责任的大小构成影响,并不影响对是否承担责任的推断。(4)在自身应为挫折或失败承担责任时,个体在情感体验上较多自我责备,较少自我同情;在行为反应上,较多积极应对,较少甚至不大会消极应对。  相似文献   

道德判断的分级现象   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Blair(1996)发现即使没有心理理论的孤独症儿童,也具备道德判断能力。而Kahn(2004)认为没有心理理论就不可能完成道德判断。已有研究表明,道德判断可能需要一定程度的心理理论。孤独症儿童心理理论存在困难,影响他们理解道德情景并进行正确的道德判断,但这是否与任务的要求道德判断能力的程度不同有关呢?研究增加道德情景的复杂程度,进一步考察儿童道德判断规律。结果发现,道德判断有分级现象,第一级是直接对道德行为进行判断,孤独症和正常儿童都能完成该任务,可能是以原始情绪为基础的;第二级道德判断是对简单道德情景进行判断,需要以心理理论为基础,只有正常儿童才能完成;而对行为与意图不一致的复杂道德判断则需要以更加丰富的经历或者经验为基础,但其属于三级道德判断还是二级道德判断的高级形式还需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

词频和年级对FOK判断的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本实验以识记材料的词频高低和被试年级为自变量对被试元记忆监测的FOK(feeling of knowing)判断进行研究。实验采用Hart提出的RJR(回忆—FOK判断—标准测验 )的经典范式。结果表明 :被试的年级影响FOK判断等级和准确性 ,大学生的FOK判断等级和准确性均高于高一年级学生 ;识记材料词频影响FOK判断等级的高低 ,不影响FOK判断准确性 ,被试对高频词对的FOK判断等级高于对低频词对的FOK判断等级 ,但FOK判断准确性无明显差异。  相似文献   

情景判断测验的性质、功能与开发编制   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
给出了情景判断测验的定义,对其性质、功能作了探讨,提出了开发编制的两种基本模式。特别是,分析了行为情景所蕴涵的问题常系结构不良,而对行为反应选项所作判断却属定向比较选择,指出了二者间的不同;同时,主张引进表征水平理论等来指导试题编写。  相似文献   

吴红  张大均 《心理科学》2013,36(3):566-570
摘要:通过两个实验考察任务类线索(词频、关联性、学习次数)对学习难易度判断及其准确性的影响。结果表明:(1)词频和关联性对学习难易度判断均有显著影响,高频词对、有关联词对的预测成绩显著高于低频词对和无关联词对的预测成绩;(2)高频词对和低频词对的预测成绩均出现高估,但低频词对的估计更准确;有无关联词对相比,无关联词对预测成绩偏差更大,有关联词对的难易度判断更准确;(3)词频高低只影响成绩的预测,不影响实际回忆成绩;关联性既影响对成绩的预测,也影响实际回忆成绩。(4)学习次数对难易度判断没有显著影响,但随学习次数增加,判断准确性降低,出现低估现象。结论:材料因素对学习难易度判断等级具有较稳定的影响;不同材料因素(词频、关联性)对难易度判断准确性的影响方式不同;学习次数对学习难易度判断没有显著影响;学习难易度判断中存在练习伴随低估效应。  相似文献   

Multiple moral emotions were examined from a dynamic motivational framework through two hypothetical dilemmas that originate from the cognitive-developmental research program in morality. A questionnaire based on recognition task measurement of moral motivation and emotions was administered to 546 college students. As part of the dynamic complexity of moral motivation, intrapersonal operation of multiple emotions were expected and found toward each emotion target in each judgment context. Compassion and distress were among the most important moral emotions. Relatively strong degrees of anger and hate were reported toward the victimizers in ways that distinguished judgment choices. Participants distinguished a variety of positive emotions from anger and hate through differential associations with judgment choices. The study revealed orderly patterns of variability in the multiplicity of moral emotional experience based on relations with specific emotion targets, judgment choices, and developmental quality of moral motivation. The overall developmental quality of moral motivation was negatively associated with hate and positively associated with anger toward the victimizers. Emotional awareness was also found to be positively related to the developmental quality of moral motivation. Exploring the intrapersonal multiplicity of moral emotional experience has important implications for understanding the complexity of moral decision making and motivation.  相似文献   

学习判断及其准确性   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
学习判断是元认知判断的一种重要形式,是对未来记忆成绩的预测。产生机制及其准确性是学习判断研究的核心问题。研究者从不同的角度提出了多种理论,试图说明学习判断的机制与准确性。Koriat的线索模型总结了以往的研究发现,加深了人们对学习判断的理解,但该模型也面临着新的挑战。文章指出了已有研究中存在的问题及未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

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