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This article is an expansion on the research reported by the author in the June 1971 issue of this journal. In that article it was shown that the ICL was biased in certain ways. In this article the author explains how he uses the ICL in such a way as to obviate its operational weaknesses.  相似文献   

Much has changed in clinical practice and theory that bears on the diagnosis and treatment of perversion since Freud's Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905). Definitions of perversion have been freed from assumptions of a heterosexual normality and from moralistic interpretations. The authors endorse the current emphasis on aggression and early narcissistic problems and include the notion of splitting and sexualized scenarios in their definition of perversion. They present several vignettes of male and female patients to demonstrate the debts owed to Freud's theories and the way in which their thinking differs. They emphasize the understanding of the transference‐countertransference picture and the patient's management and control of excitement.  相似文献   

我国中学生职业兴趣的特点与测验编制   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
随着当前就业压力的增加,社会竞争也愈演愈烈,职业生涯规划的问题逐渐受到人们的重视。本文基于当代高中毕业生选报大学专业时对自身兴趣特点深入了解的需要,在国内外职业兴趣研究的基础上,探讨了我国高中生职业兴趣的特点,并编制出一套适合当前中国高中生兴趣特点的职业兴趣测验。该测验将职业兴趣分为七种类型:艺术型、事务型、经营型、研究型、自然型、社会型和技术型。测验的信、效度测量指标均达到比较满意的水平。经过初步推广使用,获得了广大使用者的好评。  相似文献   

保险推销员(职业)自我效能感量表的建构   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
在对保险推销员自我效能感进行理论分析、现场访谈和问卷调查之基础上,采用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析技术,对保险推销员自我效能感的内在结构进行了探讨。结果表明,保险推销员自我效能感由八个因素构成,即:晤谈技能、仪态、毅力、情绪调节、知识掌握、计划总结、直觉判断和前期准备。在此基础上,依据心理测量学原理和方法研制了保险推销员自我效能感量表。由此,保险推销员应从这八个方面来判断自己保险推销的总体素质。  相似文献   

Silveira (1980) noted that not just masculine generics, but also neutral terms, have masculine connotations; she called this the "people = male" bias. Her hypothesis takes two forms: people = male, a male is more likely seen as a person than is a female; and male = people, a person is more likely believed to be male than female. A total of 108 female and 91 male college students participated in three studies. Study 1 tested male = people. Participants referring back to a female or male protagonist as a woman/man or as a person were significantly more likely to refer to the male with a nongender-specific term. Studies 2 and 3 tested people = male. In Study 2, reanalysis of data from Hamilton and Henley (1982) showed that hearing unbiased generics promoted male-biased mental imagery in men. In Study 3, participants'imagined "typical person" was significantly more likely to be male than female.  相似文献   


SJÖBERG, L. Three models for the analysis of subjective ratios. Scand. J. Psychol. , 12, 217–240.–Circular area and heaviness were judged under four response modes: free ratio, per cent, similarity, and multiple estimation. Three log linear models were suggested for these data, each new model bringing in more free parameters to be fitted and assuming less strict types of invariance of subjective values. The most demanding, and traditional, model frequently had to be rejected. This "inconsistency" could be attributed both to the factor of relative size of the two stimuli in a comparative judgment and to the fixed vs. free factor. As a byproduct it was found that the Eisler-Ekman "similarity equation" was not supported by these data.  相似文献   

通过对30名高等级军事飞行员的访谈和相关资料的研究初步确定了11个条目的任务绩效和关系绩效考核提纲;由109名上级使用这个提纲对507名现役军事飞行员进行了绩效评估,另外飞行员间进行互评;使用验证性因素分析的方法对提纲进行了优化,并进行了信度和效度考察。结果表明,军事飞行员的工作绩效应由任务绩效和关系绩效两部分来描述,其中任务绩效包含四个因素,分别为:飞行绩效、空中特情下的表现及事故征候的发生率、业务理论水平和体能状况;关系绩效包含6个因素,分别为:遵章守纪表现、工作主动性、责任心、安心服役、钻研精神和协作精神。  相似文献   

《儿童认知能力诊断量表》的特点与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕静  徐芬 《心理学报》1991,24(4):30-37
本文分析了《儿童认知能力诊断量表》的特点及其在鉴别和诊断学习不良儿童认知缺陷中的作用。该量表由三个分测验和七个项目组成。量表的常模取样于浙江省十个城市的333名1~3年级儿童。数据处理和分析的结果表明:(1)该量表能反映出小学儿童认知能力随年级增长的趋势;(2)重测信度表明量表具有一定的可靠性;(3)该量表有较好的鉴别效度,而且效度检验的结果说明了学习不良儿童在认知能力上的“多病源”特征。  相似文献   

青少年自我价值感量表构念效度的验证性因素分析   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
黄希庭  余华 《心理学报》2002,34(5):69-74
用自编的青少年自我价值感量表对我国 9个大城市的大中学校的 4 931名学生进行了再测量 ,以其中的2 4 2 0名学生的数据进行一阶因素模型的比较分析 ,另外 2 5 11名学生的数据进行二阶因素模型的验证性分析。结果显示 ,我们提出的自我价值感的多层次多维度模型是合理。该模型包括总体自我价值感、一般自我价值感和特殊自我价值感三个层次 ;总体自我价值感抽象程度最高 ,其次是一般自我价值感包含社会取向和个人取向两种 ,抽象程度最低的是特殊自我价值感表现为生理的、心理的、人际的、道德的和家庭的自我价值感 5个具体方面同时也表现为社会取向和个人取向两种。该量表包含 5 6个题项从不同的抽象层次和具体方面对所构建的自我价值感模型进行测量 ,具有较好的构念效度  相似文献   

Based on several years of research and a careful analysis of the rating process Wherry developed a theory of rating. An accurate rating is seen as being a function of three major components: Performance of the ratee, observation of that performance by the rater, and the recall of those observations by the rater. Cast in a mold of classical psychometric theory each of these components is seen as consisting of a systematic portion and a random portion. The systematic portion of each component is further broken down. The performance of the ratee is a combination of true ability or aptitude for the job and the influence of the environment. What the rater observes is a function the performance of the ratee and bias of observation and what the rater recalls is a result of those observations combined with a bias of recall. The development of the theory of rating unfolds by defining the various factors that affect each of these components in a series of linear equations. Various theorems and corollaries are proposed which should lead to a maximization of the true ability component of the ratee and minimize environmental influence and the bias and error components. The theorems and corollaries suggest testable hypotheses for the researcher in performance evaluation.  相似文献   

评估职业兴趣的结构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Holland的职业兴趣理论对当今兴趣研究产生了广泛、深远的影响。但是目前,还没有研究考察Holland理论假设在中国的适用性。研究共检验了5个与Holland的6种兴趣类型(RiASEC)有关的假设,其中两个是由本文研究者提出。研究搜集了在中国进行的、与Holland理论有关的研究,并最终选择了9个RIASEC相关矩阵。假定顺序的随机化检验以及方差分析的结果表明,Holland的圆形假设与数据的拟合程度在5个模型中最差;多维标度法结果表明,RIASEC的空间结构图并没有很好地符合Holland的圆形假设。  相似文献   

HOLLAND式中国职业兴趣量表的建构   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
研究宗旨是建构适合我国国情的Holland式的中国职业兴趣量表。检验结果显示该量表因素结构清晰,具备Holland六种职业兴趣类型的理论构想,量表的信效度检验结果良好。  相似文献   

The usual matrix of intercorrelations among trials in a study of the learning process produces a superdiagonal matrix with resulting factors which are uninteresting: viz, a factor for the early trials and a factor for the later trials; with perhaps also a factor for the middle trials. By introducing several independent measures of learning for each trial a more meaningful factor structure can be obtained.  相似文献   

This article integrally analyzes the National Standard of Canada for Organic Agriculture (NSCOA) through the application of philosopher Ken Wilber's Integral model. The results of the analysis determined that the NSCOA is predominantly a one-dimensional (exterior), two quadrant (behaviors and systems) policy. The NSCOA neglects the subjective and intersubjective elements of the Integral model and at best achieves physical sustainability and the physiological/behavioral treatment of livestock. Finally, recommendations are made to incorporate the principles of the Integral model into the workings of the NSCOA.  相似文献   

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