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This study investigated (a) genetic and environmental contributions to the relationship between family and school environment and depressed mood and (b) potential sex differences in genetic and environmental contributions to both variation in and covariation between family connectedness, school connectedness, and adolescent depressed mood. Data are from 2,302 adolescent sibling pairs (mean age = 16 years) who were part of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Although genetic factors appeared to be important overall, model-fitting analyses revealed that the best-fitting model was a model that allowed for different parameters for male and female adolescents. Genetic contributions to variation in all 3 variables were greater among female adolescents than male adolescents, especially for depressed mood. Genetic factors also contributed to the correlations between family and school environment and adolescent depressed mood, although, again, these factors were stronger for female than for male adolescents.  相似文献   

Counselors, psychologists, and evaluators of intervention programs for youth increasingly view the promotion of connectedness as an important intervention outcome. When evaluating these programs, researchers frequently test whether the treatment effects differ across gender and ethnic or racial groups. Doing so necessitates the availability of culturally and gender-invariant measures. We used the Hemingway: Measure of Adolescent Connectedness to estimate the factor structure invariance and equality of means across gender and 3 racial/ethnic groups with a large sample of middle school adolescents. From a practical perspective, the 10-scale model suggested factor structure invariance across gender and racial or ethnic (i.e., African American, Caucasian, and Latina/o) groups of adolescents. However, tests for partial invariance revealed some group difference on the factor loadings and intercepts between gender and ethnic/racial groups. When testing for mean equivalence, girls reported higher connectedness to friends, siblings, school, peers, teachers, and reading but lower connectedness to their neighborhoods. Caucasians reported higher connectedness to their neighborhoods and friends but lower connectedness to siblings than African Americans and Latinos. African Americans reported the highest connectedness to self (present and future) but lowest connectedness to teachers. Latinos reported the lowest connectedness to reading, self-in-the-present, and self-in-the-future. Overall, this study reveals racial/ethnic and gender mean differences on several connectedness subscales and suggests the Hemingway subscales are, from a practical perspective, invariant across gender and ethnicity and therefore appropriate for most assessment and evaluation purposes.  相似文献   

This study aims to contribute to an emerging literature that seeks to understand how identity markers on social networking sites (SNSs) shape interpersonal impressions, and particularly the boundaries that SNSs present for articulating unconstrained "hoped-for possible selves." An experiment employing mock-up Facebook profiles was conducted, showing that appearing with friends on a Facebook profile picture as well as increasingly higher number of Facebook friends strengthened perceptions of a profiler's hoped-for level of social connectedness. Excessive numbers of friends, however, weakened perceptions of a profiler's real-level social connectedness, particularly among participants with smaller social networks on Facebook themselves. The discussion focuses on when people come to find that reasonable boundaries of self-generated information on an SNS have been exceeded.  相似文献   

职场地位是职场人士竞相争取的宝贵资源, 不仅有助于个体获得影响力, 改善个体的自我认知和行为表现, 而且能促进组织的有效运转。然而, 在组织管理领域的研究中, 职场地位并没有获得应有的“地位”。本研究拟基于4个时间点的纵向数据, 采用潜增长模型分析方法, 探讨职场地位随着时间推移的动态变化规律以及对员工态度和行为的动态影响机制, 并揭示职场地位双面性的形成机制。本研究不仅系统探讨职场地位的动态性、双面性等多面性特征, 而且为组织管理实践防范职场地位的阴暗面提供丰富的理论依据。  相似文献   

This article discusses the application in a CAMHS setting of a distinctive intervention for adolescent mental health difficulties, time-limited adolescent psychodynamic psychotherapy (TAPP). TAPP has been developed specifically for working with adolescents and the characteristic developmental and psychosocial complexities they present to mental health services. It is widely recognised that supporting the developmental process in adolescence is central to therapeutic interventions and the therapeutic aim of TAPP is to enable recovery of the capacity to meet developmental challenges. The key factors of TAPP are described, including the formulation and working with a developmental focus, the therapeutic stance, working with transference and counter-transference, working with time limits, and the emphasis is placed on engagement of adolescents in therapy in TAPP. The experiences of introducing and developing TAPP in the CAMHS service are discussed with two brief and one extended case examples and this leads to a discussion of the kinds of outcomes achieved. It is concluded that TAPP is a key and relevant intervention for adolescents in complex and vulnerable situations; further work will be undertaken to continue its application in these settings and to formally assess outcomes.  相似文献   

This study probed general attitudes about processing youths in adult criminal court across a range of offenses, explored attitudes about age of autonomous decision‐making for several activities outside the criminal justice context, and examined the interaction between these two realms. The major finding was that adults favor adult punishment of adolescent offenders at younger ages than they favor autonomy in other decision‐making contexts; the gap is widest for those who identify themselves as conservatives. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Puzzled by the gap between academic attainment and academic possible selves (APSs) among low-income and minority teens, the authors hypothesized that APSs alone are not enough unless linked with plausible strategies, made to feel like "true" selves and connected with social identity. A brief intervention to link APSs with strategies, create a context in which social and personal identities felt congruent, and change the meaning associated with difficulty in pursuing APSs (n = 141 experimental, n = 123 control low-income 8th graders) increased success in moving toward APS goals: academic initiative, standardized test scores, and grades improved; and depression, absences, and in-school misbehavior declined. Effects were sustained over a 2-year follow-up and were mediated by change in possible selves.  相似文献   

Taiwanese professionals have adopted information about adolescent psychosocial development from Western societies. However, scholars know little about whether they have properly applied the models to both rural and urban youth. The purpose of this study was to examine the development of cognitive autonomy and ego identity in Taiwanese adolescents from Taipei City and surrounding rural counties. We controlled for gender and examined both situational (residential location, family income, and school type) and agential factors (culture value affiliation, attachment, and resiliency) to determine the extent to which each predicted psychosocial developmental outcomes. Among all the factors in this study, resiliency had the most distinctive relationship with adolescent psychosocial development. Each factor successfully predicted specific aspects of psychosocial development for these youth. We conclude with a discussion of the utility of using Western models of development.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the interrelation of the parent-child attachment, unconventionality, friends' drug use, and the young adult's use of drugs. Data were collected from participants at 4 points in time: early adolescence, late adolescence, early 20s, and late 20s. Data were collected from mothers at the 3 points in time that corresponded with the first 3 collections of data from their children. Both the youths and their mothers were individually interviewed. The findings indicated that the effect of parent-child mutual attachment was mediated through early adolescent personality attributes of greater responsibility, less rebelliousness, and intolerance of deviance. These non-drug-prone personality and behavioral attitudes, in turn, insulated the young adult from affiliating with drug-using peers, and these attitudes were related to less drug use in the early 20s and ultimately in the late 20s. The results suggest that interventions focused on enhancing parent-child mutual attachment should result in a reduction of the risk factors conducive to drug use during the late 20s. The fact that these findings cover a decade and a half, from early adolescence to the late 20s, underscores the significance of placing drug use in a perspective that includes familial and behavioral aspects.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated the relationship between handgrip strength (HGS) and fighting ability in men, which is a relevant trait for intrasexual competition to increase the probability of obtaining a mate. However, few studies have determined a relationship between fighting ability and men’s self-perceived capacity to find, attract and retain a mate. This capacity is a complex compound of several traits that evolutionary psychology has called mate value. In the present study, in a population of late adolescent men from Chile (M ± SD = 16.94 ± .89 years), we explored the relationship between fighting ability, estimated by both HGS and a self-perceived fighting ability questionnaire, and mate value, assessed with a self-perceived mate value components questionnaire. The results show a strong influence of fighting ability on mate value. This influence affects the subscales of “views from the opposite sex”, “sociality” and “relationship history”. However, we did not find an effect on the subscales of “wealth”, “parenting” or “fear to failure”. The relationship between mate value and fighting ability indicates that fighting ability is a relevant component in understanding men’s reproductive behaviour, including intrasexual competition and intersexual selection. This effect was observed in adolescents, who have less mating experience than adults.  相似文献   

Salivary testosterone and cortisol among late adolescent male offenders   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relationship of salivary testosterone and cortisol concentrations to personality, criminal violence, prison behavior, and parole board decisions was examined among 113 late-adolescent male offenders. Offenders high in testosterone committed more violent crimes, were judged more harshly by the parole board, and violated prison rules more often than those low in testosterone. No main effects for cortisol emerged. However, as expected, a significant interaction between testosterone and cortisol was found, in which cortisol moderated the correlation between testosterone and violence of crime. Cortisol may be a biological indicator of psychological variables (e.g., social withdrawal) that moderate the testosterone-behavior relationship. Paper and pencil measures of personality and behavior showed little relationship to hormones.This research was supported in part by NIMH grant MH42525 and by a Vice-President's grant from Georgia State University. We wish to thank the Georgia Department of Corrections and the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles for making the research possible. In addition, we specifically extend thanks to Tim Carr (Department of Corrections); to Sue Aiken, Tom Morris, and Sheila Thompson (Board of Pardons and Paroles); and to Debra Plyler and Paula Williams for coding inmate records.  相似文献   

This study has conducted an ethnic comparison on the strength of the association between Individuation, a subscale from the Emotional Autonomy construct presented originally by Steinberg and Silverberg in 1986, and adolescent outcomes in terms of self-esteem and susceptibility to negative peer pressure. Consistent with what was expected, the association between Individuation and lowered self-esteem was more salient among 287 Asian-American adolescent boys than among 1,353 Euro-American adolescent boys. Contrary to what was hypothesized, the association between Individuation and susceptibility to negative peer pressure was more pronounced among 1,573 Euro-American adolescent girls than among 292 Asian-American adolescent girls.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of gender, race, and social class on the general and area-specific self-esteem of high school students. One hundred and ninety-five high school students served as subjects in a 2 (gender: male, female) X 2 (race: black, white) X 3 (social class: low, middle and high) factorial design. The Rosenberg General Self-Esteem, the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept, and the Brookover Self-Concept of Ability and School Achievement scales were the measures of either general or specific self-esteem. Females, whites, and lower social class adolescents were consistently lower in their self-esteem scores than were males, blacks, and upper social class teenagers, respectively. White females were found to be lower in general and happiness self-esteem than all other gender by race subgroups. High SES white students were lower on the happiness and behavior self-esteem measures than black students and white middle-class students. Black males and white females were less confident in their school ability than were black females and white males.  相似文献   

We recorded participants' eye movements while they read sentences containing verb-phrase coordination. Results showed evidence of immediate processing disruption when a reflexive pronoun embedded in the conjoined verb phrase mismatched the sentence subject. We argue that this result is incompatible with models of human parsing that employ only bottom-up parsing procedures, even when flexible constituency is employed. Models need to incorporate a mechanism similar to the adjoining operation in Tree-Adjoining Grammar, in which one structure is inserted into another.  相似文献   

In this review, three interrelated problems are discussed with respect to reading. The skilled S may recognize words not so much by a serial letter-by-letter analysis, but rather by some sort of interactive process permitting the extraction of higher order distinctive features. Some semantic information may be available from words beyond the one currently fixated, even though orthographic or phonological information is preconscious or rapidly lost. Finally, the accessing of meaning from the written representation may proceed directly, without any prior or intervening phonological stage. These conclusions are considered within the context of the possibly different aims of the reader at different times, the distinctions between easy and difficult material, and the experienced and tile novice reader. Implications for alternative coding systems, such as a syllabary, are discussed in terms of the roles of the phoneme and the syllable as fundamental units in speech perception.  相似文献   

In the current study, social learning theory and findings on the association of ineffective parental discipline and childhood conduct problems was reviewed In addition, the association of ineffective discipline in childhood to arrests and academic achievement in adolescence was tested. The reviewed studies were multi-agent, multimethod passive longitudinal, prevention, and clinical studies conducted at the Oregon Social Learning Center (OSLC). Measurement of childhood discipline included observational data. Analyses predicting to adolescent outcomes were conducted for the Oregon Youth Study sample of approximately 200 males at risk for delinquency. The finding of an association between ineffective discipline and childhood conduct problems was replicated in three OSLC studies. Ineffective discipline at Grade 4, controlling for Grade 4 antisocial behavior, was found to predict to a more serious juvenile arrest record (two or more arrests) and to failure to enter higher education. Prevention efforts need to be directed toward promoting effective discipline skills, especially in parents of young children. Effective discipline includes such skills as structuring situations, redirecting child behavior, encouragement, and also consistent use of a mild to moderate consequence such as time out or privilege loss.  相似文献   

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