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基于经验结构式认知发展理论的智力结构包含环境指向系统、超认知系统和加工系统三个层次。环境指向系统用于表征和加工不同领域的信息,加工系统是个体加工信息的操作平台,超认知系统负责监控和调节其他两个系统的认识活动。三个层次的发展既具有各自的特点又相互影响。因此,该理论指出智力结构的发展是一个动态平衡过程,存在三种发展变化模式:自下而上、自上而下和平行变化。智力结构层次内和层次间的发展都要遵循四种变化的机制。该理论作为整合型智力理论有自己的优势,但在概念使用、超认知概念的提出以及执行功能在结构中定位等问题有待商榷  相似文献   

SNARC效应是人类空间认知的重要组成部分。限于技术手段,现有SNARC研究的理论和技术多以小尺度空间环境为基础,致使其生态效度较低。基于增强现实技术和认知神经科学范式,通过增强现实技术生成的交互情境,从核心加工系统(静态空间SNARC、动态空间SNARC、静态-动态联合SNARC)和加工特性两个方面,研究建立起基于大尺度空间环境的SNARC加工模型。为人类空间认知研究提供了更加完备的知识领域。  相似文献   

Trickle-down模式正逐渐成为领导效应研究的新范式。它阐释了组织中较高层次领导的行为或其认知如何沿着组织的垂直管理层次自上而下层层滴漏。该模式通过对领导行为联动效应和多层配对的剖析, 弥补了传统研究聚焦于单一层次领导研究的不足。系统梳理trickle-down模式下的领导效应之涵义特征、理论基础、效能机制, 并深入探讨已有研究的欠缺, 对于实现领导力的整合、拓展本土化的领导行为研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

系统合理化理论认为, 人们会自然地将其所在的社会系统感知为公平合理的, 这一倾向即系统合理化。而系统合理化形成之原因, 一直是该领域理论和研究关注的重点。为此, 研究者先后提出了三种解释思路。认知失调视角认为, 系统合理化之所以产生是因为个体想要缓解因系统无法满足他们的需求而产生的焦虑。补偿性控制视角认为, 系统合理化源于个体自身控制感的缺乏。社会认知视角则认为人们固有的认知倾向特别是对于社会经济差异的内归因倾向是造成系统合理化的根源。未来可以考虑在同一个研究中包含来自于不同理论视角的解释变量, 借鉴相近领域的发现探索其他可能存在的系统合理化的形成机制, 探究中国文化特有的系统合理化的来源, 同时对积极的合理化与消极的合理化作出区分, 并在此基础上针对社会现实问题加强应用研究的开展。  相似文献   

具身认知强调认知在本质上是具身的, 身体在认知的实现中发挥着关键作用。传统的符号加工理论认为, 概念表征独立于主体的知觉运动系统并以抽象符号的形式储存于语言记忆中。概念表征的具身理论则认为, 概念表征与知觉运动系统具有共同的神经基础, 概念在本质上是主体经验客体时知觉与运动体验的神经记录, 而概念加工的基本形式则是身体经验的模拟与还原。关于该理论的实证研究主要集中于概念加工引发的知觉动作变化、身体动作对概念加工的影响、抽象概念加工的具身特征等领域。今后的研究应关注符号加工理论与具身理论的整合等。  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍与知觉加工   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
近年来许多行为实验和神经生理学实验都发现 ,发展性阅读障碍与基本知觉障碍有关。在视觉领域研究者提出了巨细胞障碍假设 ,这种假设认为阅读障碍者视觉神经系统中的巨细胞障碍导致他们对某种类型的视觉刺激加工存在困难 ,进而影响阅读。在听觉领域研究发现阅读障碍者加工快速、系列、短暂呈现的声音刺激存在障碍。研究者认为阅读障碍者加工快速刺激输入障碍反映了普遍的时间知觉障碍。这方面的研究发展非常迅速 ,理论观点非常明确 ,并且直接与内在的神经机制相联系 ,形成了与传统的“语言障碍”理论迥然不同的“知觉障碍”理论。“知觉障碍”理论综合了行为、认知和神经等多个层次的研究 ,反映了神经科学发展所带来的巨大影响和认知加工模块化理论的渐渐衰退。  相似文献   

空间知识记忆和提取的理论模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对物理空间知识记忆和提取规律的探讨一直是空间认知领域研究中的一个重点和热点。对其进行深入研究,不仅有助于了解人类的空间行为,而且为相关的诸如界面设计、虚拟环境等空间认知应用领域(研究)提供支持。该文从空间记忆的内在参照系理论、坐标系统模型、空间情境模型和位置记忆的空间类属模型4个方面对当前有关物理环境中空间知识记忆和提取的理论或模型进行了回顾并作了初步评价。  相似文献   

随着机器人在人类生活中重要性的增强,人们开始关注其传统智能以外的其它能力,如共情。基于共情的经典理论,本文以新兴的智能体共情(artificial empathy)为主题,同时结合人工智能领域的最新研究,系统地阐述了现有与智能体共情有关的理论模型和实证研究,并结合文献计量学分析,对该领域研究宏观现状进行可视化呈现。指出在未来研究中,借鉴心理学、认知神经科学和计算机科学等学科的研究成果,注重机器人理论模型的建构和研究方法的创新,对机器人共情系统的建构有着重要作用,而其间涉及到的伦理问题同样不容忽视。  相似文献   

镜像神经元系统的研究回顾及展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
镜像神经元系统的发现使得研究者从一个较为统一的神经机制层面了解人类多个层次的社会认知活动。在猕猴大脑F5区发现的镜像神经元可以在抽象的层面上帮助猕猴理解他人行为的意图。利用脑成像技术,研究发现人类的镜像神经元系统能够匹配外界的知觉表征和内在的动作表征从而通过“居身模仿”这一过程来进行模仿、语言理解、理解他人的意图及情绪这些重要的社会认知活动。另外,镜像神经元系统在社会交往中也起着重要作用,最后,就镜像神经元系统在心理理论中的作用、了解自我-他人问题和镜像神经元系统的关系、动机、经验等因素对镜像神经元系统活动的调控等问题对未来的研究方向进行了展望  相似文献   

无意识认知的探索   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文介绍了无意识认知的研究历程和特点,其中着重阐述了内隐记忆和内隐学习两个领域,并评述了内隐记忆和内隐学习在研究历程、特点和理论三方面的相似点,在此基础上表达了对无意识认知领域的整合趋势的期待。  相似文献   

In this article we discuss the network paradigm as a useful base from which to integrate attachment and family systems theories. The network perspective refers to the application of general systems theory to living systems, and provides a framework that conceptualizes the dyadic and family systems as simultaneously distinct and interconnected. Network thinking requires that the clinician holds multiple perspectives in mind, considers each system level as both a part and a whole, and shifts the focus of attention between levels as required. Key epistemological issues that have hindered the integration of the theories are discussed. These include inconsistencies within attachment theory itself and confusion surrounding the theoretical conceptualizations of the relationship between attachment and family systems theories. Detailed information about attachment categories is provided using the Dynamic Maturational model. Case vignettes illustrating work with young children and their families explore the clinical implications of integrating attachment data into family therapy practice.  相似文献   


Although far from unanimous, there seems to be a general consensus that neither mind nor brain can be reduced without remainder to the other. This essay argues that indeed both mind and brain need to be included in a nonreductionistic way in any genuinely integral theory of consciousness. In order to facilitate such integration, this essay presents the results of an extensive cross‐cultural literature search on the “mind” side of the equation, suggesting that the mental phenomena that need to be considered in any integral theory include developmental levels or waves of consciousness, developmental lines or streams of consciousness, states of consciousness, and the self (or self‐system). A “master template” of these various phenomena, culled from over one‐hundred psychological systems East and West, is presented. It is suggested that this master template represents a general summary of the “mind” side of the brain‐mind integration. The essay concludes with reflections on the “hard problem,” or how the mind‐side can be integrated with the brain‐side to generate a more integral theory of consciousness.  相似文献   

王静  霍涌泉  宋佩佩  张心怡  杨双娇  柏洋 《心理学报》2019,51(11):1281-1290
心理建设思想是孙中山革命和建设理论的重要内容。目前, 学术界对孙中山的思想在哲学、政治、文化等领域, 做了较多研究, 而从心理学视角的探索还较少。孙中山非常重视人的心理对社会政治的巨大作用, 强调心理建设对于人类发展和进步的重要意义。心理建设在他的革命与建国方略中具有极为重要的地位, 他创造性地提出了“知难行易”的命题, 强调了科学认知的艰难和重要性, 体现了孙中山独特的知行观。突出了心理建设在革命与建设中的核心价值和引领作用, 主张心理建设与社会发展和国家建设相联系。在当今时代中, 孙中山的心理建设思想依旧熠熠生辉, 他的奋斗精神、思路与方法已经成为我们实现民族复兴和现代化建设的宝贵精神财富, 具有重要的启迪作用和现实意义。  相似文献   

This article illustrates the important scientific role that a systems approach might play within the social sciences and humanities, above all through its contribution to a common language, shared conceptualizations, and theoretical integration in the face of the extreme (and growing) fragmentation among the social sciences (and between the social sciences and the natural sciences). The article outlines a systems theoretic approach, actor-system-dynamics (ASD), whose authors have strived to re-establish systems theorizing in the social sciences (after a period of marginalization since the late 1960s). This is done, in part, by showing how key social science concepts are readily incorporated and applied in social system analysis.  相似文献   

Theoretical development on human motor behavior has occurred largely independently of data on pathological movement disorders. This paper represents an initial attempt to interface findings from studies of apraxia and those of normal motor behavior with a view to formulating a common theoretical framework. Such an integration may ultimately aid in understanding the nature of skill acquisition and provide insights into the organization of motor systems. Three putative theoretical models of movement control are discussed with reference to apractic syndromes. The most commonly accepted view—the hierarchy—possesses properties such as linear transitivity and unidirectionality of information flow that render it inadequate in explaining functional plasticity in the central nervous system. The heterarchy, which incorporates reciprocity of function and circular transitivity, is a more likely candidate but suffers from an inability to regulate the degrees of freedom of the system. Our favored candidate is the coalition model which embodies heterarchical principles, but in addition, offers a solution to the problems of degrees of freedom and context for motor systems. Evidence is reviewed from apraxia of speech and limbs in terms of a coalitional style of control and an experimental approach, consonant with coalitional organization, is developed. We promote the claim that an understanding of apractic behavior—and perhaps motor systems in general—will benefit when clinicians and experimenters embrace a theory of context and constraints rather than a theory of commands as is currently in vogue.  相似文献   

POLITICS is a system of computer programs which simulates humans in comprehending and responding to world events from a given political or ideological perspective. The primary theoretical motivations were: (1) the implemention of a functional system which applies the knowledge structures of Schank and Abelson (1977) to the domain of simulating political belief systems; (2) the development of a tentative theory of intentional goal conflicts and counterplanning. Secondary goals of the POLITICS project include developing a representation for belief systems, investigating cognitive processes such as goal-directed inferencing, and the integration of several types of knowledge representations into a functional system.  相似文献   

Using general system theory as a theoretical foundation of business information systems science. The science of business information systems is looking for its theoretical foundations. In this article general system theory is adapted to serve as such a theoretical foundation. The adapted general system theory is reconstructed using the structuralistic approach to reveal the empirical claims of this theory and to analyse scientific progress in the science of business information systems. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper argues for a distinction between meaning structure and mental representation, and presents the outlines of a theoretical model of their interrelationship. Meaning structures are defined as structures in the human mind/brain which develop as the combined result of genetic predispositions and individual experience, and lead to relatively stable patterns of perceiving, thinking, feeling, behaving, etc. Mental representation is defined as the aspect of mental processes which involves imagining and thinking of things that are not perceptually present. It is suggested that the mind includes a central network of meaning structures (CNMS) for the storage of information, and a number of other subsystems (e.g., perceptual systems, behavioral systems, and a verbal system) for the processing of externally and internally generated information. Against the dual-coding theory, it is argued that there is one code for the long-term storage of information, but several codes for the processing of information. Mental representations are seen as products of activation that is spread from the CNMS to more peripheral systems. The spread of activation from the CNMS to perceptual systems results in mental imagery; when activation spreads to the verbal system the result is conceptual thinking; and when activation spreads to behavioral systems it produces intentions. It is argued that this conceptual model can help to solve some basic theoretical problems that have plagued cognitive psychology.  相似文献   

Recent evidence implicates the arginine vasopressin (AVP) system in complex neuropsychological disorders which are characterized by deficits in executive functioning (EF). Despite the genetic contribution to EF, little is currently known about its molecular genetic basis. Drawing on research from social neuroscience and the role of related physiological systems in psychopathology, the current study hypothesized that variability in the AVP receptor 1a gene (AVPR1A) would be associated with EF in an epidemiological sample of 323 normally developing preschool-aged children. Using a family-based association design, the current study found that variability in the rs7298346 marker, located in the 5′-flanking region, was significantly related to a composite measure of EF in 4-year-old children after controlling for a variety of covariates and children’s theory of mind. The converse association between AVPR1A and theory of mind (after controlling for EF) was not significant, suggesting a level of specificity in this relationship. The results are discussed in terms of the difficulties faced by genetic association studies in teasing apart the behavioral phenotypes that characterize complex psychological diseases and the involvement of multiple physiological systems in human behavior.  相似文献   

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