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In Western societies, religious heterogamy and its effects on religious socialization outcomes have been interpreted through the lens of secularization. How about China, where religion has been resurging in recent decades? Using data from the 2007 Spiritual Life Survey of Chinese Residents, this study shows that despite China's atheist education system and strict religion policies, having at least one religiously affiliated parent is associated with increased religiosity compared to having two nonreligious parents. Whereas religious heterogamy in the West has a secularizing effect on the next generation, religious heterogamy in secular nations, such as China, has a religionizing effect and contributes to religion's rise.  相似文献   

当代中国社会的宗教信仰和人际信任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许多研究均认为中国社会中的人际信任是一种差序格局的模式。本文将人际信任具体区分为亲缘信任、熟人信任和外人信任,指出信任水平从亲缘、熟人到外人依次降低,并且宗教信仰对不同的人际信任类型具有显著的影响作用。对2007年居民文化生活调查数据的分析表明,无论哪一种宗教信仰归属都不会显著增强亲缘信任和熟人信任的水平,比如佛教徒、道教徒的亲缘信任、熟人信任水平显著低于无信仰者;但是宗教信仰可以显著增强普遍的外人信任,比如佛、道教和基督宗教都能显著提高外人信任;宗教信仰的重要性和宗教活动参与频率也能够提高信任水平。另外,基督宗教比佛、道教具有更高的教内信任程度。  相似文献   

We examined the school mobility of a cross-sectional sample of 70 secondary-age youth with emotional disturbance (ED). Data were collected through an archival review of school records. Students’ school mobility histories were examined in terms of the overall number of schools attended in the elementary school years, as well as the timing of the moves that were made. Findings indicate that sample students experienced high rates of school mobility with 66% having changed schools at least once by the end of 2nd grade and 89% having changed schools at least once by the end of 5th grade. Strategies for minimizing school mobility and the impact of high rates of school mobility are reviewed.  相似文献   

从1980年代以来,中国宗教社会学的研究就已经从欧美宗教社会学的译介开始了。30年以来,中国宗教社会学的研究,无论是对欧美经典的翻译,还是对中国本土宗教的社会学研究,都已经形成了一道可观的学术风景线,成为当代中国宗教学领域中一个重要的构成。本文对30年宗教社会学在中国的引进和发展,有一大致的综述,希望能够从中总结出中国宗教学、宗教社会学研究的某些发展规律。  相似文献   

这是一篇回应性的文章。作者在简要介绍了文章的由来以后,首先借用万俊人教授《现代西方伦理学史》一书中的材料阐述了西方宗教伦理思潮与西方社会的关系;然后指出在中国学界展开宗教伦理学研究的必要性,并论述了作者对建构中国宗教伦理学的一些想法;在文章的最后一部分,作者对万俊人教授《普世伦理如何可能》中的三个问题作出了回应:第一,关于“强伦理模式”;第二,有关世界宗教信仰现状的问题;第三,关于普世伦理以什么为基础的问题。  相似文献   

20世纪初以来,以中西宗教文化的比较为主要内容、以跨学科的人文社会科学研究为基本形态的中国比较宗教研究逐渐形成了儒耶、佛耶和道耶比较等多个热点,以及包容主义、平行主义和求同存异等多种取向。尽管这项研究在某些人的潜意识里仍只是说明自身宗教优越性的手段,但对宗教比较之可能条件和宗教对话模式的探讨使越来越多的学者看到:中西宗教文化之间客观存在的一系列分歧背后,并非没有比较的可能和对话的余地。通过从差异中寻找共性,从共性中发现差异,他们对中西宗教文化的具体层面和抽象层面、信仰维度和人学维度的比较促进了不同宗教之间以及神圣同世俗之间的对话。  相似文献   

Subsequently, with the recent wave of industrialization, China has become the “factory” of the globalized world. The modernization of this country, however, is not confined to the provision of production at a low added value: It also entails technological appropriation and innovation. In particular, China represents the biggest world market for mobile phones and will soon dominate the Internet market. In this country, the total number of mobile and fixed-line subscribers exceeds 750 million, and the total number of Internet users is more than 162 million. The present study focuses on how, after a decade of mobile phone use, the inhabitants of Beijing evaluate the changes in the social and communicative sphere as a result of the introduction of the mobile phone. In this paper, we present some results of a quantitative research, specifically focused on mobile communication. Based on face-to-face questionnaires administered to a convenient sample of 487 respondents, this study addresses the following research questions: After a decade of mobile phone use, how do Chinese people perceive the importance of this device? To what extent do the adoption and use of mobile phones increase or decrease social connectivity in contemporary China? To what extent does the use of mobile phones in everyday life enhance or reduce the communications – do they make you feel closer to or more distant from other people? What are the variables that predict users’ attitudes toward mobile phones in China?  相似文献   

代际支持对中国农村老年人认知功能的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王萍  李树茁  张文娟 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1500-1503
基于西安交通大学人口研究所2001年在安徽省巢湖市进行的“安徽省老年人生活福利状况”的抽样调查,采用多元线性回归,结合农村实际状况,详细分析经济支持、生活照料和情感支持的代际问双向交流对中国农村老年人认知功能的影响。结果显示,经济支持和情感支持的双向交流对老年人的认知功能有积极影响;老年人生活照料的获得对其认知功能也积极的影响;老年人对子女的生活照料的提供对其认知功能无显著影响。  相似文献   

An Islamic debate on human rights has been developing actively over recent decades. Within that debate there has been a more specific one on religious pluralism and the rights of religious minorities in Muslim society and the Islamic state. This article briefly reviews initial responses to the United Nations Charter and then sets a historical context, before looking in more detail at selected writers such as Muh?ammad Sal L ¥ m al-?Awwa, Rashid Al-Ghan nouchi and Syed Z. Abedin, each coming at the subject from different perspectives.  相似文献   

The sex ratio at birth in China is highly imbalanced in favor of boys. Past research on sex ratios in China emphasizes economic factors for their weakening effect on the Confucian tradition of son preference. Research in the sociology of religion suggests that religious geography may affect sex ratios through the spill‐over of religious teachings to those living in areas dominated by a religious tradition. To assess this linkage, we investigate the relationship between religious geography and county‐level child sex ratios using the 2000 China Population Census and the 2004 China Economic Census, the most complete and recent data available on religious presence in China. Applying spatial analyses of 2,685 counties (over 90% of all counties), we find that counties with a greater presence of Daoist temples have more imbalanced (male‐biased) sex ratios, whereas a greater presence of Buddhist temples and Islamic mosques is associated with less imbalanced sex ratios.  相似文献   

Responses to the Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia and the Cognitions Questionnaire were compared from samples of agoraphobics, social phobics, senior citizens, students, and students' relatives. The data illustrate the occurrence of avoidant behavior and panic in groups other than agoraphobics. The Mobility Inventory was shown to have good discriminative power, but the Cognitions Questionnaire failed to discriminate between agoraphobics and social phobics. The relationship of panic to mobility and cognitions is considered.  相似文献   

当代中国企业伦理建设是中华人民共和国史的一个重要组成部分。经过革命化、探索与借鉴、培育等阶段,当代中国企业伦理不仅从政治伦理中分离出来,与社会主义市场经济日益相适应,而且企业伦理建设方法也表现出多样化和个性化的趋势。当代中国企业伦理的进步,既有中国经济体制、加入世界贸易组织等制度、环境的牵引,也有市场经济发展过程中企业作为”经济人”的理性选择、买方市场形成等要素的影响。企业伦理道德日益成为企业核心竞争力不可或缺的要素。  相似文献   

<正>郑筱筠:今天很荣幸地请到了中国社会科学院高师宁研究员、中国人民大学魏德东教授、北京大学卢云峰教授、华东师范大学李向平教授来"学术空间"做客,这次讨论的话题是当代中国宗教社会学研究现状。很多人认为当代中国宗教社会学研究存在"聚"与"散"的现象。所谓  相似文献   


Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, two journals stand out as primary sources of information about China. The Chinese Repository and The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal were edited by senior missionary scholars, who recorded observations of Chinese life and the development of the Church in China. While they make only scattered references to the Muslim population in China, these items are nevertheless significant indicators of the size, importance and nature of these Muslim communities. They also portray Christian attitudes to ‘Mohammedans’ and on occasions indicate Christian strategies of engagement with them. There was a particular burst of interest in ‘Mohammedism’ in the 1880s. However, engagement with the Muslim communities was never a priority for the Christian missionary force, as they were a distinct minority of the total Chinese population.  相似文献   

中国的宗教政策问题,由于其特殊的复杂性、敏感性,迄今仍是中国宗教研究领域中的极为薄弱的一环。学术界同仁虽然对一些时期的宗教政策作过不同程度的探讨,但从古代至于现代进行综合性的全面论述的专著一直未曾问世。任杰、梁凌所著,民族出版社2006年12月出版的《中国的宗教政策》率先打破这一局面,可谓中国宗教政策研究中,一项具有填补空白的标志性成果,这是值得积极加以评价和推荐的。本书学术贡献至少体现在三个方面:第一,对中国各个时期宗教政策的特点和内涵作了明晰地论断和充实地阐述。本书把中国宗教政策发展阶段划分为三个时期:一、…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Motor disorders may occur in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and at early stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD), particularly under divided attention conditions. We examined functional mobility in 104 older adults (42 with MCI, 26 with mild AD, and 36 cognitively healthy) using the Timed Up and Go test (TUG) under 4 experimental conditions: TUG single task, TUG plus a cognitive task, TUG plus a manual task, and TUG plus a cognitive and a manual task. Statistically significant differences in mean time of execution were found in all four experimental conditions when comparing MCI and controls (p < .001), and when comparing MCI and AD patients (p < .05). Receiver-operating characteristic curve analyses showed that all four testing conditions could differentiate the three groups (area under the curve > .8, p < .001 for MCI vs. controls; area under the curve > .7, p < .001 for MCI vs. AD). The authors conclude that functional motor deficits occurring in MCI can be assessed by the TUG test, in single or dual task modality.  相似文献   

Diverse religious communities and traditions share certain common notions among the ways of life they seek to cultivate, notions that contemporary psychoanalysis can illumine. This essay offers three contributions: (a) substantive—characterizing features of a way: being-there-with-and-for; (b) methodological—outlining genres of relating psychology and religion; (c) philosophical—discussing relations between epistemology and ontology (that is, between maps and territory).
Chris R. SchlauchEmail:

Chris R. Schlauch   is Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology and Religion, and Psychology of Religion at Boston University.  相似文献   

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