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The treatment of an apparently authentic case of obsessional slowness is described. The relationship between behaviour change and emotional events is discussed. The findings replicate those of Rachman (1974).  相似文献   

The role of species-typical taxic behavior in conditioning was studied using thigmotaxis (wall hugging) in rats. Running toward or staying near walls in an open-field apparatus was assumed to be compatible with the rat's defensive behavior, and running to or staying in open spaces was assumed to be incompatible. With large food rewards no differences between the center and side responses were found in acquisition under continuous or intermittent reward, but the center response showed greater suppression after contingent punishment was applied on nonreward trials. Two additional experiments showed that differences between center and side responses occur during extinction when avoidance of shock but not when food is the reinforcer. The results suggest that instances of response-reinforcer interactions may be predicted by knowledge of species-typical defensive behavior and that reactions elicited by shock are not always identical to those elicited by frustration in their consequences for the performance of conditioned behavior.  相似文献   

In a previous study investigating the relationship between subjective, physiological and behavioural changes during treatment of specific phobias, a marked between-session increase was found in subjective fear after high, but not after low intensity phobic stimulation although the groups showed similar fear ratings and heart rates immediately after treatment (Grey et al, 1979). It was hypothesized that the high intensity stimulation led to ‘treatment fatigue’; a state of deactivation, the recovery from which led to a return of fear.In this study high intensity in vivo stimulation was used for the treatment of phobic subjects under conditions of distributed and massed practice. No differences emerged between treatment conditions. A small group of Ss with a conspicuously high heart rate (mean level 120 bpm) when rating zero fear, showed a significant increase in fear after one week's interval, although they had shown similar improvement to the Ss during treatment. Subjects in both treatment conditions showed lower heart rate at all post-treatment assessments than pre-treatment. The high initial heart rate Ss continued to have higher heart rate than other Ss throughout the experiment, although they showed a decrease after treatment. It was only these Ss with desynchronously high heart rate, i.e. high heart rate with zero fear ratings, who suffered a return of fear, whereas high heart rate during high fear did not predict either response to treatment or return of fear. A further finding was a lack of correlation between the behavioural and physiological indices of fear, namely, between distance and heart rate at high levels of fear.  相似文献   

The effects of behavioural treatment alone, and in combination with clomipramine, were assessed on 40 patients with chronic obsessional-compulsive disorders, using a 2 × 2 factorial design. These effects were assessed by behavioural measures and mood measures.The behavioural treatment was followed by significant improvements on most behavioural measures. Clomipramine administration was followed by significant improvements on mood scales and some behavioural measures. There were no significant interactions between these two experimental conditions.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old male adolescent inpatient with a 5-year history of primary obsessional slowness was treated using a nursing intervention programme involving prompting, pacing and shaping, or participant modelling of four types of self-care behaviour. The treatments produced an immediate increase in response rate of three of the four behaviour targets. Treatment gains were not maintained during the gradual fading of the intervention programme. Possible reasons for failure to achieve treatment maintenance are discussed in light of the literature on primary obsessional slowness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment, carried out on 27 subjects with intense and circumscribed fears, was to test one main hypothesis and several subsidiary predictions. The prediction that a high-demand in vivo treatment condition produces desynchronous changes and a low-demand treatment condition synchronous changes, was supported by some inter-session findings but not by the intra-session findings. The clear linear relation between heart-rate and reported fear was confirmed, as was the rapid habituation of the heart-rate response to phobic stimulation.The fear-reactions and fear-reductions of psychiatric and non-psychiatric were indistinguishable. High heart-rate responders and low heart-rate responders showed similar patterns of improvement. The constrained laboratory ‘treatment’ procedure used in the experiment produced large and rapid reductions in fear.  相似文献   

A study is reported of neurotic patients at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, who were given the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and who were rated by their doctors for prognosis and final assessment after treatment. The results indicated that those patients who had elevated psychoticism scores took longer to improve and that doctors rated them harder to treat at final assessment. It is suggested that early knowledge of patients with a poor prognosis, in the form of their Psychoticism score, might prove helpful to psychiatrists and psychologists, both for diagnosis and (primarily) for choice of appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

Changes in locus of control and self-esteem during social skills training and at 6 month follow-up were investigated. Forty-four adolescent, male offenders were randomly assigned to a social skills training, attention-placebo, or no-treatment control procedure. The results showed that pre- to post-training increases in self-esteem were produced for both the social skills training and attention-placebo control groups, but not for the no-treatment control group. These increases did not continue during the follow-up phase; the social skills training group, which showed the greatest improvement during training, displayed a decrease in self- esteem during follow-up.The locus of control measures showed a statistically significant shift towards internality for the social skills training group during training, which was not found for the attention-placebo and no-treatment controls. During the follow-up phase, all three groups showed a statistically significant shift towards externality, suggesting a tendency for boys to view their behaviour and consequences as being under the control of chance factors or powerful others, during institutionalization. This effect was partly reversed during training for the social skills training group, but the effect was not long lasting. It seems therefore that social skills training is effective in producing an increase in self-esteem and a shift towards internal locus of control. These changes are, however, of short duration and the self-esteem shift may be the result of increased staff contact or other non-specific therapy factors.  相似文献   

The relationship during a simple reaction time task between heart rate and four measures of task irrelevant somatic activity was evaluated in four age groups of children, i.e., 4-, 5-, 8-, and 10-year-olds and young adults, in order to evaluate further a hypothesized coupling of cardiac and somatic activity. At all age levels, phasic decreases in both heart rate and somatic activity coincident with performance were found with the magnitude of the effect increasing with age only on three somatic measures. However, tonic levels of both heart rate and somatic activity decreased with age. Performance on the reaction task was found to be inversely related to the age-related phasic somatic effects as well as age-related tonic heart rate and somatic activity.  相似文献   

Rats trained to avoid an electric shock in an alley were divided into two groups depending on their behavior during 25 min of response blocking. Subjects demonstrating exploratory behavior while blocked were put in one group, while subjects demonstrating agitation, freezing or grooming were placed in another. Fear measures, when subsequently exposed to the CS. were taken on experimental subjects and compared to controls. The results confirmed the hypothesis that response blocking can lead to fear reduction and that the fear reduction is related to the behavior of the subject during blocking.  相似文献   

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