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To examine the effects of early visual experience on preference for biological motion (BM), newly hatched chicks were exposed to a point-light animation (a visual stimulus composed of identical light points) depicting the following features of a hen: a walking hen (a BM stimulus), a rotating hen (a non-BM stimulus), a pendulum stimulus, a random motion stimulus and a stationary pattern. Chicks were then tested in a binary choice task, choosing between walking-hen and rotating-hen stimuli. Males exhibited a preference for BM if they had been trained with any animation except the stationary pattern stimulus, suggesting that the BM preference was not learned, but induced by motion stimuli. We found a significant positive correlation between the number of approaches in training and the preference in the test, but locomotion alone did not cause preference for BM. In contrast, females exhibited a particularly strong preference for walking-hen stimuli, but only when they had been trained with it. Furthermore, females (but not males) trained with random motion showed a preference for walking hen over walking cat (a biological motion animation depicting a cat), possibly suggesting that females are choosier than males. Chicks trained with a stationary pattern and untrained controls did not show a significant preference. The induction of BM preference is discussed in terms of possible ecological background of the sex differences.  相似文献   

Rolls ET 《Perception》2008,37(3):333-354
Top-down perceptual influences can bias (or pre-empt) perception. In natural scenes, the receptive fields of neurons in the inferior temporal visual cortex (IT) shrink to become close to the size of objects. This facilitates the read-out of information from the ventral visual system, because the information is primarily about the object at the fovea. Top-down attentional influences are much less evident in natural scenes than when objects are shown against blank backgrounds, though are still present. It is suggested that the reduced receptive-field size in natural scenes, and the effects of top-down attention contribute to change blindness. The receptive fields of IT neurons in complex scenes, though including the fovea, are frequently asymmetric around the fovea, and it is proposed that this is the solution the IT uses to represent multiple objects and their relative spatial positions in a scene. Networks that implement probabilistic decision-making are described, and it is suggested that, when in perceptual systems they take decisions (or 'test hypotheses'), they influence lower-level networks to bias visual perception. Finally, it is shown that similar processes extend to systems involved in the processing of emotion-provoking sensory stimuli, in that word-level cognitive states provide top-down biasing that reaches as far down as the orbitofrontal cortex, where, at the first stage of affective representations, olfactory, taste, flavour, and touch processing is biased (or pre-empted) in humans.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to investigate the role of central and peripheral vision (CV and PV) in postural control. In Experiment 1, either the central or peripheral visual field were selectively stimulated using a circular random dot pattern that was either static or alternated at 5 Hz. Center of foot pressure (CoP) was used to examine postural sway during quiet standing under both CV and PV conditions. The results showed that, when the visual stimulus was presented in the periphery, the CoP area decreased and more so in the anterior-posterior (AP) than in the medio-lateral (ML) direction, indicating a characteristic directional specificity. There was no significant difference between the static and dynamic (alternating) conditions. Experiment 2 investigated the directional specificity of body sway found in Experiment 1 by having the trunk either be faced toward the stimulus display or perpendicularly to it, with the head always facing the display. The results showed that the stabilizing effect of peripheral vision was present in the direction of stimulus observation (i.e., the head/gaze direction), irrespective of trunk orientation. This suggested that head/gaze direction toward the stimulus presentation, rather than a biomechanical factor like greater mobility of the ankle joint in AP direction than in ML direction, was essential to postural stability. Experiment 3 further examined whether the stabilizing effect of peripheral vision found in Experiments 1 and 2 was caused because more dots (500) were presented as visual cues to the peripheral visual field than to the central visual field (20 dots) by presenting the same number of dots (20) in both conditions. It was found that, in spite of the equal number of dots, the postural sway amplitudes were larger for the central vision conditions than for the peripheral vision conditions. In conclusion, the present study showed that peripheral rather than central vision contributes to maintaining a stable standing posture, with postural sway being influenced more in the direction of stimulus observation, or head/gaze direction, than in the direction of trunk orientation, which suggests that peripheral vision operates primarily in a viewer-centered frame of reference characterized by the head/gaze direction rather than in a body-centered frame of reference characterized by the anatomical planes of the body.  相似文献   

Maintaining balance is fundamentally a multisensory process, with visual, haptic, and proprioceptive information all playing an important role in postural control. The current project examined the interaction between such sensory inputs, manipulating visual (presence versus absence), haptic (presence versus absence of contact with a stable or unstable finger support surface), and proprioceptive (varying stance widths, including shoulder width stance, Chaplin [heels together, feet splayed at approximately 60°] stance, feet together stance, and tandem stance) information. Analyses of mean velocity of the Centre of Pressure (CoP) revealed significant interactions between these factors, with stability gains observed as a function of increasing sensory information (e.g., visual, haptic, visual + haptic), although the nature of these gains was modulated by the proprioceptive information and the reliability of the haptic support surface (i.e., unstable versus stable finger supports). Subsequent analyses on individual difference parameters (e.g., height, leg length, weight, and areas of base of support) revealed that these variables were significantly related to postural measures across experimental conditions. These findings are discussed relative to their implications for multisensory postural control, and with respect to inverted pendulum models of balance. (185 words).  相似文献   

The role of proprioceptive inputs in the control of goal-directed movements was examined, by means of the tendon vibration technique, in 5 to 11-year old children performing a serial pointing task. Children pointed, with movements of various amplitudes and at various positions, by alternating wrist flexions and extensions. Tendon vibration was applied to both agonist and antagonist muscles to perturb relevant muscular proprioceptive inputs during the static or dynamic phase of the task, i.e., during stops on targets or during movement execution. Constant and variable amplitude errors as well as constant position error were evaluated. Vibratory perturbation applied during movement execution resulted in a similar reduction in movement amplitude, yielding an increased constant error in all age groups and a systematic position error in the direction of the movement starting point. Perturbing proprioception during static phases preceding movement resulted in an age-related increase in the variable amplitude error, which was maximal in 5-year old children performing extension movements. The results were interpreted in terms of the use of proprioceptive information in the feedforward and feedback based components of movement control in children. In particular, the results indicated (1) developmental changes in the relative weighting of each component, (2) an increased capacity to move from one strategy to the other, depending on the availability of information, and (3) developmental changes from an alternated to an integrated control of amplitude and position in serial pointing.  相似文献   

This experiment assessed the efficacy of proprioceptive and visual information for the performance of "vertical position" by synchronized swimmers. Three skill groups of 5 senior, 5 intermediate, and 5 novice synchronized swimmers performed 40 vertical positions under four conditions. The conditions were: self-initiated with and without vision, and following experimenter perturbation, with and without vision. The dependent measure was degrees of error from true vertical. Analysis indicated that either proprioception or proprioception and vision may be used in performing vertical positions. A significant main effect was found among skill groups.  相似文献   

Research shows that individuals feel and later perform better when given positive feedback in the context of an upright posture, as opposed to a slumped one, even if unaware that their bodily position is meant to express emotion. We sought to determine whether proprioceptive feedback from body postures operate differently for women and men. Participants received success feedback when in either an upright or slumped posture, which was covertly manipulated. Results showed that for men the effects of posture were intuitive and appropriate: receiving success feedback while upright enhanced performance self-ratings. In contrast, after adopting an upright posture, women went on after success feedback to perform more poorly and make more negative self-ratings, than after adopting a slumped posture. A number of theories are offered as potential explanations for this gender effect.  相似文献   

Tablets are increasingly being used in schools for a variety of handwriting tasks. Given that the control of handwriting relies on both visual and proprioceptive feedback, especially in younger writers, this raises the question of whether the texture of the tablet surface affects graphomotor execution. A series of recent studies found that when the smoothness of a tablet screen modifies proprioceptive feedback, the impact on graphomotor execution varies according to the level of the writer’s handwriting skills. However, as the writing on the screen remained visible in these studies, participants may have compensated for the decrease in proprioceptive feedback by relying more heavily on visual information. The aim of the present study was therefore to unravel the respective contributions of different types of sensory feedback during handwriting development and, consequently, the compensatory role of visual information when children and adults have to write on a tablet. To this end, we asked second and fifth graders and adult participants to write letters and pseudowords on a plastic board placed on top of a tablet screen. Participants wrote on either the smooth or the granular side of the plastic board (manipulation of surface friction), and with normal vision or behind a shield that hid the hand and handwriting from direct view (manipulation of vision). Kinematic parameters and legibility were recorded to assess handwriting performances. Results revealed a significant interaction between proprioceptive and visual feedback on letter size, pen speed and legibility, regardless of participants’ age. Furthermore, reducing the visual and proprioceptive feedback had a greater effect on the children’s handwriting performances than on those of adults. Overall, the present study provides new insight into the contribution of the different types of sensory feedback and their interaction with handwriting development. In addition, our results on the impact of tablet surface on graphomotor execution will serve as useful pointers for improving the design of this tool for children, such as increasing the degree of friction of the screen surface.  相似文献   

This article explored functional roles of the proprioceptive system during the control of goal-directed movements. Proprioceptive information contributes to the control of movement through both reflex and central connections. Spinal and transcortical reflex loops establish a servomechanism which provides automatic corrections of unexpected changes in muscle length and allows compensation for undesirable irregularities in the mechanical properties of muscles by modulating limb stiffness at the subconscious level. Central connections provide the control system with information about peripheral states which is used in voluntary components of movement control. Before the initiation of movement, proprioceptive information about initial limb orientation becomes a basis for the programming of motor commands. During a movement, proprioceptive input about velocities and angular displacements of a limb is used to regulate movement by triggering planned sequences of muscle activation and modulating motor commands. After movement, feedback produced by responses is compared with previously stored information, verifying the quality of the movement. Considering potential roles of the reflex and central connections, the proprioceptive system seems to constitute an important aspect of motor control mechanisms, providing the control system with efficiency and flexibility in the regulation of goal-directed movements.  相似文献   

Reports that the dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel antagonists may facilitate memory led to the present study of the behavioral effects of nifedipine. Ninety-two 4-day-old male chicks received 0, 100 nM, 100 microM, or 10 mM nifedipine. Drugs were administered in volumes of 2 microliters into the fourth cerebral ventricle 5 min before training on a visual discrimination task. Nifedipine did not produce any detectable changes in behavior during acquisition trials. Retention, however, was impaired 24 h after training in the 100 nM and 100 microM nifedipine-treated chicks, which made significantly more errors than controls. Nifedipine did not affect the amount of time required to complete the task. No effects on body weight gain were detected, suggesting that the memory impairment was not due to a change in feeding behavior. These data are discussed in terms of the role of calcium-dependent processes in memory.  相似文献   

Bross M 《Perception》2000,29(11):1385-1391
The relationship between apparent size and apparent distance is given by Emmert's law, which states that a retinal image is proportional in size to the distance of the surface it is projected upon. This principle also applies to retinal afterimages in that they, too, will change in apparent size if distance cues suggest that the location of the object onto the retinal image has been altered. It has also been known for some time that non-retinal cues can produce quantitative and qualitative effects on an afterimage when it is viewed in the dark. In the present two studies, positive afterimages of an observer's hand, as well as objects held by that hand, were used as targets to investigate the effects on size-constancy scaling of moving the hand to and fro along the line of sight for different distances in the dark. Results show that, when observers focus on a held object, the changes in size predicted by Emmert's law occur in response to both active and passive proprioceptive or haptic cues. The most intriguing result consisted of the finding that, when only the hand is the target, there appears to be a limit to the decrease in apparent hand size. It appears that the visual system 'refuses' to size-scale the hand below a limit it accepts as representative or acceptable of 'its' hand.  相似文献   

Although the effects of specialized training in visual analysis of skills are well documented, whether the effects are lasting is not. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the effect a visual skills training program in volleyball had on participants one year after the completion of a training intervention. Subjects received either traditional performance instruction supplemented with visual training or traditional performance instruction in volleyball only. All subjects remaining in the teacher education program from a previous study were given a visual test on diagnosing errors in three different volleyball skills (the forearm pass, the overhead pass, and the overhead serve). Subjects exposed to visual training remained significantly better at diagnosing errors for the three volleyball skills one year later as compared to those subjects who had not received visual training.  相似文献   

Young domestic chicks were reared individually in compartments of four different colors and then tested either in a color-preference test with stationary objects (N equals 128) or with a moving stimulus (N equals 128). For each type of test we used four background colors in the test arena. The dependent variables included color preferences, following behavior and emotional responses of the young chicks. The results showed no significant effects of the color of the arena-background in either test situation. The color of the rearing compartment was a significant factor affecting color preferences in the test with stationary objects. In both test situations the colors red, and then green, were the most potent in affecting the color preferences and emotional responses exhibited by the chicks.  相似文献   

In the Ebbinghaus size illusion, a central circle surrounded by small circles (inducers) appears bigger than an identical one surrounded by large inducers. Previous studies have failed to demonstrate sensitivity to this illusion in pigeons and baboons, leading to the conclusion that avian species (possibly also nonhuman primates) might lack the neural substrate necessary to perceive the Ebbinghaus illusion in a human-like fashion. Such a substrate may have been only recently evolved in the primate lineage. Here, we show that this illusion is perceived by 4-day-old domestic chicks. During rearing, chicks learnt, according to an observational-learning paradigm, to find food in proximity either of a big or of a small circle. Subjects were then tested with Ebbinghaus stimuli: two identical circles, one surrounded by larger and the other by smaller inducers. The percentage of approaches to the perceptually bigger target in animals reinforced on the bigger circle (and vice versa for the other group) was computed. Over four experiments, we demonstrated that chicks are reliably affected by the illusory display. Subjects reinforced on the small target choose the configuration with big inducers, in which the central target appears perceptually smaller; the opposite is true for subjects reinforced on the big target. This result has important implications for the evolutionary history of the neural substrate involved in the perception of the Ebbinghaus illusion.  相似文献   

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