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The purpose of this study was to elucidate mechanisms involved in the intergenerational transmission of trauma-related distress. This study investigated whether betrayal trauma (BT; abuse by a person close to the victim) and specific parenting attitudes and behaviors among mothers with child abuse histories predicted internalizing and externalizing symptoms in their children. Mothers and children (ages 7–11) were recruited for a project on parenting and stress (N = 72). Maternal betrayal trauma predicted both internalizing (β = 0.33, p < .01) and externalizing symptoms (β = 0.25, p < .05) even when controlling for mothers’ trauma-related symptoms. Negative attitudes toward limit setting predicted externalizing symptoms (β = ?0.33, p < .05). Poorer communication (β = ?0.39, p < .05) but higher parenting satisfaction (β = 0.38, p < .01) predicted internalizing symptoms. These findings demonstrate the importance of assessing maternal trauma and parenting characteristics as part of interventions with symptomatic children.  相似文献   

There are many measures that assess parenting skills or practices, such as behavior, beliefs, coping mechanisms, reactions to stress, or discipline. However, little is known about the psychometric quality of these parenting measures. This information is essential for practitioners and researchers to aide in the selection of the most valid and reliable measures to assess parenting behavior or attitudes. This study examined the psychometric quality among parenting measures published from 1985 to 2009. After the initial search 164 measures were identified, but were reduced to 25 measures that supplied some degree of psychometric information, were published in the United States or Canada, and were in English. Measures were compared across numerous categories including respondent type, norming data, administration type, and ten psychometric variables such as internal consistency, content validity, and predictive validity. Out of the 25 measures, seven had no acceptable psychometric properties, seven had only 1–2 acceptable ratings on psychometric properties, six had between 3 and 4 acceptable psychometric ratings, none had between 5 and 6 acceptable ratings, and only five had strong psychometric properties in seven or more of the 10 categories. Likewise, only five measures provided and norming information and 14 measures provided scoring procedures. Implications, limitations, and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigated attitudes and stereotypes about what feminist women, primarily from the United States, believed about a number of practices associated with attachment parenting which is theorized to be both feminist and non-feminist. The goals of this study were to determine whether feminists endorsed attachment parenting and whether stereotypes of feminists’ beliefs corresponded to actual feminists’ attitudes. Women were recruited online, primarily through blogs, to complete an online survey about feminism and mothering. Four hundred and thirty one women comprised the sample for the current investigation and included heterosexual-identified feminist mothers (n?=?147), feminist non-mothers (n?=?75), non-feminist mothers (n?=?143), and non-feminist non-mothers (n?=?66). Participants were asked to rate their own attitudes towards specific practices associated with attachment parenting and to indicate their perceptions of the beliefs of the typical feminist. Results indicated that feminists were more supportive of attachment parenting practices than were non-feminists. Non-feminists, particularly mothers, held misperceptions about the typical feminist, seeing them as largely uninterested in the time-intensive and hands-on practices associated with attachment parenting. Feminist mothers also held stereotypes about feminists and saw themselves as somewhat atypical feminists who were more interested in attachment parenting than they thought was typical of feminists. Our data indicated that feminists did endorse attachment parenting and that stereotypes of feminists related to attachment parenting are untrue. Furthermore, the role of feminism in the identity of feminist mothers and whether attachment parenting is truly a feminist way to parent are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper explores a feasibility trial examining the effects of the Make Parenting A Pleasure (MPAP), a 12-week parent training program designed to promote family resilience by strengthening the following factors: parental resilience, social connections, concrete support in times of need, knowledge of parenting and child development, and social and emotional competence in children. Fifty-nine (59) participants were assigned to either a treatment group (n?=?32) or a waitlist control group (n?=?27). Results showed that participants in the MPAP treatment group demonstrated an increase in parenting skills and child development knowledge as well as a decrease in parental depression when compared to waitlist control group participants. Results emphasize the importance of promoting resiliency by supporting parents through direct instruction and skill development.  相似文献   

从代际传递的角度,考察父母坚毅力和子女坚毅力的关系,同时检验教养方式在二者之间的中介作用。方法:采用问卷法对北京市三所中学初一、初二年级共302名青少年及其父母的数据进行调查,研究工具采用坚毅力问卷(Grit-Scales)、父母教养方式问卷(PBI)。结果:(1)父亲和母亲的坚毅力总分及两个维度兴趣一致性、坚持努力均可正向预测青少年坚毅力总分及各维度;(2)父亲教养方式的关爱维度在父亲坚毅力与孩子坚毅力之间起中介作用,母亲教养方式的关爱维度在母亲坚毅力与孩子坚毅力之间起中介作用。结论:坚毅力存在代际之间的传递,并且教养方式的关爱维度在代际传递过程中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

为探索希望在父母与学前儿童之间的代际传递效应,以及父母教养方式在其中的中介作用,使用成人特质希望量表、儿童希望量表(他评版)及教养方式问卷对1034名学前儿童的家长进行了调查。结果表明,父母希望显著正向预测儿童希望,教养方式在其中起部分中介作用,且这一中介模型对于父亲和母亲完全等价。说明希望存在代际传递性;希望水平高的父母更倾向于采取积极的教养方式,进而提升学前儿童的希望水平;并且父亲和母亲以相同的模式将希望通过教养方式的中介作用传递给儿童。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to study the intergenerational correlations of punitive disciplining of children. In an international sample, 112 individuals evaluated their experience of disciplinary methods from their childhood, as well as current perception of disciplinary methods and their own context of parenting. The results showed that the experience of corporal punishment or psychological aggression in childhood correlates with acceptability of inflicting corporal punishment or psychological aggression as a parent. There was an interaction between the experience of punitive discipline and experiencing confidence in carrying out parenting tasks and experiencing present-day stress. Context of parenting (e.g., confidence in carrying out parenting tasks) and perceptions of punitive disciplining might help us understand intergenerational transfer of parenting styles.  相似文献   

Journal of Child and Family Studies - Patterns of parenting behaviors tend to persist across generations, but less is known about the associations between mothers’ perceived histories of...  相似文献   

Second-, third-, fifth-, and sixth-grade children evaluated relationship qualities of a self-nominated friend and a self-nominated very best friend over a 6-month school year period. Results demonstrated that 76% of the friend relationships and 50% of the very best friend relationships were maintained over the course of the study. Children in maintained friendships evaluated their relationships more positively and also reported having larger friendship networks in general compared with children whose friendships did not endure over time. Thus those with unstable relationships are having difficulty initiating new friendships as well. For very best friends, positive relationship qualities (e.g., caring) did not change over time for children in maintained relationships, while positive relationship qualities decreased over time for children in nonmaintained relationships. Further, no differences emerged between children in maintained and nonmaintained very best friendships on perceptions of negative relationship qualities (e.g., conflict).  相似文献   

Although the intergenerational transmission of trauma has been well documented, the pathways by which trauma symptoms are passed between parents and children remain unclear. This study examined the mediating role of parenting styles in the transmission of maternal trauma to children. Participants were a sample of 105 mothers of toddlers (18–30 months old). Mothers who had experienced interpersonal trauma were more likely to have an authoritarian parenting style, including verbal hostility, physical coercion, and low nurturance. Verbal hostility especially predicted more prevalent and increasing toddler symptoms associated with affective, hyperactive, and oppositional defiant disorders. Thus, the verbal hostility component of authoritarian parenting could serve as a major intergenerational pathway between maternal trauma and early child symptoms.  相似文献   

This study investigated the properties of a new rating instrument, the Parenting Questionnaire (PQ), designed to measure attitudes about acceptable and unacceptable parenting practices. In Study 1, subject matter experts representing culturally diverse psychologists, parents, and college students were consulted to identify 110 items receiving high endorsement. In Study 2, items were administered to 1,398 undergraduate students to examine their factor structure and the effects of ethnicity and gender differences on PQ factors. In Study 3, test–retest reliability (N = 92) and convergent validity (N = 142) of the PQ factors were examined. Exploratory factor analysis revealed three factors (total of 63 items) with high internal consistencies that accounted for a moderate amount of total variance (R 2 = .38). The factors were Critical Feedback (26 items), Supportive Feedback (26 items), and Physical Discipline (11 items). Significant ethnicity and gender differences were found on the three PQ factors, as well as a significant interaction between ethnicity and gender on the Supportive Feedback factor. PQ factor scores demonstrated good temporal stability, internal consistency, and convergent validity. Overall findings suggest that the PQ is a reliable, stable, and valid measure of attitudes toward parenting with three distinct factors. Future research directions with parents are discussed.  相似文献   

Most older people who have been sexually abused in childhood have probably never been treated for the consequences of their destructive experiences. The character pathology and long-term effects of child sexual abuse are described. Parallels were drawn between delayed Posttraumatic Stress Disorder seen in older veterans and World War II victims and later-life onset of posttraumatic psychopathology in aging incest survivors. Special geropsychological treatment issues, such as the appropriateness of explicit inquiry regarding a history of abuse and the role of power, gender, and shame in the psychotherapeutic relationship, are presented. The dilemma of uncovering repressed malignant childhood trauma in aging individuals is discussed. With proper medical and psychological preparation, demanding curative interventions with older survivors may be considered.  相似文献   

Adopting a system justification perspective (Jost and Banaji 1994), we investigated the manner and extent to which gay men and lesbians might internalize a sense of inferiority when it comes to parenthood. In an Italian sample of gay and lesbian individuals, we found that gay men who scored high (versus low) on system justification and right-wing conservatism regarded same sex parents as less competent; these effects were mediated by internalized homophobia. Lesbian women, however, perceived lesbian parents as more competent than opposite sex parents, regardless of ideological orientations. For gay men the internalization of societal discrimination harms perceptions of parental competence, whereas for lesbians gender stereotypes about parenting trump the negative effects of bias related to sexual orientation. These findings suggest that men??s and women??s perceptions of their own bodies and capacities are strongly affected by sociocultural processes, including ideological processes.  相似文献   

A one group pretest-posttest design was used to investigate effects of an extracurricular science intervention on female and male junior high school students’ science performance, self-worth, social skills, and sexist attitudes. Twenty-eight 8th grade Taiwanese students (16 boys, 12 girls) from single parent families participated in this study. Student responses to a questionnaire measuring their self-worth, social skills, and sexist attitudes, and interviews and classroom observations used for triangulation and consolidation of qualitative findings revealed that girls improved significantly on several indices of science performance, and that both boys and girls decreased their sexist attitudes. Girls had significantly less sexist attitudes than boys at both pretest and posttest. Implications for practice and research are provided.  相似文献   

运用“多前因变量-多结果变量”框架, 探讨教养方式、气质对青少年直接和间接攻击有无独特效应与差别效应, 以及规范信念(认为攻击他人是正确和可接受的)在其中的中介作用。660名青少年(平均年龄14.14岁, 女生364人)报告了教养方式、气质特征、攻击信念和攻击行为的情况。多重和多元回归分析表明:(1)教养方式(权威、专制、纵容)对直接攻击独特效应不显著, 气质(意志控制、愤怒挫折、感觉寻求)对直接攻击有独特效应; 教养方式(权威、专制、纵容)和气质(意志控制、感觉寻求)对间接攻击有独特效应。(2)教养方式(权威、专制、纵容)与直接攻击的联系显著弱于其与间接攻击的联系, 而气质(愤怒挫折、感觉寻求)与直接攻击的联系则显著强于其与间接攻击的联系。(3)两类规范信念与两类攻击具有不完全的特异性联系, 而且直接规范在气质(意志控制、感觉寻求)与两类攻击之间具有中介作用, 间接规范在教养方式(权威)与间接攻击、气质(愤怒挫折)与两类攻击之间具有中介作用。因此, 教养方式和气质对不同形式攻击行为的影响不同, 且这种影响可以部分地由规范信念加以解释。  相似文献   

A survey of employers demonstrated that positive attitudes and basic skills developed in high school were more important for recently graduated new employees than was training in specific skills.  相似文献   

Intensive mothering (IM) attitudes have been considered the dominant discourse of motherhood, but have only been assessed qualitatively The goal of this study was to develop a quantitative scale to assess these ideologies, their construct validity, and their relationship to relevant constructs (i.e., work status and division of household labor). An on-line questionnaire was given to 595 mothers asking 56 questions assessing different aspects of IM attitudes as well as several validation measures. An Exploratory Factor Analysis on 315 randomly selected mothers yielded a 5 factor solution. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis on the remaining 280 mothers demonstrated good fit. The five factors expressed the ideas that (1) women are inherently better at parenting than men (Essentialism), (2) parenting should be fulfilling (Fulfillment), (3) children should be cognitively stimulated by parents (Stimulation), (4) mothering is difficult (Challenging), and (5) parents should prioritize the needs of the child (Child-Centered). Scales had adequate reliability and construct validity compared to the Parental Investment in the Child questionnaire, the Parenting Sense of Competence Scale, and Beliefs about Maternal Employment. The Essentialism, Fulfillment, and Challenging scales were positively related to having more responsibility for child care and household chores. Stay-at-home mothers had higher scores on Essentialism and lower scores on Stimulation than both part-time and full-time working mothers supporting the notion that both working and non-working mothers have intensive parenting ideologies that are manifested in different ways.  相似文献   

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