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Baddeley和Hitch(1974)提出的工作记忆模型被广泛地应用数学运算领域,但是已有研究还缺乏系统性。首先,当前的研究主要集中在加法和乘法两种运算上,较少涉及减法、除法和更为抽象的代数运算;第二,研究者对语音环路和中央执行系统的作用进行了较深入的研究,但常常忽略视空间模板的作用;第三,工作记忆在数学运算过程中的作用具有动态性,它受到一些外部因素、数学任务内在因素和个体认知因素(如认知策略)的影响;第四,几乎有关研究都肯定中央执行系统在数学运算过程中的重要作用,然而负荷于中央执行系统的次级任务所含成分或功能的复杂性,导致我们很难确定中央执行系统如何作用于数学运算。对这些问题的研究将是未来可能的研究方向  相似文献   

视觉工作记忆在视觉搜索中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
视觉工作记忆在视觉搜索中的作用远比偏向竞争模型所描述的要复杂,个体能根据当前任务要求灵活地利用工作记忆来引导注意选择。在系统回顾已有研究的基础上,从客体工作记忆、空间工作记忆和执行工作记忆3个方面探讨了视觉工作记忆在视觉搜索中的作用。根据近期的研究,文章在最后对视觉工作记忆在视觉搜索中的作用做了7点总结,并对已往研究中存在的若干问题给予了解释,指出未来应该从前瞻记忆和内隐记忆等角度对视觉搜索中所涉及的视觉记忆进行深入研究  相似文献   

目的:考查工作记忆系统中与目标保持密切相关的成分——工作记忆容量、转换和抑制功能在归纳推理能力老化中的作用。方法:招募年轻和老年被试共117名,接受图形推理测验、数字工作记忆广度测验、任务转换和Stroop测验。结果:工作记忆容量在归纳推理能力老化中起到显著的中介作用,而转换功能的中介作用则未达到显著。结论:增龄导致了工作记忆容量的衰退,进而造成了归纳推理能力的老化。  相似文献   

This study examines age-related differences in reading comprehension analyzing the role of working memory and metacomprehension components in a sample of young (18–30 years), young-old (65–74 years), and old-old (75–85 years) participants. Text comprehension abilities were measured by a standardized test, including two texts: a narrative and an expository text. The elderly's reading comprehension performance, when compared to the norm, emerged to be adequate. More specifically, the young-old showed an equivalent level of comprehension as the young adults for the narrative text. However, a clear age-related decline was found in the case of the expository text. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that working memory capacity, as well as different metacomprehension components but not age, are the key aspects in explaining the different patterns of changes in the comprehension of narrative and expository texts.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated that loss of financial capacity is a common consequence of Alzheimer's disease (AD). While progressive cognitive decline is a defining feature of AD, the relationship between such decline and loss of financial capacity in AD remains unclear. Working memory may be strongly associated with financial abilities, as many financial tasks require temporary storage and manipulation of numerical and other data. The present study examined the relationship between financial capacity and working memory in AD patients. Participants included 20 AD patients and 23 cognitively intact older controls. Working memory was conceptualized using Baddeley and colleagues' model, which posits that the three components of the working memory system are the visuospatial sketchpad, phonological loop, and central executive system. The present study examined only the latter two components of working memory. Each participant was administered the Financial Capacity Instrument (FCI), an instrument that directly assesses eight domains of financial activity, and the WAIS-III Working Memory subtests (Digit Span, Arithmetic, Letter–Number Sequencing). AD patients as a group performed significantly below controls on the FCI Total Score and on each of the eight FCI domains and working memory subtests. Within the AD group, measures of the central executive component of working memory (WAIS-III Digits Backward, Arithmetic, and Letter-Number Sequencing tests) showed strong correlations with the FCI domains of basic monetary skills, checkbook management, bank statement management, and bill payment and FCI total score, while a measure of the phonological loop component of working memory (WAIS-III Digits Forward) was not significantly correlated with any FCI domains or with the FCI total score. The results suggest that the multiple domains of financial capacity are primarily correlated with the central executive component of working memory.  相似文献   


Researchers have begun to delineate the precise nature and neural correlates of the cognitive processes that contribute to motor skill learning. The authors review recent work from their laboratory designed to further understand the neurocognitive mechanisms of skill acquisition. The authors have demonstrated an important role for spatial working memory in 2 different types of motor skill learning, sensorimotor adaptation and motor sequence learning. They have shown that individual differences in spatial working memory capacity predict the rate of motor learning for sensorimotor adaptation and motor sequence learning, and have also reported neural overlap between a spatial working memory task and the early, but not late, stages of adaptation, particularly in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and bilateral inferior parietal lobules. The authors propose that spatial working memory is relied on for processing motor error information to update motor control for subsequent actions. Further, they suggest that working memory is relied on during learning new action sequences for chunking individual action elements together.  相似文献   

Although several types of figurative language exist, neuropsychological tests of non-literal language have focused on proverbs. Metaphors in the form X is (a) Y (e.g., The body’s immunological response is a battle against disease.) place a lower demand on language skills and are more easily manipulated for novelty than proverbs. Forty healthy participants completed the Metaphor Interpretation Test (developed by the authors). The task includes 20 items chosen from a list of metaphors that were rated on several scales (e.g. imagery, aptness) in a study by Katz et al. (Metaphor Symb Act 3(4):191–214, 1988). Participants were asked to rate the familiarity and provide an explanation of each metaphor. A scoring system was developed to categorize answers into: abstract complete (AC), abstract partial (AP), concrete (CT), and other/unrelated (OT) types. Participants also completed short-term memory and divided attention tests. Overall, participants produced 56 % AC, 25.38 % AP, 7.88 % CT, and 10.88 % OT responses. It was found that a measure of verbal short-term memory span was the best predictor of performance on this task (adjusted \(R^{2}= .369\) ). It appears that short-term memory span, not working memory or divided attention, contributes most to providing abstract responses in explaining metaphors. This is in line with the idea that when one accesses the semantic network associated with a novel metaphor, one must hold this information in mind long enough to search for and link similar cognitive networks.  相似文献   

The role of working memory (WM) and inhibition in mental set shifting was examined from an individual difference perspective in children aged 5–14 years (N = 117). Using the Hearts and Flowers task the rationale of the present study was to directly test the theoretical assumption that mental set shifiting in childhood primarily builds on WM and inhibitory processes. Theoretical predictions about WM and inhibitory demands in the congruent and incongruent conditions of the Hearts and Flowers task were also considered because these blocks underlie relevant measures of set shifting. The findings show that both WM and inhibition (extracted as factors in confirmatory factor analysis) are important for set shifting but that this general association is driven by the link between these executive functions (EFs) and the goal‐representation aspect (i.e. global switch costs) of shifting, rather than to the actual switch‐implementation process (i.e. local switch costs). In addition, our findings are novel in showing that, despite a substantial correlation between the two EF components, it was the variance specific to WM and inhibition that was important for mental set shifting. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

傅亚强  许百华 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1077-1082
本研究通过模拟复杂人机系统的监控作业,考察了长时工作记忆与短时工作记忆在情境意识保持中的作用。研究采用模拟的飞行相撞判断任务,通过考察中断任务对情境意识的影响,分析情境意识在记忆中的存储地点,以及保持时间是否会突破1分钟的限制。本研究选择了心理旋转和算式判断两种中断任务。实验结果表明,在问题回答之前的中断阶段,无论施加心理旋转任务,还是施加算式判断任务,无论中断任务的加工负荷与记忆负荷有多高,熟练被试的情境意识始终保持于较高的水平,并没有因受到中断任务的干扰而出现下降。新手被试的情境意识受到心理旋转任务和算式判断任务的显著影响,而且两种任务的执行速度越快、记忆负荷越大,情绪意识水平就越低。本研究结果说明熟练被试可以利用长时工作记忆存储情境意识,新手被试主要利用短时工作记忆存储情境意识。  相似文献   

选择20名大学二年级数学系的学生作为被试,要求他们完成控制条件、语音任务、手动击键任务和随机间隔决策任务条件下的简单整式和等式判断任务,实验结果表明:(1)三种次级任务均非常显著影响真假等式的反应时,(2)三种次级任务对真假不等式判断的错误率产生了不同程度的影响。这说明,语音环路、视空间模板和反应选择成分参与简单整式和判断,而且真假等式判断需要不同的注意资源。  相似文献   

工作记忆子成分在听觉障碍儿童心算过程中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张明  陈骐 《心理科学》2006,29(1):76-79
采用2×2×3的混合实验设计,比较听力正常儿童和听觉障碍儿童在心算作业上的差异,考察了工作记忆子成分在听觉障碍儿童心算过程中的作用。结果表明,与听力正常儿童相比,听觉障碍儿童在高存储负载水平下的心算成绩显著降低,说明语音回路负责心算过程中的存储成分;而且听觉障碍儿童在对中央执行能力有高需求的实验条件下的作业水平并不比正常听力儿童差,说明他们的中央执行能力并没有受到损失。  相似文献   

Although research has shown that general cognitive ability is related to performance during the initial stage of skill acquisition, empirical evidence is needed to increase understanding of the primary abilities responsible for the relation. We propose that verbal working memory is related to initial skill acquisition performance based on cognitive activities people enact when learning complex skills. After completing a general cognitive ability measure and a test of verbal working memory, 120 undergraduate students performed a complex computer simulation. The working memory test accounted for a meaningful amount of performance variance after statistically controlling for the general cognitive ability measure. These data suggest that tasks depending heavily on the activation of multiple knowledge structures may be understood in terms of individual differences in working memory.  相似文献   

张豹 《心理科学进展》2012,20(2):228-239
视觉搜索是人类从作用于视觉系统的大量信息中选择相关信息进入信息加工系统的一种认知功能, 同时也是研究选择性注意的一种常用范式。工作记忆作为一种服务于当前任务信息的存储与加工的认知系统, 在视觉搜索过程中扮演着关键角色。为了深入了解工作记忆在视觉搜索过程中的作用机制, 在梳理已有成果的基础上, 分别从工作记忆对靶子模板的储存、视觉搜索项目与靶子模板在工作记忆中的匹配及工作记忆对已检测过搜索项目的记忆三个方面进行综述。最后结论表明工作记忆确实在视觉搜索过程中起作用, 但其作用机制仍存在较多争议。  相似文献   

工作记忆是当前认知心理学中的一个研究热点,而其言语子系统与视觉子系统之间的关系又是一个颇具争论性的问题。实验1、2采用双任务范式考察了言语工作记忆对视觉工作记忆的影响。结果发现,满负荷言语负载条件下的视觉记忆的成绩显著低于无言语负载条件。这表明,言语工作记忆影响了视觉工作记忆任务的完成。  相似文献   

选择大学二年级数学系的学生作为被试,要求他们完成控制条件、语音任务、手动任务和随机间隔决策任务条件下的简单指数乘法等式判断任务,实验结果表明:(1)三种次级任务在真假等式判断的反应时上的干扰效应非常显著;(2)三种次级任务显著增加了假等式判断的错误率,但没有显著增加真等式判断的错误率。这说明,语音环路、视空间模板和反应选择成分参与简单指数乘法等式判断,而且真假等式判断具有不同的注意资源需求。  相似文献   

以115名7、10、13岁儿童为研究对象,采用配对联想学习、倒序背数、字母-数字排序、图画概念和矩阵推理等测验,考察联想学习与工作记忆在流体智力发展中的作用。结果发现:联想学习与工作记忆在流体智力发展中均起着重要的作用,然而,在不同年龄上,两者对流体智力的作用并不相同。具体来说,在7岁时,联想学习对流体智力的作用显著,而工作记忆的作用不显著;到10岁和13岁时,工作记忆对流体智力的作用显著,而联想学习的作用不再显著。从效应量来看,随着年龄的增长,联想学习对流体智力的作用逐渐减小,而工作记忆的作用则逐渐增加。  相似文献   

人和动物对声源方位的感知和心理确定建立在神经生理基础之上,得到了大量来自神经细胞电生理研究证据的支持。听中枢神经元可通过比较到达两耳声信号的不同特征和参量来体现其精确的声源定位能力。研究表明,声源定位过程是听觉系统复杂综合作用的结果,听觉中脑核团-下丘在这一过程中起着重要作用,下丘中大量双耳听觉反应神经元可编码声音(源)方位信息,甚至双侧下丘间的联合投射也有可能参与双耳听觉反应的调制。  相似文献   

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