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汉代易学大家京房在其八宫易学体系与世应格局中发明飞伏体例,对六十四卦进行创造性解说,揭示爻象或卦象显现与隐伏的两种存在状态,以及特定的爻与爻之间、卦与卦之间以及爻与卦之间互相对待、变化生成的关系。京房易学飞伏说以卦爻符号的飞伏显隐符示涵摄阴阳二气的消息变化,其理论来源于古人占候地气的观测实践,具有深远的历史渊源。京房易学飞伏说将天道运行彰显为阴阳、五行的气化流行,揭示了人处身其中、生生变化的生存境遇,体现了汉代易学沟通天人之际、深沉浩大的宇宙论品格,成为汉代易学尤其是汉易卦气学说的经典案例。  相似文献   

今本《易经》六十四卦可视作六十四个原型事件,每个事件均是一个时间性整体,其中,卦辞描述了整个事件的线索,爻辞则描述了事件的具体过程,爻的阴阳变化则揭示了事物变化之几的整体特性,而涵括三者的易时间是多元时间观的统一体。  相似文献   

从《左传》有关记载、《周易》有关传文和以往出土的有关战国竹书综合考究,推断《周易》爻题的形成是在公元前 500年后的孔子晚年或再稍晚一点的时间;《周易》与其前筮书的最大区别是有爻辞;爻题的从无到有,是由开始多用或沿用其他种类的筮书、筮占方法而走向独尊《周易》的发展特点决定的;爻题体现着蓍与爻、卦的联系,表示爻的时位与方位,提示如何积爻成卦,具有多种含义与作用。  相似文献   

<周易>古经虽没有出现阴阳、刚柔概念,但已经以奇偶为依据,将二爻、八卦设置为属性阴柔和阳刚的两仪二分结构,重卦而成的六十四卦及每卦中的六爻因此形成上下卦之间、各爻之间种种阴阳刚柔关系.由<周易>对其分合处位的态度以及与之相应的吉凶判定可见其对于阴阳交合、刚柔持衡的钟爱和追求.  相似文献   

西周数字卦的卦变规则应是:先后筮得两卦分别视为本卦和之卦,再用后筮得的之卦与本卦对应各爻的数字加以对比以确定本卦有无变爻,即本卦是否发生爻变并非由其自身决定。由记录占筮所得数字爻曾有改写归并的说法衍生出了六十四卦体系形成于我们所见的数字卦之后和用多个数字记写的数字卦并非占筮记录等说法,都是不能成立的。  相似文献   

郑玄易学的爻辰说与律吕音声说密切相关,在汉易卦气说的易学大语境下,以爻辰图式呼应八卦卦气图式,视爻为基本单元,涵摄符示了整体天地宇宙间阴阳二气之消息,物候节气时序之更替,万物万象之生化,并令汉代经学所彰显的人文礼乐精神,所重建起的儒家礼乐形态的整体哲学文化价值系统,透过以爻辰说为代表的易学的独特语境,相当完备地传达出来,以此也赋予<周易>郑氏学以突显礼乐文化精神的全新天人之学底蕴.这一爻辰说,继京房易学之后,又一次突显了五行在易学中的显赫位置,还承载了宇宙发生演化的信息,点醒人们深切体悟无字之宇宙大<易>.  相似文献   

什么是爻变 ,什么是卦变 ?爻变与卦变有什么区别、有什么联系 ,爻变与卦变的价值和意义何在 ?厘清这些问题 ,有利于深入探讨易学哲学。为了讨论方便 ,我们从爻变谈起。一、一阴一阳 刚柔相摩爻变有广狭二义。广义的爻变是指生卦、成卦、变卦过程中阴爻阳爻的组合变化。狭义的爻变是指八经卦 (即三爻卦 )和六十四别卦 (即六爻卦 )中阴爻阳爻的组合变化。《系辞》 :“易有太极 ,是生两仪 ,两仪生四象 ,四象生八卦。”按照邵雍和朱熹的解释 ,这是生卦、成卦过程中阴爻阳爻的组合变化 ,是广义的爻变。朱熹在《易学启蒙·原卦画》中综合邵子等人…  相似文献   

正消息卦理论"一阳来复"之"复",毫无疑问,指的是《周易》六十四卦中的复卦,复卦上坤下震,也就是《象传》所谓的"雷在地中(震为雷,坤为地)",全卦上五爻都是阴爻,只有初爻是阳爻,这一特殊状态使它成为后儒所创十二消息卦之首卦。1.消息卦起源十二消息卦虽属后人创造,但在《周易》原文中也有迹可循,剥卦《彖传》  相似文献   

论《周易》卦爻辞的文学价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论《周易》卦爻辞的文学价值邹然《周易》卦辞和爻辞是对六十四卦与三百八十四爻所蕴涵意义的确切界定,即对这些卦体爻符所代表的物象内容、人事现象及其占筮效用所作的文字表述,所谓“卦有小大,辞有险易;辞也者,各指其所之”,“圣人之情见乎辞”(《周易·系辞》)...  相似文献   

援老入易是王弼《周易注》的特色,而道家的"老",不是老庄而是黄老。王弼以黄老道家"与时迁移、应物变化"的"因循"政治哲学为指导,创造性发挥了《易传》中的时位学说,以卦时统帅爻位,从社会人事角度,将六十四种卦解释为六十四种社会时势及其成功之道,为统治者顺应时变,灵活运用儒、法、兵等诸子百家学说经邦治国,提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

In 1977 Draw-a-Person test was administered to fifth grade school children in a city and its surrounding rural villages in Turkey. In 2010, more than thirty years later, the test was administered again to a corresponding group of fifth grade children in the same locations. It is rare that we get scores from the ‘same’ population over a period of more than three decades. This paper reports such a comparison over time and draws attention to continuities and changes that provide us with insights into the effects of social change and development on human performance. In line with the commonly reported increases in intelligence test scores over time, gains in the DAP scores were found. At the same time, the variations along the rural-urban and socio-economic development levels obtained in 1970s were maintained in 2010. The comparative results point to greater gains at the lower part of the IQ distribution, in the less developed areas, decreasing the overall variance among the different groups.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that identification of line orientation is based on different mechanisms--a detector mechanism at large orientation differences and a computational one at small orientation differences--was tested in three experiments. The first two experiments compared reaction time and time of complete temporal summation (tc) in two tasks, line detection and line orientation identification. Identification at orientation differences 15 degrees or more was similar to detection in several respects, suggesting that it was accomplished according to the principle of "labeled lines." In agreement with the initial hypothesis, identification at differences smaller than 15 degrees had a slower time course and could not be explained by the "labeled lines" principle. Experiment 3 explored the orientation acuity as a function of exposure duration and stimulus energy. Energy could not completely substitute for time in providing high orientation acuity, a result suggesting the involvement of neurophysiological mechanisms of large time constants.  相似文献   

In this paper material is presented from supervision groups run for nurses and other mental health professionals. The patients presented to the group all came from different mental health settings and suffered from psychotic states of mind. In this paper I will argue that the psychodynamic model can help nurses and other front‐line mental health professionals in their understanding of psychotic process. Nursing staff, in particular, are with their patients over long periods of time and see them in different settings. The psychodynamic model can be helpful in giving mental health professionals a language for describing their experiences of, and interaction with, their patients. The psychodynamic model can also provide a dynamic picture of the patient's problems over time. This type of assessment and thinking, which includes an understanding of the dynamic process involved in psychosis, can then stand alongside the medical model.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted which tested the effect of two different types of cues on the allocation of attention in the visual field. Subjects responded to a target appearing either 6.5 degrees to the right or to the left of fixation in a field filled with small randomly positioned line segments. The target form was either a circle or diamond in which a horizontal or vertical line segment was positioned. Subjects made a speeded discrimination response on the basis of the orientation of this line segment. In the first experiment, there was always one target at each trial. In the second experiment, both circle and diamond were presented left or right of fixation simultaneously whereby the line segment only appeared in one of the forms. In different conditions, the most likely target location (left or right) and form (circle or diamond) were cued. Control conditions served as a baseline for determining costs and benefits. Reaction time measures showed that the validity of the location cue resulted in both costs and benefits, whereas the validity of the form cue had no such effects. The results cannot be reconciled with the claim of zoom lens theories that spatial attention can switch between different modes of operations. They are also at odds with theories that claim that attention has no spatial locus. The results are consistent with a simple spotlight theory in which spatial attention involves selecting a particular restricted area of the visual field for which the perceptual efficiency is enhanced.  相似文献   

本研究考察视觉和读写习惯有关的感知运动经验是如何影响心理时间形成的。实验1和实验2分别采用一天内和一生中的词语或短句,以小学三年级的普生和盲生为被试,结果发现不论是短的还是长的时间,普生对早的刺激按左键,晚的刺激按右键反应更快,而盲生未出现早左晚右的心理时间线。实验3和实验4分别以短时间和长时间范围的时间词为材料,以初一盲生和普生为被试,结果发现普生和盲生都是对过去的时间按左键,未来的时间按右键反应快;而且在长的时间范围内,盲生的反应时长于普生。结果表明视觉是心理时间线的基础,阅读经验在盲生心理时间线的形成中起着关键作用。  相似文献   

In many jurisdictions, police instruct a witness, before presenting a photo line‐up, that the suspect's appearance may be different in the photo than it was at the time of the crime. The experiments reported here examine the impact of this ‘appearance‐change instruction’ (ACI), exploring its effects with different crimes, perpetrators, line‐ups, and different phrasings of the ACI. The data indicate that the ACI increases witnesses' willingness to make a choice from a line‐up but does not increase accuracy. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a typical haptic search task, separate items are presented to individual fingertips. The time to find a specific item generally increases with the number of items, but is it the number of items or the number of fingers that determines search time? To find out, we conducted haptic search experiments in which horizontal lines made of swell paper were presented to either two, four or six of the participants' fingertips. The task for the participant was to lift the finger under which they did not feel (part of) a line. In one of the conditions separate non-aligned lines were presented to the fingertips so that the number of items increased with the number of fingers used. In two other conditions the participants had to find an interruption in a single straight line under one of the fingertips. These conditions differed in the size of the gap. If only the number of items in the tactile display were important, search times would increase with the number of fingers in the first condition, but not depend on the number of fingers used in the other two conditions. In all conditions we found that the search time increased with the number of fingers used. However, this increase was smaller in the single line condition in which the gap was large enough for one finger to not make any contact with the line. Thus, the number of fingers involved determines the haptic search time, but search is more efficient when the stimulus can be interpreted as consisting of fewer items.  相似文献   

Z Wang  X N Wu  R Ni  Y J Wang 《Perception》2001,30(9):1143-1149
When two lines of different orientations are combined in regular stereograms, the orientation of the resulting line is different from those of the monocular lines. In this study we investigate the percept elicited by orientation disparity in Panum's limiting case. A variant of Panum's limiting case was designed to include orientation disparity. The single line in one half-image tilted leftwards. One of the double lines in the other half-image was parallel to the single line, while the other one tilted rightwards with obliquity one third that of the single line. In this stimulus configuration, if the single line in one half-image fuses with both lines in the other half-image at the same time, both of the two lines perceived after fusion should tilt leftwards. If double fusion does not happen, the two lines should tilt leftwards and rightwards respectively. The results of this study are in agreement with the latter prediction, which implies that double fusion does not occur in this variant of Panum's limiting case.  相似文献   

While the sport of basketball is usually characterized by a non-segmented and mostly uninterrupted play, the stoppage of the time due to time-outs (TOs) is widespread when the game is on the line. In the current investigation, we studied the effects of TOs on free-throw performance when NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) games were close and time was winding down (n = 99,026 combined sample). We generally found that time extension before execution undermined performance but not in the last minute of play when performance deteriorated altogether. In line, traditional icing when TOs were called by opposing coaches specifically to undermine performance in the last minute of play failed to exact the intended goal of lowering free-throw performance.  相似文献   

This paper reports some preliminary data on a “window-pointer” technique for measuring word processing time in reading. In this technique, almost all of the letters are masked on a page of text shown on a video monitor. The letters can be seen only through a “window” showing one word on one line. Subjects control the horizontal location of the window by moving a pointer left and right. When subjects want to move the window to the next line, the window is moved off the right end of the current line, and the pointer is moved back to the left. The window then reappears at the beginning of the next line. After some practice, subjects can move the window in approximate synchrony with their eyes, and can read the passage without any difficulty. The length of time the window spends on each word can then be used as a measure of word processing time. An analysis of these window durations indicates that they are similar in many respects to the gaze durations obtained with eye-movement monitoring techniques.  相似文献   

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