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Abstract.— An application of the Campbell and Fiske multimethod-multitrait analysis and factor analysis was used to study the convergent validity of the following indices of cognitive complexity: Bieri's Index, Vannoy's Interaction Variance Measure, Number of Factors, and First Factor Percentage. In the analysis the individual constructs elicited by Reptest were contrasted with two sets of provided constructs, namely Semantic Differential and Personality Differential scales. The subjects were 36 psychology students. The results indicated that the convergent validity of the indices over construct type was low and that the construct type had an effect upon the intercorrelations of different indices of cognitive complexity.  相似文献   

A procedure for evaluation of convergent and discriminant validity coefficients is outlined. The method yields interval estimates of these coefficients in a construct validation study conducted via the multitrait–multimethod approach, as well as permitting examination of their population relationships. The procedure is readily employed in behavioural research using the increasingly popular latent variable modelling methodology. The method is illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

The analysis of convergent and discriminant validity is an integral part of the construct validation process. Models for analyzing the convergent and discriminant validity have typically been developed for cross-sectional data. There exist, however, only a few approaches for longitudinal data that can be applied for analyzing the construct validity of fluctuating states. In this article, the authors show how models of latent state-trait theory can be combined with models of multitrait-multimethod analysis to develop a model that allows for analyzing convergent and discriminant validity in time: the multimethod latent state-trait model. The model allows for identifying different sources of variance (trait consistency, trait-method specificity, occasion-specific consistency, occasion-specific method specificity, and unreliability). It is applied to the repeated measurement of depression and anxiety in children, which was assessed by self and teacher reports (N = 375). The application shows that the proposed models fit the data well and allow a deeper understanding of method effects in clinical assessment.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Bruner & Tagiuri's (1954) concept of implicit personality theory, and Kelly's (1955) theory of personal constructs were used as a basis for a hypothesis that an individual's own constructs mediate more differentiated perceptions of other people than constructs provided by the experimenter. The hypothesis was tested by using four indices of cognitive complexity and one index of extremity of ratings to measure differentiation. The individual constructs were derived by using Reptest. The provided constructs were Semantic Differential and Personality Differential scales. The subjects were 36 psychology students. Two experimenters were employed to control experimenter effects. The data did not support the hypothesis but showed that differences between individual constructs and provided constructs are dependent upon which criterion is chosen to contrast the two types of constructs, which indices are used to measure the chosen criterion, and what type of provided constructs are compared with individual constructs.  相似文献   

We examined the internal consistency, factor structure, and validity of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief (SPQ-B). Two hundred thirty-seven psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents were administered the SPQ-B and a battery of well-established self-report instruments. The SPQ-B demonstrated adequate internal consistency. Exploratory factor analysis provided mixed support for the SPQ-B 3-factor structure of interpersonal deficits, cognitive-perceptual deficits, and disorganization. The Interpersonal and Cognitive-Perceptual subscales demonstrated convergent and discriminant relationships with other measures of interpersonal impairment and cognitive abnormalities. We concluded that the SPQ-B is a promising measure for evaluating schizotypal personality disorder features, specifically interpersonal and cognitive-perceptual deficits, with adolescent psychiatric inpatients.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate systematically various explanations focusing on information bias, information-processing bias, self-determination, false-consensus bias, quest for positive regard, and self-presentation strategies, that have been suggested for the Jones—Nisbett (1971) proposition that people describe their own behaviour as relatively more influenced by situational factors as compared to the actions of others. To test the scope and generality of this self—other asymmetry, a new methodology was introduced. Using Stimulus-Response Inventories of Hostility and Friendliness, the effects of different degrees of familiarity with target persons, of positivity—negativity of behaviours, and of the public—private nature of the rating context, were studied. Generalizability coefficients were used as indices for a dispositional and a situationist view on personality. The results support only explanations in terms of information-processing bias and self-determination strivings. Implications of this finding for the conceptualization of self-judgments and other-judgments are discussed.  相似文献   

A replication of Rorschach and MMPI-2 convergent validity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We replicated prior research on Rorschach and MMPI-2 convergent validity by testing 8 hypotheses in a new sample of patients. We also extended prior research by developing criteria to include more patients and by applying the same procedures to 2 self-report tests: the MMPI-2 and the MCMI-II. Results supported our hypotheses and paralleled the prior findings. Furthermore, 3 different tests for methodological artifacts could not account for the results. Thus, the convergence of Rorschach and MMPI-2 constructs seems to be partially a function of how patients interact with the tests. When patients approach each test with a similar style, conceptually aligned constructs tend to correlate. Although this result is less robust, when patients approach each test in an opposing manner, conceptually aligned constructs tend to be negatively correlated. When test interaction styles are ignored, MMPI-2 and Rorschach constructs tend to be uncorrelated, unless a sample just happens to possess a correlation between Rorschach and MMPI-2 stylistic variables. Remaining ambiguities and suggestions for further advances are discussed.  相似文献   

Although moral courage is a highly desirable behavior whose determinants need to be understood, research has largely neglected the emotions involved in moral courage. Does anger about the norm violation or (anticipated) guilt enhance such interventions even if general mood does not? As previous studies have often failed to overcome the limitations of self‐reported emotions and the use of behavior intention measures, we used a multimethod emotion measurement while observing real behavior. By realizing a real theft scenario in the laboratory (N = 68), we found that anger but neither guilt nor general mood predicted intervention behavior. Our findings complement and expand previous studies by showing that people who experience and express anger more strongly are able to overcome the psychological barrier of potential negative (social) consequences in a situation in which a fast and immediate intervention is needed, whereas others stand and watch. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The convergent and discriminant validity of subjective fit perceptions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examined whether employees develop perceptions about 3 different types of fit: person-organization fit, needs-supplies fit, and demands-abilities fit. Confirmatory factor analyses of data from 2 different samples strongly suggested that employees differentiate between these 3 types of fit. Furthermore, results from a longitudinal design of 187 managers supported both the convergent and discriminant validity of the different types of fit perceptions. Specifically, person-organization fit perceptions were related to organization-focused outcomes (e.g., organizational identification, citizenship behaviors, turnover decisions), whereas needs-supplies fit perceptions were related to job- and career-focused outcomes (e.g., job satisfaction, career satisfaction, occupational commitment). Although demands-abilities fit perceptions emerged as a distinct construct, they were not related to hypothesized outcomes (e.g., job performance, raises).  相似文献   

A critical examination of dialectical person perception as advanced by Lamiell, Foss, Trierweiler, and Leffel, (1983) reveals some important problems both in its empirical basis and in the underlying model of the intuitive personologist. The present article discusses these problems and suggests some alternative conceptions of the intuitive personologist.  相似文献   

A sample of 104 mid-level managers completed measures of fear of success, fear of failure, and the imposter phenomenon. First- and second-order factor analyses indicated that the instruments tapped two personality domains, lack of self-confidence and the competitive neurosis. Results are discussed in terms of the most appropriate use of the instruments employed in the analysis and the need to avoid redundancy in the development and popularization of new psychological constructs.  相似文献   

This article introduces the political person perception model, which identifies conditions under which perceivers rely on stereotypes (party membership), individuating information (issue position), or both in political person perception. Three studies supported the model's predictions. Study 1 showed that perceivers gave primacy to target information that was narrowly relevant to a judgment, whether that information was stereotypic or individuating. Study 2 found that perceivers relied exclusively on individuating information when it was narrowly relevant to the judgment and relied on both stereotype and individuating information when individuating information was not narrowly relevant to the judgment but did imply a political ideology. Study 3 replicated these findings in a more ecologically valid context and showed that people relied on party information in the absence of narrowly relevant policy positions and when individuating information did not imply a political ideology. Implications for political person perception and theories of stereotyping are discussed.  相似文献   

A matter of considerable debate is whether people spontaneously use categorical knowledge (i.e., stereotypes) to guide their interactions with others. Despite initial evidence for the unconditional automaticity of category activation, recent research has identified a range of factors that moderate this process. Extending this line of inquiry, the current investigation explored the extent to which contextual influences—specifically the order in which priming stimuli are presented to participants—may modulate person categorization. Using a standard semantic-priming paradigm to index category and stereotype activation, participants were presented with priming stimuli that were either intermixed or blocked by sex. The results revealed that: (i) category and stereotype activation are moderated by the order in which priming stimuli are presented; and (ii) priming effects decrease monotonically as a function of category repetition. The theoretical implications of these findings are considered.  相似文献   

This article reports two studies that examined the convergent and discriminant validity of the Need for Cognition Scale (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982). Using samples of college students and prison inmates, need for cognition scores were found to be positively associated with measures of self-esteem, masculine sex role attitudes, absorption, and private self-consciousness. Modest negative associations between need for cognition and measures of public self-consciousness and social anxiety were also uncovered. Need for cognition scores were generally unrelated to measures of feminine and androgynous sex role attitudes, shyness, sociability, and loneliness. These findings add further evidence supporting the construct validity of the Need for Cognition Scale and expand our understanding of the construct of need for cognition.  相似文献   

Vibrotactile patterns were presented to subjects' left index fingerpads using the array from the Optacon. A set of simple (one-line) patterns and a set of complex (two-line) patterns were constructed so that they were equally identifiable when presented individually. In Experiment 1, discrimination performance was lower for two-line patterns than for one-line patterns. Communality, the number of lines that two patterns share in common, appeared to be the major factor in reducing discrimination performance for two-line patterns. Experiment 2 measured the time required to identify individual patterns. There was no significant difference in identification times for one- and two-line patterns, suggesting that features within a pattern were processed simultaneously. In the presence of a temporal masking stimulus (Experiment 3), two-line patterns were more difficult to identify than one-line patterns, but reaction times were similar for the two sets of patterns. The results suggest that varying complexity affects perception of patterns at later stages of processing.  相似文献   

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