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The percepts evoked by sequential stimulation of sites in close spatial proximity (<2.5 cm) on the face were studied. Both method-of-limits and magnitude-estimation procedures were used to identify and characterize alterations in the percepts produced by systematic changes in the temporal and spatial parameters of the sequence. Each site was stimulated by a vertically oriented row of miniature vibrating probes. Apparent motion was consistently perceived when the delay between the onsets of sequentially activated rows (interstimulus onset interval, or ISOI) fell within a relatively narrow range of values, the lower limit of which approximated 5 msec. Both the upper limit and the perceived smoothness and continuity of the motion percepts (goodness of motion) increased with the duration for which each row stimulated the skin over the range evaluated, 15–185 msec. For the successive activation of only two rows, goodness of motion was not influenced by changes in their separation from 0.4 to 2.5 cm. The ISOI values at which magnitude estimates of goodness of motion were highest increased with the duration for which each row stimulated the skin. As such, maximum goodness of motion decreased with increases in the apparent velocity of motion. When the number of sequentially activated rows was increased from two to four or more, the quality of the motion percepts improved. For the successive activation of multiple closely spaced rows, values of ISOI at which numerical estimates of goodness of motion were highest approximated integral fractions of the duration for which each row stimulated the skin. In this situation, the probes rose and fell in a regular, step-locked rhythm to simulate an edge-like or rectangular object moving across the skin. The goodness of motion so attained was relatively independent of the apparent velocity of motion.  相似文献   

Adaptation phenomena provide striking examples of perceptual plasticity and offer valuable insight into the mechanisms of visual coding. Within the context of recent progress in neurobiology and computational modelling, I review evidence from studies employing psychophysical adaptation to investigate orientation and motion processing. These studies reveal marked similarities between the orientation and motion domains, raising the possibility that common computational principles underlie the processing of orientation and motion despite apparently distinct cortical substrates.  相似文献   

In daily life our visual system is bombarded with motion information. We see cars driving by, flocks of birds flying in the sky, clouds passing behind trees that are dancing in the wind. Vision science has a good understanding of the first stage of visual motion processing, that is, the mechanism underlying the detection of local motions. Currently, research is focused on the processes that occur beyond the first stage. At this level, local motions have to be integrated to form objects, define the boundaries between them, construct surfaces and so on. An interesting, if complicated case is known as motion transparency: the situation in which two overlapping surfaces move transparently over each other. In that case two motions have to be assigned to the same retinal location. Several researchers have tried to solve this problem from a computational point of view, using physiological and psychophysical results as a guideline. We will discuss two models: one uses the traditional idea known as ‘filter selection’ and the other a relatively new approach based on Bayesian inference. Predictions from these models are compared with our own visual behaviour and that of the neural substrates that are presumed to underlie these perceptions.  相似文献   

24 male subjects were divided into 3 groups, on the basis of their susceptibility to motion sickness. All subjects were then required to set a luminous line in an apparently vertical position while viewing the line from a body position which was deviated 70 degrees laterally from the upright. No visible frame of reference was available. A significant relationship between motion sickness susceptibility and errors in judging the vertical was discovered, the "intermediate" susceptibility group making the greatest errors. The role of the vestibular system in visual orientation and motion sickness is discussed. The result also indicates the potential value of using perceptual performance as a tool in the study of motion sickness and its correlates.  相似文献   

Visual acceleration detection: effect of sign and motion orientation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thresholds for the detection of constant acceleration and deceleration of a discrete object moving along horizontal and vertical axes were studied. A staircase methodology was used to determine thresholds for three average velocities (0.7, 1.2, and 1.7 deg/sec). Thresholds, expressed as the proportion of velocity change, did not differ significantly among the average velocities; thus, a consistent Weber-like fraction is suggested by the data. Furthermore, there was an interaction between the axis of motion (horizontal or vertical) and the sign of the velocity change (acceleration or deceleration): accelerations were easier to detect along the vertical axis, decelerations along the horizontal axis.  相似文献   

Caplovitz GP  Tse PU 《Perception》2006,35(7):993-997
We present a new multistable stimulus generated by continuously rotating an ellipse behind four fixed occluders. Despite the stimulus remaining constant, observers can alternate between one of four percepts: (1) a continuously morphing cross; (2) two independent perpendicular bars oscillating in depth; (3) a rigidly rotating ellipse observed behind the occluders; (4) a fixed cross observed through a continuously rotating, elliptical aperture. Interestingly, the initial percept naive observers tend to see is percept 1, which is the only nonrigid motion percept. This appears to be a violation of the hypothesized 'rigidity heuristic' in which rigid motion percepts tend to be perceived over retinally equivalent nonrigid ones. Here, we describe the relationships between each of the percepts and the assignment of contour ownership and figure/ground segmentation.  相似文献   

In visual search for a conjunction it is much more difficult to search for the conjunction of 2 colors or 2 orientations than for Color x Orientation or Color x Shape conjunctions. The result is not limited to particular colors or shapes. Two colors cannot occupy the same spatial location in Color x Color searches. However, Experiments 6 and 7 show that Color x Shape searches remain efficient even if the color and shape are spatially separated. Our guided search model suggests that in searches for Color x Shape, a parallel color module can guide attention toward the correct color, whereas the shape module guides attention toward the correct shape. Together these 2 sources of guidance lead attention to the target. However, if a target is red and green among red-blue and green-blue distractors, it is not possible to guide search independently toward red items and green items or away from all blue items.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that identification of line orientation is based on different mechanisms--a detector mechanism at large orientation differences and a computational one at small orientation differences--was tested in three experiments. The first two experiments compared reaction time and time of complete temporal summation (tc) in two tasks, line detection and line orientation identification. Identification at orientation differences 15 degrees or more was similar to detection in several respects, suggesting that it was accomplished according to the principle of "labeled lines." In agreement with the initial hypothesis, identification at differences smaller than 15 degrees had a slower time course and could not be explained by the "labeled lines" principle. Experiment 3 explored the orientation acuity as a function of exposure duration and stimulus energy. Energy could not completely substitute for time in providing high orientation acuity, a result suggesting the involvement of neurophysiological mechanisms of large time constants.  相似文献   

We present an ambiguous motion paradigm that allows us to quantify the influence of aspects of form relevant to the perception of apparent motion. We report on the role of bar element orientation in motion paths. The effect of orientation differences between bar elements in a motion path is small with respect to the crucial role of the orientation of bar elements relative to motion direction. Motion perception between elements oriented along the motion direction dominates motion perception between elements oriented perpendicularly to motion direction. The perception of apparent motion is affected by bar length and width and is anisotropic.  相似文献   

《Learning and motivation》2003,34(2):185-202
Repeated exposure to a mixture of two odors can increase their perceived similarity to each other when presented separately. Experiment 1 failed to detect any reduction of this effect by an interference treatment consisting of separate exposures to the odors after they had first been presented as a mixture. Exposure to a mixture also results in participants mistakenly rating this mixture and its elements as having occurred with equal frequency (i.e., confusing the mixture and its elements). The interference treatment did not affect this either, whereas it did change judgments about the frequency of a color–odor mixture and its elements. The greater resistance to interference of odor–odor learning compared to color–odor learning may result from configural encoding of odor–odor mixtures. Experiment 2 found that separate exposures to two odors not previously mixed decreased their perceived similarity. This result was inconsistent with the possibility that the interference treatment in Experiment 1 had tended to increase the similarity of the two odors, for example, by a process of sensory adaptation. Rather it suggested a process akin to acquired distinctiveness.  相似文献   

When, after prolonged viewing of a moving stimulus, a stationary (test) pattern is presented to an observer, this results in an illusory movement in the direction opposite to the adapting motion. Typically, this motion aftereffect (MAE) does not occur after adaptation to a second-order motion stimulus (i.e. an equiluminous stimulus where the movement is defined by a contrast or texture border, not by a luminance border). However, a MAE of second-order motion is perceived when, instead of a static test pattern, a dynamic test pattern is used. Here, we investigate whether a second-order motion stimulus does affect the MAE on a static test pattern (sMAE), when second-order motion is presented in combination with first-order motion during adaptation. The results show that this is indeed the case. Although the second-order motion stimulus is too weak to produce a convincing sMAE on its own, its influence on the sMAE is of equal strength to that of the first-order motion component, when they are adapted to simultaneously. The results suggest that the perceptual appearance of the sMAE originates from the site where first-order and second-order motion are integrated.  相似文献   

Recent theories propose that semantic representation and sensorimotor processing have a common substrate via simulation. We tested the prediction that comprehension interacts with perception, using a standard psychophysics methodology. While passively listening to verbs that referred to upward or downward motion, and to control verbs that did not refer to motion, 20 subjects performed a motion-detection task, indicating whether or not they saw motion in visual stimuli containing threshold levels of coherent vertical motion. A signal detection analysis revealed that when verbs were directionally incongruent with the motion signal, perceptual sensitivity was impaired. Word comprehension also affected decision criteria and reaction times, but in different ways. The results are discussed with reference to existing explanations of embodied processing and the potential of psychophysical methods for assessing interactions between language and perception.  相似文献   

Observers viewed monocular animations of rotating dihedral angles and were required to indicate their perceived structures by adjusting the magnitude and orientation of a stereoscopic dihedral angle. The motion displays were created by directly manipulating various aspects of the image velocity field, including the mean translation, the horizontal and vertical velocity gradients, and the manner in which these gradients changed over time. The adjusted orientation of each planar facet was decomposed into components of slant and tilt. Although the tilt component was estimated with a high degree of accuracy, the judgments of slant exhibited large systematic errors. The magnitude of perceived slant was determined primarily by the magnitude of the velocity gradient scaled by its direction. The results also indicate that higher order temporal derivatives of the moving elements had little effect on observers' judgments.  相似文献   

It has been reported that the tuning function relating masking of a vertical line to the orientation of a masking line differs in form depending upon whether the mask is presented with the target (simultaneous masking) or before it (forward masking). From such evidence, it might be concluded that different mechanisms are implicated. Lovegrove (1976) suggested that lateral inhibition mediates the simultaneous effect, whereas postexcitatory suppression (adaptation) mediates the successive effect. The six experiments reported here show that apparent motion cues reduce the effectiveness of successive masking when single-line stimuli are used, but that when such motion cues are eliminated, the two tuning functions are similar in form. It is, thus, unnecessary to invoke separate mechanisms in the two cases.  相似文献   

Preattentive recovery of three-dimensional orientation from line drawings   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
It has generally been assumed that rapid visual search is based on simple features and that spatial relations between features are irrelevant for this task. Seven experiments involving search for line drawings contradict this assumption; a major determinant of search is the presence of line junctions. Arrow- and Y-junctions were detected rapidly in isolation and when they were embedded in drawings of rectangular polyhedra. Search for T-junctions was considerably slower. Drawings containing T-junctions often gave rise to very slow search even when distinguishing arrow- or Y-junctions were present. This sensitivity to line relations suggests that preattentive processes can extract 3-dimensional orientation from line drawings. A computational model is outlined for how this may be accomplished in early human vision.  相似文献   

The effects of interstimulus and stimulus-specific factors on central (vs. peripheral) oblique effects were examined using classification, focusing, discrimination, and sequential same-different tasks. Classification results showed that grouping the vertical with the horizontal line and the two diagonal lines with each other facilitated performance. Discrimination results revealed that the two diagonal lines were more confusable with each other than were the members of any other stimulus pair. Focusing results indicated that the vertical and horizontal lines served as better focusing stimuli. A set of sequential same-different tasks, each using only two alternative stimuli, allowed for the examination of stimulus-specific factors in focusing; the effects of similarity relations between all stimuli in the total set were greatly reduced by the constrained context. The two diagonal lines were the most difficult to compare and proved to be the worst foci in these tasks as well. In conclusion, there are two factors operating in the central oblique effect: greater confusability between the two diagonal lines and more favorable stimulus-specific properties of vertical and horizontal lines.  相似文献   

Decision processes in visual discrimination of line orientation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The contribution of decision factors to the meridional variations in line orientation discrimination was determined for two-alternative forced-choice experimental designs. Using Johnson's (1980) formalization of decision processes in discrimination tasks, we identified three decision factors: the decision rule, memory variance, and criterial noise. In a first experiment, we showed the effect of experimental design on orientation discrimination to be similar at horizontal and oblique standard orientations, indicating that the meridional variations in orientation discrimination were not due to a decision rule anisotropy. In a second experiment, the effect of the interstimulus interval was also found to be similar at both standard orientations, suggesting that the memory variance is isotropic in the orientation domain. The results of two other experiments supported the hypothesis that the meridional variations in orientation discrimination are not due to a criterial noise anisotropy. These different results strongly suggested that the oblique effect in line orientation discrimination is due to sensorial factors rather than to decision factors. Therefore, they further support the hypothesis linking the anisotropy of the preferred orientation distribution of Area 17-S cells (a single physiologically defined class of cells in the primary visual cortex) and the meridional variations in line orientation discrimination.  相似文献   

Six experiments examined displacement in memory for the location of the line in illusory line motion (ILM; appearance or disappearance of a stationary cue is followed by appearance of a stationary line that is presented all at once, but the stationary line is perceived to “unfold” or “be drawn” from the end closest to the cue to the end most distant from the cue). If ILM was induced by having a single cue appear, then memory for the location of the line was displaced toward the cue, and displacement was larger if the line was closer to the cue. If ILM was induced by having one of two previously visible cues vanish, then memory for the location of the line was displaced away from the cue that vanished. In general, the magnitude of displacement increased and then decreased as retention interval increased from 50 to 250 ms and from 250 to 450 ms, respectively. Displacement of the line (a) is consistent with a combination of a spatial averaging of the locations of the cue and the line with a relatively weaker dynamic in the direction of illusory motion, (b) might be implemented in a spreading activation network similar to networks previously suggested to implement displacement resulting from implied or apparent motion, and (c) provides constraints and challenges for theories of ILM.  相似文献   

Since available evidence indicates that the two cerebral hemispheres are differentially sensitive to different types of stimulus information, and that they also utilize different strategies in processing information, is it possible that the two hemispheres are differentially sensitive to adaptation? Three groups of four subjects each were adapted to black and white gratings using three adapting durations: 500, 1,000, and 5,000 msec. Immediately following adaptation, a test grating was presented in either the left or right visual field. The task of the subject was to determine whether the lines of the adapting and test gratings had the same orientation or not. Analysis showed that in the 5,000-msec and 1,000-msec conditions, more errors occurred with left visual field presentations, responses to left visual field presentations took longer, and a bias-free measure showed that subjects were more sensitive to right visual field presentations. For the 500-msec group, there were no apparent differences between left and right visual fields presentations. The results indicate differential effects of adaptation on the two hemispheres, suggesting sensitivity differences between the two halves of the brain.  相似文献   

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