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个体不是孤立存在的, 其心理与行为的变化常依赖于与他人存在的关系。社会网络分析正是考虑到了这种依赖性, 发展出相应的处理关系变量的方法。在介绍社会网络理论的中心思想、社会网络分析的基本概念、数据表示方法和研究方法以及在个体水平和关系水平上的静态统计模型后, 使用UCINET软件展现了处理关系数据的基本步骤, 并简述社会网络分析在人格心理学、发展与教育心理学和管理心理学中的应用。  相似文献   

以大二到大四475名大学生为被试,采用中文网络成瘾量表(CIAS-R)及同伴提名法测量其网络成瘾情况及人际关系网络特征指标,考察大学生网络成瘾的同伴影响。结果显示:(1)男生比女生更多居于同伴团体的中心位置,且与他人的“距离”更近;(2)标准化入接近中心度对个体网络成瘾有显著的负向预测作用,表明个体越处在人际网络中心,越不容易网络成瘾;(3)同伴团体网络成瘾对个体网络成瘾有显著正向预测作用。个体人际关系网络特征对网络成瘾的同伴传染调节效应不显著,即不论个体社交地位如何,网络成瘾的同伴影响不存在显著差异。由此推论,良好的同伴关系是个体网络成瘾的保护因素,网络成瘾存在同伴传染效应。  相似文献   

为了探讨青少年学业成绩相似性对寻求支持关系的影响,以及友谊在其中的作用,本研究采用间隔一年的追踪设计,以36个班1126名初中生为被试,通过纵向社会网络分析方法对数据进行分析。结果显示:(1)学业成绩相似的青少年之间更容易建立友谊和寻求支持关系;(2)学业成绩相似性对青少年寻求支持关系的建立既有直接的促进作用,也可以通过促进友谊而产生间接的促进作用。  相似文献   

欺凌是一种涉及多类行为和多主体互动的群体过程, 但是已有研究很少在同伴的群体互动和关系变化过程中研究欺凌相关行为的发展。尤其是受欺凌作为一种被动承受而非主动选择的行为结果, 对其在同伴情境中的变化过程研究更为有限。本研究从青少年的友谊网络与其受欺凌的共变关系入手, 采用纵向社会网络分析法, 对来自26个班1406名学生进行为期1年的3个时间点(七年级末、八年级上学期末、八年级下学期末)的追踪研究, 结果发现:(1)受欺凌影响群体内友谊关系的建立:受欺凌水平高的青少年更难以与同伴建立朋友关系(同伴回避效应), 且更倾向于选择同样受欺凌水平高的个体作为朋友(同伴选择效应); (2)友谊关系影响受欺凌水平的变化:在群体中拥有更多朋友关系的青少年, 其受欺凌水平会逐渐降低(同伴保护效应); 但另一方面, 拥有高受欺凌水平朋友的青少年, 自己的受欺凌水平会随着时间呈增高趋势(同伴影响效应); (3)随着时间的发展, 女生的受欺凌水平比男生更容易降低(性别影响效应)。研究结果揭示了友谊网络和受欺凌的共变关系, 为校园欺凌群体干预提供启示。  相似文献   

以675名初中和高中学生为被试,采用社会网络分析方法,获得506名青少年在其班级中的网络中心度,并确定他们所属的同伴团体,在此基础上考察同伴团体的行为规范对其问题行为的影响。结果发现:(1)在控制了班级层次的问题行为水平和其他相关变量后,同伴团体的问题行为水平能够正向预测青少年自身的问题行为;(2)青少年在同伴团体内部的地位能负向预测青少年的问题行为,青少年在班级社交网络中的度数中心度能正向预测其问题行为,而中介中心度能负向预测其问题行为;(3)交互作用分析表明:同伴团体的问题行为水平主要对低中介中心度的青少年产生显著影响;仅在问题行为水平较高的同伴团体中,青少年的度数中心度正向预测其问题行为。  相似文献   

以756名中学生为研究对象,对学业投入、学业成就、同伴团体进行追踪测量,探讨青少年同伴团体的学业投入及学业成就是否存在同伴选择与同伴影响效应。结果表明:(1)在1年的追踪时间中,青少年学业投入的发展呈下降趋势,初始水平与下降速度负相关,学业成就的发展呈上升趋势,初始水平与上升速度无显著相关;(2)学业投入与学业成就存在同伴选择效应,青少年倾向选择与自己学业投入及学业成就相似的个体构建同伴团体;(3)青少年的学业投入及学业成就与同伴逐渐趋近相似,即同伴影响效应显著。  相似文献   

作为一种相对稳定的人格特质,社会价值取向指个体对于自己和他人结果分配的特定偏好。西方社会价值取向的研究经历了从双维模型到整合模型的发展。这些研究证实了实验室情境以及现实情境下社会价值取向对个体的行为决策和社会认知的影响。人际取向命题的提出是该领域的最新理论进展,情境因素和平等取向在未来研究中将得到更多的关注  相似文献   

研究探讨了大学生价值取向与社会幸福感之前的关系。对400名大学生进行问卷调查,通过相关和回归分析,结果表明,大学生价值取向与社会幸福感之间存在显著的正相关,并且价值取向对社会幸福感有一定的预测作用。  相似文献   

为考察社会排斥影响亲社会行为的心理机制及其边界条件,研究1采用cyberball范式操纵社会排斥,考察其对物质主义价值观和亲社会行为的影响;研究2采用回忆范式操纵社会排斥,并进一步考察了未来取向在社会排斥与亲社会行为的关系中的调节作用。研究结果表明:社会排斥可以负向预测亲社会行为,物质主义价值观在社会排斥对亲社会行为的预测中起部分中介作用,未来取向在社会排斥和亲社会行为之间起调节作用。研究结果揭示了社会排斥导致物质主义价值观水平升高,进而减少亲社会行为,而未来取向可以降低社会排斥对亲社会行为的负面影响。  相似文献   

通过对利他取向和社会赞许性两个维度的测试,将初中生被试区分为四种类型.借助对高、低赞许性情境的操纵,考察了四种类型被试在亲社会行为表现上的差异.结果表明,对亲社会行为的准确预测和解释要取决于利他取向、社会赞许性及情境三种因素的交互作用.社会赞许性变量的引入,加深了对高、低利他取向作用的认识,对指导初中生的思想品德教育有一定的意义.  相似文献   

Social network analysis: A methodological introduction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Social network analysis is a large and growing body of research on the measurement and analysis of relational structure. Here, we review the fundamental concepts of network analysis, as well as a range of methods currently used in the field. Issues pertaining to data collection, analysis of single networks, network comparison, and analysis of individual-level covariates are discussed, and a number of suggestions are made for avoiding common pitfalls in the application of network methods to substantive questions.  相似文献   

Applying resource control theory and social exchange theory, we examined the social network conditions under which elementary age children were likely to engage in relational aggression. Data on classroom peer networks and peer‐nominated behaviors were collected on 671 second‐ through fourth‐grade children in 34 urban, low‐income classrooms. Nested regression models with robust cluster standard errors demonstrated that the association between children's number of relationships and their levels of relational aggression was moderated by the number of relationships that their affiliates had. Children with more peer relationships (i.e., higher network centrality) exhibited higher levels of relational aggression, but only when these relationships were with peers who had fewer connections themselves (i.e., poorly connected peers). This finding remained significant even when controlling for common predictors of relational aggression including gender, overt aggression, prosocial behavior, victimization, social preference, and perceived popularity. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for advancing the literature on childhood relational aggression and their practical applications for identifying children at risk for these behaviors.  相似文献   

从四所小学的10个班中挑选出高欺负-受欺负班和低欺负-受欺负班,使用p*模型分析班内朋友关系的网络结构特点及其与欺负、受欺负的关系。结果发现:(1)低欺负-受欺负班级中的同伴关系网络倾向于形成开放性朋友关系结构,如边、2-星、3-星、4-星结构;高欺负-受欺负班级中的同伴关系网络倾向于形成闭合性朋友关系结构,如三角形、孤立者结构;(2)高、低欺负-受欺负班级中,欺负者均处于同伴关系网络的边缘化位置,且所处的关系结构位置与自身欺负水平的关联不显著;(3)受欺负者所处的关系结构位置与自身受欺负水平的关联也不显著,但是在低欺负-受欺负班中,受欺负者倾向处于同伴关系网络的边缘化位置,而高欺负-受欺负班中,部分受欺负者处于边缘化位置,部分受欺负者处于闭合性关系结构的核心位置。  相似文献   

张辉华 《心理学报》2014,46(11):1691-1703
基于社会网络视角, 分别以社会资本的关系性维度为中介变量, 以社会资本的结构性维度为跨层调节变量, 探讨了个体情绪智力对任务绩效的影响。通过收集模拟网络实验背景中46个项目团队210位个体的调查数据, 运用多元统计分析方法对提出的假设模型进行了实证检验。研究发现:在控制个性的前提下, 关系性社会资本在个体情绪智力影响任务绩效过程中起到中介作用, 结构性社会资本(咨询网络密度)跨层正向调节影响个体情绪智力与任务绩效的关系。结果表明, 不同层次的社会资本及其维度在情绪智力影响绩效过程中扮演着不同角色, 运用社会资本概念框架有助于解释情绪智力的作用机制。  相似文献   

Liu  Haiyan  Jin  Ick Hoon  Zhang  Zhiyong  Yuan  Ying 《Psychometrika》2021,86(1):272-298
Psychometrika - A social network comprises both actors and the social connections among them. Such connections reflect the dependence among social actors, which is essential for individuals’...  相似文献   

This study explores the use of the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), a neuro-fuzzy approach, to analyze the log data of technology-based assessments to extract relevant features of student problem-solving processes, and develop and refine a set of fuzzy logic rules that could be used to interpret student performance. The log data that record student response processes while solving a science simulation task were analyzed with ANFIS. Results indicate the ANFIS analysis could generate and refine a set of fuzzy rules that shed lights on the process of how students solve the simulation task. We conclude the article by discussing the advantages of combining human judgments with the learning capacity of ANFIS for log data analysis and outlining the limitations of the current study and areas of future research.  相似文献   

Transaction cost economics can be used to detect opportunistic behavior by one or more actors within a sales network. Using a sample of firms in the medical industry, where the role of salespeople is important, this study examines network centrality as a determinant of a salesperson’s opportunistic behavior in intrafirm relationships. The results indicate that opportunistic behavior is affected differently depending on a salesperson’s relational and positional centralities. While relational centrality decreases opportunistic behavior by providing motivation to protect one’s reputation, positional centrality negatively moderates the effect of relational centrality on opportunistic behavior. However, with a high relational centrality, a salesperson is less likely to be opportunistic when she or he is low in positional centrality than when her or his positional centrality is high.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2023,54(5):719-733
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is purported to work via targeting six interrelated processes summarized as the Psychological Inflexibility/Psychological Flexibility (PI/PF) model. However, the theoretical structure and interconnections of this model have not been sufficiently explored. Lacking are examinations of the interrelations among its components. Network Analysis (NA) can model PI/PF as a system of interconnected variables. We aimed at exploring the role and associations of the PI/PF model’s components using NA in two different samples and sets of scales, and compare its structure across sub-samples. Sample 1 consisted of 501 individuals, who completed an online battery of questionnaires including the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory, and Sample 2 consisted of 428 people, who completed an online set of six ACT measures, each assessing a component of the PI/PF model. NA could not verify the six ACT dimensions as distinct components. Values and Committed Action components were found to be strongly associated and combined in a group in both sets of measures and samples. Interestingly, Acceptance and Defusion were not the most central components as purported in some ACT conceptualizations, whereas Self-as-Context had a key role on both sets of measures and its items were often merged with Present Moment Awareness items. No significant differences were found in the comparison of networks across different subsamples and sets of scales. After combining different sets of scales, the six ACT components could not be completely verified as distinct entities, which might reflect problems with the theoretical model, or with the scales used. All components had critical roles in the model, particularly Self-as-Context, which reflects the need to redirect research towards this understudied construct. Findings point towards considerations of a triflex instead of a hexaflex ACT model.  相似文献   

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