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在文献分析的基础上,结合开放式问卷调查和深度访谈,经内容分析后初步构建中国人厚黑人格的理论结构,并进一步借鉴西方已有马基雅弗利主义相关项目,编制了中国人厚黑人格问卷,对调查数据进行项目分析、探索性因素分析和信、效度检验。结果表明:(1)中国人厚黑人格是一个包括性恶推断、手段扭曲、感情冷漠、利益执着的四维结构;(2)编制的中国人厚黑人格问卷的信效度均达到心理测量学要求。  相似文献   

权威主义人格是Adorno等人提出的一个概念,目的是揭示偏见的人格基础。在此基础上,Altemeyer提出右翼权威主义,它包含3个成分,分别是因袭主义、权威主义服从和权威主义攻击。后有研究者认为把这些概念作为态度来看待更为合适,而决定这些态度的人格基础是社会服从与自主。权威主义者对冒犯传统价值观的行为十分敏感,视其为威胁的重要来源,而感知到威胁就有可能导致偏见的发生  相似文献   

秦峰  许芳 《心理科学进展》2013,21(7):1248-1261
如果说大五人格代表了特质论人格心理学对非临床人格的研究成果,近期出现的黑暗人格三合一则代表了对亚临床人格阴暗面的研究成果。黑暗人格三合一由马基雅维利主义、自恋和精神病态三种人格特质构成,这三种人格特质在西方文化中均属于反社会型人格特质。对黑暗人格三合一的研究发现:(1)马基雅维利主义、自恋和精神病态各自独立又相互交织;(2)它们的测量工具均较为成熟;(3)黑暗人格三合一不仅具有反社会性,也具有亲社会性;(4)黑暗人格三合一反映个体的快速生命策略;(5)遗传和环境因素在黑暗人格三合一的形成中发挥不同作用;(6)黑暗人格三合一是不同于大五人格的人格特质群。  相似文献   

大学生心理传统性及现代性、人格特质与双元孝道的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了考察心理传统性及现代性、特质移情、权威主义人格与双元孝道之间的关系,426名大学生完成了心理传统性与现代性量表、特质移情量表、权威主义人格量表、孝道信念量表。结果显示:1)心理现代性、特质移情对互惠性孝道直接效应和间接效应显著,特质移情在心理现代性与互惠性孝道之间起部分中介的作用;2)心理传统性、权威主义人格对权威性孝道直接的效应及间接效应显著,权威主义人格在心理传统性与权威性孝道之间起部分中介的作用。  相似文献   

程祺  李孝明 《心理学探新》2011,31(3):234-238
目的探讨马基雅弗利主义者是否存在"冷"、"热"执行功能分离现象。方法选取178位高中学生,用马氏量表筛选出45人,分为马氏高分组(n=20)和马氏低分组(n=25),分别对两组的"冷"、"热"执行功能进行测量。结果在"冷"执行功能方面,马氏高分组(62.3±3.0)和马氏低分组(44.2±2.4)没有显著差异;在"热"执行功能方面,两组被试有显著差异。结论马氏主义者存在"冷热"执行功能分离现象。  相似文献   

冯契先生的"自由"观念既是哲学范畴,也有一定的社会政治意义。自由人格、自由意志的实现不能脱离人的社会实践活动,自由人格的问题离不开社会性存在这一前提,人的社会实践伴随着自由人格实现的历程。"权威主义"盛行或者出现"权威"凌驾于群众之上的情况,往往会对人民群众形成自由独立人格产生消极的影响,应当予以警惕,从这个意义上说,自由的社会应该是与异化"权威主义"盛行的社会有着明确界限。自由人格与自由社会是互为前提的,理想的社会应该是个性解放与社会凝聚力都得到保障的社会,人道主义与社会主义的结合是实现这种理想社会的路径。  相似文献   

刘寅的《武经七书直解》是明代最早、最有影响的《武经七书》注解版本,有明一代流传颇广。作为"宰相之杰"的张居正对"武事"甚为关注,也曾对《武经七书直解》进行增订。然而,因后世流传的版本较多,各家著录或有抵牾,甚至错讹之处。对现存的张居正增订《武经七书直解》版本情况进行梳理,并重点对张居正增订《孙子直解》的详细情况及其学术价值进行研究,将对张居正军事思想的研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

高中华  赵晨 《心理学报》2014,46(8):1124-1143
本研究基于个人-组织契合理论的视角, 通过对286份员工与直接主管的配对数据, 揭示了组织政治知觉对员工绩效(任务绩效和组织公民行为)的影响, 马基雅维利主义人格对这两者之间关系的调节作用, 组织认同在这两者之间的中介作用。层次回归分析结果发现:组织政治知觉对任务绩效、组织公民行为具有显著的消极影响, 马基雅维利主义人格可以显著调节组织政治知觉与任务绩效、组织公民行为两者之间的关系, 而组织认同是组织政治知觉与任务绩效、组织公民行为之间的完全中介变量。调节路径分析结果表明:马基雅维利主义对组织政治知觉与员工绩效之间关系的调节作用也是以组织认同为中介, 具体表现为被中介的调节作用。  相似文献   

转化人类主义主张通过运用基因修饰技术或生物机械工程等手段,使得人类能够超越生物性的限制以实现个体的增强——包括身体、智能和心理等能力的增强,其思想前提包括个体身份的非连续性、身体和心灵的工具化和财产化、对完美身体的追求等。通过阐明一种人格论的人本主义的观点,即人是具身的存在、是道德共同体中的成员、是具有尊严的存在,转化人类主义对人的理解被证明是自相矛盾的、非整体性的、物理主义的和脱离社会关系的。关于如何看待人、如何看待身体之于人格人的关系上,存在着客观的、规范性的认识,转化人类主义的观点与这种认识是相悖的。  相似文献   

帕特里克·李是当代天主教自然法理论的重要代表。一方面,其理论重视人的意志和自由的选择,肯定人的自由选择是人负道德责任的基础和依据,认为道德应为人的圆满和幸福服务。另一方面,其理论强调对道德原则和道德规范的服从,反对处境主义、结果主义和功利主义伦理学。因而,帕特里克·李的自然法理论是一种客观主义的人格主义的伦理学,属于具有绝对主义性质的伦理学。  相似文献   

该研究参照国内外已有的画人测验材料 ,并在以往使用绘人智能测验的基础上 ,重新设计 ,提出了一份包含 80个评分项目的画人评分标准。新标准首先在课题组内试用修改 ,然后又用于 9名标准评分员的培训 ,最后运用总计 2 5 8名 ,年龄为 6~ 1 2岁的小学儿童作预试 ,进行系统的项目分析。在上述过程中 ,对项目进行反复推敲删改 ,最终形成了一份供制订画人智力测验常模用的画人评分标准。该标准分有无、细节、比例、奖励四个维度 ,按身体部位分成头、头发、眼、耳、鼻、口、颈、躯干、上肢、手、下肢、脚以及连接和服饰共十四个大类 ,每大类包含 4~ 8个评分点 ,总计 75个评分点。  相似文献   

The following study investigated the effect of writing systems (logographic vs. alphabetic) on the temporal organization of reading aloud. More specifically, we wished to test Perfetti and Zhang's (1995) assertion that the reader of an alphabetic system can do better at recovering the phonological form, less well at recovering the semantic category of the word (p. 186f.). Native speakers of Chinese and German read a semantically identical passage from texts written in their own language. The Chinese version consisted of 132 characters (132 syllables), the German of 80 words (also 132 syllables). In accord with Perfetti and Zhang's position, Chinese readers articulated significantly more slowly; they also used significantly more pauses. Moreover, German readers used a set pattern of pause positions, whereas Chinese did not. Logographic and alphabetic determinants of reading aloud are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,走出中国哲学的合法性危机、探索中国哲学史研究的范式创新是学者们关注较多的话题。在讨论中,也出现了一些有建设性的意见。其中,著名学者张立文先生的“自己讲”、“讲自己”的观点尤其引人瞩目。张先生在此方面的系列观点,对于增进中国学者研究中国哲学的自主性来说,有一定的积极意义。然而,张先生关于“自己讲”、“讲自己”、“中国哲学转生规律”以及“和合学”的论述尚存在诸多待改进的方面。全面、客观地评价“自己讲”、“讲自己”的哲学史观,对于提高中国哲学研究的理论水平来说具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The five-factor model of personality, which has been widely studied in personality psychology, has been hypothesized to have specific relevance for DSM-defined personality disorders. To evaluate hypothesized relationships of the five-factor model of personality to personality disorders, 144 patients with personality disorders (diagnosed via a structured interview) completed an inventory to assess the five-factor model. Results indicated that the majority of the personality disorders can be differentiated in theoretically predictable ways using the five-factor model of personality. However, while the personality disorders as a whole appear to be differentiable from normal personality functioning on the five factors, the patterns are quite similar across the disorders, a finding that may provide some insight into the general nature of personality pathology but may also suggest problems with discriminant validity. Third, it does not appear that considering disorders as special combinations of features (as might be expected in some categorical models) is more informative than considering them as the sum of certain features (as might be expected in a dimensional model).  相似文献   

The place of temperament in personality research has been broadly discussed taking into account different understandings of both concepts - temperament and personality. Temperament may be regarded as (a) one of the elements of personality, (b) as a synonym of personality, and (c) as a phenomenon with its own specificity, not belonging to the structure of personality. Taking the latter position as a starting point, the author discusses five aspects in which temperament and personality differ: (a) the determinants of development, (6) the developmental stage in which temperament and personality are thought to be shaped, (c) the populations to which they refer, (d) the degree to which they are saturated with contents of behaviour, and (e) the role both personality and temperament play in integrating behaviour. It is concluded that the phenomena in which both concepts differ are not as strongly opposed as they are complementary.  相似文献   

Humans have historically been interested in understanding stable individual differences in behavioral tendencies, often referred to as personality traits. Recent work suggests that between‐person personality variability may be adaptive insofar as certain variations in personality constellations facilitate survival and reproduction across various types of groups and ecological niches. While past research has demonstrated that personality can be accurately inferred from self‐reports, other‐reports, and targets' past behavior, we discuss a more contemporary, yet understudied, means of personality inference: facial structure. We summarize research on personality traits that can be accurately inferred from facial structure, as well as how aspects of individuals' own personality, chronically accessible motives, and acutely activated goals lead to preferences for facially communicated personality that would aid in the satisfaction of these goals (e.g., higher need to belong predicts a stronger preference for faces whose structure communicates greater extraversion). We also discuss limitations of current approaches to understanding the relationship between perceiver personality and motives and their relation to perceptions of facially communicated personality as well as fruitful directions for future research.  相似文献   

国外品牌人格研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品牌人格是指消费者所感知的品牌所体现出来的一套人格特征。根据国外文献中存在的品牌人格相关研究这条线索,介绍了品牌形象论及品牌形象维度论两个派系关于品牌人格的定义,基于人格类型论和人格特质论两个理论源泉回顾了品牌人格的维度构成,并分别从消费者视角及企业视角归纳分析了品牌人格的影响作用,最后从研究内容、研究方法及理论借鉴三个方面探讨了现有研究的不足,并展望了品牌人格的研究趋势。  相似文献   

Growth in personality disorder research has been documented by previous authors up to 1995. The aim of the present study was to extend this by examining publications rates for individual DSM personality disorders over the period 1971–2005, and making projections to 2015 based on these data. It was found that personality disorder research has grown in absolute terms, and as a proportion of overall psychopathology research. Research output is dominated by borderline personality disorder, with strong publication rates in other conditions such as antisocial and schizotypal personality disorders. In contrast, several personality disorders such as schizoid and paranoid personality disorder have failed to attract research interest. Based on current projections, there is expected to be no research output in 2015 for schizoid personality disorder. It was found that the rate of publications for personality disorders was not influenced by the publication of the last three revisions of the DSM diagnostic criteria. Several potential explanations such as the difficulty in conducting certain types of personality disorder research, and the validity of the current DSM diagnostic taxonomy are discussed.  相似文献   

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