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This study employed manipulations which presumably influence social interactions in rats: (1) paired housing with a heavier conspecific and (2) exposure to the odors of other rats. The dependent variable was the akinetic state induced by haloperidol, a neuroleptic and dopamine antagonist. In Experiment 1, adult male Long-Evans hooded rats were matched by weight and caged alone or in pairs with one rat 30 g heavier than its cagemate. All rats received haloperidol (1.5 mg/kg) and catalepsy testing. Heavy rats showed more catalepsy than the lighter member of pairs or weight-matched, singly housed controls. In Experiment 2, adult male rats were left unrecaged or were recaged into cages with bedding recently soiled by females or other adult males. After haloperidol (1.0 mg/kg), the rats exposed to bedding soiled by other adult males showed more catalepsy than did the control groups. Thus, the results of both experiments indicated that social factors can influence the akinesia induced by dopamine antagonists.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the effects of social subordination during early pregnancy in the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Primiparous females were mated to proven breeders and stressed during early pregnancy. Females were housed singly throughout gestation except for Days 4, 5, and 6 when they were paired for 10-min intervals three times each day with another female matched for age, weight, and day of pregnancy. Within each of the pairs, one female was consistently dominant to the other. Controls were exposed to a novel area instead of a conspecific. At parturition, all pups were counted, sexed, and weighed. There were no significant differences between control and dominant females' litter sizes and sex ratios. Subordinate females produced significantly smaller litters than control or dominant dams and significantly lower sex ratios than control dams. Subordinates produced fewer males than control or dominant dams, but there were no differences in the number of females produced. The entire experiment was repeated exactly except that females received a small dosage of dexamethasone in their drinking water on Days 3-7 of pregnancy. In this second group, there were no significant reductions in mean litter size, sex ratio, or pup weights among litters born to subordinate dams. These results suggest that subordinate dams produce smaller litters via selective resorption of males in utero and that the typical adrenal response to stress mediates this response.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the respective roles of the main and accessory olfactory systems in the development of maternal behavior in the primiparous Wistar rat. Females underwent one of the following treatments: vomeronasal nerve section (VN), irrigation of nasal cavities with 5% ZnSO4 solution (ZN), surgical control, saline irrigation control, and normal control. Surgical or first irrigation were done before mating occurred. Irrigations were done every 7 days thereafter. The dams and their litters were observed from the day the litter was born (Day 1) through Day 16. Pup weights and temperatures were recorded daily. Home cages were checked daily for changes in nest location and number of times pups were found out of the nest. Retrieving tests were conducted on Days 4, 7, 10, and 13. The following behavioral items were observed: number of pup retrievals , number of times mother nosed or licked pups, percentage of litter returned to nest by end of test, dam self-grooming, dam climbing or rising, and dam digging or burrowing in shavings. The VN dams and their litters were not significantly different from the control dams and their litters on any of the measures taken. The ZN dams and their litters were not significantly different from their controls on all measures except for pup body temperature which was slightly lower from Day 13 through day 16 and pup body weight which was slightly lower from Day 12 through Day 16. Since these differences are very small, they do not seem to indicate a serious deficiency in maternal behavior. The results indicate that adequate maternal behavior develops with either of the two systems intact.  相似文献   

The effect of conspecific sex on maternal aggression in hamsters was determined by comparing the frequency of aggressive responses by dams continuously housed with either a virgin male or female cagemate during pregnancy and lactation. Dams easily established aggressive dominance over male cagemates soon after pairing, and their aggression was low thereafter for the duration of pregnancy and lactation. The aggression of dams with females, on the other hand, tended to fluctuate with highs during mid pregnancy and mid lactation and lows around birth. When dam aggression was low around birth, female cagemates frequently became aggressively dominant, and several dams lost their litters. The higher aggression of dams toward females than males is probably a reflection of greater intrasexual competition for environmental resources that includes pups.  相似文献   

During summer, female meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) maintain territories and males do not engage in paternal care. As day length shortens, territories dissolve and males nest with females and young. Because paternal behavior has never been studied in free-living meadow voles during colder months or in the laboratory under short photoperiods, the authors examined whether males housed in short day (SD) lengths exhibited more frequent or better quality paternal behavior than males housed in long day (LD) lengths. Sexually and parentally inexperienced (naive) SD males exhibited proportionally more and qualitatively better paternal care than naive LD males. SD males were more responsive than LD males to classic social cues associated with prepartum aggression inhibition and paternal onset. SD sires also displayed qualitatively better paternal behavior than LD sires. These data suggest that meadow vole paternal state is regulated by specific social and environmental cues that may contain reliable information about ecological conditions that favor paternal care.  相似文献   

Socially housed mice with cytotoxic lesions of the hippocampus do not exhibit social recognition memory 30 min following exposure to a juvenile mouse, however the social recognition memory of singly housed rats is unimpaired. The present study tests the hypothesis that social housing of rats could render social recognition memory hippocampally dependent as seen for mice. Rats were housed with juveniles or with adults. Two social recognition one-animal tests paralleling those used with mice were carried out. Seven social discrimination two-animal tests were also given. Sham operated and hippocampally lesioned rats had normal social memory at 30 min whether socially housed for 24, 48 h, 7 or 8 days prior to testing. These findings support other results indicating the hippocampus proper is not required for normal social memory in rats. In a final experiment, rats socially housed in groups of three since weaning, were tested for 30 min and 24 h social memory. Unlike mice, rats socially housed throughout life exhibited social memory only at 30 min, but not at 24 h. Manipulations that extend social memory in rats may be required to render social memory hippocampally dependent or rats and mice may differ in the neural mediation of social memory.  相似文献   

Maternal aggression in a Sprague-Dawley strain of laboratory rat (Charles River CD) was explored from Day 1 after mating on Day 0 through Day 24 of lactation (L0-L24). Aggression toward unfamiliar male “intruders” during 10-min tests was low among nonpregnant, nonlactating females and during the first 10 days of gestation. Frequency of attack on intruders increased moderately but significantly by Gestation Day 16 (G16; Experiment 1) or G21 (Experiment 2), a prepartum phenomenon not previously reported in laboratory rats. Levels of aggression were highest, however, during the first 9 days of lactation, when attacks averaged more than 6 per 10-min session. Attacks declined sharply in frequency after L14 and by L24 did not exceed levels observed among nonpregnant females. Experiment 3 examined the importance of the test site (home cage with nest and pups, if any, vs unfamiliar cage without nest or pups) to agonistic behavior associated with pregnancy and lactation. Late pregnant females tested in a novel cage were not aggressive; however, females tested shortly after delivering their pups were highly aggressive, averaging over four attacks per 5-min session. In novel cage tests frequency of attack remained high through L4 but declined significantly by L7. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that maternal aggression at its onset is primarily under hormonal control, but becomes increasingly dependent upon external factors, presumably pup stimulation, during the postpartum period.  相似文献   

Females of two hamster species with contrasting degrees of gregariousness were tested for social influences on the timing of sexual maturation. When female dwarf hamsters (Phodopus sungorus campbelli), a gregarious species, were housed with an adult male at weaning, they began estrous cycles significantly earlier than when they were housed alone or with their family. Females housed with one or two female siblings at weaning matured significantly later than did all other females. Once mature, females housed with familiar males conceived later than did females housed with unfamiliar males. Rearing conditions also affected body weight; those housed with female siblings grew more slowly and attained a lower weight at 8 weeks of age than did females in all other groups. In contrast, when weanling female golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), a solitary species, were housed with either an adult male, two female siblings, or alone, they did not differ in their rate of sexual maturation or growth. It is suggested that the degree to which social factors can accelerate or delay puberty is an adaptive characteristic and may be correlated with the degree of gregariousness of a species.  相似文献   

The effects of large and small housing environments as well as naloxone on social play (as defined by pinning behavior) in isolated postweanling male rats were investigated. Animals housed in small cages played significantly more than those housed in larger cages. This effect was not observed when cage size was reversed. Administration of 0.5, 1.0, and 5.0 mg/kg of naloxone resulted in significant decreases in play behavior as compared to saline controls, both before housing environments were switched, and after. Animals in both isolation conditions were also compared to animals that were socially housed. Isolation was found to increase social play as well as the time spent in active social interaction, but had no effect on locomotor activity. While housing in a small cage increases play behavior, it had no effect on the amount of time spent in active social interaction or on activity. While administration of 0.5, 1.0, and 5.0 mg/kg naloxone to habituated animals differentially housed did not result in an overall decrease in activity, when compared with saline controls, only those animals housed in small cages and injected with the high dose of naloxone differed significantly from controls. In animals having no prior play experience, the activity of animals housed in the large and small cages differed significantly from each other only in the saline and 5.0 mg/kg naloxone conditions. Since naloxone's effect on play behavior was strong, but its effect on activity was not profound, our data suggest that naloxone primarily affects the affective component of play rather than altering activity levels.  相似文献   

Pregnant, nonpregnant (but mated) and virgin females were individually housed or lived with a pregnant or nonpregnant cagemate. They were subjected to a series of successive daily encounters with a male intruder, the cagemate being excluded. The most aggressive subjects were pregnant females living with a pregnant cagemate. Isolated pregnant females were as aggressive as pregnant females with a nonpregnant cagemate. Nonpregnant and virgin females were the least aggressive. Nevertheless nonpregnant subjects living with a pregnant cagemate generated higher aggressive scores than nonpregnant females living alone. The way in which a pregnant cagemate influences the aggressive behaviour of another pregnant or nonpregnant female is discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted in order to assess the effects of thelectomy (i.e., nipple removal) on the display of pregnancy-induced aggression in Rockland-Swiss (R-S) albino mice. Pregnant animals, thelectomized on Gestation Day (GD) 12, exhibit a high incidence and intensity of aggression toward adult R-S male intruders during tests conducted on GDs 14, 16, and 18 (i.e., during the last third of gestation in this species). Since thelectomized dams display levels of aggression (i.e., 63% incidence) equivalent to those of sham-operated and nonoperated animals (53 and 67% incidence, respectively), it would appear that nipple presence is not a critical factor for the maintenance of pregnancy-induced aggression in mice (Experiment 1). To examine the effects of nipple deprivation on the initiation of pregnancy-induced aggression, virgin animals were thelectomized prior to mating, then repeatedly tested for aggression at 2-day intervals of gestation. Unlike nipple-intact dams, pregnant mice, deprived of nipples prior to conception, rarely exhibit (less than 17% incidence) agonistic behaviors toward intruder males (Experiment 2). These findings suggest that the development and self-stimulation of nipples early in pregnancy may be important conditions for the display of heightened aggression with advancing pregnancy in mice.  相似文献   

Rats (Rattus norvegicus) deprived of the opportunity to interact with particulate matter until they were young adults engaged in defensive burying after they were shocked by a wire-wrapped dowel in a test chamber that held bedding material. Interacting with a particulate substrate during development is not necessary for the expression of defensive burying in adulthood. However, interacting with a particulate substrate early in the rats' lives did have a substantial effect on the emergence and maintenance of burying behavior. Defensive burying developed at a later age and declined at an earlier age in rats maintained on wire mesh from birth until testing than it did in rats raised until weaning on bedding and housed on mesh thereafter. Because defensive burying is a complex, flexible, yet reliable response sequence that cannot be performed without the appropriate substrate, it has considerable potential as a model for the study of the development of species-specific defense responses.  相似文献   

The present study examined social comparison processes in 147 pregnant women at high risk of incurring an adverse birth outcome such as fetal loss or preterm delivery. These women typically undergo physical and psychological changes which elevate uncertainty and distress. Theoretically derived hypotheses concerning the impact of threat, self-esteem, perceived control, age, and gravidity (previous pregnancy) on social comparison were tested. Women experiencing low pregnancy-related threat and those with higher self-esteem were more likely to compare themselves favorably to other pregnant women. Younger women who had not been pregnant before compared most frequently; comparisons of physical state were more common than comparisons of emotional well-being or interpersonal relationships. Results are contrasted with social comparison processes in other populations facing stressful life events.  相似文献   

Between 18 and 50 days of age, Siberian hamsters were housed either with same-sex littermates, opposite-sex littermates, opposite-sex littermates and parents, or opposite-sex littermates, parents, and a younger litter. When adults, these animals were presented with two 3-8-day-old pups for 8 hr, and their responses were recorded. Rearing conditions did not affect behavior of females. Males housed with female littermates in the absence of a younger litter showed fewer pup attacks and more nesting with pups than did males housed only with other males. Thus, housing with females in the early postweaning period may influence males' later (adult) responses toward pups. Only among hamsters housed with same-sex littermates did males and females differ in their response to pups, a result emphasizing that sex differences in behavior may depend on early social rearing.  相似文献   

Newly hatched Khaki Campbell ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) were initially housed in pairs and subsequently transferred to isolated housing conditions. Subjects living with another bird displayed filial behavior and little aggression upon encountering another duckling in a test arena. In contrast, ducklings housed in isolation exhibited aggressive pecking in addition to filial behavior when another duckling was subsequently encountered. In Experiment 2, ducklings were housed with an imprinting object (i.e., an object that elicits attachment behavior), but they were otherwise isolated from other birds. These subjects displayed little aggression when they were subsequently reunited with a conspecific, indicating that the aggression-precluding effects of social housing are not limited to the particular social stimulus with which the ducklings are housed. In Experiment 3, ducklings were again housed with an imprinting object, but this time the object was behind glass, thereby precluding tactile contact with it. Since these birds also exhibited little aggression when reunited with a conspecific, it is apparent that visual stimulation from an imprinting object is sufficient in itself to preclude subsequent aggression. These findings suggest that stimulation that elicits attachment behavior is the critical factor mediating isolation-induced aggression.  相似文献   

Responses to male conspecific odors (soiled bedding) presented in an alleyway were compared among five groups of adult male albino house mice with different rearing histories. Both isolated mice that had as pups been fostered onto a rat mother and normally nursed mice that had been group housed since weaning showed reduced attraction to conspecific odor. Preweaning paternal presence, a factor known to affect the development of response to male conspecific scent in rats and gerbils, had no reliable effect with mice.  相似文献   

Two studies were done to determine the effects of cycloheximide (CYX), a protein synthesis inhibitor, on maternal experience effects in rats. In the first study eight groups received a 2-h maternal experience 36 h after cesarean (c)-section and two groups received no post c-section experience. Among the experienced groups, two received icv injections of CYX or saline (SAL) 30 min before the maternal experience, two received CYX or SAL 10 min after the experience, and two received the injections 24 h after the experience. One inexperienced group received CYX and the other received SAL 36 h after c-section. Tests for maternal behavior occurred 10 days after c-section. CYX was not able to block or disrupt the "acquisition" or expression of ongoing maternal behavior during the 2-h experience phase. However, CYX was able to block the long-term "retention" of a 2-h maternal experience if the drug was present during or immediately after the experience, prior to "consolidation." The second study investigated the effects of CYX administered immediately after the maternal experience on the expression and retention of maternal behavior 4 and 6 days after c-section, to determine whether the hormonally mediated short-onset latencies of the 4-day group would be blocked by CYX. Eight groups of animals were tested for maternal behavior. Four were tested 4 days after c-section and four were tested 6 days after c-section. Within each of these groups two were experienced and two inexperienced; within each experience condition one group received CYX and one received SAL. Day 4 groups exhibited shorter onset latencies than Day 6 groups. There was also a CYX-SAL difference in maternal onset latencies among experienced Day 6 groups but not among Day 4 groups. These data indicate that the blocking effects of CYX can be seen only when hormonal priming of maternal behavior is no longer in evidence.  相似文献   

Unfavorable social determinants can impact mothering of young children who are homeless or poor housed and parent sense of competence. Social determinants influence on mothers’ parent sense of competence parent self-efficacy and satisfaction was investigated. Homeless mothers reported worse scores than poor housed mothers on 5 of 10 social determinants including: mother moves, abuse, un/underemployment, less stable partner relationships and student roles. Homeless mothers scored lower than poor housed mothers on parent sense of competence satisfaction and parent sense of competence total, but not on parent sense of competence efficacy. No one social determinant predicted parent sense of competence. Results underscore the need to address social determinants of health in occupational therapy community-based practice.  相似文献   

Three experiments explored the effects of sexual motivation and the opportunity for sexual contact on social attraction in rats. Rats were no more gregarious in cross-sex than in same-sex pairings. Increased male sexual experience and hormonally induced female receptivity both led to increased sexual activity but had no effect on social behavior. Males housed with continuously receptive females showed signs of sexual exhaustion but were as gregarious as males housed alone or with males. It appears that social attraction in rats is not motivated primarily by sexual desires, either direct or sublimated.  相似文献   

Independent groups of early and late pregnant mice, housed individually, were observed with an intruder in their home cage. The intruders were either males, virgin, early, or late pregnant females. Male intruders were sniffed less, but more frequently and more severely attacked, than any type of female intruder, both by early and by late pregnant residents. While early pregnant females behaved similarly with the three types of female intruders, late pregnant animals treated them differently: they showed practically no aggression to late pregnant intruders, more to early pregnant ones and were most aggressive towards virgin female intruders. The possible relation of these findings to reproductive behaviour is discussed.  相似文献   

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