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The Kagan Matching Familiar Figures Test of Impulsivity/Reflectivity was modified to allow computer control of stimulus presentation and data acquisition via IBM-compatible systems. The comparability of computer administration and traditional hand administration was examined in a split-half study with a sample of 58 students (ages, 18–39 years). Analyses of variance revealed no significant differences between the administration techniques for latency and a small but significant difference for accuracy. Correlations between the two administration techniques were .61 for latency and .40 for error scores. Internal consistency coefficients for computer administration exceeded those for hand administration on both latency and accuracy. These data compare favorably with results reported by others and suggest that computer administration offers a viable alternative to traditional hand administration of the MFFT in research applications.  相似文献   

Criticism is leveled at attempts to develop alternative forms of the Matching Familiar Figures test when the literature suggests that what is required is a more reliable test, not simply an alternate version.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of practice on a modified version of the Matching Familiar Figures test in young, middle-aged and elderly adults. Forty-eight young, 48 middle-aged and 48 elderly adults were each presented with 48 match-to-standard items. the dependent variables were the number of errors committed and the latency to first response. the performance of both young and middle-aged adults reflected rather stable speed/accuracy trade-off decisions that did not change as a function of practice. the young adults responded more quickly and made more errors than the middle-aged adults across all 48 trials. the performance of elderly adults, on the other hand, did change as a result of practice; their latencies increased and their error rate decreased across trials. Elderly adults started out making more errors than young adults but by the end of the 48 trials, their error rate was lower than that of young adults. In the final trials, the error rate of elderly adults was midway between the rates of young and middle-aged adults. Thus, practice facilitated the performance of elderly adults but had no effect on the performance of young and middle-aged adults.  相似文献   

The factorial structure of two tests of cognitive style (the Children's Embedded Figures Test and the Matching Familiar Figures Test-20) and one test of cognitive ability (Raven Progressive Matrices) was examined in this study with a sample of 337 boys and 287 girls between ages 6 and 11 years. Factor I related to Impulsivity and Factor II related to cognitive ability and disembedding skills, which were stable across age groups and sex and accounted for 84.6% of variance.  相似文献   

To further evaluate the construct validity of Kagan's Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFF), three different scoring methods—the MFF error measure, the MFF latency measure, and Kagan's double median split—were used to compare learning disabled and behavior disordered boys at two age levels with their normal peers on the frequency with which they were designated as impulsive. In the comparison of 7-year-old and 12-year-old learning disabled boys with the normal children, the MFF error measure identified a greater frequency of the learning disabled boys as impulsive at both age levels. No differences occurred between the learning disabled and the normal boys at either age level on the latency measure. Kagan's double median split procedure differentiated only between the older learning disabled and the normal boys. Thus, combining the latency measure with the error measure detracted from the effectiveness of the error measure. None of the MFF scoring procedures differentiated between the behavior disordered and the normal boys at either age level. Although the findings tend to support the results of studies with normal children in indicating that the error measure is more sensitive than the latency measure, the failure of the error measure to designate a greater frequency of the severely behavior disordered boys as being impulsive than are their normal peers raises further questions about the construct validity of the MFF, regardless of the scoring procedure used.  相似文献   

To ascertain whether normal and hyperactive learning disabled children differ in their responses to Kagan's Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFF) as a function of a temporal cue, the stopwatch used in the testing situation, 16 learning disabled and 15 normal 8- and 9-year-old boys were compared. A counterbalanced design, in which each child was administered one-half of the test with a stopwatch (standard administration procedure) and the other one-half of the test without a stopwatch (No-Stopwatch procedure), was used. For the normal children, the MFF latency scores in the two conditions were not correlated, indicating that the stopwatch influenced their performance. For the learning disabled children, however, the MFF latency scores in the two conditions were correlated. A significant difference between the two correlation coefficients indicated that the normal and learning disabled children responded in a different manner to the temporal cue. On the MFF error measure, the correlation between the scores obtained in the two conditions of test administration was significant for the normal children, but not for the learning disabled children. A significant difference between these correlation coefficients again indicated differential responding to the temporal cue by the two groups.  相似文献   

Twenty subjects made all possible (136) pairwise-comparison judgments of pattern goodness between 17 five-dot patterns. Using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering analyses, a two-dimensional representation was judged the most appropriate for the derived pattern space. The interpreted structure of the spatial-hierarchical configuration strongly supported previous findings that pattern redundancy is the most salient dimension underlying pattern goodness judgments and that patterns can be partitioned on this dimension according to the size of their equivalence sets, i.e., the number of patterns resulting from rigid rotations in 90-deg increments or reflection. A psychological mechanism that accounts for the effect of pattern redundancy on judged goodness was proposed.  相似文献   

Eighty-two middle-class married couples were administered the Bem Sex-role Inventory, a newly derived Behavioral Inventory measuring sex-role by task performance and the Spanier Dyadic Adjustment Scale. It was hypothesized that individuals are assortatively matched by sex-role in marriage, that all-androgynous couples have greater marriage adjustment (MA) than stereotypic couples who are, in turn, higher than ‘other’ couples (undifferentiated or cross-type), and that there is an interaction effect with certain combinations more deleterious to MA than others. All hypotheses were supported and evidence presented that matching occured by selection rather than as a result of living together. In addition, subsequent analysis indicated that men's sex-roles are more associated with MA than women's sex-roles.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to address the issue of laterality of familiar face recognition. Seventy-two participants judged familiar faces presented laterally or centrally for their "faceness," familiarity, occupation, and name (which represent four stages of familiar face processing) using one of three response modes-verbal, manual, or combined. The pattern of reaction times (RTs) implied a serial process of familiar face recognition. Centrally presented stimuli were recognized faster than laterally presented stimuli. No RT differences were found between the left and right visual fields (VFs) across all judgments and response modes. The findings were interpreted as supporting the notion that there are no significant hemispheric differences in familiar face recognition.  相似文献   

Twenty-five personnel from two Antarctic research stations spent the austral winter (February-October) confined in small, isolated stations located on the Antarctic ice cap. At the end of this confinement, they completed two questionnaires. The first asked about alcohol and marijuana use and self-rated adjustment to the living conditions; it also asked for nominations of others with whom each would most like and least like to spend another Antarctic tour. The second questionnaire was a recently developed personality inventory. Personality scale scores were correlated with self-rated adjustment and peer nominations. The results were consistent with previous research, and indicated that adjustment was a function of narrow interests and a low need for stimulation. More importantly, the findings also demonstrated that personality inventories are useful for predicting adjustment to working conditions in such isolated settings.  相似文献   

A test of the melioration theory of matching   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Melioration theory entails that matching in concurrent schedules occurs because the subjects equalize the local reinforcement rates (reinforcers received for each alternative divided by the time allocated to each alternative). The role of local reinforcement rates was tested by using multiple schedules in which one component involved an alternative with a high absolute rate of reinforcement and a low local reinforcement rate while the second component involved an alternative with a low absolute rate and a high local rate. These alternatives were then presented simultaneously in probe trials to determine preference between them. Contrary to melioration, the absolute rate of reinforcement, not the local rate, was the controlling variable.  相似文献   

Relations between an embedded figures measure of field independence and various dimensions of Rotter's internal-external locus of control scale were investigated. The general absence of significant correlations suggests that these variables are essentially unrelated.  相似文献   

The present study examined the extent to which the achievement strategies deployed by adolescents, and those used by their peers would predict adolescents' school adjustment, academic achievement and problem behavior. The participants were 287 14–15-year-old comprehensive school students (121 boys and 165 girls) from a middle-sized town in central Sweden. The results showed that not only the maladaptive strategies used by adolescents, but also those reported by their peers predicted adolescents' norm-breaking behavior, low school adjustment and low level of achievement: high levels of failure expectations and task-avoidance among adolescents' peers were positively associated with adolescents' own norm-breaking behavior, and indirectly via this, also with their maladjustment at school and low grades. These associations were found after controlling for the impact of adolescents' own achievement strategies.  相似文献   

The effect of the proctor's familiarity on four groups of students in Grades 5 and 6 was investigated. The 137 children took a reading examination, half of which was administered by a familiar proctor, the other half by an unfamiliar one. Order of conditions was controlled. Analysis showed that students had significantly lower reading scores with the unfamiliar proctor. Students with midrange IQs had significantly lower reading scores than those in the low or high ranges. A significant relationship between test anxiety and effects of the unfamiliar proctor on test performance was shown. Test anxiety contributed significantly to the relationship between self-esteem and performance.  相似文献   

This study investigated the hypothesis that dimensions of locus of control are differentially predictive of adjustment criteria for males and females. Two samples of undergraduates completed the Reid-Ware Three-Factor Locus of Control Scale and either the Texas Social Behavior Inventory or the Zander and Thomas version of the Barron ego strength scale. For both males and females, internals reported greater self-esteem and ego strength. However, for males, the fatalism dimension was the strongest predictor for each adjustment correlate. The social system control dimension was not predictive for males in either case. For females, the social system control dimension was predictive for each adjustment correlate, although it was not consistently the strongest predictor. The results are consistent with research on sex differences in parental antecedents of locus of control. Methodological implications of the differential predictiveness of locus of control dimensions are also addressed.  相似文献   

The comprehension of familiar and less familiar idioms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationship between idiom familiarity and idiom comprehension was investigated. Familiar and less familiar idioms were presented in three types of sentences. The sentences were biased toward the idiom's literal meaning, biased toward the idiom's idiomatic meaning, or unbiased toward either meaning. Reading times for sentences containing less familiar idioms were longer than for sentences containing familiar idioms, but there was no significant main effect for sentence type. The familiarity by sentence type interaction was significant. In literal sentences, less familiar idioms required more reading time than familiar idioms. In idiomatic sentences, less familiar idioms required more reading time than familiar idioms. The results are interpreted as being consistent with the idiomatic processing model, which proposes that processing of an idiom's idiomatic meaning precedes processing of its literal meaning.  相似文献   

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