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当代国外马克思主义研究中,日本的相关研究不论在研究方法,还是在研究成果上都有新的突破,值得我们密切关注。其中吉田杰俊为代表的日本学者对马克思的市民社会理论研究取得了新成果。吉田杰俊(1940~)是日本政法大学教授,知名马克思主义哲学研究者。30多年来,吉田在执教与研究生涯中,在马克思主义哲学、日本思想史、战后日本哲学和伦理学等诸多领域取得丰硕的研究成果,他的研究业绩中最具特色的是其马克思市民社会理论问题的研究。一、研究的出发点和路径20世纪80年代末以前的20年中,吉田以黑格尔和马克思作为研究重点,其时已经触及到市民社…  相似文献   

国内外学者对日据时期台湾佛教的研究,应该说取得了一定的成就,但由于各种因素的限制,导致这些研究成果,在研究的立场、内容和方法等方面各有侧重。如对日本殖民当局在日据时期对台宗  相似文献   

谢娟 《学海》2003,(5):202-204
河北教育出版社 2 0 0 1年 11月 ,549页  自 2 0世纪 80年代中后期以来 ,社会史、文化史研究渐成热点 ,一些以往曾被冷落的“边缘化”课题开始受到越来越多的关注。慈善史研究就是其中的一个典型例子。经过十余年的摸索式研究 ,这一领域的研究成果已蔚然可观 ,尤以明清善会善堂史研究最受学界瞩目。近几年来 ,日本、欧美及中国大陆、港台学者相继有论著问世 ,其中不乏扛鼎之作 ,如日本学者夫马进的《中国善会善堂史研究》(京都 :同朋舍 ,1997年 ) ,甫一问世即获学界一致好评。国内学者中 ,台湾学者梁其姿较早注意到此一课题。 1984年 ,她…  相似文献   

李钧 《学海》2011,(5):79-83
作为一种对知识和信息处理的能力,吸收能力与企业创新密切相关,该领域也成为学者关注的热点。本文对吸收能力概念的发展、吸收能力对企业创新的作用、机制等研究成果进行了系统述评,并指出后续研究方向。  相似文献   

问题发现研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈丽君  张庆林  蔡治 《心理科学》2005,28(4):941-943
问题发现的重要性很早就引起了学者们的关注,但有关这方面的研究成果并不丰富。文章概述了在艺术、生活、教育以及相关研究等领域有关问题发现的实验研究成果,分析了现有研究存在的不足并就未来的研究方向提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

自杀与人格特征的关系一直受到广泛关注。以自杀意念和人格特征为线索,对国内外有关自杀意念与人格特征关系的原始研究文献及其发展趋势进行了综合评述,与自杀意念密切相关的人格特征主要有冲动性、攻击性、完美主义、神经质以及人格障碍(边缘型人格障碍、反社会型人格障碍、自恋型人格障碍、表演型人格障碍、强迫型人格障碍)等。提出了目前相关研究存在的局限主要包括:关注的群体较为单一;人格测评工具不一致;缺乏以人格因素为核心的多因素中介研究。  相似文献   

医生是自杀意念发生的高危群体,其身心健康直接关系到医疗卫生质量。通过已有的文献梳理,总结不同学者关于自杀意念概念的差异,并对医生自杀意念评估工具、医生自杀意念的发生现状、影响因素及如何有效干预等方面进行阐述与比较。总结目前医生自杀意念的相关研究,进一步研究可考虑以下几个问题:第一,自杀意念影响因素研究结果差异较大的原因;第二,医生自杀意念的影响因素欠缺各因素间的关联性研究;第三,医生群体的差异性对研究结果的影响。  相似文献   

西方关于消费者信息加工的新近研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个体的消费行为特点及其主客观影响因素,一直为西方学者所重视。把个体的消费 行为视作信息加工过程,是目前比较流行的认识。近年来,西方学者对该过程中消费者的感 知觉、注意、信息分类、记忆、信息搜寻以及态度等方面进行了一系列研究,取得了一些值 得关注的研究成果。  相似文献   

山西省社会科学院崔正森研究员所著《五台山佛教史》,是近年来中国佛教史研究中的一部引人注目的学术著作,如黄心川先生在序言中云:“作为我国第一本用科学的方法研究五台山佛教历史的专著,我认为它有着非常重要的意义。”用现代科学的方法研究中国佛教史,这是近一个世纪以来的事。在上世纪上半叶,中-国佛教史的研究基本上是日本学者的天下,以境野哲、常般大定、宇井伯寿、本善隆等为代表的日本学者,著述了包括中国佛教通史、断代史、宗派思想史等诸方面的大量著作,相比之下,中国佛学界的研究成果就少得可怜,蒋维乔据日本学者境界哲所著《中…  相似文献   

自杀行为主要包括自杀意念、自杀企图和自杀。流行学的调查结果发现,我国近10年来自杀率显著下降,尤其是女性,但农村老年居民一直是自杀的高发人群。自杀行为的影响因素众多,主要包括生物学因素、精神障碍和心理因素。其中心理因素包括易损特质、失调认知和心理痛苦。这些影响因素相互作用增加了自杀风险。自杀行为的理论模型试图跨越精神障碍来解释自杀行为。目前研究者较关注自杀行为的发展过程及机制研究。未来研究可以考虑从"意念"至"行动"的转变趋势,研究方法需要突破,本土化研究也亟待开展。  相似文献   

Suicide prevention in the Pacific War (WW II).   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the war against Japan, there were two facets of an American program to prevent suicide among the Japanese. One was a research component in the Foreign Morale Analysis Division (FMAD), a subunit of the Office of War Information. The principal FMAD figure who did most of the research on Japanese suicide and ways to prevent suicide among the Japanese military was the anthropologist Ruth Benedict, assisted by her Japanese-American aide Robert Hashima. The second facet was the suicide prevention program itself, which was put into effect toward the end of the war in the battles of Saipan and Okinawa. This program of action was undertaken by American GIs. These unheralded activities in suicide prevention merit a place in the annals of suicide prevention programs.  相似文献   

Hotline callers do not always have suicidal ideation and previous studies have noted that the rate of such callers is limited. Crisis hotline counselors must be able to identify high‐risk callers in order to provide appropriate support. This study investigated the characteristics of Japanese crisis hotline callers in 2012 (N = 541,694) and is the first to analyze crisis hotline data for all parts of Japan over 1 year. About 14% of the callers had suicidal ideation and 6% had a history of attempted suicide. The odds ratio for suicidal ideation among those with a history of attempted suicide was 15.5. The suicidal ideation rate was much smaller compared to previous studies in other countries. There is a psychological barrier that must be broken for high‐risk people to use support hotlines. In addition, attempted suicide is a strong exclusive predisposing factor for death due to suicide; therefore, counselors should pay careful attention to callers with a history of attempted suicide. The characteristics of Japanese crisis hotline callers and the features of suicidal ideation revealed in the present study are expected to be useful in developing telephone crisis hotline strategies.  相似文献   

Police officers are commonly referred to as a high-risk group for suicide. So far no comprehensive review has been published about epidemiologic studies among police. This article systematically explores the worldwide literature on suicide in police. None of the recent nationwide studies show elevated suicide rates among police. Other studies show inconsistent results. Conclusively, it is not documented that there is an elevated suicide rate in police. A particular problem in previous research has been methodological shortcomings. There is need for further systematic research, and this review points out some strategies of research.  相似文献   

There have been numerous papers focusing on culture and suicide, but it seems that they have often emphasized cultural differences excessively, thus running the risk of increasing prejudice toward different cultures and reinforcing overgeneralizations. From my albeit limited knowledge and experience, it appears that there are more similarities than differences in suicide among various cultures. Most cases of suicide reflect complex human factors that are found universally among cultures. Despite the fact that some cultural differences in suicide admittedly exist in different societies and that these are important, they cannot explain every aspect of suicide. This article explains how I, as a Japanese psychiatrist, diagnose and treat suicidal patients against the backgrounds of Japanese culture by presenting my way of thinking in daily practice in order to show similarities and differences that exist in Japanese suicide, treatment, and prevention.  相似文献   

The ways in which the key words "family," "mental illness," and "suicide" are interpreted in the context of research into suicide will influence the formation of theories, the interpretation of results, and the development of suicide prevention strategies. It is argued that there is no general agreement about the meaning of these words.  相似文献   

Research on media impacts on suicide has been largely restricted to the United States, a Christian nation marked by moral aversion to suicide. The present study extends the analysis to an Eastern nation, Japan, where people are less critical of those who suicide. Such a cultural definition of suicide might multiply imitative effects. Yule-Walker times series estimates indicate that the imitative effect is restricted to stories concerning Japanese victims. Further, the increase is similar in magnitude to that reported in the American cultural context. The Japanese audience may not be as predisposed to media effects, given a lower divorce rate, low couple centeredness, and a high level of extended family social support. These factors may offset a potentially very high “Werther effect.” The model explains 88% of the variance in monthly Japanese suicide rates.  相似文献   

Suicide is a global concern hence cross-cultural research ought to be central to national suicide prevention strategies. This study sought to investigate suicide notes drawn from Northern Ireland and the United States as these countries have broadly similar suicide rates but markedly different cultures. A theoretical-conceptual analysis of sixty suicide notes drawn from these countries, matched for age and sex, was undertaken based on a thematic model of suicide developed by Leenaars (1996) across countries. The results suggested that there were more psychological commonalities than differences. Two differences emerged which suggested that aspects of the interpersonal components may be more salient in Northern Irish rather than American suicides. It is argued that more wide-ranging cross-cultural studies are required to enhance our ability to identify and predict those most at risk from suicide.  相似文献   

In Japan, implementation of suicide prevention policies is mainly supported by public funds. However, it is unclear what kinds of suicide prevention strategies people prefer. We conducted a survey to clarify people’s preferences regarding suicide prevention strategies adopted in Japan. This was a cross-sectional self-administered questionnaire survey. Participants were recruited through a lecture held by the first author at their university. We distributed questionnaires to 324 people present at the lecture; 249 completed questionnaires were included in the final analysis. We estimated suicide prevention strategy preferences using full profile conjoint analysis. For all six prevention strategies, the inclusion of each strategy in the policy profile was statistically significantly related to the positive evaluation of the overall policy profile. Marginal Willingness to Pay (MWTP) for restriction of access to means showed the highest value of the six suicide prevention strategies. MWTP was the lowest for public awareness activities. Preferred suicide prevention strategies in Japan are restriction of access to means and enhancement of psychiatric services. The results of this study indicate the strategies that are preferred have a high level of evidence of suicide prevention and do not directly intervene in a person’s free will to die by suicide.  相似文献   

Suicide is a global concern hence cross-cultural research ought to be central to national suicide prevention strategies. This study sought to investigate suicide notes drawn from Northern Ireland and the United States as these countries have broadly similar suicide rates but markedly different cultures. A theoretical-conceptual analysis of sixty suicide notes drawn from these countries, matched for age and sex, was undertaken based on a thematic model of suicide developed by Leenaars (1996) across countries. The results suggested that there were more psychological commonalities than differences. Two differences emerged which suggested that aspects of the interpersonal components may be more salient in Northern Irish rather than American suicides. It is argued that more wide-ranging cross-cultural studies are required to enhance our ability to identify and predict those most at risk from suicide.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The uniquely intense stress due to the Examination Hell (shiken jigoku) not only generates a basic drive for Japan's economic success but also contributes to a high rate of young people's suicide. This paper discusses the major factors in the intensity of Japanese stress on both institutional and psychological levels. The social structural factors which convert stress to suicide are analyzed in terms of weak ego; restraint on aggression; a lack of social resources; and views of life, death and suicide. Japanese views of life, death and suicide are treated in terms of Absolute phenomenalism, the original form of Shintoism, to which Buddhism and Confucianism have been adjusted in Japan. Japanese phenomenalism affects suicide through its three aspects: animism, present-time oriented small groupism, and the absolute acceptance of the established social order. Confusion and conflict since World War II have increased anomic suicides; however, elements of fatalistic suicide (due to excessive formal or informal social regulations) and altruistic suicide (due to strong social integration) are evident. Suicide is still a highly institutionalized adjustment mechanism in Japan.  相似文献   

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