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Participants between the ages of 18 and 94 years (n = 279) provided ratings on different phenomenological memory characteristics regarding a self‐defining autobiographical memory by completing a slightly shortened version of the Memory Experiences Questionnaire. Results of a multi‐group invariance analyses across men and women provided evidence of configural, metric, scalar, and structural invariance across gender. These results help to empirically substantiate the assumption that memory phenomenology is invariant across gender. Subsequent latent means analysis found that women, as compared with men, rated their self‐defining memories as being more coherent, having greater emotional intensity, having greater sensory detail, having higher levels of vividness/time perspective, and being more likely to be from a first‐person perspective. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The autobiographical memory literature has established that people remember poorly unpleasant, relative to pleasant, life events. We complemented this literature with a theoretical model – the mnemic neglect model – and an experimental paradigm that exerts tight control over the to‐be‐remembered material. Participants recall poorly self‐threatening feedback compared to self‐affirming or other‐relevant feedback – a phenomenon we labeled mnemic neglect. The phenomenon is motivational: it is in the service of self‐protection. The phenomenon is also flexible. Participants can switch from self‐protection (e.g. avoiding negative feedback) to an alternative goal (e.g. striving for feedback with improvement potential), when circumstances call for it such as when the feedback is provided by a close other rather than a stranger. Finally, self‐threatening feedback may be forgotten, but it is not lost: the mnemic neglect effect is not obtained in recognition recall.  相似文献   

事件聚集是在事件水平上组织自传记忆的结构,是一种反映自传记忆组织的提取现象.在利用矫正后的事件追随任务对62名成人进行测试后发现:①事件之间各种组织信息并不是分离的,而是以整合的方式来组织事件聚集结构,这些信息不仅包含客体的信息,更包含主观的感受.②自我在自传记忆组织中的作用是强化事件聚集本身所具有的联系.③自传记忆的提取中首先要满足当前自我的要求;进行直接提取失败后,被试根据自传记忆的层级关系进行生成搜索;生成提取策略也失败后,个体则会根据事件线索中任何可以利用的细节来完成回忆任务.  相似文献   

Memory for one's own life experiences, or autobiographical memory, is impressive in its accuracy and flexibility. A memory is constructed anew at each recollection through a process of finding and temporarily joining together specific details about location, sensory experiences, and other details. Curiously missing, however, are emotional details. Although emotional experiences are well remembered, the emotional aspect of an experience is neither retained in its full intensity nor reexperienced during recollection. The adaptive benefits of omitting emotion from autobiographical memory include uninterrupted goal pursuit and emotional stability. But most people make metacognitive errors that convince them that autobiographical memories generally do contain emotion. Possible causes of these errors include naïve theories, motivation to believe that one is healthy, filling in current emotion for remembered emotion, and biased sampling of memories.  相似文献   

Five studies were conducted to develop and validate the Egoistic and Moralistic Self‐enhancement (EMS) scale, a new self‐report measure of egoistic and moralistic self‐enhancement. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis provided evidence for a two‐factor structure comprising the tendencies to promote agentic (egoistic) and communal (moralistic) qualities (Study 1). Construct validity was supported by significant correlations with established measures of socially desirable responding, such as the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (Study 2) and the Impression Management scale of the 16 Personality Factors (Study 3). When the EMS scale has been applied in organizational settings, we found that job applicants were more inclined than nonapplicants to promote their own agentic and communal qualities, although differences were more pronounced for egoistic self‐enhancement (Study 4). Findings also suggested that exaggeration of agentic qualities decrease the criterion‐related validity of conscientiousness in predicting job performance (Study 5). Taken together, findings suggest that the EMS scale provides a valid and reliable measure that can be fruitfully used for both theoretical and applied research.  相似文献   

为厘清自传体记忆功能对失独者延长哀伤的影响,以及家族主义情感在其中的调节作用,本研究采用生活经历回想问卷、家族主义情感量表和延长哀伤问卷对372名失独者进行调查。结果发现:(1)失独者自传体记忆的自我功能、社会功能和指导功能均能负向预测其延长哀伤水平;(2)家族主义情感在自传体记忆的自我功能和指导功能对失独者延长哀伤的影响中起调节作用,对家族主义情感水平高的失独者来说,自传体记忆的自我功能和指导功能能负向预测其延长哀伤水平,但对家族主义情感水平低的失独者来说,自传体记忆的自我功能和指导功能对其延长哀伤水平没有预测作用;(3)对罹患延长哀伤障碍的失独者来说,自传体记忆功能对延长哀伤水平的预测作用和家族主义情感的调节作用均不显著。  相似文献   

研究目的在于探讨抑郁症患者自传体记忆的特征以及自传体记忆测验(the autobiographical memory test, AMT)在该领域的应用情况。通过文献检索, 搜集了18篇应用AMT作为测评工具的抑郁症自传体记忆研究, 抑郁症患者566人, 正常对照组457人。元分析研究发现, 和正常对照组比较, 抑郁症组的具体性记忆减少, 概括化记忆增多, 反应迟缓。目前对这种现象的解释主要有功能性回避模型、认知执行受损模型和沉思模型; 年龄、抑郁情绪以及AMT测试程序对测试结果有明显影响; 发表偏倚和敏感性分析显示存在发表偏倚, 但稳定性较好。AMT在抑郁症研究存在灵敏度不足等局限, 作者从AMT程序、研究设计等方面提出了改善建议。  相似文献   

Gender differences emerge regularly in autobiographical memory research. We suggest that gender differences in phenomenological self‐report measures of autobiographical memory are rooted in gender identity rather than categorical gender. Reminiscing about the past is perceived as a female‐typical activity, and therefore, gender‐typical individuals will conform to these stereotypes. In this study, 196 participants, age 18–40, each rated the phenomenology of four event memories. Ratings of feminine gender identity, also completed by participants, consistently correlated with MEQ scores, indicating that greater endorsement of feminine gender norms predicted higher memory quality and valence. Masculine gender identity also correlated with MEQ scores, but these correlations were less consistent. Findings suggest that a focus on gender identity can both explain the source of some gender differences in autobiographical memory and potentially explain some inconsistencies in the current literature.Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An exciting theory in neuroscience is that the brain is an organ for prediction error minimization (PEM). This theory is rapidly gaining influence and is set to dominate the science of mind and brain in the years to come. PEM has extreme explanatory ambition, and profound philosophical implications. Here, I assume the theory, briefly explain it, and then I argue that PEM implies that the brain is essentially self‐evidencing. This means it is imperative to identify an evidentiary boundary between the brain and its environment. This boundary defines the mind‐world relation, opens the door to skepticism, and makes the mind transpire as more inferentially secluded and neurocentrically skull‐bound than many would nowadays think. Therefore, PEM somewhat deflates contemporary hypotheses that cognition is extended, embodied and enactive; however, it can nevertheless accommodate the kinds of cases that fuel these hypotheses.  相似文献   

自传记忆(autobiographical memory,AM)是个人生活事件的记忆,它在人类认知中建构起自我、情绪、个人意义及其交互作用的主通道。对自传记忆的研究在广度上极大丰富了记忆的研究内容,并成为记忆研究乃至整个认知心理学新的方法论的增长点。利用PET,fMRI和皮层慢电位等手段对自传记忆进行研究,可以加深对自传记忆神经机制的认识。就Conway等提出的SMS模型中,自传记忆提取的神经解剖分布,自传记忆提取偏侧化问题和海马在自传记忆中的作用进行总结和评述,并分析比较了自传记忆脑机制的研究方法  相似文献   

Studies on psychiatric patients have found that their memories of the past are often unspecific and overgeneral, but the extent to which this is the case for patients with somatic problems has so far only been examined in patients with chronic pain and in patients with diabetes. The present study investigated autobiographical memories in 19 tinnitus patients and 19 controls without tinnitus. Participants were administered the autobiographical memory test (AMT), the Controlled word association test, and self-report measures of depression, anxiety, and tinnitus distress. Compared to control participants, tinnitus patients had difficulty retrieving specific memories and showed longer retrieval latencies. Additionally, tinnitus patients had fewer specific memories to positive cue words. While AMT responses were associated with depression scores, the difference between controls and patients remained significant for positive cue words after controlling for depression scores. Results suggest that cognitive components should be an integral element of the psychological management of tinnitus. The use in future studies of experimental methods such as AMT in health psychology is encouraged.  相似文献   

That great apes are the only primates to recognise their reflections is often taken to show that they are self‐aware—however, there has been much recent debate about whether the self‐awareness in question is psychological or bodily self‐awareness. This paper argues that whilst self‐recognition does not require psychological self‐awareness, to claim that it requires only bodily self‐awareness would leave something out. That is that self‐recognition requires ‘objective self‐awareness’—the capacity for first person thoughts like ‘that's me’, which involve self‐identification and so are vulnerable to error through misidentification. This objective self‐awareness is distinct from bodily or psychological self‐awareness, requires cognitive sophistication and provides the beginnings of a more conceptual self‐representation which might play a role in planning, mental time travel and theory of mind.  相似文献   

Within self‐determination theory, integration denotes the process through which people accept past and present experiences and harmonize these experiences within their sense of self. We investigated associations between indicators of successful and poor integration of need‐related memories and memory‐related affect. We also examined the role of depressive symptoms and self‐congruence as antecedents of these indicators. Moreover, we investigated whether late adults, compared with late adolescents, were better capable of integrating need‐frustrating memories through higher levels of self‐congruence. Participants were 132 late adolescents (Mage = 17.83) and 147 late adults (Mage = 76.13), who reported on their level of depressive symptoms and self‐congruence. Next, participants generated a need‐satisfying and need‐frustrating memory and reported on the memories' integration (in terms of acceptance, connection and rumination) and associated affect. Whereas depressive symptoms related mainly to the poor integration of need‐frustrating memories, self‐congruence related positively to the integration of both need‐satisfying and need‐frustrating memories. In turn, integration was related to more positive and less negative affect. Late adults scored higher than late adolescents on the integration of need‐frustrating memories, an effect that was partly accounted for by late adults' elevated self‐congruence. Results suggest that self‐congruence, depressive symptoms and age play a role in the integration of need‐based autobiographical memories. Copyright © 2016 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

The present study examined the impact of working memory capacity (WMC) on college students' ability to solve probability problems while using a self‐explanation strategy. Participants learned to solve probability problems in one of three conditions: a backward‐faded self‐explanation condition, an example problem pairs self‐explanation condition, or a control (no self‐explanation) condition. Even when accounting for the impact of WMC, learning to problem‐solve using self‐explanation led to superior problem‐solving performance. Conditions that prompted self‐explanation during problem‐solving resulted in significantly better problem‐solving performance than the control condition. These findings provide insight into the influence of individual differences on problem‐solving when strategies are provided, as well as information about the effectiveness of the self‐explanation strategy during mathematical problem‐solving. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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