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Age‐related declines in working memory, especially with regard to updating ability, affect many high‐level aspects of cognition in elderly adults. Recent studies have demonstrated that training might improve working memory. We investigated the effects of 20 days of adaptive training of working memory updating in healthy elderly adults. Comparing the performance on cognitive function tests before and after training in a trained group and a non‐trained group, significant positive training effects were observed in a numerical updating task and a digit‐span test, but not in a non‐verbal reasoning test. The results suggest beneficial effects of working memory updating training to working memory tasks that use different content material and task formats than those used during training. However, confirming the results of previous studies, transfer effects to other higher order cognitive processes seem to be absent in elderly adults. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

工作记忆训练成为近年来提升个体认知绩效的一种有效方式。工作记忆训练主要是指采用工作记忆广度任务、刷新任务以及各种复杂工作记忆任务在计算机上以循序渐进的方式进行训练。近年来的研究发现, 工作记忆训练能提升工作记忆、流体智力、抑制、注意、阅读和数学等认知功能。神经机制的研究发现:工作记忆训练引起大脑额-顶区域激活减弱, 而皮层下结构包括纹状体和尾状核区域的激活增强; 工作记忆训练减少了大脑灰质的数量, 增强了大脑白质的功能连通性; 工作记忆训练引起尾状核上多巴胺受体的变化。未来的研究需要在研究设计、被试人群、研究手段上进一步确认和扩展工作记忆训练的有效性和内在认知神经机制。  相似文献   

个体的工作记忆能力通过训练可以提高,但是,目前对于工作记忆训练的迁移效应尚未有统一的结论。本文通过梳理相关研究,发现训练任务与评估迁移效应任务之间的结构相似性会对迁移效应产生影响。结构相似性即训练任务和未训练任务之间共享加工成分和加工程序,而这个共享加工成分和加工程序能通过发展相似的策略实现工作记忆训练的迁移。今后研究应该更加注意以往研究设计中的不足,针对不同群体的工作记忆训练效果的机制分别进行研究。  相似文献   

彭君  莫雷  黄平  周莹  王靖  昂晨 《心理学报》2014,46(10):1498-1508
目前已有许多研究证据表明, 工作记忆训练能提高成人、儿童的流体智力成绩, 然而这种训练是否能够提高幼儿的流体智力表现, 更为重要的是, 如果训练确有成效, 那么这种训练效果能否长期保持?为此, 本研究选择了幼儿园4~5岁幼儿进行工作记忆训练任务, 考察工作记忆训练对流体智力的提升及保持效应。实验中设立3个组:实验组、控制1组和控制2组。实验组采用单个空间n-back的工作记忆游戏程序进行训练, 控制1组采用“水果忍者”的游戏程序进行训练, 两组进行游戏训练的时间均为14天, 每天15 min; 控制2组不进行任何训练。结果发现, 训练后实验组幼儿被试的流体智力成绩明显优于两个控制组, 在6个月后再进行测试, 这种优势仍然保持。本研究结果表明, n-back工作记忆训练可以提高幼儿的流体智力成绩, 并且这种训练效果具有持续的稳定性。  相似文献   

燕国材 《心理科学》2001,24(4):475-476
李铮、姚本先主编的教育部规划的“面向21世纪课程教材”《心理学新论》已由高等教育出版社于2001年4月出版。它是教育部“高等教育面向21世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划”立项项目“高等师范公共心理学课程整体改革的研究与实践”课题重要研究成果之一。该书作者总结了长期以来我国高师公共课心理学教学和教材建设的经验,适应面向21世纪培养高素质、创新型师范生的需要,从整体上构建了有中国特色的“高师公共心理学”自身独立的体系和内容。  相似文献   

The present study examined the impact of working memory capacity (WMC) on college students' ability to solve probability problems while using a self‐explanation strategy. Participants learned to solve probability problems in one of three conditions: a backward‐faded self‐explanation condition, an example problem pairs self‐explanation condition, or a control (no self‐explanation) condition. Even when accounting for the impact of WMC, learning to problem‐solve using self‐explanation led to superior problem‐solving performance. Conditions that prompted self‐explanation during problem‐solving resulted in significantly better problem‐solving performance than the control condition. These findings provide insight into the influence of individual differences on problem‐solving when strategies are provided, as well as information about the effectiveness of the self‐explanation strategy during mathematical problem‐solving. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王力  陈安涛 《心理学报》2012,44(5):605-613
采用练习迁移范式与双任务范式相结合的设计来探讨练习所习得的空间联结在工作记忆中如何表征。被试先进行不一致空间的刺激—反应映射练习任务, 五分钟后, 随机迁移到单任务(Simon任务)或者双任务(Simon任务+语义工作记忆负荷任务或空间工作记忆负荷任务)。结果发现:不一致的练习能使单任务出现反转的Simon效应, 但语义工作记忆负荷会使反转的Simon效应消失, 而空间工作记忆负荷却对反转的Simon效应没有影响。实验结果表明练习产生的空间联结依赖于语义工作记忆。  相似文献   

Research on gambling near‐misses has shown that objectively equivalent outcomes can yield divergent emotional and motivational responses. The subjective processing of gambling outcomes is affected substantially by close but non‐obtained outcomes (i.e. counterfactuals). In the current paper, we investigate how different types of near‐misses influence self‐perceived luck and subsequent betting behavior in a wheel‐of‐fortune task. We investigate the counterfactual mechanism of these effects by testing the relationship with a second task measuring regret/relief processing. Across two experiments (Experiment 1, n = 51; Experiment 2, n = 104), we demonstrate that near‐wins (neutral outcomes that are close to a jackpot) decreased self‐perceived luck, whereas near‐losses (neutral outcomes that are close to a major penalty) increased luck ratings. The effects of near‐misses varied by near‐miss position (i.e. whether the spinner stopped just short of, or passed through, the counterfactual outcome), consistent with established distinctions between upward versus downward, and additive versus subtractive, counterfactual thinking. In Experiment 1, individuals who showed stronger counterfactual processing on the regret/relief task were more responsive to near‐wins and near‐losses on the wheel‐of‐fortune task. The effect of near‐miss position was attenuated when the anticipatory phase (i.e. the spin and deceleration) was removed in Experiment 2. Further differences were observed within the objective gains and losses, between “clear” and “narrow” outcomes. Taken together, these results help substantiate the counterfactual mechanism of near‐misses. © 2017 The Authors Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

客体工作记忆任务中大脑皮层活动的记忆负荷效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用128导事件相关电位技术,采用延迟匹配任务的实验范式,测查了20名正常被试完成不同负荷客体任务时的皮层慢电位(slow cortical potentials,简称sp成分),实验发现:背侧前额叶在刺激呈现后的700ms到1400ms出现记忆负荷效应,高负荷任务诱发的sp成分显著负于低负荷任务;低负荷任务诱发的sp成分在左前额区(500~1800ms)、左前额-中央区(700~1800ms)、左中央-顶叶区(1000~1400s和1800~4800ms)、右前额区(1800~4800ms)和右前额-中央区(1400~4800ms)显著负于高负荷任务,出现记忆负荷效应,但这种负荷效应在左右大脑半球所反映的心理意义可能不同  相似文献   

Two self-paced reading experiments using a paraphrase decision task paradigm were performed to investigate how sentence complexity contributed to the relative clause (RC) attachment preferences of speakers of different working memory capacities (WMCs). Experiment 1 (English) showed working memory effects on relative clause processing in both offline RC attachment preferences and in online reading time measures, but no effects of syntactic complexity. In Experiment 2 (Korean), syntactic complexity due to greater distance between integrating heads, as measured by the dependency locality theory (Gibson in Cognition 68:1–76, 1998), significantly increased the proportion of attachment to NP1. However, no effects of working memory were found. The difference in results between English and Korean is proposed to be due to head-directionality effects. The results of our study support the conclusion that working memory-based accounts provide a better explanation than previous language-dependent accounts for differences in RC attachment preferences. We propose that previous language dependent-accounts of cross-linguistic differences in RC processing have overlooked the interaction between individual WMC and a language’s general structure, which is a central factor in RC attachment.  相似文献   

More than a century ago, Galton and Spearman suggested that there was a functional relationship between sensory discrimination ability and intelligence. Studies have since been able to confirm a close relationship between general discrimination ability (GDA) and IQ. The aim of the present study was to assess whether this strong relationship between GDA and IQ could be due to working memory (WM) demands of GDA tasks. A sample of 140 children (seventy 9‐year‐olds and seventy 11‐year‐olds) was studied. Results showed that there was a significant overlap between WM, GDA and fluid intelligence. Furthermore, results also revealed that WM could not explain the relationship between GDA and fluid intelligence as such, but that it acted as a bottleneck of information processing, limiting the influence of GDA on the prediction of fluid intelligence. Specifically, GDA's influence on the prediction of intelligence was only visible when WM capacity was above a certain level. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous research found that cognitive training increases the Big Five personality trait Openness to Experience during and some weeks after the intervention. The present study investigated whether long‐term changes happen in Openness to Experience and other personality traits after an extensive cognitive training of memory and perceptual speed. The intervention group consisted of 204 adults (20–31 years and 65–80 years; 50% female) who received daily 1‐hour cognitive training sessions for about 100 days. The control group consisted of 86 adults (21–29 years and 65–82 years; 51% female) who received no cognitive training. All participants answered the NEO Five‐Factor Inventory before and 2 years after the cognitive training. Latent change models were applied that controlled for age group (young vs. old) and gender. In the long run, the cognitive training did not affect changes in any facet of Openness to Experience. This was true for young and old participants as well as for men and women. Instead, the cognitive training lowered the general increase of Conscientiousness. Even an extensive cognitive training on memory and perceptual speed does not serve as a sufficient intervention for enduring changes in Openness to Experiences or one of its facets.  相似文献   

采用工作记忆和时间判断的双任务范式,探讨了言语工作记忆的保持过程对时间知觉的影响。研究中操作记忆负荷和任务之间的时间间隔(ISI:记忆刺激消失到时间判断任务开始之间的时间间隔)。结果发现,记忆负荷越大,知觉到的时间越短,韦伯比例越低,反应时间越长;ISI越短,知觉到的时间变短,反应时间越长,这表明知觉时间和反应决策是一致的,不存在累加时间和反应判断之间的trade-off。但是记忆负荷和ISI的交互作用不显著。结果表明记忆负荷和ISI以不同的方式影响时间判断,言语工作记忆的保持和时间加工共享工作记忆资源。  相似文献   

Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have gotten different results as to whether processing speed can explain the aging of cognitive functions. Experimental analyses are needed to develop further evidence. To explore the relationship between speed and working memory in cognitive aging, processing speed intervention is conducted in the present study. Utilizing paper–pencil training, computer training, and a control group, 78 adults aged 58–83?years from Beijing participated in a speed intervention study. After 5?weeks of training, there were substantial training gains on two speed tests in two training groups, but no transfer effect on working memory was found. Discussion: The results fail to support the view that processing speed is a foundation of working memory for aging. The aging of working memory may depend more on an executive attention component.  相似文献   

The present study examined the impact of mind‐wandering and distraction in silent and noisy studying environments and how individual differences in working memory capacity offered resistance to these two distinct forms of attention failure. Two groups of participants read a text in different environments and answered reading comprehension questions. While reading, thought probes asked participants to indicate the current focus of their attention. Results showed that the relationship between working memory capacity and reading comprehension was partially driven by resistance to mind‐wandering in the silent condition and by resistance to external distraction in the noise condition. The findings support the distinction between mind‐wandering and external distraction, two separate yet related types of attention failure that impact task performance. Further, executive abilities seem to offer resistance to these two types of attention failure differentially depending on the context. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Working memory (WM) training is demanding both regarding time and cognitive endurance. Many participants who could benefit from completing the training lose their motivation to do so. Hence, it is valuable to address compliance with the training protocol from a motivational angle. Studies have shown that subjective views on intelligence influence motivation, where individuals believing that intelligence can increase with training, that is, an incremental mind‐set, tend to try harder after setbacks and that high‐intrinsic motivation relates to higher academic performance. We used questionnaires to measure the extent to which mind‐set and intrinsic motivation influenced compliance to complete a WM training program of a minimum of 20 sessions of WM training. Only 53 out of 112 recruited participants, (13 years old (SD = .61)) completed the training. Our results showed that mind‐set and motivation significantly predicted compliance to training, with high motivation and incremental mind‐set being associated with more completed sessions.Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过3个行为实验,以44名大学生或研究生为被试,考察了言语次级干扰任务是否对不同言语命名难度的客体与空间工作记忆信息的保持产生选择性干扰。研究发现:无论记忆对象是言语命名困难的客体信息,还是言语命名容易的客体信息,无论探测刺激是图形形式,还是词语形式,言语次级干扰任务都对客体信息的保持产生选择性干扰;但言语次级干扰任务对空间信息保持的影响,在不同条件下则表现出不同的特点。实验结果表明客体工作记忆自动、强制性地使用言语编码和保持机制,而空间工作记忆信息的保持是否由言语编码参与则受到其他因素的影响。  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - The effects of age and predator-induced stress, by exposing rats to a cat, were examined during subsequent testing of spatial working memory. Male rats (3 months and 20...  相似文献   

采用组间实验设计,以汉语科技说明文为阅读材料,探讨自我解释与工作记忆对汉语阅读理解的影响以及工作记忆对自我解释活动本身的影响.结果表明:(1)自我解释活动促进了被试对文本的理解.(2)较高的言语工作记忆容量对汉语阅读理解有促进作用.(3)高工作记忆容量组比低工作记忆容量组不仅在阅读过程中产生了更多数量的自我解释,而且还更多地使用衔接和推理的解释模式.  相似文献   

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