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In two experiments, the accuracy with which subjects detected a conjunction of features was examined as a function of the spacing between items and the goodness of the axis along which they were located. In each array, two items were arranged along a vertical, a horizontal, or a diagonal axis. Based on the well-established oblique effect, the vertical and horizontal axes were considered to be good global patterns and the diagonals were considered to be poor. In Experiment 1, the two items in an array could be two horizontal lines, two vertical lines, a vertical and a horizontal line, or a plus sign with one of the single lines. In Experiment 2, a positive- and a negative-diagonal line were used as the individual features, and an "X" was used as the conjunction. The results from Experiment 1 indicated that global goodness influenced only the rate of illusory conjunctions, and not of feature errors. Illusory conjunctions of vertical and horizontal line segments were more likely to occur in vertical and horizontal arrangements. The results from Experiment 2 revealed a reversal of the effect of global goodness on the rate of illusory conjunctions: Illusory conjunctions of negative- and positive-diagonal line segments were more likely to occur in diagonal arrangements. The results of both experiments taken together showed the existence of an important and new factor that influences the likelihood that features of shape will be conjoined: the ease with which line segments conjoin when they are translated along their extent toward each other. In both experiments, greater spacing between items produced more feature-identification errors and fewer feature-integration errors than did less spacing.  相似文献   

If perceived velocity were to be a function of phenomenal extent traversed per unit time, speed constancy would be derivable from size constancy. Experiments were performed to test this possibility in which visible frames of reference were eliminated. With cues to distance, judgments ofspeed approached constancy; without such cues, judgments of speed were in terms of rate ofimage displacement.  相似文献   

Perceived numerosity as a function of item size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a sample of 48 subjects, there was a significant inverse relation between item size and estimation of numerosity. This result was shown to be consistent with Gestalt theory. According to this approach, the components of good figures appear more numerous, and smaller items produce better figures.  相似文献   

Adult subjects made monocular size judgements in two experiments in which the independent variables of surface texture and restrictions on viewing conditions were manipulated. Texture density gradients of stimulation had a significant influence of size judgements only under the less reduced conditions of observation when subjects could see other textured surfaces beyond the surfaces over which judgements were made. Identical manipulations of surface texture had earlier been found to have a highly significant influence on relative distance judgements (Newman, 1971). The principally negative results were thus taken to imply that subjects extract different information from the texture density gradient when judging size from that extracted when judging relative distance.  相似文献   

A direct test was performed of Oldfield's (1966) derivation of the relationship between naming response latency and memory ensemble size. The results confirmed Oldfield in every particular. Further, the results support Sperling's (1967) suggestion of a recognition buffer-memory mechanism between the initial stimulus-encoding stage and the long-term memory stage of human information processing.  相似文献   

Body-frame size is an important factor in determining an optimal body weight for a given height. Previous studies have indicated that many individuals incorrectly estimate their body-frame size, and, as a result, incorrectly assess their ideal weight. The present study investigated the accuracy of estimation of body-frame size as a function of sex and actual frame size. The subjects were 66 men and 52 women participating in a community adult fitness program. Data indicated that medium-framed individuals were the most accurate in their estimations of body-frame size. Also, women were twice as likely to be accurate as were men. These results are interpreted to mean that most people assume they are medium-framed and that there is a sex difference in the way body-frame size is estimated.  相似文献   

In an attempt to describe class size effects on student behavior that might be predictable from one setting to the next, the author proposes a social psychology framework. He hypothesizes that social loafing, deindividuation, and social facilitation can explain patterns of student participation, off-task behavior, and in-class performance, respectively, as a function of the size of the class. Data from interviews with eight middle-school teachers suggest that these concepts are marginally applicable to the behaviors in question. At the same time, other class size effects on student behavior are described which may be inherent in class size and thus be reasonably predictable. Josh Englehart is a recent PhD receipient from Cleveland State University. He is currently a public school Physical Education teacher in Painesville, Ohio. His research to date has included class size effects on various outcome variables, teacher perceptions of student intelligence, and student motivation.  相似文献   

Depictions of Caucasian women in the mainstream media have become increasingly thinner in size and straighter in shape. These changes may be inconsistent with the growing influence of African American beauty ideals, which research has established as more accepting of larger body sizes and more curvaceous body types than Caucasians. The present study looked at trends in the portrayal of African American women featured in JET magazine from 1953 to 2006. Beauty of the Week (BOW) images were collected and analyzed to examine body size (estimated by independent judges) and body shape (estimated by waist-to-hip ratio). We expected body sizes to increase and body shapes to become more curvaceous. Results revealed a rise in models' body size consistent with expectations, but an increase in waist-to-hip ratio, contrary to prediction. Our findings suggest that the African American feminine beauty ideal reflects both consistencies with and departures from mainstream cultural ideals.  相似文献   

Adding an upright inner square frame to an outer tilted square frame causes a central rod's perceived orientation to be directionally opposite the usual rod-and-frame illusion (RFI). Zoccolotti, Antonucci, Daini, Martelli, and Spinelli (1997) attributed this double RFI (DRFI) to Rock's (1990) hierarchical organization principle. In Experiment 1, this explanation predicted results for small (11 degrees ) but not larger (22 degrees and 33 degrees ) outer frame orientations. In two experiments with the DRFI, bottom-up, goal-driven attention was varied and direct and indirect measures of the framework's influence were compared. In Experiment 2, the RFI angular function was compared with two other DRFI conditions: a direct measure of perceived rod orientation and an indirect measure of the inner frame. These conditions induced directionally opposite effects. In Experiment 3, direct and indirect measures of the inner frame's perceived tilt were compared. Angular functions differing in size and direction were obtained. Experiment 4 replicated the previous results, using a different psychophysical procedure. All the results were consistent with the hierarchical organization mechanism but suggested different processing strategies due to different attentional weights. They were also consistent with other recent findings based on the Bayesian approach to accounts of illusory phenomena (e.g., Jazayeri & Movshon, 2006, 2007; Weiss, Simoncelli, & Adelson, 2002).  相似文献   

A common assumption is that phonetic sounds initiate unique processing in the superior temporal gyri and sulci (STG/STS). The anatomical areas subserving these processes are also implicated in the processing of non-phonetic stimuli such as music instrument sounds. The differential processing of phonetic and non-phonetic sounds was investigated in this study by applying a “sound-morphing” paradigm, where the presence of phonetic features were parametrically varied, creating a step-wise transition from a non-phonetic sound into a phonetic sound. The stimuli were presented in an event-related fMRI design. The fMRI-BOLD data were analysed using parametric contrasts. The results showed a higher sensitivity for sounds containing phonetic features compared to non-phonetic sounds in the middle part of STG, and in the anterior part of the planum temporale (PT) bilaterally. Although the same areas were involved in the processing of non-phonetic sounds, a difference in activation was evident in the STG, with an increase in activation related to increment of phonetic features in the sounds. The results indicate a stimulus-driven, bottom-up process that utilizes general auditory resources in the secondary auditory cortex, depending on specific phonetic features in the sounds.  相似文献   

In two experimental studies we investigated how false memory reports provided by anonymous group members affect individuals' recognition. Participants were presented with a series of salient and non‐salient objects and recognition memory was subsequently assessed for presented and non‐presented stimuli. In this recognition test, participants were confronted with (in)correct responses from bogus group members. The findings indicate that the bogus answers influenced memory reports only in the absence of a clear recollection and if the stimulus was not judged to be particularly memorable. Moreover, we found no evidence that motivational influences affected participants' judgements. However, the influence of the bogus group decreased with the presence of dissenters who broke the unanimity of the group, and it increased with higher uncertainty. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Social impact theory, especially the constructs of importance and number of people present, have been useful in explaining the magnitude of speech anxiety experienced by speakers. In the present study, Crowne and Marlowe's social desirability construct was evaluated as an operational definition of importance. A multiple regression analysis indicated that speech anxiety is best explained by a multiplicative rather than a simple linear model, using size of audience and social desirability as independent variables for 50 speakers.  相似文献   

Descriptions and depictions of environments   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Small optical flow fields are involved in object and shape recognition. These tasks depend on high resolution and low speed of the flow-field elements. Large optical flow fields are involved in tasks such as orientation and navigation, which require flow-field elements to move at high speed. From the above, we would expect to find different behavior of subjects for different parameter ranges of field size and speed of the elements. In this paper, we address the question of whether such different behavior exists for a task that is associated neither with object recognition nor with navigation. We obtained detection thresholds for expansion in the presence of translation for a wide range of field sizes. The same paradigm was used to investigate whether subjects made efficient use of peripheral information. We found viewing-distance invariance, meaning that subjects’ performance scaled with stimulus size. Subjects performed very similarly with and without foveal information.  相似文献   

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