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The current study describes the assessment and treatment of the problem behavior of 3 individuals with autism for whom initial functional analysis results were inconclusive. Subsequent analyses revealed that the interruption of free-operant behavior using "do" requests (Study 1) as well as "do" and "don't" requests (Study 2) occasioned problem behavior. Initially, treatment involved differential and noncontingent reinforcement without interruption. To make the intervention more sustainable in the natural environment (where interruptions are unavoidable), a two-component multiple-schedule arrangement was used to progressively increase the period of time in which ongoing activities would be interrupted. During generalization sessions, the intervention was applied across a variety of contexts and therapists.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of low‐rate aggression was conducted during extended observation periods and showed behavior to be maintained by positive reinforcement. Treatment consisted of variable‐momentary differential reinforcement of other behavior and was successful in reducing problem behavior throughout these extended observation periods.  相似文献   

During the behavior shaping toward bar jumping to avoid shock at the termination of a tone, ten genetically nervous (“E”) and ten stable (“A”) dogs showed different performances in the acquisition of the adaptive motor response. When tested two months later and with concurrent monitoring of their electrocardiograms, these animals also showed differences in (1) baseline heart rate, (2) direction and degree of heart rate change to the conditioned tone stimulus (more often deceleration in the E dogs), and (3) response to the unconditioned shock stimulus. After having performed in an almost satisfactory manner for a few trials, thenervous animals often would suddenly freeze in rigid postures. These animals could frequently be made to emit the adaptive behavior by “breaking the frozen posture” through pushing, jumping, or pulling manipulation. Sometimes a forced righting reflex dramatically encouraged an integrated performance of varying duration. Thestable strain of dogs showed little or none of the rigidity and usually learned the smooth adaptive response. The stable A dogs showed retention of the cardiac Cr, but not of the motor Cr (which they re-formed after one or two reenforcements); the nervous E dogs also retained the cardiac Cr, but persisted in the maladaptive motor performance. The fragmented disorganized behavior in acquiring the adaptive motor act and thedifferential retention of the autonomic and motor responses are considered examples ofschizokinesis as conceptualized by Gantt. This schism is seen in clearer form in behavioral acquisition than in the usual frequency measure of the well-practiced act.  相似文献   

We modified functional analysis procedures to include a condition in which we reinforced problem behavior by complying with a child's mands. After identifying compliance with mands as a reinforcer, we evaluated the efficacy of a token system with a response‐cost contingency and incorporated discriminative stimuli to signal when mands would be reinforced. The token system with response cost effectively reduced problem behavior. Similar procedures may be beneficial when continuous adult compliance is not possible, when adults want to control when they will comply with the child's mands, or to build a child's tolerance for adult‐directed situations.  相似文献   

Through selective mating and line breeding of pointer dogs we have developed and continued two strains which are fairly behaviorally distinct. We now have data accumulating from the crossing of these two lines. Although the offspring from the crosses are still young, it can be seen that some stable male parents have had nonenvironmental, i.e., genetic, effects. The offspring are in many respects like their nervous mothers, but in some behavior, notably social behavior, they can be mistaken for the stable strain of dog. Heart rates have mimicked those of the nervous mothers and seem in no way influenced by the stable ancestry in “Effect of Person” tests. There is a marked difference between stable and unstable dogs in the effect of “Person” on heart rate: the unstable dogs show practically no cardiac response to “Person” (petting), whereas the normal dogs show the usual marked bradycardia to petting.  相似文献   

Methylphenidate, 0.5 mg/kg, injected intravenously, was used in 10 normal (A line) and 10 genetically nervous (E line) dogs in a blind-design experiment to aid in prediction, from cardiovascular recordings alone, of behavioral normalityversus nervousness. The prediction was 75 per cent correct, based on heart rate (HR), form of the electrocardiogram (EKG), pattern of sinus arrhythmia, and pattern of HR response to methylphenidate. Nervous dogs were found to have slower baseline HR’s, delayed return of HR to baseline after methylphenidate, greater occurrence of baseline EKG abnormalities and much greater frequency of these after methylphenidate. Degree of nervousness was found to correlate rather highly (1)negatively with baseline HR level, (2)negatively with speed of BP response, and (3)positively with frequency of some of the EKG manifestations. These data, indicative of a relative inertness of physiological functions of nervous pointer dogs compared with normal pointers, are consistent with the behavioral and some of the biochemical findings previously reported.  相似文献   

Consciousness results from three mechanisms: representation by firing patterns in neural populations, binding of representations into more complex representations called semantic pointers, and competition among semantic pointers to capture the most important aspects of an organism’s current state. We contrast the semantic pointer competition (SPC) theory of consciousness with the hypothesis that consciousness is the capacity of a system to integrate information (IIT). We describe computer simulations to show that SPC surpasses IIT in providing better explanations of key aspects of consciousness: qualitative features, onset and cessation, shifts in experiences, differences in kinds across different organisms, unity and diversity, and storage and retrieval.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of a dense (fixed-ratio 1) schedule of reinforcement for an 11-year-old boy's mands for toys while aggression produced the same toys on various schedules chosen on the basis of a progressive-ratio probe. Based on the probe session data, we accurately predicted that aggression would be more probable than mands when the schedules were equal or slightly discrepant, but that mands would be more probable when the schedule discrepancy was large.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have shown that there is a general and marked canine cardiac response to humans and to petting from humans. Additional investigations have suggested that one of the major determinants of such responding is genetic. Some studies have indicated that such a response does not occur in nervous, short-haired pointer dogs. Evidence presented in this study indicates that a heart rate response to person and petting does occur in both the nervous as well as the normal pointer dog, but only when the animal is unrestrained. When placed in a restraining harness, only normal dogs showed a heart rate response to person and the characteristic bradycardia upon petting. Moreover, in this and two other separate experiments in which tones (CS’s) were given, it was observed in both normal and nervous strains that mean baseline heart rates were as much as 40 beats per minute lower in the restrained situation than in the unrestrained situation. These experiments measured retention of cardiac response to aversive conditional signals, since most dogs (9 of 12) had received both tones and shock in a bar jumping-shock avoidance experiment one year previously. However, heart rates varied inconsistently in both magnitude and direction of change upon CS showing little or no retention. These findings clarify ambiguity in previous reports and again show that the restraining conditions in an experiment can constitute a serious stress for the animal and be a major factor in the results.  相似文献   

Two behaviorally distinct strains of pointer dogs, one bred for nervousness (pronounced freezing behavior, withdrawal behavior), the other bred for normal behavior, exhibit prominent differences in their heart rates and incidence of sporadic occurrences of atrioventricular heart block. Of 67 nervous-line dogs, 70 per cent showed second degree AV-block on at least one occasion, and their heart rates averaged 65 beats/min. Only 15 per cent of 52 normal-line dogs displayed AV-block (generally fewer instances per dog) and their heart rates averaged 110 beats/min. Fifth generation nervous-line puppies, two to six weeks old, exhibited occasional AV-block even at heart rates averaging 183 beats/min. The incidence and “severity” increased as the puppies aged. Dogs crossbred from second and third generation parents of the two main lines show intermediate incidences of AV-block and intermediate heart rates. The incidence of AV-block is predominant in females. This is interpreted as a sex-influenced, agedependent, polygenic mode of inheritance. Humoral factors probably account for the sex-influence, and psychological stress probably also plays a role. No sex difference is noted in heart rates.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of background noise on levels of problem behavior and pain behavior under functional analysis conditions for a child with a diagnosis of Williams syndrome and hyperacusis. Background noise was associated with increases in escape-maintained problem behavior and increases in pain behavior such as clasping ears and crying. When the child was fitted with earplugs, there were substantial reductions in both problem and pain behavior under the background noise condition.  相似文献   

Emotion theory needs to explain the relationship of language and emotions, and the embodiment of emotions, by specifying the computational mechanisms underlying emotion generation in the brain. We used Chris Eliasmith’s Semantic Pointer Architecture to develop POEM, a computational model that explains numerous important phenomena concerning emotions, including how some stimuli generate immediate emotional reactions, how some emotional reactions depend on cognitive evaluations, how bodily states influence the generation of emotions, how some emotions depend on interactions between physiological inputs and cognitive appraisals, and how some emotional reactions concern syntactically complex representations. We contrast our theory with current alternatives, and discuss some possible applications to individual and social emotions.  相似文献   

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