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大学生成就动机、性格特征、控制点与自信关系的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本研究将成就动机、性格特征及内外控倾向三因素综合起来加以考察 ,探讨它们对大学生自信人格的影响作用及影响路径 ,从而揭示出四种人格特征之间的内在关系 ,2 3 5名大学生参加了测试。结果表明 :大学生成就动机、性格特征、内外控和自信等四种人格特征之间存在不同程度的相关 ;成就动机、内外控倾向和性别等主要变量对大学生自信有显著预测作用 ;成就动机和控制点对大学生自信具有直接效应 ,控制点和性格特征对自信具有间接效应  相似文献   

大学生自信发展特点的研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
车丽萍 《心理科学》2003,26(4):661-666
本研究选取931名大学生为被试,采用自编“大学生自信问卷”?考察了大学生自信的年龄特点、性别差异及学校类型差异。结果表明:大学生自信总水平差异显著,除社交自信外,整体自信、学业自信和身体自信均存在极显著性别差异,男生高于女生;大学生在整体、学业和身体自信及其分维度上存在显著年级差异:一、四年级显著高于二、三年级,其中三年级自信度明显低于其它年级;学业、社交、身体自信及其分维度存在显著学校类型差异,非重点大学学生显著高于重点大学学生;年级和学校类型在身体自信、整体自信、学业自信、社交自信及其某些层面上存在显著交互作用;性别和学校类型在身体自信某分维度的交互作用达显著水平。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生学习动机、学业自我设限与完美主义倾向的关系,为大学生在学习方面的指导工作提供相应的理论和实践依据。方法:采用分层随机抽样的方法,运用大学生学习动机量表、学业自我设限量表和中文Frost多维度完美主义量表对364名大学生进行测查。结果:(1)在学业自我设限上,男女生不存在差异;在不同年级之间,大学生在"拖延"和"轻视任务"两个维度上存在显著差异;在不同专业(文理)之间,大学生在学业自我设限上存在显著差异。(2)学业自我设限与学习动机、完美主义倾向相关显著。结论:大学生的学习动机、学业自我设限与完美主义倾向关系密切。  相似文献   

大学生自信与成就动机、综合测评成绩的相关研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
车丽萍 《心理科学》2004,27(1):51-54
通过对289名大学生成就动机、自信的测试,探讨大学生自信与成就动机、综合测评成绩之间的关系。结果表明:(1)大学生成就动机与自信相关显著。其中,追求成功的动机与自信诸维度呈显著正相关,而避免失败的动机与自信诸维度之间则呈显著负相关;(2)综合测评成绩与自信的少数维度有显著相关,与学生成就动机之间相关不显著。  相似文献   

大学生自信现状研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用自编大学生自信心量表对广州市396名大学生的自信状况进行调查,结果表明:大学生自信心量表信度和效度较好,包含交往、综合确认、能力、个体发展四个维度。男女大学生在个体发展上的自信水平存在性别差异,男生得分显著高于女生;独生子女与非独生子女在综合确认上存在显著差异,非独生子女得分显著高于独生子女;学生干部与非学生干部在自信诸维度及自信总分上差异非常显著,前者显著高于后者;学习成绩越好的大学生在综合确认、能力、个体发展以及自信总分上得分越高。  相似文献   

研究以300名河津中学和樊村高中学生为对象,采用"青少年时间管理倾向量表"、"Aitken拖延问卷(中学生版)",通过对高中生时间管理倾向、学业拖延的现状调查,探讨高中生时间管理倾向与学业拖延的关系,进而分析高中生时间管理倾向对学业拖延的影响。结果表明,高中生时间管理倾向各维度与失败恐惧呈显著负相关,而与任务厌恶相关不显著;河津高中与樊村高中在时间价值感与时间效能感维度上存在显著差异(P0.001);高中生是否为班干部在时间监控观维度上存在显著差异(P0.05);时间效能感对失败恐惧有一定的预测作用。  相似文献   

采用问卷法对578名大学生进行调查,探讨完美主义与大学生学业拖延的关系,提出一个有调节的中介模型,考察时间管理倾向的中介作用和自尊的调节作用。结果显示:(1)积极完美主义显著负向预测大学生学业拖延,消极完美主义与学业拖延呈显著正相关;(2)时间管理倾向在积极完美主义与学业拖延之间起部分中介作用;(3)时间管理倾向对大学生学业拖延的预测受到个体自尊水平的调节,相比于低自尊大学生,时间管理倾向对高自尊大学生学业拖延的预测更为显著。  相似文献   

大学生的学习观及其与学习动机、自我效能感的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王学臣  周琰 《心理科学》2008,31(3):732-735
采用大学生学习观问卷、大学生学习动机量表(WMI)、一般自我效能感量表(GSES)及学习效能感量表,选取254名大学生作为被试进行问卷调查,探讨大学生的学习观现状及其与学习动机、一般自我效能感、学习效能感的关系.结果表明:大学生的学习观总体上是倾向于建构性的;文理科学生、本专科学生在学习观的各维度得分上不存在显著差异;大学生的学习观与其内生动机、一般自我效能感、学习效能感存在显著正相关,与外生动机多为显著负相关;学业自我体验与学习过程观是大学生内生动机的有效预测变量,学业自我体验是大学生一般自我效能感和学习效能感的有效预测变量.  相似文献   

大学生时间管理倾向与压力和睡眠质量的相关研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用"大学生压力量表"、"匹兹堡睡眠质量指数"和"青少年时间管理倾向量表"对重庆高校751名本科生进行问卷调查.结果发现:大学生的主要压力源自于个人烦扰、学习烦扰和消极生活事件,不同专业和年级具有不同的特点;大学生的睡眠质量存在较严重的问题;时间管理倾向与匹兹堡睡眠质量指数大部分维度呈显著负相关;个人烦扰对入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠障碣有显著的预测效应;睡眠障碍、催眠药物、日间功能障碍及时间效能感对压力有显著预测效应.  相似文献   

探讨大学生学习态度的现状以及与学业自我效能感之间的关系,为改善大学生学习态度提供依据。采用学业自我效能感问卷和学习态度问卷对302名大学生进行调查。得出结论为:1.在学习能力自我效能感、学习态度、情感品质、行为品质维度上存在显著性别差异,女生得分显著高于男生得分。2.在行为品质维度上存在显著年级差异,大四学生得分显著低于大一、大二和大三学生得分,大一学生得分显著高于大二学生。3.学业自我效能感与学习态度存在显著正相关。学业自我效能感能解释学习态度总变异的12%,能显著正向预测学习态度。  相似文献   

In the current study, we examined the effects of women's suppressing negative gender stereotypes while interacting with a male confederate. Compared with control participants, those who suppressed negative thoughts about women's ability experienced less self-confidence, lower self-esteem, and were more nonverbally submissive during the interaction, particularly if they were high in stigma consciousness (Pinel, 1999). These findings illustrate the negative intra- and interpersonal consequences of stigma suppression.  相似文献   

Ellen Lenney 《Sex roles》1981,7(9):905-924
Previous investigators have suggested that women display lower self-confidence than men across almost all achievement situations. The empirical validity of this suggestion is assessed in an experiment testing the following hypotheses: (1) Sex differences in self-confidence depend upon the particular ability area. (2) Women's self-confidence is more influenced than men's by characteristics of the particular individual with whom they compare themselves. Undergraduates completed verbal, interpersonal perceptiveness, spatial-mechanical, and creativity subtests. After each subtest, subjects estimated both their own score and that of the average undergraduate, the average male undergraduate, or the average female undergraduate. Self-confidence was operationally defined in terms of how favorably subjects compared their work to that of their peers. As predicted, women's self-confidence was lower than men's in only the spatial-mechanical and creativity subtests; and for women, but not for men, self-confidence depended upon which peer was specified. It is concluded that situation variables do determine sex differences in self-confidence and that women's self-confidence may be unduly affected by situation-specific comparison cues.The preparation of this article was supported in part by a Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies awarded to the author by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. Some portions of the study reported in this article were presented at the Western Psychological Association 1976 Convention (Lenney, Note 1) and were briefly abstracted in another article (Lenney, 1977). The author wishes to express her deep appreciation to Walter Mischel and to Sandra Bem for their invaluable consultations on the writing of this article.  相似文献   

Research was conducted to assess sex differences in college students' self-esteem and self-concepts, and the extent to which students' self-perceptions predict their life goals Questionnaires that included the Rosenberg Scale, Texas Social Behavior Inventory, self-concepts, life goals, and demographic and family backgrounds were completed by 804 women from seven colleges and 127 men from two colleges Men and women did not differ significantly in their self-esteem and interpersonal self-confidence, but the men rated themselves higher on math/science ability, leadership/public speaking ability, and coping/self-sufficiency Women's global self-esteem scores and interpersonal self-confidence did not predict their life goals, but women's greater self-confidence in masculine spheres predicted higher educational goals and their ranking of future careers as a more important priority in their lives Men's interpersonal self-confidence predicted their ranking time for future spouses as a high priority and time for themselves as a lower priority Men's global self-esteem and leadership/public speaking ability self-concept predicted preferences for full-time career involvement when their future children are very young Different demographic variables also predicted men's and women's goals Implications of these sex differences and predictive relationships are discussed  相似文献   

Previous investigators have suggested that women display lower self-confidence than men across almost all achievement situations. The empirical validity of this suggestion is assessed in an experiment testing the hypothesis that performance evaluation guidelines moderate sex difference in self-confidence. Undergraduates read the guidelines by which their performance on an impending test would be evaluated. Guidelines were: ambiguous (A); clear—specifying the dimensions of performance to be examined, but not providing any examples of others' performance against which subjects' work would be compared (C); or clear with performance examples (CE). Subjects then completed the test and estimated how will they had done. Results showed the predicted pattern in conditions A and C: While women underestimated their actual performan?e much more than men when guidelines were ambiguous, they did not do so when guidelines were clear. Further, the rise in self-confidence for women from conditions A to C was greater than that for men. Also as predicted, both sexes' self-confidence and performance were higher in condition C than in condition A. Finally, although condition CE was expected to depress only women's self-confidence and performance, both sexes showed this effect. It is concluded that sex differences in self-confidence are moderated by situation variables and that programs designed to reduce such differences might be improved by a greater focus upon women's response to clearly specifiable factors in achievement settings.  相似文献   

The Coping Responses Inventory (CRI) was used to study coping among older problem and nonproblem drinkers. The CRI organizes coping efforts according to their focus (approach or avoidance) and method (cognitive or behavioral). Compared with nonproblem drinkers, older problem drinkers were more likely to use cognitive and behavioral avoidance responses to manage life stressors. Problem drinkers who experienced more negative life events and more severe stressors used both more approach and more avoidance coping. Those who had more financial and social resources relied more on approach and less on avoidance coping. Problem drinkers who relied more on avoidance coping tended to have more drinking problems and to report more depression and physical symptoms and less self-confidence. Positive reappraisal was associated with less depression and more self-confidence.  相似文献   

The self-confidence and sex role identities of 437 American female and male managers were examined by using three subscales of the Adjective Check List. Results showed that, contrary to stereotypes and older research, female and male managers were strikingly similar. Women and men with cross-sex role identities showed lower levels of self-confidence than those did with androgynous orientations; high self-confidence was linked with masculine and androgynous orientations. The managers were not significantly different in self-confidence when demographic variables and sex role identity were held constant. Sex role identity (but not gender) was a major factor in the level of self-confidence.  相似文献   

Suspiciousness of deception threatens the internal validity of the conformity experiment, and analyses suggest it is becoming more widespread. After being led to believe their own ability in a visual judgment task was higher, lower, or the same as the ability of the other group members, 65 undergraduate women made visual and informational judgments in the Crutchfield apparatus. Major findings include treatment effects on suspiciousness, less conformity by suspicious Ss, and ‘significant’ treatment effects on conformity only when suspicious Ss were removed from the analyses. Measures of self-confidence and confidence in others were significantly related to and likely determinants of suspiciousness. Implications for improving deception in conformity research are discussed.  相似文献   

时间是认识和定义自我的框架之一。本研究采用两个实验,探讨心理时间旅行对任务自信的影响。实验1采用自由回忆或想象过去、未来事件的操纵,结果发现:事件情绪效价影响任务自信,时间方向以事件情绪效价为中介间接影响任务自信,想象的未来事件比回忆的过去事件更积极,进而引发更高任务自信。实验2采用平衡回忆或想象事件的情绪效价的操纵,使效价与时间方向的作用相分离,结果发现:时间方向不影响任务自信,想象事件的情绪效价对任务自信的作用受到时间方向的调节。回忆过去事件时,效价不影响任务自信;而想象未来事件时,事件效价越积极,任务自信越高。对于时间旅行中的积极事件,时间旅行的方向不影响任务自信;而对于消极事件,想象未来所引发的任务自信低于回忆过去。结论:时间旅行的方向与想象事件的情绪效价共同作用于任务自信。  相似文献   

Although much research has demonstrated the existence of relationship specific relational selves, the effects of those selves on feelings about the overall self-concept are unknown. The current research proposed that level of relational interdependent self-construal moderates the relationship between the activation of close relationship partners and self-confidence. The first study examined self-construal as a naturally occurring personality variable, whereas the second study manipulated self-construal. Both studies supported the hypothesis that those greater in relational interdependence experience greater self-confidence when close others are salient whereas those lower in relational interdependence experience lower self-confidence. The implications of the findings and linkages to past research are discussed.  相似文献   

Suicide proneness and self-destruction scales, together with measures of self-favorability and self-confidence, were administered to two samples (n = 106 and n = 213). The affective responses of the second sample (134 women and 79 men) were measured by asking respondents to circle adjectives classified for activity-passivity, positive-negativeness, and extroversion-introversion that expressed their feelings toward eight situations. Women scored lower than men on suicide proneness, higher on self-destruction, and lower on self-favorability and self-confidence. Women reacted more passively to the situations than men and more negatively to the public challenge situation. Women tend to extrovert (turn outward on others) their positive feelings in pleasant situations and to introvert (turn blame on themselves) their negative reactions to unpleasant situations. Men do the reverse. It is suggested that women are self-destructive in passive ways, reflecting their lack of self-favorability and confidence and manifested by failure to react to everyday situations in ego-building ways.  相似文献   

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