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《Personnel Psychology》1999,52(1):173-261
Books reviewed in this article: James W. Smither (Editor). Performance Appraisal: State of the Art in Practice. Charles C. Manz. The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus: Practical Lessons for Today. Dale E. Yeats and Cloyd Hyten. High-Performing Self-Managed Work Teams: A Comparison of Theory to Practice. Michael M. Beyerlein, Douglas A. Johnson, and Susan T. Beyerlein (Editors). Advances in Interdisciplinary Studies of Work Teams, Volume 4. Mitchell Lee Marks and Philip H. Mirvis. Joining Forces: Making One Plus One Equal Three in Mergers, Acquisitions, and Alliances. Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer. BLUR: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy. P Christopher Earley and Miriam Erez (Editors). New Perspectives on International Industria/Organizational Psychology. William A. Pasmore and Richard W. Woodman (Editors). Research in Organizational Change and Development, Volume 10. Elwood F. Holton III. Leading Organizational Change. Claude Lévy-Leboyer. La Motivation dans I'Entreprise. Modéles et Strategies [Motivation in the Business Enterprise: Models and Strategies]. Deborah Garrison. A Working Girl Can't Win. Robert Folger and Russell Cropanzano. Organizational Justice and Human Resource Management. Marc Linder and Ingrid Nygaard. Void Where Prohibited: Rest Breaks and the Right to Urinate on Company Time. Thomas A. Kochan, Russell D. Lansbury, and John Paul MacDuffie (Editors). After Lean Production: Evolving Employment Practices in the World Auto Industry. Talib Rothergatter and Enrique Carbonell Vaya (Editors). Traffic and Bansport Psychology: Theory and Application. George M. Piskurich. An Organizational Guide to Telecommuting: Setting Up and Running a Successful Telecommuter Program. Randy L. DeSimone and David M. Harris. Human Resource Development (2nd ed.). David A. Waldman and Leanne E. Atwater. The Power of 360° Feedback: How to Leverage Performance Evaluations for Top Productivity. Peggy Simonsen. Promoting a Development Culture in Your Organization: Using Career Development as a Change Agent. Manuel London. Career Barriers: How People Experience, Overcome, and Avoid Failure. Miguel A. Quiñones and Addie Ehrenstein (Editors). Training for a Rapidly Changing Workplace: Applications of Psychological Research. David L. Dotlich and James L. Noel. Action Learning: How the World's Top Companies Are Re-creating Their Leaders and Themselves. Robert E. Haskell. Reengineering Corporate Tkaining. John Hagan (Editor) and Karen S. Cook (Associate Editor). Annual Review of Sociology, Volume 23, 1997. Philip Stone and Mark Cannon (Editors). Organizational Psychology. EQS for Windows (Version 5) .  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》2003,56(3):753-816
Book reviewed in this article: James Hoopes. False Prophets: The Gurus Who Created Modern Management and Why Their Ideas Are Bad for Business Today. Thomas Davenport and Laurence Prusak with H. James Wilson. What's the Big Idea? Creating and Capitalizing on the Best Management Thinking. Joseph A. Raelin. Creating Leaderful Organizations: How to Bring Out Leadership in Everyone. Dennis Sherwood. Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Manager's Guide to Applying Systems Thinking. Michael F. Broom. The Infinite Organization: Celebrating the Positive Use of Power in Organizations. Robert Galford and Anne Seibold Drapeau. The Trusted Leader: Bringing Out the Best in Your People and Your Company. Peter J. Frost. Toxic Emotions at Work: How Compassionate Managers Handle Pain and Conflict. Allen C. Bluedorn. The Human Organization of Time: Temporal Realities and Experience. Gerhard Sonnert. Ivory Bridges: Connecting Science and Society. Rodney L. Lowman (Editor). The California School of Organizational Studies Handbook of Organizational Consulting Psychology. Leon de Caluwe and Hans Vermaak. Learning To Change: A Guide For Organization Change Agents. Wayne F. Cascio. Responsible Restructuring: Creative and Profitable Alternatives to Layoffs. Hermina Ibarra. Working Identity. Daniel C. Feldman. Work Careers: A Developmental Perspective. David Sears. Successful Talent Strategies: Achieving Superior Business Results through Market‐Focused Staffing. Michael T. Brannick and Edward Levine. Job Analysis: Methods, Research, and Applications for Human Resource Management in the New Millennium. Joseph J. Martocchio. Employee Benefits: A Primer for Human Resource Professionals. Robert L. Heneman. Strategic Reward Management: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation. Michael Zanko (Editor). The Handbook of Human Resource Management Policies and Practices in Asia‐Pacific Economies. Steve M. Jex. Organizational Psychology: A Scientist‐Practitioner Approach. Dail L. Fields. Taking the Measure of Work: A Guide to Validated Scales for Organizational Research and Diagnosis.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1981,34(1):123-210
Lawler , Edward E., III, Nadler , David A. and Cammann , Cortlandt . Organizational Assessment: Perspectives on the Measurement of Organizational Behavior and The Quality of Work Life. De Board , Robert . The Psychoanalysis of Organizations: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Behaviour in Groups and Organizations. Hage , Jerald . Theories of Organizations: Form, Process, and Transformation. Summer , Charles E. Strategic Behavior in Business and Government. Van de Ven , Andrew and Ferry , Diane L. Measuring and Assessing Organizations. Pinder , Craig C. and Moore , Larry F. (Eds.) Middle Range Theory and the Study of Organizations. Huse , Edgar F. Organization Development and Change. (Second Ed.) Heneman , Herbert G., III, Schwab , Donald P., Fossum , John A. and Dyer , Lee D. Personnel/Human Resource Management. Du Brin Andrew . Effective Business Psychology. Ivancevich , John M. and Matteson , Michael T. Stress and Work. A Managerial Perspective. Cooper , C. L. and Payne , R. (Editors). Current Concerns in Occupational Stress. Wanous , John P. Organization Entry: Recruitment, Selection, and Socialization of Newcomers. Singleton , W. T., Spurgeon , P. and Stammers , R. B. (Eds.) The Analysis of Social Skill. Hackman , J. Richard . Job Design. Hinrichs , John R. Productivity Through Morale Management. Sorcher , Melvin . Supervisory Training Through Behavior Modeling. Burack , Elmer H., Albrecht , Maryann and Seitler , Helene . Growing: A Woman's Guide to Career Satisfaction. Morgan , Marilyn A. (Ed.). Managing Career Development. Chruden , H. J. AND Sherman , A. W., Jr . Personnel Management: The Utilization of Human Resources. (Sixth Edition) Chruden , H. J. and Sherman , A. W., Jr . (Editors) Readings in Personnel Management: The Utilization of Human Resources. (Fifth Edition) Eddy , William B. and Burke , W. Warner . (Eds.) Behavioral Science and the Manager's Role. (Second Edition) Imundo , Louis V. The Effective Supervisor's Handbook. Heyel , Carl , (Ed.) The VNR Concise Guide to Human Resources Development. Shaw , Malcolm E., Corsini , Raymond J., Blake , Robert R. and Mouton , Jane S. Role Playing: A Practical Manual for Group Facilitators. Ritchie , J. B. and Thompson , Paul . Organization and People: Readings, Cases, and Exercises in Organizational Behavior. (Second Edition) Mc Lane , Helen J. Selecting, Developing and Retaining Women Executives: A Corporate Strategy for the Eighties. Bales , Robert F. and Cohen , Stephen P. with the assistance of Stephen A. Williamson . Symlog: A System for the Multiple Level Observation of Groups. Bales , Robert F. Symlog Case Study Kit with Instructions for a Group Self Study. Jones , William M. and Jones , Ruth A. Two Careers–One Marriage. Jain , Harish , C. Disadvantaged Groups on the Labour Market and Measure. to Assist Them.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1978,31(4):921-1005
Book reviewed in this article: Mulder , Mauk . The Daily Power Game. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Social Sciences Division, 1977. Pfeiffer , J. William and Jones , John E. (Editors) The 1978 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators. Zander , Alvin . Groups at Work. Connellan , Thomas K. How to Improve Human Performance: Behaviorism in Business and Industry. Swart , J. Carroll . A Flexible Approach to Working Hours. Fournies , Ferdinand F. Coaching for Improved Work Performance. Schrank , Robert . Ten Thousand Working Days. Morley , Ian and Stephenson , Geoffrey . The Social Psychology of Bargaining. Rowbottom , Ralph . Social Analysis: A Collaborative Method of Gaining Usable Scientific Knowledge of Social Institutions. Argyris , Chris and Schön , Donald A. Organizational Learning: A Theory of Action Perspective. Blake , Robert R. and Mouton , Jane Srygley . Making Experience Work: The Grid Approach to Critique. Anthony , P. D. The Conduct of Industrial Relations. Montana , Patrick J. and Higginson , Margaret V. Career Life Planning for Americans: Agenda for Organizations and Individuals. Educational Measurement and the Law: Proceedings of the ETS Invitational Conference. Pasmore , William A. and Sherwood , John J. (Editors) Sociotechnical Systems: A Sourcebook. Staudohar , Paul D. Grievance Arbitration in Public Employment. Yoder , Dale and Heneman , Herbert G., Jr . PAIR Policy and Program Management: Volume VII of the ASPA Handbook of Personnel and Industrial Relations. Kaplan , H. Roy . (Editor) American Minorities and Economic Opportunity. Leavitt , Harold J. Managerial Psychology. (Fourth Edition) Hampton , David R., Summer , Charles E. and Webber , Ross A. Organizational Behavior and the Practice of Management. Wexley , Kenneth N. and Yukl , Gary A. Organizational Behavior and Personnel Psychology. Schultz , Duane P. Psychology and Industry Today. (Second Edition) Miner , John B. The Management Process: Theory, Research, and Practice. (Second Edition) Williams , J. Clifton . Human Behavior in Organizations. Klatt , Lawrence A., Murdick , Robert G. and Schuster , Fred E. Human Resources Management: A Behavioral Systems Approach. Leplat , Jacques and Cuny , Xavier . Introduction a la Psychologie du Travail. Lippitt , Gordon and Lippitt , Ronald . The Consulting Process in Action. Weiner , J. S. and Maule , H. G. (Editors) Human Factors in Work, Design and Production. (Case Studies in Ergonomics Practice: Volume 1.) Mitchell , Terence R. People in Organizations: Understanding Their Behavior. Franklin , Jerome L. (Editor) Human Resource Development in the Organization: A Guide to Information Sources (Management Information Guide Series, No. 35). Theodore Kunin , Jackson , Douglas N. and Messick , Samuel . (Editors) Problems in Human Assessment. (Reprint Edition)  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1998,51(3):727-808
Books reviewed in this article: Robert M. Guion. Assessment, Measurement, and Prediction for Personnel Decisions. Peter Ward. 360-Degree Feedback. Walter W. Tornow and Manuel London (Editors). Maximizing the Value of 360-Degree Feedback. Jeffrey Pfeffer. New Directions for Organization Theory: Problems and Prospects. Bruno Frey. Not Just for the Money: An Economic Theory of Personal Motivation. Sanford M. Jacoby (Editor). Not The Workers of Nations: Industrial Relations in a Global Economy. Hellen Hemphill and Ray Haines. Discrimination, Harassment, and the Failure of Diversity Training: What to Do Now. Deborah P. Bloch and Lee J. Richmond (Editors). Connections Between Spirit and Work in Career Development: New Approaches and Practical Perspectives. Jeffrey Pfeffer. The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First. Daniel Druckman, Jerome E. Singer, and Harold Van Cott (Editors). Enhancing Organizational Performance. Joseph L. Badaracco, Jr. Defining Moments: When Managers Must Choose Between Right and Right. Robert Hogan, John Johnson, and Stephen Briggs (Editors). Handbook of Personality Psychology. Roger Schank. Virtual Learning: A Revolutionary Approach to Building a Highly Skilled Workforce. Anthony J. DiBella and Edwin C. Nevis. How Organizations Learn: An Integrated Strategy for Building Learning Capability. Karen Lawson. Improving On-the-job Training and Coaching. Joseph Rosse and Robert Levin. High-Impact Hiring: A Comprehensive Guide to Performance-Based Hiring. William T. Haigh (Editor). CEO Pay: A Comprehensive Look. Oswald Neuberger. Mikropolitik. Der Alltägliche Aufbau und Einsatz von Macht in Organisationen. Rebecca Luhn Wolfe. Office Politics: Positive Results from Fair Practices. Annette Simmons. Territorial Games: Understanding and Ending Turf Wars at Work. James Campbell Quick, Jonathan D. Quick, Debra L. Nelson, and Joseph J. Hurrell, Jr. Preventive Stress Management in Organizations. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention. William S. Hutchison, Jr., and William G. Emener (Editors). Employee Assistance Programs: A Basic Text (2nd ed.). Alan Clardy. Studying Your Workforce: Applied Research Methods and Tools for the Training and Development Practitioner. Udai Pareek (Editor). Evaluating Human Resource Development. Janet T. Spence (Editor), John M. Darley, and Donald J. Foss (Associate Editors). Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 49.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1984,37(1):147-217
Book reviewed in this article: Gold , Michael Evan . A Dialogue on Comparable Worth. Smart , Bradford D. Selection Interviewing: A Management Psychologist's Recommended Approach. Helms , Janet E. A Practitioner's Guide to The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule. Edwards , John , Leek , Chris , Loveridge , Ray , Lumley , Roger , Mangan , John and Silver , Mick . Seashore , Stanley E., Lawler , Edward E., III, Mirvis , Philip H. and Cammann , Cortlandt . (Editors) Assessing Organizational Change: A Guide to Methods, Measures, and Practices. Williams , Allan P. O. (Editor) Using Personnel Research. Tichy , Noel M. Managing Strategic Change: Technical, Political and Cultural Dynamics. Dessler , Gary . Improving Productivity at Work: Motivating Today's Employees. Barra , Ralph . Putting Quality Circles to Work: A Practical Strategy for Boosting Productivity and Profits. Perkins , Dennis N. T., Nieva , Veronica F. and Lawler , Edward E., III. Managing Creation: The Challenge of Building a New Organization. Doering , Mildred , Rhodes , Susan R. and Schuster , Michael . The Aging Worker: Research and Recommendations. Copperman , Lois Farrer and Keast , Frederick D. Adjusting to an Older Work Force. Baron , Robert A. Behavior in Organizations: Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work. Fulmer , Robert M. Practical Human Relations. (Revised Edition) Robertson , Ivan T. and Cooper , Cary L. Human Behavior in Organisations. Hellriegel , Don , Slocum , John W., Jr . and Woodman , Richard W. Organizational Behavior. (Third Edition) West , Jonathan P. Career Planning, Development, and Management: An Annotated Bibliography. De Board , Robert . Counselling People at Work. Staines , Graham L. and Pleck , Joseph H. The Impact of Work Schedules on the Family. Jacobson , Sharol F. and Mc Grath , H. Marie . (Editors) Nurses under Stress. Stuart -Kotze , Robin and Roskin , Rick . Success Guide to Managerial Achievement. Broussine , Michael and Guerrier , Yvonne . Surviving as a Middle Manager. Burley -Allen , Madelyn . Managing Assertively: How to Improve Your People Skills. Rowland , Kendrith M., Ferris , Gerald R. and Sherman , Jay L. (Eds.) Current Issues in Personnel Management. (Second Edition) Middlemist , R. Dennis , Hitt , Michael A. and Greer , Charles R. Personnel Management: Jobs, People and Logic. Steil , Lyman K., Summerfield , Joanne and de Mare , George . Listening: It Can Change Your Life.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1982,35(3):687-776
Book reviewed in this article: Wieland , George F. (Editor) Improving Health Care Management: Organization Development and Organization Change. Bass , Bernard M. Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership: A Survey of Theory and Research. (Revised and Expanded Ed.) Maccoby , Michael . The Leader: A New Face for American Management. Lippitt , Gordon L. Organization Renewal: A Holistic Approach to Organization Development. (Second Edition) Fleenor , C. Patrick and Scontrino , M. PETER. Performance Appraisal: A Manager's Guide. Christie , Bruce . Face to File Communication: A Psychological Approach to Information Systems. Nollen , Stanley D. New Work Schedules in Practice: Managing Time in a Changing Society. Johnson , Laverne C, Tepas , Donald I., Colquhoun , W. P. and Colligan , Michael J. (Editors) Biological Rhythms, Sleep and Shift Work. Ellig , Bruce R. Executive Compensation–A Total Pay Perspective. Hunt , James G., Sekaran , Uma and Schriesheim , CHESTER A. (Editors) Leadership: Beyond Establishment Views. Meister , David . Behavioral Research and Government Policy: Civilian and Military R &D. Van De Ven , Andrew H. and Joyce , William F. (Editors) Perspectives on Organization Design and Behavior. Buehler , Vernon M. and Shetty , Y. Krishna . (Editors) Productivity Improvement: Case Studies of Proven Practice. Katz , Ralph . (Editor) Career Issues in Human Resource Management. Williams , Richard . Career Management and Career Planning: A Study of North American Practice. Kahn , Robert L. Work and Health. Veninga , Robert L. and Spradley , James P. The Work Stress Connection: How to Cope with Job Burnout. Appelbaum , Steven H. Stress Management for Health Care Professionals. Marshall , Judi and Cooper , Cary L. (Editors) Coping with Stress at Work: Case Studies from Industry. Belbin , R. Meredith . Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail. Nixon , Bruce . (Editor) New Approaches to Management Development. Cummings , Thomas G. (Editor) Systems Theory for Organization Development. Boydell , Tom and Pedler , Mike . (Editors) Management Self-Development: Concepts and Practices. Pati , Gopal C. and Adkins , John I., Jr . with Glenn Morrison. Managing and Employing the Handicapped: The Untapped Potential. Barton , Paul E. Worklife Transitions: The Adult Learning Connection. Hackett , Penny . Interview Skills Training: Practice Packs for Trainers. Hersey , Paul and Blanchard , Ken . Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources. (Fourth Edition) Carby , Keith and Robinson , Shelagh . (Editors) Personnel File. Siegel , Laurence and Lane , Irving M. Personnel and Organizational Psychology. Foulkes , Fred K. and Livernash , E. Robert . Human Resources Management: Text and Cases. Heneman , Robert G., Ill and Schwab , Donald P. (Editors) Perspectives on Personnel/Human Resource Management. (Revised Edition) Thomason , George . A Textbook of Personnel Management. (Fourth Edition) London, England: Institute of Personnel Management, 1981. Kaumeyer , Richard A., Jr . Planning and Using a Total Personnel System. Blasingame , Margaret C. A Selected Bibliography on Employee Attitude Surveys. Blasingame , Margaret C, Schneider , Katie R. and Hawk , Donald L. Performance Appraisal Bibliography of Recent Publications (1981 Edition). Schneider , Katie R. Human Resource Accounting: A Comprehensive Bibliography. Rosenzweig , Mark R. and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 33 (1982).  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1999,52(2):465-548
Books reviewed in this article: Arthur R. Jensen. The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability. Arthur R. Jensen. The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability. Cynthia D. McCauley, Russ S. Moxley, and Ellen Van Velsor (Editors). The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook of Leadership Development. Guy B. Adams and Danny L. Balfour. Unmasking Administrative Evil. Stewart D. Friedman, Jessica DeGroot, and Perry M. Christensen (Editors). Integrating Work and Life: The Wharton Resource Guide. Helen Fielding. Bridget Jones's Diary. Terrence E. Deal and M. K. Key. Corporate Celebration: Play, Purpose, and Profit at Work. Pieter J. D. Drenth, Henk Thierry, Charles J. de Wolff (Editors). Handbook of Woqk and Organizational Psychology (2nd ed.) Vol. 1: Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology. Pieter J. D. Drenth, Henk Thierry, Charles J. de Wolff (Editors). Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology (2nd ed.) Vol. 2 Work Psychology. Pieter J. D. Drenth, Henk Thierry, Charles J. de Wolff (Editors). Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology (2nd ed.) Vol. 3: Personnel Psychology. Pieter J. D. Drenth, Henk Thierry, Charles J. de Wolff (Editors). Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology (2nd ed.) Vol. 4 Organizational Psychology. Patrick Kelly. Faster Company: Building the World's Nuttiest‘Ibrn-on-a-Dime Home-Grown Billion-Dollar Business. Rodney L. Lowman (Editor). The Ethical Practice of Psychology in Organizations. Richard Jeanneret and Rob Silzer (Editors). Individual Psychological Assessment: Predicting Behavior in Organizational Settings. Sharon Parker and Toby Wall. Job and Work Design: Organizing Work to Promote Well-Being and Effectiveness. Alison E. Barber. Recruiting Employees: Individual and Organizational Perspectives . Gary Klein. Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions. Ian Mitroff. Smart Thinking for Crazy Times: The Art of Solving the Right Problems. Janice M. Guerriero and Robert Glenn Allen. Key Questions in Career Counseling: Techniques to Deliver Effective Career Counseling Services. Wendy McElroy. The Reasonable Woman: A Guide to Intellectual Survival. Virginia Valian. Why So Slow: The Advancement of Women. Jeanne C. Meister. Corporate Universities: Lessons in Building a World-Class Work Force (revised). Michael Milano with Diane Ullius. Designing Powerful Training: The Sequential-Iterative Model. Mel Silberman. Active Paining: A Handbook of Techniques, Designs, Case Examples, and Tips. Kevin R. Murphy and Brett Myors. Statistical Power Analysis: A Simple and General Model for Taditional and Modern Hypothesis Tests. Guela Lowenberg and Kelly A. Conrad. Current Perspectives in Industrial-Organizational Psychology . Peter R. Scholtes. The Leader's Handbook A Guide to Inspiring Your People and Managing the Daily Workflow .  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1998,51(1):209-282
Books reviewed in this article: Neil Anderson and Peter Herriot (Editors). International Handbook of Selection and Assessment. David A. Kravitz, David A. Harrison, Marlene E. Turner, Edward L. Levine, Wanda Chaves, Michael T. Brannick, Donna L. Denning, Craig J. Russell, and Maureen A. Conard. Affirmative Action: A Review of Psychological and Behavioral Research. Darlene Russ-Eft, Hallie Preskill and Catherine Sleezer (Editors). Human Resource Development Review: Research and Implications. Elazar J. Pedhazur. Multiple Regression in Behavioral Research: Explanation and Prediction (3rd edition). Howard Wainer. Visual Revelations: Graphic Tales of Fate and Deception from Napoleon Bonaparte to Ross Perot. David Gordon. Fat and Mean: The Corporate Squeeze of Working Americans and the Myth of Managerial Downsizing. Richard J. Bonnie and John Monahan (Editors). Mental Disorder, Work Disability, and the Law. Morley Segal. Points of Influence: A Guide to Using Personality Theory at Work. David M. Messick and Ann E. Tenbrunsel (Editors). Codes of Conduct: Behavioral Research Into Business Ethics. Stephen J. Carroll and Martin J. Gannon. Ethical Dimensions of International Management. John P. Meyer and Natalie J. Allen. Commitment in the Workplace: Theory, Research and Application. Marvin Bower. The Will to Lead: Running a Business with a Network of Leaders. Arthur Shriberg, Carol Lloyd, David L. Shriberg, and Mary Lynn Williamson. Practicing Leadership: Principles and Applications. John P. Kotter. Leading Change. Michael B. Arthur and Denise M. Rousseau. The Boundaryless Career: A New Employment Principle for a New Organizational Era. Robert E. Thayer. The Origin of Everyday Moods: Managing Energy, Tension, and Stress. T.M. Fraser. Introduction to Industrial Ergonomics: A Textbook for Students and Managers. Dick Grote. The Complete Guide to Performance Appraisal. Dave Ulrich. Human Resource Champions: The Next Agenda for Adding Value and Delivering Results. Jac Fitz-Enz. The 8 Practices of Exceptional Companies: How Great Organizations Make the Most of Their Human Assets. Paul M. Muchinsky. Psychology Applied to Work: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology (5th edition). Richard N. Block, John Beck, and Daniel H. Krueger. Labor Law, Industrial Relations and Employee Choice: The State of the Workplace in the 1990s. Methodologist's Toolchest for Windows.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》2004,57(2):493-567
Book reviewed in this article: Ancella B. Livers and Keith A. Carver. Leading in Black and White: Working Across the Racial Divide in Corporate America. Rhona Rapoport, Lotte Bailyn, Joyce K. Fletcher, and Bettye H. Pruitt. Beyond Work‐Family Balance: Advancing Gender Equity and Workplace Performance. Jane Margolis and Allan Fisher. Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing. Michele Paludi and Carmen A. Paludi, Jr. (Editors). Academic and Workplace Sexual Harassment: A Handbook of Cultural, Social Science, Management, and Legal Perspectives. Richard E. Nisbett. The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently…and Why. Robert J. Sternberg, James C. Kaufrnan, and Jean E. Pretz. The Creativity Conundrum: A Propulsion Model of Kinds of Creative Contributions. Lisa Feldman Barrett and Peter Salovey (Editors). The Wisdom in Feeling: Psychological Processes in Emotional Intelligence. Susan E. Murphy and Ronald E. Riggio. The Future of Leadership Development. Robert G. Lord and Douglas J. Brown. Leadership Processes and Follower Self‐Identity. Jack E. Edwards, John C. Scott, and Nambury S. Raju (Editors). The Human Resources Program‐Evaluation Handbook. Robert L. Heneman and David B. Greenberger (Editors). Human Resource Management in Virtual Organizations. Charles A. Handler and Steven T. Hunt. Rocket‐Hire: Buyer's Guide to Web‐Based Screening and Staffing Systems. Heather Shea‐Schultz and John Fogerty. Online Learning Today: Strategies that Work. John H. McConnell. How to Design, Implement, and Interpret an Employee Survey. George C. Thornton III and Rose A. Mueller‐Hanson. Developing Organizational Simulations: A Guide for Practitioners and Students. Mitchell Lee Marks. Charging Back Up the Hill: Workplace Recovery After Mergers, Acquisitions, and Downsizing. Michael M. Beyerlein, Craig McGee, Gerald D. Klein, Jill E. Nemito, and Laurie Broedling (Editors). The Collaborative Work Systems Fieldbook Strategies, Tools, and Techniques. Theresa J.B. Kline. Teams that Lead: A Matter of Market Strategy, Leadership Skills, and Executive Strength. Gary B. Brumback. Tall Performance from Short Organizations Through We/Me Power. Adam Bellow. In Praise of Nepotism: A Natural History. Joel B. Bennett and Wayne E.K. Lehman (Editors). Preventing Workplace Substance Abuse: Beyond Drug Testing to Wellness. Linda Klebe Trevino and Gary R. Weaver. Managing Ethics in Business Organizations: Social Scientific Perspectives . Abbass F. Alkhafaji. Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation, and Control in a Dynamic Environment. Haridimos Tsoukas and Christian Knudsen (Editors). The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Theory: Meta‐Theoretical Perspectives.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1980,33(1):163-253
Goodman , Paul S. Assessing Organizational Change: The Rushton Quality of Work Experiment. Mc Lean , Alan A. Work Stress. Forbes , Rosalind . Corporate Stress: How to Manage Stress on the Job and Make It Work for You. Stephenson , G. M. and Brotherton , C. J. (Eds.) Industrial Relations: A Social Psychological Approach. Davidson , William L. How to Develop and Conduct Successful Employee Attitude Surveys. Ramsay , Roland T. The Testing Manual: A Guide to Test Administration and Use. Kotter , John P. Power in Management: How to Understand, Acquire, and Use It. Yohalem , Alice M. The Careers of Professional Women: Commitment and Conflict. Mahoney , Thomas A. (Editor) Compensation and Reward Perspectives. Burgher , Peter H. (Editor) Changement: Understanding and Managing Business Change. Lawrence , W. Gordon . (Editor) Exploring Individual and Organizational Boundaries: A Tavistock Open Systems Approach. Nadler , David A., Hackman , J. Richard and Lawler , Edward E., III. Managing Organizational Behavior. Gordon , George G. and Cummins , Walter . Managing Management Climate. Sanzotta , Donald . The Manager's Guide to Interpersonal Relations. Cooper , Cary L. Learning from Others in Groups: Experiential Learning Approaches. Johnson , Robert G. The Appraisal Interveiw Guide. O'leary , Lawrence R. The Selection and Promotion of the Successful Police Officer. Smith , B. Babington and Farrell , B. A. (Editors) Training in Small Groups: A Study of Five Methods. Kinzel , Robert K. Retirement: Creating Promise Out of Threat. Kirschenbaum , Howard and Glaser , Barbara . Developing Support Groups: A Manual for Facilitators and Participants. Graham , Ben S., Jr . and Titus , Parvin S. (Editors) The Amazing Oversight: Total Participation for Productivity. Gannon , Martin J. Organizational Behavior: A Managerial and Organizational Perspective. Kanter , Rosabeth Moss and Stein , Barry A. (Editors) Life in Organizations: Workplaces as People Experience Them. Lubin , Bernard , Goodstein , Leonard D. and Lubin , Alice W. (Eds.) Organizational Change Sourcebook I: Cases in Organization Development. Goodstein , Leonard D., Lubin , Bernard and Lubin , Alice W. (Eds.) Organizational Change Sourcebook II: Cases in Conflict Management. Schoen , Sterling H. and Durand , Douglas E. Supervision: The Management of Organizational Resources. Crane , Donald P. Personnel: The Management of Human Resources. (Second Edition) Coleman , Charles J. Personnel: An Open System Approach. Glueck , William F. (Editor) Personnel: A Book of Readings. Patten , Thomas H., Jr . (Editor) Classics of Personnel Management. Cellucci , Anthony J. and Devries , David L. Measuring Managerial Satisfaction: A Manual for the MJSQ. (Technical Report No. 11) Silverstein , Pam and Srb , Jozetta H. Flexitime: Where, When, and How? Erickson , John R. and Mc Govern , Katherine Savers . (Editors) Equal Employment Practice Guide, Volumes I and II. Jackall , Robert . Workers in a Labyrinth: Jobs and Survival in a Bank Bureaucracy. Response to the review by Dr. James H. Reynierse in Personnel Psychology Vol. 32, No. 2.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1983,36(4):899-1032
Book Reviewed in this article: Juch , Bert . Personal Development: Theory and Practice in Management Training. Rychlak , Joseph F. Personality and Life-Style of Young Male Managers: A Logical Learning Theory Analysis. Osipow , Samuel H. Theories of Career Development. Toch , Hans and Grant , J. Douglas . Reforming Human Services: Change Through Participation. Goodman , Paul S. and Associates . Change in Organizations: New Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice. Schön , Donald A. The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. Gallessich , June . The Profession and Practice of Consultation. Fineman , Stephen . White Collar Unemployment: Impact and Stress. Sudman , Seymour and Bradburn , Norman M. Asking Questions: A Practical Guide to Questionnaire Design. Bailey , Robert W. Human Performance Engineering: A Guide for System Designers. Guzzo , Richard A. and Bondy , Jeffrey S. A Guide to Worker Productivity Experiments in the United States 1976-81. Hollinger , Richard C. and Clark , John P. Theft by Employees. Steers , Richard M. and Porter , Lyman W. Motivation and Work Behavior. Manuso , James S. J. (Editor) Occupational Clinical Psychology. Cooper , Cary L. (Editor) Stress Research: Issues for the Eighties. Paine , Whiton Stewart . (Editor) Job Stress and Burnout: Research, Theory, and Intervention Perspectives. French , John R. P., Jr ., Caplan , Robert D. and Harrison , R. Van . The Mechanisms of Job Stress and Strain. Allen , Robert W. and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors) Organizational Influence Processes. Schlesinger , Leonard A., Eccles , Robert G. and Garbarro , John J. Managing Behavior in Organizations: Text, Cases, and Readings. Szilagyi , Andrew D., Jr . and Wallace , Marc J., Jr . Organizational Behavior and Performance. Hackman J. Richard , Lawler , Edward E., III, and Porter , Lyman W. (Editors) Perspectives on Behavior in Organizations. Lewis , Phillip V. Managing Human Relations. Johns , Gary . Organizational Behavior: Understanding Life at Work. Feldman , Daniel C. and Arnold , Hugh J. Managing Individual and Group Behavior in Organizations. Scanlan , Burt and Keys , Bernard . Management and Organizational Behavior. Halloran , Jack . Applied Human Relations: An Organizational Approach. Pearlman , Kenneth , Schmidt , Frank L. and Hamner , W. Clay . (Editors) Contemporary Problems in Personnel. Heneman , Herbert G., III, Schwab , Donald P., Fossum , John A. and Dyer , Lee D. Personnel/Human Resource Management. Holley , William H. and Jennings , Kenneth M. Personnel Management: Functions and Issues. Schlesinger , Leonard A. Quality of Work Life and the Supervisor. Eckles , Robert W., Carmichael , Ronald and Sarchet , Bernard R. Supervisory Management: A Short Course in Supervision. Phillips , Keri and Fraser , Tony . The Management of Inierpersonal Skills Training. Sherwood , John J., Faux , Susan N. and King , Donald C. Management Development Strategies: Highlights of the Literature. Ewing , David W. Do It My Way or You're Fired: Employee Rights and the Changing Role of Management Prerogatives. Wallace , Marc J., Jr. and Fay , Charles H. Compensation Theory and Practice. Kaufman , Roger and Stone , Bruce . Planning for Organizational Success: A Practical Guide. Bernardin , H. John . (Editor) Women in the Work Force. Rogers , Rolf E. and Mc Intire , Robert H. Organization and Management Theory. Crawford , C. C. and Demidovich , John W., et al . Crawford Slip Method: How to Mobilize Brainpower by Think Tank Technology. Prince , Melvin . Consumer Research for Management Decisions. Daftuar , Chittranjan N. Job Attitudes in Indian Management: A Study in Need Deficiencies and Need Importance.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1977,30(4):679-756
Books Reviewed in this article: Lussato , Bruno . A Critical Introduction to Organisation Theory. Kanter , Rosabeth Moss . Men and Women of the Corporation. Cooper , Cary L. (Editor) Theories of Group Processes. Zenger , John H., Miller , Dale E., Florance , Jeannine and Harlow , Phoebe . How to Work for a Living and Like It: A Career Planning Workbook. Sarason , Seymour B. Work, Aging, and Social Change: Professionals and the One Life-One Career Imperative. Jones , John E. and Pfeiffer , J. William . (Editors) The 1977 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators. American Institutes for Research . Planning Career Coals: Fiore , Michael V. and Strauss , Paul S. How to Develop Dynamic Leadership: A Short Course for Professionals. Sikula , Andrew F. Personnel Management: A Short Course for Professionals. Du Brin , Andrew J. Managerial Deviance: How to Deal with Problem People in Key Jobs. Burack , Elmer H. and Smith , Robert D. Personnel Management: A Human Resource Systems Approach. Miner , John B. and Miner , Mary Green , Personnel and Industrial Relations: A Managerial Approach. Herman , Stanley M. and Korenich , Michael . Authentic Management: A Gestalt Orientation to Organizations and Their Development. Miller , Eric J. (Editor) Task and Organization. Huse , Edgar F. and Bowditch , James L. Behavior in Organizations: A Systems Approach to Managing. Pfeiffer , J. William and Jones , John E. (Editors) A Handbook of Structured Experiences for Human Relations Training: Volume VI. Gannon , Martin J. Management: An Organizational Perspective. Anderson , Carl R. and Gannon , Martin J. (Editors) Readings in Management: An Organizational Perspective. Eden , Colin and Harris , John . Management Decision and Decision Analysis. Mc Conkey , Dale D. How to Manage by Results. Jewell , Donald O. (Editor) Women and Management: An Expanding Role. Rudge , Fred . The Key to Increased Productivity: A Manual for Line Executives. Mc Gill , Michael E. Organization Development for Operating Managers. Miner , Mary Green and Miner , John B. (Eds.) Policy Issues in Contemporary Personnel and Industrial Relations. Blum , Milton L. Psychology and Consumer Affairs. Gilmer , B. Von Haller and Deci , Edward L. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Lord , Kenniston W., Jr. The Design of the Industrial Classroom. Sanford , Aubrey C. Human Relations: The Theory and Practice of Organizational Behavior. Fulmer , Robert M. Practical Human Relations.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1981,34(2):365-449
Argyris , Chris . Inner Contradictions of Rigorous Research. Naylor , James C, Pritchard , Robert D., and Ilgen , Daniel R. A Theory of Behavior in Organizations. Neugarten , Dail Ann and Shafritz , Jay M. (Editors) Sexuality in Organizations: Romantic and Coercive Behaviors at Work. Szilagyi , Andrew D., Jr . and Wallace , Marc J., Jr . Organizational Behavior and Performance. (Second Ed.) Miner , John B. Theories of Organizational Behavior. Leviatan , Uri and Rosner , Menachem . (Editors) Work and Organization in Kibbutz Industry. Lansbury , Russell D. (Editor) Democracy in the Work Place. Appleyard , John . (Editor) Humanization of Work in Western Europe. Huber , George P. Managerial Decision Making. Day , Janis . A Working Approach to Human Relations in Organizations. Jacobson , Beverly . Young Programs for Older Workers: Case Studies in Progressive Personnel Policies. Klein , Stuart M. and Ritti , R. Richard . Understanding Organizational Behavior. Machlowitz , Marilyn . Workaholics: Living with Them, Working with Them. Groves , Robert M. and Kahn , Robert L. Surveys by Telephone: A National Comparison with Personal Interviews. Shain , Martin and Groeneveld , Judith . Employee-Assistance Programs. Erickson , John R., Mc Govern , Katherine Savers and Sampson , Richard T. (Editors) Equal Employment Practice Guide: Vols. I and II. Washington, D. C: Federal Bar Association, Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity of the Council on Labor Law and Labor Relations. Mc Connell , John H. Complying with EEO: An Action Guide for Managers and Personnel Staff. Jain , Harish C. and Carroll , Diane . (Editors) Race and Sex Equality in the Workplace: A Challenge and an Opportunity. Cannon , James . Cost Effective Personnel Decisions. Francis , G. James and Milbourn , Gene , Jr . Human Behavior in the Work Environment: A Managerial Perspective. Gruneberg , Michael M. Understanding Job Satisfaction. Bedeian , Arthur G. Organizations: Theory and Analysis. Evan , William M. (Editor) Frontiers in Organization and Management. Kirkpatrick , Donald L., Coverdale , David S. and Olsen -Tjensvold , Reynolds . HOW to Select and Train New First-Line Supervisors. Highman , Arthur and De Limur , Charles . The Highman-de Limur Hypotheses. Higham , Martin . The ABC of Interviewing. Mill , Cyril R. Activities for Trainers: 50 Useful Designs. Renton , Michael . Getting Better Results from the Meetings You Run. Jardillier , Pierre . Les Conditions du Travail. Hamner , W. Clay . (Editor) Organizational Shock. Wasserman , Paul and Mc Lean , Janice . (Eds.) Training and Development Organizations Directory: A Reference Work Describing Firms, Institutes.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1982,35(2):405-509
Book reviewed in this article: Nystrom , Paul C. and Starbuck , William H. (Editors) Handbook of Organizational Design. Volume 2: Remodeling Organizations and Their Environments. Nystrom , Paul C. and Starbuck , William H. (Editors) Handbook of Organizational Design. Volume 2: Remodeling Organizations and Their Environments. Bate , Paul and Mangham , Iain . Exploring Participation. Ouchi , William . Theory Z: How American Business Can Meet the Japanese Challenge. Sashkin , Marshall . Assessing Performance Appraisal. Macdonald , Charles R. MBO Can Work: How to Manage by Contract. Olson , Richard F. Performance Appraisal: A Guide to Greater Productivity. Ross , Joel E. Productivity, People, and Profits. Wexley , Kenneth N. and Latham , Gary P. Developing and Training Human Resources in Organizations. Tracey , William R. Human Resources Development Standards: A Self-Evaluation Manual for HRD Managers and Specialists. Pareek , Udai and Rao , T. Venkateswara . Designing and Managing Human Resource Systems. Megginson , Leon C. Personnel Management: A Human Resources Approach. (Fourth Edition) Jones , John E. and Pfeiffer , J. William . (Editors) The 1981 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators. Brown , Linda Keller . The Woman Manager in the United States: A Research Analysis and Bibliography. Treiman , Donald J. and Hartman , Heidi I. (Editors) Women, Work, and Wages: Equal Pay for Jobs of Equal Value. Fernandez , John P. Racism and Sexism in Corporate Life: Changing Values in American Business. Anderson , Howard J. Major Employment-Law Principles Established by the EEOC, the OFCCP, and the Courts (December 1960-December 1980). Rosenbaum , Bernard L. HOW to Motivate Today's Workers: Motivational Models for Managers and Supervisors. Bennett , Roger . Managing Personnel and Performance: An Alternative Approach. De Montmollin , Maurice . Le Taylorisme a Visage Humain. Meltzer , H. and Nord , Walter R. (Editors) Making Organizations Humane and Productive: A Handbook for Practitioners. Bridge , John . Economics in Personnel Management. London, England: Institute of Personnel Management, 1981. Parnes , Herbert S. (Editor) Work and Retirement: A Longitudinal Study of Men. Coulson , Robert . The Termination Handbook. Taylor , Lynda King . Not for Bread Alone: An Appreciation of Job Enrichment. (Third Edition). Margerison , Charles . How to Assess Your Managerial Style. Hoffman , W. Michael and Wyly , Thomas J. (Editors) The Work Ethic in Business: Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Business Ethics. Zand , Dale E. Information, Organization, and Power: Effective Management in the Knowledge Society. Huchingson , R. Dale . New Horizons for Human Factors in Design. Sisk , Henry L. and Williams , J. Clifton . Management and Organization. (Fourth Edition) Steers , Richard M. Introduction to Organizational Behavior.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》2000,53(2):453-524
Books reviewed in this article: Eric Sundstrom (Editor). Supporting Work Team Effectiveness: Best Management Practices for Fostering High Performance. Leigh L. Thompson, John M. Levine, and David M. Messick (Editors). Shared Cognition in Organizations. Kim J. Vicente. Cognitive Work Analysis: Toward Safe, Productive, and Healthy Computer‐Based Work. Daniel J. Garland, John A. Wise, and V D. Hopkin (Editors). Handbook of Aviation Human Factors. Duncan Chappell and Vittorio Di Martino. Violence at Work. Stephen Williams and Lesley Cooper. Dangerous Waters: Strategies for Improving Well‐Being at Work. Julian Barling and E. Kevin Kelloway (Editors). Young Workers: Varieties of Experience. Benjamin H. Gottlieb, E. Kevin Kelloway, and Elizabeth Barn‐ham. Flexible Work Arrangements: Managing the Work‐Family Boundary. Gregory G. Dess and Joseph C. Picken. Beyond Productivity: How Leading Companies Achieve Superior Performance by Leveraging Their Human Capital. Bruce J. Avolio. Full Leadership Development: Building the Vital Forces in Organizations. Jay A. Conger and Beth Benjamin. Building Leaders: How Successful Companies Develop the Next Generation. Thad B. Green and Raymond Butkus. Motivation, Beliefs, and Organizational Transformation. Andrew Campbell and Michael Goold. The Collaborative Enterprise: Why Links Between Business Units Often Fail–And How To Make Them Work. Bob Wall. Working Relationships: The Simple Truth About Getting Along With Friends and Foes at Work. Ronald R. Sims and John G. Veres III (Editors). Keys to Employee Success in Coming Decades. Jeffery S. Schippmann. Strategic Job Modeling: Working at the Core of Integrated Human Resources. Nils‐Goran Olve, Jan Roy, and Magnus Wetter. Performance Drivers: A Practical Guide to the Balanced Scorecard. Anntoinette D. Lucia and Richard Lepsinger. The Art and Science of Competency Models: Pinpointing Critical Success Factors. Michael J. Goldberg. The 9 Ways of Working: How to Use the Enneagram to Discover Your Natural Strengths and Work More Effectively. Patrick M. Wright, Lee D. Dyer, John M. Boudreau, and George T. Milkovich (Editors). Strategic Human Resources Management in the Twenty‐First Century. Gerald R. Ferris (Editor). Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, Volume 17. Stephen P. Robbins (Editor). The Prentice Hall Self‐Assessment Library.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》2001,54(3):717-774
Book reviewed in this article: Reuven Bar‐On and James D.A. Parker. The Handbook of Emotional Intelligence: Theory, Development, Assessment, and Application at Home, School, and in the Workplace. Valerie I. Sessa and Jodi J. Taylor. Executive Selection: Strategies for Success. Charles A. O'Reilly III and Jeffrey Pfeffer. Hidden Value: How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People. Robert L. Heneman. Business‐Driven Compensation Policies. Peter Bamberger and Ilan Meshoulam. Human Resource Strategy: Formulation, Implementation, and Impact. Neal M. Ashkanasy, Charmine E. J. Hartel, and Wilfred J. Zerbe (Editors). Emotions in the Workplace: Research, Theory and Practice. Stephen Ackroyd and Paul Thompson. Organizational Misbehaviour. W. Bruce Walsh, Kenneth H. Craik, and Richard H. Price (Editors). Person‐Environment Psychology: New Directions and Perspectives. Denise M. Rousseau and René Schalk (Editors). Psychological Contracts in Employment: Cross‐National Perspectives. Neal M. Ashkanasy, Celeste P. M. Wilderom, and Mark F. Peterson (Editors). Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate. Marlene E. Turner (Editor). Groups at Work: Theory and Research. Steven D. Jones and Don J. Schilling. Measuring Team Performance: A Step‐by‐Step Customizable Approach for Managers, Facilitators, and Team Leaders. Robert E. Cole and W. Richard Scott (Editors). The Quality Movement and Organizational Theory. Barbara Mackoff and Gary Wenet. The Inner Work of Leaders: Leadership as a Habit of Mind. Kenneth W. Thomas. Intrinsic Motivation at Work: Building Energy and Commitment. Stewart D. Friedman and Jeffrey Greenhaus. Work and Family–Allies or Enemies: What Happens When Business Professionals Confront Life Choices. Blake E. Ashforth. Role Transitions in Organizational Life: An Identity‐Based Perspective. Bonnie A. Nardi and Vicki L. O'Day. Information Ecologies: Using Technology with Heart.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1977,30(2):269-351
Book reviews in this article: Argyris , Chris . Increasing. Leadership Effectiveness. Meltzer , H. and Wickert , Frederic R. (Editors) Humanizing Organizational Behavior. Jaques , Elliot . A General Theory of Bureaucracy. Kipnis , David . The Powerholders. Swingle , Paul G. The Management of Power. Cooper , Cary L. (Editor) Developing Social Skills in Managers: Advances in Group Training. Glaser , Edward M. Productivity Gains Through Worklife Improvement. Managing by Objectives Cassette/Workbook Program. Kory , Robert B. The Transcendental Meditation Program for Business People. Anstey , Edgar , Fletcher , Clive and Walker , James . Staff Appraisal and Development. Pelz , Donald C. and Andrews , Frank M. Scientists in Organizations: Productive Climates for Research and Development. Hall , Douglas T., Bowen , Donald D., Lewicki , Roy J. and Hall , Francine S. Experiences in Management and Organizational Behavior. Kast , Fremont E. and Rosenzweig , James E. Experiential Exercises and Cases in Management. Tosi , Henry L. and Carroll , Stephen J. Management: Contingencies, Structure, and Process. Tosi , Henry L. (Editor) Readings in Management: Contingencies, Structure, and Process. Yuill , Bruce . Supervision: Principles and Techniques. The Career Management System . Darien, Conn.: Management Decision Systems, Inc., 1976. Each of the following consists of two audio cassettes and workbook. Each is separately available. Trotta , Maurice S. Handling Grievances: A Guide for Management and Labor. Petrie , Donald J. Handling Employee Questions About Pay. Zawacki , Robert A. and Warrick , D. D. (Editors) Organization Development: Managing Change in the Public Sector. Spray , S. Lee . (Editor) Organizational Effectiveness: Theory, Research, and Application. Lassey , William R. and Fernandez , Richard R. (Editors) Leadership and Social Change. Gardner , James E. Helping Employees Develop Job Skill: A Casebook of Training Approaches. Pfeiffer , J. William , Heslin , Richard and Jones , John E. Instrumentation in Human Relations Training. Maier , Norman R. F. The Appraisal Interview: Three Basic Approaches. Gruneberg , Michael M. (Editor) Job Satisfaction—A Reader. Maloney , Michael P. and Ward , Michael P. Psychological Assessment: A Conceptual Approach. Johnson , Richard A., Monsen , R. Joseph , Knowles , Henry P. and Saxberg , Borje O. Management, Systems, and Society: An Introduction. Hegarty , Edward J. How to Succeed in Company Politics. Schlei , Barbara Lindemann and Grossman , Paul . Employment Discrimination Law. Bauby , Cathrina . Understanding Each Other: Improving Communication through Effective Dialogue. American Institutes for Research . Planning Career Goals: Career Handbook; Technical Bulletin No. 1; Counselor's Handbook; Student Guide; Test Battery, Answer Sheets and Examiner's Manual. Blake , Robert R. and Mouton , Jane Srygley . Consultation. Bradford , Leland P. Making Meetings Work: A Guide for Leaders and Group Members. Carrington , Patricia . Freedom in Meditation. Cohen , Allan R., Fink , Stephen L., Gadon , Herman and Willits , Robin D. Effective Behavior in Organizations: Learning from the Interplay of Cases, Concepts, and Student Experiences. Cooper , Gary L. (Ed.) Theories of Group Processes. Dyer , Lee . (Ed.) Careers in Organizations: Individual Planning and Organizational Development. Getman , Julius G., Goldberg , Stephen B. and Herman , Jeanne B. Union Representation Elections: Law and Reality. Gilmer , B. von Haller and Deci , Edward L. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Hall , Edward T. Beyond Culture. Hanan , Mack , Berrian , Howard , Cribbin , James and Donis , Jack . Take-Charge Sales Management: Successful First-Year Strategies for the Newly Appointed Sales Manager. Hanan , Mack , Cribbin , James and Berrian , Howard . Sales Negotiation Strategies. Harris , O. Jeff , Jr. How to Manage People at Work: A Short Course for Professionals. Management Development Guide: The American Management Associations' Catalog of Courses (March-August 1977). Mc Conkey , Dale D. How to Manage by Results. Nay , W. Robert . Behavioral Intervention: Contemporary Strategies. Peterson , Dan . Safety Supervision. Porter , Wayne R. A Jobseeker's Guide to the Library. Porter , Wayne R. The Job-Winning Application. Porter , Wayne R., Levine , Edward L. and Flory , Abram , III. Training and Experience Evaluation: A Practical Handbook for Evaluating Job Applications, Resumes and Other Applicant Data. Sanders , Mark S. and Mc Cormick , Ernest J. Workbook for Human Factors in Engineering and Design. Williams , Elizabeth Friar . Notes of a Feminist Therapist.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1978,31(1):131-201
Slote , Alfred . Termination: The Closing at Baker Plant. Jain , Harrish C. and Kanungo , Rabindra N. Behavioral Issues in Management: The Canadian Context. Wall , T. D. and Lischeron , J. A. Worker Participation: A Critique of the Literature and Some Fresh Evidence. Hackman , J. Richard and Suttle , J. Lloyd . (Eds.). Improving Life at Work: Behavioral Science Approaches to Organizational Change. Yoder , Dale and Heneman , Herbert G., Jr . (Eds.) Training and Development: Volume V, AS PA Handbook of Personnel and Industrial Relations. Staw , Barry M. and Salancik , Gerald R. (Eds .) New Directions in Organizational Behavior. Burke , W. Warner . (Editor) Current Issues and Strategies in Organization Development. Golembiewski , Robert T. and Blumberg , Arthur . (Eds.) Sensitivity Training and the Laboratory Approach: Readings about Concepts and Applications. (Third Edition) Stogdill , Ralph M. Leadership Abstracts and Bibliography 1904 to 1974. (Monograph AA-10) Miller , Donald B. Personal Vitality. Stewart , Rosemary , Contrasts in Management. Smith , Howard P. and Brouwer , Paul J. Performance Appraisal and Human Development: A Practical Guide To Effective Managing. Merry , Uri and Allerhand , Melvin E. Developing Teams and Organizations: A Practical Handbook for Managers and Consultants. Hennig , Margaret and Jardim , Anne . The Managerial Woman. Du Brin , Andrew J. Survival in the Office: How to Move Ahead or Hang On. Beatty , Richard W. and Schneier , Craig Eric . Personnel Administration: An Experiential Skill-Building Approach. Beatty , Richard W. and Schneier , Craig Eric . Implementor's Manual for Personnel Administration: An Experiential Skill-Building Approach. Sisk , Henry L. Management and Organization. (Third Edition) Korman , Abraham K. Organizational Behavior. Du Brin , Andrew J. Casebook of Organizational Behavior. Morrison , James H. and O'Hearne , John J. Practical Transactional Analysis in Management. Louden , J. Keith . Managing at the Top: Roles and Responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer. Frew , David R. Management of Stress: Using TM at Work. Benge , Eugene J. Elements of Modem Management. Sperry , Len , Mickelson , Douglas J. and Hunsaker , Phillip L. You Can Make It Happen: A Guide to Self-actualization and Organizational Change.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》2002,55(3):723-796
Book reviewed in this article: Mark E. Mendenhall, Torsten M. Kuhlmann, and Gunter K. Stahl (Editors). Developing Global Business Leaders: Policies, Processes, and Innovations. Morgan W. McCall, Jr. and George P. Hollenbeck. Frequent Flyers: Developing Global Executives. Richard R. Kilburg. Executive Coaching: Developing Managerial Wisdom in a World of Chaos. Diane Downey, with Tom March and Adena Berkman. Assimilating New Leaders: The Key to Executive Retention. Etienne C. Wenger, Richard McDermott, and William C. Snyder. Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge. Paul S. Goodman (Editor). Technology Enhanced Learning: Opportunities for Change. Jerry W. Gilley, Peter Dean, and Laura Bierema. Philosophy and Practice of Organizational Learning, Performance and Change. Kurt Kraiger (Editor). Creating, Implementing, and Managing Effective Training and Development: State of the Art Lessons for Practice. John C. Redding. The Radical Team Handbook: Harnessing the Power of Team Learning for Breakthrough Results. Eduardo Salas, Clint A. Bowers, and Eleana Edens (Editors). Improving Teamwork in Organizations: Applications of Resource Management Training. Miriam Erez, Uwe Kleinbeck, and Henk Thierry (Editors). Work Motivation in the Context of a Globalizing Economy. Audrey Collin and Richard A. Young (Editors). The Future of Career. Brent W. Roberts and Robert Hogan, (Editors). Personality Psychology in the Workplace. Winfred Arthur, Jr., Winston Bennett, Jr., and Allen Huffcutt. Conducting Meta‐Analysis Using SAS. Henry I. Braun, Douglas N. Jackson, and David E. Wiley (Editors). The Role of Constructs in Psychological and Educational Measurement. Joseph Ciarrochi, Joseph P. Forgas, and John D. Mayer (Editors). Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life: A Scientific Inquiry. Jefferson M. Fish (Editor). Race and Intelligence: Separating Science from Myth. Jerald Greenberg and Russell Cropanzano. (Editors). Advances in Organizational Justice. Howard F. Stein. Nothing Personal, Just Business: A Guided Journey Into Organizational Darkness. Jill Andresky Fraser. White Collar Sweatshop: The Deterioration of Work and Its Rewards in Corporate America. Casey Ichniowski, David I. Levine, Craig Olson, and George Strauss (Editors). The American Workplace: Skills, Compensation, and Employee Involvement. Bruce E. Kaufman and Daphne Gottlieb Taras (Editors). Nonunion Employee Representation: History, Contemporary Practice, and Policy.  相似文献   

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