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Speech phobic subjects received five treatment sessions under either positive or neutral expectancy set. Therapy conditions included hierarchy exposure with contiguous relaxation (desensitization), exposure with noncontiguous relaxation, exposure only, and no-treatment. Expectancy had virtually no outcome effects. Desensitization was superior to the other conditions on subjective outcome measures. In contrast to the two exposure conditions without contiguous relaxation, desensitization resulted in increased imagery vividness, greater cardiovascular response to the first visualization of the initial hierarchy scene, and greater declines in cardiovascular response within repetitious visualizations of scenes and across initial visualizations of increasingly anxiety-provoking scenes. Expectancy significantly influenced both fear ratings and cardiovascular response to scenes during the first session, the latter effect disappearing after the first session. The results are discussed in terms of recent theorizing regarding the role of relaxation and expectancy in desensitization.  相似文献   

The use of safety behaviors has been considered one of the primary maintaining mechanisms of anxiety disorders; however, evidence suggests that they are not always detrimental to treatment success (Milosevic & Radomsky, 2008). This study examined the effects of safety behaviors on behavioral, cognitive, and subjective indicators of fear during exposure for fear of spiders. A two-stage design was used to examine fear reduction and approach distance during an in vivo exposure task for participants (N = 43) assigned to either a safety behavior use (SBU) or no safety behavior use (NSB) condition. Overall, both groups reported significant and comparable reductions in self-reported anxiety and negative beliefs about spiders at posttest and 1-week follow-up. Participants in the SBU group approached the spider more quickly than did participants in the NSB condition; however, participants in the SBU condition showed a small but significant decrease in approach distance at follow-up. These results call for a reconceptualization of the impact of safety behaviors on in vivo exposure.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of safety-seeking behavior and guided threat focus and reappraisal on fear reduction during exposure. Participants (N=46) displaying marked claustrophobic fear were randomized to one of three 30-min exposure conditions: (a) guided threat focus and reappraisal; (b) safety-behavior utilization; or (c) exposure only control. Tripartite outcome assessments during a behavioral approach test, along with measures of suffocation and restriction fears were obtained at pre- and post-treatment, and at a 2-week follow-up. Treatment process measures were collected throughout treatment and consisted of indices of fear activation; within and between-trial fear habituation; and suffocation and entrapment expectancies. Measures of safety behavior utilization and attentional focus were also collected to assess the integrity of the experimental manipulations. Consistent with prediction, those encouraged to utilize safety-behaviors during exposure showed significantly more fear at post-treatment and follow-up relative to those encouraged to focus and reevaluate their core threat(s) during exposure. Moreover, growth curve analyses of treatment process data analyses revealed that safety-behavior utilization exerted a detrimental effect on between-trial habituation; whereas guided threat reappraisal enhanced between-trial habituation.  相似文献   

Investigated the effects of fear arousal and sidedness variables on compliance with a dietary regimen. Experiments involved 202 women volunteers who were 10 per cent or more overweight, and aged 20-60 years. Experiment 1 involved a 3 (low, medium, high fear) × 2 (single, multiple exposure to fear message) × 2 (one-, two-sided communication) design. The fear levels involved discussing the health hazards of obesity. Experiment 2 manipulated the fear-message position relative to the recommendations (fear-recommendations, recommendations-fear, fear-delay-recommendations). Persuasive impact was measured via follow-up weight checks at 2, 4, 8, and 16 weeks. Results indicate nonsignificant effects from sidedness and pre-standardised fear levels. Using subjects' fear arousal ratings medium fear is significantly better (p < .025), supporting Janis's curvilinear hypothesis. A single exposure to the fear message is superior (p < .025) to multiple exposures, the interaction with time being highly significant (p < .001). Experiment 2 results indicate the optimum position for the fear message as immediately prior to recommendations (p < .025). Results support both cognitive and fear-reduction hypotheses, but the latter is favoured.  相似文献   

A series of experiments tested the hypothesis that very brief exposure to feared stimuli can have positive effects on avoidance of the corresponding feared object. Participants identified themselves as fearful of spiders through a widely used questionnaire. A preliminary experiment showed that they were unable to identify the stimuli used in the main experiments. Experiment 2 (N = 65) compared the effects of exposure to masked feared stimuli at short and long stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA). Participants were individually administered one of three continuous series of backwards masked or non-masked stimuli: unreportable images of spiders (25-ms SOA), clearly visible images of spiders (500-ms SOA), or unreportable images of trees (25-ms SOA). Immediately thereafter, they engaged in a Behavioral Avoidance Test (BAT) with a live, caged tarantula. Exposure to unreportable images of spiders resulted in greater approach towards the tarantula than unreportable neutral images. A post-hoc comparison with clearly visible exposure to these same images approached significance. These effects were maintained at a 1-week follow-up (N = 57). In Experiment 3 (N = 26), participants engaged in the BAT 1 week prior to the exposure manipulation in order to provide a baseline measurement of their avoidant behavior, and again immediately after the exposure manipulation. Exposure to unreportable images of spiders reduced avoidance of the tarantula. Similar exposure to trees did not. Implications for the non-conscious basis of fear are discussed.  相似文献   

A differential conditioning procedure was used with rats to establish different levels of suppression to two different stimuli. One stimulus was paired with shock every time it was presented, while the other stimulus cued shock on only 25% of its presentations. When these two component stimuli were subsequently tested as a simultaneous compound, two different types of component-compound relationships were observed. Some subjects showed greater suppression to the compound than they did to either component stimulus, while other subjects showed an intermediate level of suppression to the compound. The difference in type of component-compound relationship appeared to be related to the degree of stability (over trials) of each subject's reaction to the probabilistic (25%) cue.When a similar discrimination was established based on the intensity of the shock, rather than its probability of occurrence, all subjects showed more suppression to the compound than to its individual component stimuli. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for choice of model for characterizing the interaction of conditioned states.  相似文献   

This study explored whether subjects high as compared to low in social fear react with a more negative emotional response, measured as facial electromyographic (EMG) activity, when exposed to social stimuli (pictures of angry and happy facial expressions). It was found that subjects who rated themselves as relatively high in public speaking fear gave larger negative facial EMG responses (Corrugator supercilii muscle activity) to angry faces than did the low fear subjects. Low fear subjects, on the other hand, gave larger positive facial EMG responses (Zygomatic major muscle activity) to happy faces than did the high fear subjects. It was further found that happy stimuli were rated as more hostile and less friendly and happy by the high fear group. Consistent with earlier findings, it was concluded that the facial EMG technique is sensitive to detecting different reactions among subjects relatively high and low in social fear.  相似文献   

The mere exposure (ME) effect is the phenomenon whereby familiar stimuli are rated more positively than their novel counterparts (e.g., Zajonc, 1968). Though the effect of mere familiarity on a variety of affective judgments is robust and well documented, relatively little research has examined the effects of ME on other non-affective outcomes. The current research addressed this issue by examining the effects of ME on selective attention to threatening and neutral stimuli. We predicted and found that threatening stimuli, which typically arouse negative affect and capture attention, were attended to less following ME; conversely, neutral stimuli, which typically do not arouse affect nor capture attention, were attended to more following ME. The implications of these findings for the literatures on mere exposure and attention are discussed as are speculations about mediators of these effects.  相似文献   

Subjects wore a long-wavelength passband filter over one eye for 1 week. As a consequence, for that eye only, sensitivity to long-wavelength stimuli declined, unique yellow shifted to longer wavelengths, and scotopic stimuli acquired a strikingly bluish appearance. These results make it very likely that long-term exposure to a long-wavelength world can induce relatively prolonged (at least hours) postreceptoral adaptation.  相似文献   

基于记忆再巩固理论的提取消退范式被证明是一种有效和颇有前景的消除不良记忆的方法。本研究将预期错误(Prediction Error, PE)应用于提取消退范式中, 采用多感官复合刺激模型(声音 + 图片)作为条件刺激, 以皮电反应作为恐惧反应指标, 考察在提取阶段不同的预期错误设置(无PE、单个负性PE、单个正性PE和多重PE)对条件性恐惧记忆提取消退效果有何差异。结果表明:无PE组和多重PE组出现了恐惧的自发恢复和重建效应, 而负性PE组和正性PE组均没有出现恐惧的自发恢复和重建效应。说明了在对复合恐惧记忆进行提取消退时, 提取阶段适当的PE才能使记忆进入再巩固过程, 随后传统消退达到抑制恐惧返回效果, 提取阶段没有PE或PE量过多都不能达到恐惧消退效果。  相似文献   

Previous research showed that the repeated approaching of one stimulus and avoiding of another stimulus typically leads to more positive evaluations of the former stimuli. In the current study, we examined whether approach and avoidance training (AAT) effects on evaluations of neutral stimuli can be modulated by introducing a regularity between the approach-avoidance actions and a positive or negative (feared) stimulus. In an AAT task, participants repeatedly approached one neutral non-word and avoided another neutral non-word. Half of the participants also approached a negative fear-conditioned stimulus (CS+) and avoided a conditioned safe stimulus (CS?). The other half of the participants avoided the CS+ and approached the CS?. Whereas participants in the avoid CS+ condition exhibited a typical AAT effect, participants in the approach CS+ condition exhibited a reversed AAT effect (i.e. they evaluated the approached neutral non-word as more negative than the avoided non-word). These findings provide evidence for the malleability of the AAT effect when strongly valenced stimuli are approached or avoided. We discuss the practical and theoretical implications of our findings.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the effect of exposure to masked phobic stimuli at a very brief stimulus onset asynchrony on reducing the subjective experience of fear caused by in vivo exposure to a feared object. In the main experiment, 35 spider-fearful and 35 non-fearful participants were identified with a questionnaire and a Behavioural Avoidance Test (BAT) with a live tarantula. One week later, they were individually administered one of two continuous series of masked images: spiders or flowers. They engaged in the BAT again immediately thereafter. They provided ratings of subjective fear at the end of each BAT (pre- and post-manipulation). Very brief exposure to images of spiders reduced the fearful group's and not the non-fearful group's experience of fear at the end of the BAT. This effect was replicated with another sample of 26 spider-fearful participants from the same population. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

To replicate and extend the finding that distraction facilitates between session anxiety reduction (), 27 spider phobics underwent three 10-min sessions of in vivo exposure followed by one 10-min exposure session at a 4-week follow-up, while having either stimulus-relevant focused conversation or stimulus-irrelevant distracting conversation with the experimenter. Physiological arousal and subjective anxiety were measured during exposure, and self-efficacy, perceived control and performance on a behavioural task were measured at pre-treatment, post session-3, and follow-up. Monitoring and blunting coping styles were also measured at pre-treatment to assess their impact on treatment outcome. Despite equal physiological activation between the groups, those who underwent distracted exposure showed greater reductions in subjective fear within and between sessions, and showed greater increases in self-efficacy ratings, internal perceived control and performance on a behavioural task. Coping style did not interact with the effect of distraction or focusing during exposure, however blunters had less subjective anxiety reduction overall, particularly when they underwent focused exposure. Results are discussed in terms of the emotional processing model and self-efficacy theory.  相似文献   

The determination of optimal exposure to phobic stimuli in flooding therapy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present study compared the value of various criteria for determining exposure duration to phobic stimuli in flooding therapy. Results indicated that basing exposure termination on a return to resting ranges of HR was not effective in increasing approach behavior, whereas basing termination on observer's judgements was quite effective. Employing self-reported anxiety reduction as the termination criterion was no more effective than using either the HR criterion or a procedure that combined all three criteria (HR, self-report, and observer's judgements). Self-reported fear data showed similar trends with the HR criterion again failing to produce any greater benefits than control procedures. Nine-weeks follow-up indicated a persistence of the behavioral changes with some loss of the gains in subjective anxiety, and a reduction in the differences between groups.  相似文献   

Experiment I measured reaction time (RT) to monaural tones of six frequencies presented along with white noise to the contralateral ear. RT with the hand ipsilateral to the stimulus was an average of 9.63 msec faster than RT with the contralateral hand. Contralateral RT was significantly affected by the stimulus frequency. Experiment II measured ipsilateral and contralateral RT to monaural tones with and without contralateral noise. Noise-on results agreed with the results of Experiment I, while noise-off results showed no difference between ipsilateral and contralateral RT. No right-ear advantage was found. The ipsilateral-contralateral RT difference found with noise on is interpreted as being due to callosal transmission time as well as other factors. The finding of no right-ear advantage is discussed in relation to other studies which did report a right-ear advantage.  相似文献   

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