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The research was designed to evaluate interpersonal coordination during conversation with a new measurement tool. The experiment uses an analysis based on recurrence strategies, known as cross recurrence quantification, to evaluate the shared activity between 2 postural time series in reconstructed phase space. Pairs of participants were found to share more locations in phase space (greater recurrence) in conditions where they were conversing with one another to solve a puzzle task than in conditions in which they convened with others. The trajectories of pairs of participants also showed less divergence when they conversed with each other than when they conversed with others well. This is offered as objective evidence of interpersonal coordination of postural sway in the context of a cooperative verbal task.  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether compensatory postural coordination patterns are organized according to the same dynamical principles as are nonequilibrium phase transitions. Eight participants were asked to maintain upright balance on a moving platform that was sinusoidally translated in the anterior-posterior direction and was systematically increased and decreased 0.19 Hz as a step function every 10 platform cycles through the frequency range 0.19-1.46 Hz. At low platform frequencies, all participants exhibited small joint angular motions with high variability, and the relative phase between the joint motions exhibited drifting patterns and large fluctuations. As platform frequency increased, the amplitude of joint motion increased systematically and joint-specific oscillatory patterns emerged. The findings provided no evidence for a Hopf bifurcation or hysteresis in the transitions of postural coordination modes, however, or, more generally, a basis for distinguishing the relevance of linear versus nonlinear models of postural control.  相似文献   

The tendency to overestimate has consistently been reported in studies of reachability estimation. According to one of the more prominent explanations, the postural stability hypothesis, the perceived reaching limit depends on the individual's perceived postural constraints. To test that proposition, the authors compared estimates of reachability of 38 adults (a) in the seated posture (P1) and (b) in the more demanding posture of standing on one foot and leaning forward (P2). Although there was no difference between conditions for total error, results for the distribution and direction of error indicated that participants overestimated in the P1 condition and underestimated in the P2 condition. It therefore appears that perceived postural constraints could be a factor in judgments of reachability. When participants in the present study perceived greater postural demands, they may have elected to program a more conservative strategy that resulted in underestimation.  相似文献   

Swimming constraints and arm coordination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Following Newell's concept of constraint (1986), we sought to identify the constraints (organismic, environmental and task) on front crawl performance, focusing on arm coordination adaptations over increasing race paces. Forty-two swimmers (15 elite men, 15 mid-level men and 12 elite women) performed seven self-paced swim trials (race paces: as if competitively swimming 1500m, 800m, 400m, 200m, 100m, 50m, and maximal velocity, respectively) using the front crawl stroke. The paces were race simulations over 25m to avoid fatigue effects. Swim velocity, stroke rate, stroke length, and various arm stroke phases were calculated from video analysis. Arm coordination was quantified in terms of an index of coordination (IdC) based on the lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm. This measure quantified three possible coordination modes in the front crawl: opposition (continuity between the two arm propulsions), catch-up (a time gap between the two arm propulsions) and superposition (an overlap of the two arm propulsions). With increasing race paces, swim velocity, stroke rate, and stroke length, the three groups showed a similar transition in arm coordination mode at the critical 200m pace, which separated the long- and mid-pace pattern from the sprint pace pattern. The 200m pace was also characterized by a stroke rate close to 40strokemin(-1). The finding that all three groups showed a similar adaptation of arm coordination suggested that race paces, swim velocity, stroke rate and stroke length reflect task constraints that can be manipulated as control parameters, with race paces (R(2)=.28) and stroke rate (R(2)=.36) being the best predictors of IdC changes. On the other hand, only the elite men reached a velocity greater than 1.8ms(-1) and a stroke rate of 50strokemin(-1). They did so using superposition of the propulsion phases of the two arms, which occurred because of the great forward resistance created when these swimmers achieved high velocity, i.e., an environmental constraint. Conversely, the elite women and mid-level men had shorter stroke lengths and maintained a time gap between the propulsions of the two arms throughout the increase in paces, with gender and expertise explaining 9% and 8.3% of the IdC changes, respectively. These results indicate that arm coordination cannot be interpreted solely from the IdC value but should be considered from the perspective of task, environmental, and organismic constraints. These constraints can serve as control parameters in experiments aimed at gaining insight into changes in arm coordination during the front crawl. In this context, catch-up coordination, which is often considered as a mistake, was seen to be an adaptation to a relative constraint.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that people's movements can become unintentionally coordinated during interpersonal interaction. The current study sought to uncover the degree to which visual and verbal (conversation) interaction constrains and organizes the rhythmic limb movements of coactors. Two experiments were conducted in which pairs of participants completed an interpersonal puzzle task while swinging handheld pendulums with instructions that minimized intentional coordination but facilitated either visual or verbal interaction. Cross-spectral analysis revealed a higher degree of coordination for conditions in which the pairs were visually coupled. In contrast, verbal interaction alone was not found to provide a sufficient medium for unintentional coordination to occur, nor did it enhance the unintentional coordination that emerged during visual interaction. The results raise questions concerning differences between visual and verbal informational linkages during interaction and how these differences may affect interpersonal movement production and its coordination.  相似文献   

Interpersonal motor coordination is influenced not only by biomechanical factors such as coordination pattern, oscillating frequency, and individual differences, but also by psychosocial factor such as likability and social competences. Based on the social stereotype of “what is beautiful is good”, the present study aimed at investigating whether people coordinate differently with physically attractive people compared to less attractive people. 34 participants were engaged in an interpersonal coordination task with different looking (virtual) agents while performing at the same time a reaction time task. Results showed that participants had more stable motor coordination with the moving attractive than with the less attractive agent, and that the difference in motor coordination could not be interpreted by a specific attention allocation strategy. Our findings provide the evidence that physical attractiveness genuinely affects how people interact with another person, and that the temporal-spatial coordinated movement varies with the partner’s psychosocial characteristics. The study broadens the perspective of exploring the effect of additional psychosocial factors on social motor coordination.  相似文献   

Postural characteristics of components of a natural movement-taking a sip from a mug filled with water-were studied. The authors hypothesized that important postural characteristics of each of the components involved in natural drinking can be described with a single or a few significant parameters. Seated participants (N = 7) took a small sip from a mug (selected from a set of 4) placed in front of them on the table. Movement components selected for analysis were transporting the mug, tilting the mug, moving and tilting the head, and opening the mouth. The ratio of mug diameter to the distance from the level of water to the rim of the mug was introduced as an index of difficulty (ID). ID showed significant logarithmic relationships to a number of parameters that described different components of the movement, including movement time (MT). Significant logarithmic relationships between ID and MT were observed during movements performed under visual control and with eyes closed. The authors tentatively suggest that those relationships are consequences of Fitts' law and that Fitts' law be expanded to tasks that are characterized by permissible error margin, not necessarily related to the size of a spatial target, and that are not constrained by the typical instruction "as fast and accurate as possible". A possible interpretation of the present observations is that the task constraints imposed on a number of movement parameters during the task of drinking can be described with a single parameter.  相似文献   

In studies of postural control, investigators have used either experimentally induced perturbations to stance or unperturbed stance. The distinction between perturbed and unperturbed stance has gained renewed importance in the context of inphase and antiphase coordination of the hips and ankles. Several contributions have replicated the findings published over the past decade, suggesting the possibility of a unified view of postural control. However, any proposed unified view depends on how so called perturbed and unperturbed are defined. The authors argue that, to date, there is no explicit and general definition of those terms. The main reason is that all perturbations are relative and depend on appropriate frames of reference for perception and action. Arguments about empirical or theoretical unification of perturbed and unperturbed stance are premature.  相似文献   

Intrinsic coordination patterns exist between limbs such that 1) coordination at these states is inherently stable, 2) any other pattern requires learning to produce, and 3) this learning is subject to interference from a systemic bias towards intrinsic patterns. The dynamics that govern intrapersonal interlimb coordination also govern interpersonal coordination. However, intrapersonal coordination exhibits greater coupling strength and thus more stable intrinsic dynamics than interpersonal coordination. Because the strength of intrinsic coordination tendencies has consequences for learning coordination patterns, the differences in coupling strength between intra- and interpersonal coordination should impact the ability to perform new coordination patterns via greater or less interference from intrinsic dynamics. This was investigated by measuring participants’ performance as they learned a new coordination pattern alone (intrapersonal) or in pairs (interpersonal). Participants were implicitly tasked with learning the pattern as they separately controlled the vertical and horizontal position of an on-screen cursor to trace a circling target. We observed better performance of dyads on first trial and steeper learning trajectories for individuals. Overall, these results indicate that individuals experienced greater interference from stronger intrinsic coordination dynamics during early learning but could overcome this interference and achieve similar performance to that of dyads with very little practice.  相似文献   

Reaching from standing requires adjustments of hand movement and posture, which are assured by redundant kinematic degrees of freedom. However, the increased demand for postural adjustments may interfere with the stability of reaching. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of postural instability on the use of kinematic redundancy to stabilize the finger and center-of-mass trajectories during reaching from standing in healthy adults. Sixteen healthy young adults performed reaching movements from standing with and without postural instability induced by small base-of-support. The three-dimensional positions of 48 markers were recorded at 100 Hz. The uncontrolled manifold (UCM) analysis was performed separately with the finger and center-of-mass positions being the performance variables, and joint angles being the elemental variables. ΔV, the normalized difference between the variance in joint angle that does not affect task performance (VUCM) and the variance that does affect task performance (VORT), was calculated separately for finger (ΔVEP) and center-of-mass (ΔVCOM) positions, and was compared between stable and unstable base-of-support conditions. ΔVEP decreased after movement onset and reached its minimum value at around 30–50% of the normalized movement time, and increased until movement offset, while ΔVCOM remained stable. At 60%–100% normalized movement time, ΔVEP was significantly reduced in the unstable base-of-support, compared to the stable base-of-support condition. ΔVCOM remained similar between the two conditions. At movement offset, ΔVEP was significantly reduced in the unstable base-of-support, compared to the stable base-of-support condition, and was associated with a substantial increase in VORT. Postural instability might reduce the ability to use kinematic redundancy to stabilize the reaching movement. The central nervous system may prioritize the maintenance of postural stability over focal movement when postural stability is challenged.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the interpersonal coordination that occurred between two people when sitting side-by-side in rocking chairs. In two experiments participant pairs rocked in chairs that had the same or different natural periods. By instructing pairs to coordinate their movements inphase or antiphase, Experiment 1 investigated whether the stable patterns of intentional interpersonal coordination were consistent with the dynamics of within person interlimb coordination. By instructing the participants to rock at their own preferred tempo, Experiment 2 investigated whether the rocking chair movements of visually coupled individuals would become unintentionally coordinated. The degree to which the participants fixated on the movements of their co-actor was also manipulated to examine whether visual focus modulates the strength of interpersonal coordination. As expected, the patterns of coordination observed in both experiments demonstrated that the intentional and unintentional interpersonal coordination of rocking chair movements is constrained by the self-organizing dynamics of a coupled oscillator system. The results of the visual focus manipulations indicate that the stability of a visual interpersonal coupling is mediated by attention and the degree to which an individual is able to detect information about a co-actor's movements.  相似文献   

Temprado JJ  Salesse R 《Journal of motor behavior》2004,36(4):398-400, 402-7; discussion 408-17
Despite the recent advances in the field of coordination dynamics addressing the interplay of constraints of different natures in the emergence of human coordination, F. Mechsner (2004) invites us to revive hierarchical and dichotomous thinking b y offering again his exclusive position that coordinated movements are (purely) perceptual-cognitive/psychological in nature. In this comment, the authors address a number of theoretical and methodological issues that might potentially puzzle the readers of Mechsner's article. They contend that the dichotomy proposed by Mechsner (i.e., perceptual-cognitive vs. motor) constitutes a restrictive framework for understanding human coordination.  相似文献   

Based on the observation that bimanual finger tapping movements tend toward mirror symmetry with respect to the body midline, despite the synchronous activation of non-homologous muscles, F. Mechsner, D. Kerzel, G. Knoblich, and W. Prinz (2001) [Perceptual basis of bimanual coordination. Nature, 414, 69-73] suggested that the basis of rhythmic coordination is purely spatial/perceptual in nature, and independent of the neuro-anatomical constraints of the motor system. To investigate this issue further, we employed a four finger tapping task similar to that used by F. Mechsner and G. Knoblich (2004) [Do muscle matter in bimanual coordination? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 30, 490-503] in which six male participants were required to alternately tap combinations of adjacent pairs of index (I), middle (M) and ring (R) fingers of each hand in time with an auditory metronome. The metronome pace increased continuously from 1 Hz to 3 Hz over the course of a 30-s trial. Each participant performed three blocks of trials in which finger combination for each hand (IM or MR) and mode of coordination (mirror or parallel) were presented in random order. Within each block, the right hand was placed in one of three orientations; prone, neutral and supine. The order of blocks was counterbalanced across the six participants. The left hand maintained a prone position throughout the experiment. On the basis of discrete relative phase analyses between synchronised taps, the time at which the initial mode of coordination was lost was determined for each trial. When the right hand was prone, transitions occurred only from parallel symmetry to mirror symmetry, regardless of finger combination. In contrast, when the right hand was supine, transitions occurred only from mirror symmetry to parallel but no transitions were observed in the opposite direction. In the right hand neutral condition, mirror and parallel symmetry are insufficient to describe the modes of coordination since the hands are oriented orthogonally. When defined anatomically, however, the results in each of the three right hand orientations are consistent. That is, synchronisation of finger tapping is determined by a hierarchy of control of individual fingers based on their intrinsic neuro-mechanical properties rather than on the basis of their spatial orientation.  相似文献   

Interlimb coordination is subject to constraints. One major constraint has been described as a tendency for homologous muscle groups to be activated simultaneously. Another has been described as a biasing of limb segments to movement in the same direction. In 2 experiments, the 2 constraints were placed in opposition: In-phase or antiphase contraction of homologous muscles of contralateral limbs produced movement that was spatially antiphase or in-phase, respectively. Probability distributions of relative phase were obtained under manipulations of phase detuning and movement speed. They revealed that the equilibrium and stability of coordination were related, respectively, to spatial relative phase and muscular relative phase. Previously observed spatial and muscular constraints reflect a (possibly very general) factorization of attractor location and attractor strength in the dynamics of interlimb coordination.  相似文献   

To determine if the spatial and/or temporal context affected the coordination patterns of children under five in upright interceptive tasks, 3-year-olds hit a ball dropped from a ramp from five heights (1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, and 3.5 m) to control drop time. We studied the initiation time of hitting a ball with a cinematic analysis of the different joint movements (foot, knee, hip, shoulder, and hand). Two patterns of joint coordination were observed according to the rolling height of the ball: a de-synchronized pattern for heights of 2 m or above where the foot was the first to move and the hand the last, and a “synchronized” pattern, for the lowest height (1.5 m) where all joints started moving at the same time due to a strong temporal pressure. These two coordination patterns highlight a functional adaptation of body joints according to the spatio-temporal constraints among children from the age of three.  相似文献   

The effects of passive interpersonal light touch (PILT) on postural stability can be observed through improved postural coordination through haptic feedback from the contact provider to the contact receiver while walking. It is unclear, however, whether PILT affects the contact receiver's detailed physical responses, such as muscle activity, body sway, and joint movements. In this study, surface electromyography and an inertial measurement unit were used simultaneously to explore changes in walking speed and control responses induced by PILT. We evaluated fourteen healthy participants for their walking speed and physical responses under two walking conditions: no-touch (NT) and PILT. As a physical response during walking, we measured muscle activity (rectus femoris, semitendinosus, tibialis anterior, and soleus muscles), body sway (pelvis and neck), and joint angles (direction of hip, knee, and ankle joint movements). In PILT condition, fingertip contact force was measured while the contact provider touched the third level of the recipient's lumbar spine. In comparison with the NT condition, PILT condition increased walking speed and decreased body sway on neck position. There were significant correlations between walking speed and neck sway regarding NT and PILT change values. Passive haptic information to the contact receiver may assist in the smooth shift of the center of gravity position during gait through interpersonal postural coordination. These findings suggest that PILT may provide an efficient and stable gait.  相似文献   

There are contrasting views on the role of vision in modifying postural organization (information-driven and postural facilitation) and limited direct tests of the underlying postural mechanisms. Here, we examined whether the distinction between the two views is appropriate given that both are interrelated parts of task constraints modulating postural coordination and control. The study investigated whether changes in the organization of the postural system are a function of the visual precision demands of a task and, in addition, whether such organization could be described as reflecting an intermittent controller. Sixteen participants were instructed to maintain quiet postural stance while fixating a point at different viewing distances (25, 50, 135, 220, 305 cm) or standing with eyes closed. The 25-cm condition showed the lowest standard deviation of the center of pressure (COP) and the highest correlation dimension (CD) in the anterior posterior direction. Analyses revealed that, contrary to the intermittent controller hypothesis, adaptations in the continuous COP and center of mass (COM) coupling characterized the observed changes in CD. The findings show that the natural act of looking to the same feature in the environment as a function of visual viewing distance can lead to quantitative and qualitative changes in the dynamics of posture. This is consistent with the view that postural facilitation and information availability are integrated in the perceptual-motor dynamics.  相似文献   

While the recognition of emotional expressions has been extensively studied, the behavioural response to these expressions has not. In the interpersonal circumplex, behaviour is defined in terms of communion and agency. In this study, we examined behavioural responses to both facial and postural expressions of emotion. We presented 101 Romanian students with facial and postural stimuli involving individuals (‘targets’) expressing happiness, sadness, anger, or fear. Using an interpersonal grid, participants simultaneously indicated how communal (i.e., quarrelsome or agreeable) and agentic (i.e., dominant or submissive) they would be towards people displaying these expressions. Participants were agreeable‐dominant towards targets showing happy facial expressions and primarily quarrelsome towards targets with angry or fearful facial expressions. Responses to targets showing sad facial expressions were neutral on both dimensions of interpersonal behaviour. Postural versus facial expressions of happiness and anger elicited similar behavioural responses. Participants responded in a quarrelsome‐submissive way to fearful postural expressions and in an agreeable way to sad postural expressions. Behavioural responses to the various facial expressions were largely comparable to those previously observed in Dutch students. Observed differences may be explained from participants’ cultural background. Responses to the postural expressions largely matched responses to the facial expressions.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the contributions of motor and perceptual processes to directional constraints as observed during hand-foot coordination. Participants performed cyclical flexion-extension movements of the right hand and foot under two coordination modes: in-phase (isodirectional) and antiphase (non-isodirectional). Those tasks were performed either with full vision or no vision of the limbs. Depending on the position of the forearm (prone or supine), the coordination patterns were performed with similar and dissimilar neuro-muscular coupling with respect to their phylogenetic origin as antigravity muscles. Results showed that the antiphase pattern was more difficult to maintain than the in-phase pattern and that neuro-muscular coupling significantly influenced the coordination dynamics. Moreover, the effect of vision differed as a function of both neuro-muscular coupling and coordination mode. Under dissimilar neuro-muscular coupling, the presence of visual feedback stabilized the in-phase pattern and destabilized the antiphase pattern. In contrast, visual feedback did not influence pattern stability during conditions of similar neuro-muscular coupling. These results shed light on the complex interactions between motor and perceptual (visual) constraints during the production of hand-foot coordination patterns.  相似文献   

This paper examines which dispositional, cognitive and motivational variables will contribute to improved multi-person motor coordination. The study conceptually refers to a control-theoretical approach of continuous motor behavior. According to this approach interpersonal behavior should be determined by similar regulative processes as is individual behavior. Results of a laboratory study with 18 three-person groups support assumptions of this approach. Substantial effects on group performance are found for dispositional and motivational variables. Theoretical implications of the results obtained are discussed. Conclusions for applied issues are derived.  相似文献   

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