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为了考察自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorder,ASD)儿童对不同情绪面孔的觉察和加工情况,设计两个眼动实验任务,要求14名7~10岁ASD儿童和20名同年龄正常儿童观看图片。实验一采用将情绪面孔嵌入风景图片中引起语义不一致的刺激;实验二采用含有情绪面孔的无意义背景乱序图片刺激。结果发现:(1)ASD儿童对不同情绪面孔的觉察时间都显著长于正常儿童;(2)与正常儿童一样,ASD儿童表现出对恐惧面孔的注意偏向;(3)实验二中,ASD儿童对不同情绪面孔内部特征区的注意分配与正常儿童不同;正常儿童能注意最能展示该类情绪特征信息的区域,如恐惧的眼睛、愉快的嘴巴,而ASD儿童对三类情绪面孔特征区的注意分配方式相似;(4)两个实验条件下,ASD者对不同情绪面孔的觉察、加工模式与正常儿童相似。  相似文献   

采用视觉追踪技术,探讨自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders, ASD)儿童面孔加工的同龄偏向效应。实验1选取19名ASD儿童和23名生理年龄匹配的普通儿童(typically developing, TD)为被试,通过自由观看同龄和异龄中性面孔,探讨ASD儿童是否存在面孔加工的同龄偏向效应;实验2选取22名ASD儿童和生理年龄匹配的25名TD儿童,通过自由观看快乐、愤怒和恐惧面孔,探讨情绪对ASD儿童面孔加工同龄偏向的影响。结果发现,(1)ASD儿童对同龄中性面孔的注视时间显著大于异龄中性面孔;(2)ASD儿童在愤怒和恐惧情绪下对同龄面孔的注视时间显著大于异龄面孔,而在快乐情绪下同龄和异龄的注视时间则无显著差异。这表明ASD儿童对面孔的注视加工存在同龄偏向效应,且受情绪的影响。  相似文献   

为探究自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童在不同眼睛注视方向下对面孔情绪的识别能力及视线加工特征,研究选取ASD儿童和普通儿童各17名为被试。结果发现,ASD儿童识别面孔情绪的正确率显著低于普通儿童,而对高兴情绪识别的正确率最高;ASD儿童识别面孔情绪的反应时不受眼睛注视方向影响,而普通儿童表现出对正视面孔情绪更快的识别速度。研究认为,ASD儿童的情绪识别能力偏低,受情绪类型影响显著,且在面孔情绪识别过程中,可能存在一定的视线加工障碍或缺少对眼部线索的关注。  相似文献   

以往研究将回避眼睛作为自闭症谱系障碍的评估标准之一, 但是一些眼动研究发现:自闭症谱系障碍者也回避注视嘴部。那么回避嘴部是否同样可以作为评估标准?本研究运用元分析, 分别将面孔核心区域中眼睛和嘴部的注视时间作为结果变量, 探讨自闭症谱系障碍者面孔加工的注视特点。通过文献检索和筛查, 共有27篇眼动文献被纳入最终的元分析, 其中眼睛注视时间生成43个独立效应量(1343人), 在嘴部注视时间生成36个独立效应量(1112人)。结果发现, 自闭症谱系障碍组对眼睛的注视时间显著少于普通被试组(d = −0.75), 但是两组在嘴部注视时间上没有显著差异(d = −0.29)。调节效应检验发现:年龄(d儿童 = −0.89, d成人 = −0.04)、面孔方向(d正立 = −0.79, d倒置 = 0.31)会影响被试对眼睛的注视时间; 年龄(d儿童 = 0.40, d成人 = −0.56)、言语智商(d匹配 = 0.63, d不匹配 = −0.62)和非言语智商的匹配性(d匹配 = 0.27, d不匹配 = −0.51)、自闭症的严重程度 (d高功能 = 0.43, d中低功能 = −0.65)和任务方式(d自由浏览 = −0.48, d辨别任务 = 0.90)则会影响被试对嘴部的注视时间。元分析结果表明嘴部注视不能作为区分自闭症谱系障碍者的指标。  相似文献   

选取3~5岁自闭症谱系障碍儿童(Autism Spectrum Disorder,ASD)与正常儿童各18名,采集其观看目标刺激沿不同垂直幅度、水平速度正弦曲线运动视频的眼动数据,考察振幅、速度等目标运动特征对被试平滑追踪眼动的影响。结果发现:(1)ASD儿童平滑追踪目标刺激的视觉位置误差显著大于正常儿童,其追踪目标的眼动轨迹不如正常组儿童平滑均匀,平滑追踪眼动存在明显不足。(2)正常儿童追踪目标刺激大振幅运行的位置误差显著大于小振幅运行条件,但ASD儿童却与之相反。(3)与正常儿童一样,目标刺激运行速度越快,ASD儿童平滑追踪的位置误差越大。总之,ASD儿童存在平滑追踪能力的不足;相比追踪大振幅运动的目标,ASD儿童追踪小振幅运动目标的能力更差。  相似文献   

本研究选取一名15岁的重度自闭症谱系障碍儿童为研究对象,采用眼动追踪技术考察其情绪主题绘本阅读的眼动特征,并制定情绪主题绘本阅读方案,对该儿童的情绪理解障碍进行干预。结果显示:(1)在干预前,这名儿童阅读情绪主题绘本时更加关注背景区域,而较少注意主角形象区域,在整体画面中最后关注甚至忽视主角表情这一重要信息。(2)通过情绪主题绘本阅读干预,这名儿童对主角表情的首次注视前时间减少,注意分配时间和注视次数显著增加;情绪理解能力也显著提高。  相似文献   

以带有不同类型情境线索(包括颜色、图标和字体)的环境文字为材料,采用命名任务考察5~7岁28名自闭症谱系障碍儿童和30名正常儿童阅读环境文字的特点。结果发现:(1)在去掉环境文字中的图标后,自闭症谱系障碍儿童和正常儿童命名文字的得分都显著降低;(2)在消除环境文字的字体线索后,自闭症谱系障碍儿童命名文字的得分显著降低,但正常儿童却较少受影响;(3)在阅读环境文字时,无论是自闭症谱系障碍儿童还是正常儿童,识字量越多,儿童越少依赖图标线索的提示。这些结果表明,自闭症谱系障碍儿童在阅读环境文字时,受图标线索和字体线索的影响较大,为制定促进其阅读学习的早期识字干预方案提供参考。  相似文献   

林云强 《心理科学》2014,37(2):349-356
以30名自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童为被试,通过环境图片视觉搜索方式,借助Tobii X120眼动仪记录被试的注视时间和注视次数探讨ASD儿童威胁知觉的特点。结果发现:(1)相比于非威胁目标,ASD儿童对威胁目标对象存在知觉优势,其威胁知觉受刺激类型及矩阵大小的影响。(2)ASD儿童对于全威胁刺激(蛇)的负性图片存在注意固着现象,表现在对全威胁刺激环境图片的注视时间显著增加。(3)眼动技术能够有效地应用于部分ASD儿童的威胁知觉研究。  相似文献   

本研究采用《幼儿数感测评量表》对26名自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders,ASD)幼儿、20名智力障碍幼儿及32名正常幼儿进行数感能力测评,并比较三组幼儿的数感特点。结果发现:(1)ASD幼儿的数感整体和各维度水平均显著低于正常幼儿,但与智力障碍幼儿相当;(2)三组幼儿数感各维度水平在5~7岁之间无明显变化;(3)三组幼儿在数量比较、数量估算和大小比较的能力水平均领先于其他维度,而类比推理和大小推理均相对落后。另外,ASD幼儿和智力障碍幼儿的体积比较与大小推理、类比推理的能力较为接近,而正常幼儿的体积比较能力显著优于大小推理和类比推理。研究表明5~7岁ASD幼儿的数感能力整体落后于同龄正常幼儿,且数感各维度的能力发展不均衡、不同步。本研究揭示了5~7岁ASD幼儿数感能力发展的特点及需求,可为制定相应数感干预方案、促进其数学学习提供参考。  相似文献   

根据儿童绘画发展理论,通过对160名3.2~14岁自闭症谱系障碍儿童的“自由画”、“绘人”和“家庭成员画”的赋值编码以及与普通儿童绘画的对比,从量与质的角度,分析和探索了绘画在区分自闭症谱系障碍儿童功能的可行性。  相似文献   

情景预见是个体将自我投射到未来某个特定时间和地点预先体验可能发生的未来事件的一种能力。为了考察幼儿的自我投射能力在情景预见中的可能作用,本研究通过两个实验比较了从自己的视角和从他人视角完成情景预见任务时幼儿的表现。实验1选取236名3~5.5岁典型发展(Typically Developing,TD)幼儿,采用被试间设计发现,总体而言,幼儿为他人做预见优于为自己做预见。实验2采用被试内设计,在TD儿童身上验证了实验1的结果,同时发现,孤独症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorder,ASD)儿童为自己做预见与为他人做预见没有差异。综上,幼儿不成熟的自我投射能力会干扰其自我卷入的情景预见,而自我投射能力受损的ASD儿童则没有表现出这种影响。  相似文献   

This study of Israeli and American preadolescent children examined characteristics of friendship in 44 children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFASD) compared to 38 typically developing children (TYP), as they interacted with a close friend Participants were 8-12 years of age (HFASD: Israel, n = 24; USA, n = 20; TYP: Israel, n = 23; USA, n = 15), and were matched on SES, receptive language vocabulary, child age, and gender (each study group included one girl). Multidimensional assessments included: individual behaviors of target children and observed child-friend interactions during construction and drawing scenarios; target child's and friend's self-perceived mutual friendship qualities; and mother-reported characteristics (friendship's duration/frequency; friend's age/gender/disability status). Overall, children with HFASD displayed a number of differences on individual and dyadic friendship measures. Both age and verbal abilities affected friendship behaviors. Children with HFASD and their friends perceived friendship qualities similarly, suggesting that preadolescents with HFASD have capacities for interpersonal awareness. Between-group similarities also emerged on several complex social behaviors, suggesting that friendship follows a developmental trajectory in autism and may enhance social interaction skills in autism.  相似文献   

Although clinical practitioners often express concerns about the mathematical functioning of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the field of mathematics remains a relatively unexplored topic in individuals with ASD. Moreover, research findings are fragmentary and hold inconclusive results. The present study aimed to examine whether grade 1 (aged 6–7 years) to 4 (aged 9–10 years) elementary school children with ASD scored significantly different from age‐adequate norms on mathematics. To this end, a multi‐componential approach of mathematics was used. Four domains of mathematics were assessed in 121 children with ASD: procedural calculation, number fact retrieval, word/language problems, and time‐related competences. All children attended general education classrooms, following the standard curriculum, and were coached by integrated educational services. Children with ASD showed a strength in word/language problems in second and fourth grade. There was evidence of a weakness for procedural calculation in first grade and for time‐related competences in first and third grade. In all other cases, average scores were shown. As such, results revealed a profile of strengths, average abilities, and weaknesses in mathematics and highlighted the importance of focusing on different domains of mathematics. Because a high variability in mathematical performance could be observed, we recommend an individual assessment when considering the mathematical trajectory of children with ASD. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2023,54(5):892-901
The purpose of the current study was to examine engagement with Behavioral Parent Training (BPT) for families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and assess openness to novel delivery formats for BPT (e.g., telehealth, group). Participants were caregivers of 501 children with ASD (ages 2–6) enrolled in the SPARK (Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge) online national registry. The study assessed: (1) rates of child disruptive behavior diagnoses, (2) engagement and satisfaction with BPT, (3) parent and child factors (e.g., diagnostic history), and (4) openness to novel delivery formats. Almost 25% of young children with ASD in this sample had disruptive behavior problems rising to the level of a diagnosis of ADHD or ODD and thus would benefit from BPT. However, only one third of these families had actually been referred to BPT. Families indicated high level of interest in participating in BPT, with a particular interest in Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) as well as novel delivery formats such as telehealth and group. Specific components of the therapy and delivery formats were indicative of parent satisfaction (e.g. groups, longer treatment sessions, longer treatment length). Specific parent and child characteristics were predictive of openness to novel formats (e.g. parental depression, more severe behavioral challenges, lower verbal skills). Results underscore the need for increased referrals and access to BPT programs the ASD population. Both parent and child characteristics are important for determining appropriate delivery formats.  相似文献   

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