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It has recently been proposed that global processing precedes local processing of a visual scene even when the local and the global aspects are similar in nature (e.g., both alphabetic). The two types of processing were compared here in four different ways, for stimuli with many and with few local elements (i.e., differing sparsities). These methods consisted of assessing naming latency, intrastimulus Stroop-like interference, intermodality Stroop-like interference, and phenomenal judgment. The results of four experiments were consistent in demonstrating global processing priority for many-lement stimuli but local processing priority for few-element stimuli.  相似文献   

This article examined the effects of body–object interaction (BOI) on semantic processing. BOI measures perceptions of the ease with which a human body can physically interact with a word's referent. In Experiment 1, BOI effects were examined in 2 semantic categorization tasks (SCT) in which participants decided if words are easily imageable. Responses were faster and more accurate for high BOI words (e.g., mask ) than for low BOI words (e.g., ship ). In Experiment 2, BOI effects were examined in a semantic lexical decision task (SLDT), which taps both semantic feedback and semantic processing. The BOI effect was larger in the SLDT than in the SCT, suggesting that BOI facilitates both semantic feedback and semantic processing. The findings are consistent with the embodied cognition perspective (e.g., Barsalou's, 1999 , Perceptual Symbols Theory), which proposes that sensorimotor interactions with the environment are incorporated in semantic knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper argues the need to consider carefully the phenomenon of therapeutic failure in counselling and psychotherapy. The scant literature on therapeutic failure is reviewed, this literature suggests that there are large individual differences in therapists' overall effectiveness. A conceptual model of therapeutic failure is proposed, organized around the assumption that failure results from a therapist's inability to meet the needs of a particular client. Suggestions aimed at reducing the likelihood of therapeutic failure are offered.  相似文献   

Sobel and Lillard (2001) demonstrated that 4-year-olds' understanding of the role that the mind plays in pretending improved when children were asked questions in a fantasy context. The present study investigated whether this fantasy effect was motivated by children recognizing that fantasy contains violations of real-world causal structure. In Experiment 1, 4-year-olds were shown a fantasy character engaged in ordinary actions or actions that violated causal knowledge. Children were more likely to say that a troll doll who was acting like but ignorant of the character was not pretending to be that character when read the violation story. Experiment 2 suggested that this difference was not caused by a greater interest in the violation story. Experiment 3 demonstrated a similar difference for characters engaged in social and functional violations that were possible in the real world. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that preschoolers use actions and appearance more than mental states to make judgments about pretense, but that those judgments can be influenced by the context in which the questions are presented.  相似文献   

Harmonic priming studies have shown that a musical context, with its established tonal center, influences target chord processing. This study investigated costs and benefits of priming tonal centers for target processing by adding a baseline condition (sequences without a specific tonal center). Results confirmed harmonic priming, with faster processing for related than for unrelated and less related targets (tonic chord, out-of-key chord, subdominant chord). Comparing targets in baseline contexts with targets in sequences with well-established tonal centers revealed a benefit of processing for related targets but a cost of processing for unrelated and less related targets. Findings are discussed in terns of tonal knowledge activation and suggest that an activated tonal center gives rise to strong expectations for the tonic.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus) (Study 1) and 18- and 24-month-old human children (Study 2) participated in a novel communicative task. A human experimenter (E) hid food or a toy in one of two opaque containers before gesturing towards the reward's location in one of two ways. In the Informing condition, she attempted to help the subject find the hidden object by simply pointing to the correct container. In the Prohibiting condition, E held out her arm toward the correct container (palm out) and told the subject firmly 'Don't take this one.' As in previous studies, the apes were at chance in the Informing condition. However, they were above chance in the new Prohibiting condition. Human 18-month-olds showed this same pattern of results, whereas 24-month-olds showed the opposite pattern: they were better in the Informing condition than in the Prohibiting condition. In our interpretation, success in the Prohibiting condition requires subjects to understand E's goal toward them and their behavior, and then to make an inference (she would only prohibit if there were something good in there). Success in the Informing condition requires subjects to understand a cooperative communicative motive - which apparently apes and young infants find difficult.  相似文献   

This study explored whether unconscious thought has a tendency to process information globally. In three experiments, a Navon task was used to activate global or local processing styles. Findings showed that in the unconscious-thought groups, those performing the local Navon task presented a poorer decision-making performance when compared to those performing the global Navon task (Experiment 1); participants reported that their judgments were made based on partial attributes (Experiment 2), and evaluated a target individual mainly based on information consistent with stereotypes (Experiment 3). These results showed that when presented with distracter tasks, conscious thought activates local processing, which impairs its ability to process information globally. However, this impairment would not happen if global processing were activated instead. This study provides support to the idea that unconscious thought has a tendency to process information globally.  相似文献   

Two tasks were administered to 40 children aged from 16 to 20 months (mean age = 18;1), to evaluate children's understanding of declarative and informative intention [Behne, T., Carpenter, M., & Tomasello, M. (2005). One-year-olds comprehend the communicative intentions behind gestures in a hiding game. Developmental Science, 8, 492–499; Camaioni, L., Perucchini, P., Bellagamba, F., & Colonnesi, C. (2004). The role of declarative pointing in developing a theory of mind. Infancy, 5, 291–308]. In the first task, children had to respond to the experimenter who pointed at a distal object; in the second task, children had to find a toy in a hiding game after the experimenter indicated the correct location either by pointing or by gazing. In the first task, most children responded to the declarative gesture by “commenting” on the pointed object instead of just looking; however, looking responses were more frequent than commenting responses. In the second task, children chose the correct location of the object significantly more frequently when the informative gesture was the point than when it was the gaze; moreover, there were significantly more correct choices than incorrect choices in the point but not in the gaze condition. Finally, no significant relation was found between tasks. Taken together, the findings support the view that infants’ developing understanding of communicative intention is a complex process in which general cognitive abilities and contextual factors are equally important.  相似文献   

Visual matches are sometimes faster when stimuli are presented across visual hemifields, compared to within-field matching. Using a cued geometric figure matching task, we investigated the influence of computational complexity vs. processing efficiency on this bilateral distribution advantage (BDA). Computational complexity was manipulated by requiring different types of match decision (physical identity vs. category identity) and processing efficiency was varied by on-task training A pronounced BDA, initially present in both tasks, completely disappeared in the course of training for the less complex and decreased for the more complex task. Thus, the size of the BDA is determined by both, processing efficiency and task complexity.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of behavior sampling on global ratings, four groups of 10 teachers each received varying amounts of observation training, practice, and feedback. Teachers viewed a series of seven videotapes depicting two boys whose percentage of distractible behavior was systematically manipulated. Ratings of distractibility were obtained for each taped vignette. Results showed that teachers who received observation training and who routinely collected data in their own classroom submitted ratings which corresponded to actual levels of distractible behavior. Teachers who received no training, or who were trained but did not practice, submitted ratings that were significantly less accurate.This research was supported by the Molson Foundation, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  相似文献   

Mental fatigue disturbs local processing more than global processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Focusing of attention is influenced by external features such as the presence of global or local target stimuli, but also by motivation and mood states. In the current study, we examined whether working on cognitively demanding tasks for 2 h, which induces mental fatigue, subsequently had a differential effect on global and local processing. The results showed that, compared to non-fatigued participants, fatigued participants particularly displayed compromised local processing. This indicates that mental fatigue may also manifest itself as effects on attentional focusing. The findings of this study are in line with recent ideas about the nature of fatigue-related cognitive deficits, implying disturbances in the control over attention and behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper points out the way in which educational and communicative action (Habermas) are to be related. It is shown that earlier attempts to put Habermas ideas to use have led to a dead end because they do not realize clearly that the new basic notion introduced by Habermas, namely communicative action, is the expression of a communicative turn. It is argued that Habermas' concept expresses a radical new attempt to grasp the intersubjective character of social action. Next implications of this communicative turn for the concept of education as a social praxis are indicated. Education can be conceived of as a praxis responding to the vulnerability of a communicative self.  相似文献   

We investigated interference, inhibition and transfer effects associated with training on a global-local task. Participants received 10,080 training trials on identifying local features of global/local stimuli. Global processing advantage was eliminated with practice. Global interference decreased with training whereas local interference developed with training. Transfer analyses indicated that training produced stimulus-specific effects in local processing and task-specific effects in global processing. Our findings are discussed in regards to models of global/local processing.  相似文献   

Using a dual-target identification task during rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), we examined facilitation and interference effects exerted by emotional stimuli. Emotionally arousing first targets (T1s) were encoded with higher accuracy than neutral T1s. At the same time, identification of a second neutral target (T2) was impaired reflecting a failure of disengaging attention from arousing T1s. Similar interference was triggered by arousing filler stimuli that were not voluntarily searched for in the RSVP stream (Experiment 2). In Experiment 3, we showed that interference is reduced (though facilitation for arousing T1s is maintained) when the second task itself involves variations in emotional arousal. Vice versa, when arousal associated with the T2 stimulus was predictable, interference recurred (Experiment 4). Our findings indicate that the perceived emotional intensity of a stimulus is a determinant of successful identification during RSVP: Encoding of arousing stimuli is reliably facilitated. Interference effects with subsequent processing arise independently and are strongly modulated by the overall task context and specific processing strategies.  相似文献   

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