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宽恕干预研究述评——宽恕在心理治疗中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗培  白晋荣 《心理科学进展》2009,17(5):1010-1015
宽恕能帮助受害者消除愤怒、减轻痛苦,修复心理创伤。在西方,宽恕已被当作干预目标应用于临床和教育领域。结果表明,宽恕干预能明显减少来访者的愤怒、抑郁、焦虑等消极的情绪体验,增加积极的心理体验,如希望和自尊。宽恕过程模型以及REACH宽恕模型是目前最具代表性的两个宽恕干预理论模型。这两个理论模型均由若干环节构成。在这些环节中,定义宽恕、回忆伤害事件、建立共情、知觉到对他人的伤害、承诺宽恕以及克服阻碍宽恕的因素是促进个体宽恕的重要环节,是在宽恕干预过程中应特别注意的地方。  相似文献   

宽恕逐渐成为心理学研究的热门课题。当前对宽恕的理论研究集中在人际宽恕的理论构建和相关研究,主要是对宽恕的神经心理基础、发展模式以及人格与宽恕的关系的研究;多数应用研究注重于其临床价值,已经有很成熟的临床干预模式出现。但是宽恕的研究还存在一些问题,对宽恕的定义存在争议,导致对宽恕的研究片面;对于测量宽恕的研究远远不够成熟和完善。宽恕的研究有待于细化和拓展。  相似文献   

“人际宽恕”乃是过错行为的受伤害者对过错方的一种原宥行为。德里达提出“唯有宽恕不可宽恕者方为宽恕”。该主张从当事人双方的相互行为后撤,强调受害者单方面的无条件的“赠予”性宽恕。但这种主张却忽视了过错方视角以及与之相应的宽恕的“挣得”性特征。思考“不可宽恕者”这种特殊形式的“人际宽恕”需要综合考量当事人双方选择上的开放性,尊重当事人尤其是受害者的“体验之秘密”。为此,我们借助道德心理学分析,趋近对“不可宽恕者”的性质与面貌的同情性理解与准确的呈示,避免像德里达那样简单地回避或转移问题。  相似文献   

西方学者已普遍接受宽恕的本质即为亲社会性动机转变过程。从这一取向出发, 介绍Worthington提出的宽恕压力应对模型、Koutsos等人提出的人际间相关变量模型以及Hall和Fincham提出的自我宽恕模型这三个模型。三个模型从三个不同角度对宽恕的动机转变观点提供支持, 通过论述三个模型之间的关系, 对宽恕的动机转变观点进行更加深入的阐述。同时在宽恕模型论述中总结分析近年来宽恕的认知加工、人际相关变量的作用以及自我宽恕方面的研究进展等。最后对宽恕在西方以及我国的研究进行回顾, 指出中西方宽恕研究发展中存在的研究不全面、缺乏理论支持等问题。  相似文献   

宽恕被界定为被冒犯者的亲社会动机的转变过程, 它有助于被冒犯者消除愤怒情绪, 提升积极的情感体验。宽恕治疗是针对被冒犯者, 并试图帮助他们放弃报复和回避等消极应对方式, 以积极的方式来处理因冒犯而造成的伤害的一种心理治疗方法。然而, 在临床应用中, 对宽恕治疗还存在一些误区, 这些误区主要表现为以下三点:(1)宽恕冒犯者就是和冒犯者和解; (2)宽恕治疗会导致道德化和宗教化的倾向; (3)宽恕只是治疗的工具, 不是治疗的目标。在对这些误区加以澄清的基础上, 提出宽恕治疗在理论、研究和实践方面的应用与展望。  相似文献   

目的探讨大学生人际宽恕(回避、报复和仁慈)的增长模型,以及反刍思维在人际宽恕及其发展过程中的影响作用。方法采用人际侵犯动机量表对在"一周内"遭受过冒犯行为的116名大学生的人际宽恕过程进行"每周一测"的5次跟踪测评,并使用反刍思维反应量表评估被试的反刍思维。结果 1回避和报复动机符合线性增长模型,而仁慈动机更符合曲线增长模型;2在控制了冒犯严重性、关系亲密性因素后,反刍思维对大学生人际宽恕各维度及其变化趋势具有显著预测作用。结论研究结果揭示了将人际宽恕各维度区分对待的重要性,同时说明反刍思维对大学生人际宽恕的适应性心理过程具有阻碍作用。  相似文献   

喻丰  郭永玉 《心理科学进展》2009,17(6):1309-1315
自我宽恕是指当自己是侵犯者时,发生于自己内部的,对待自己的动机由报复转向善待的变化。自我宽恕的概念在其对象、过程、实质和价值方面都存在着争议,即自己与他人、给予与寻求、特质与情境、积极与消极的争论。自我宽恕与人际宽恕在其对象、影响因素与后果等诸多方面也存在区别。对自我宽恕的测量现有宽恕自我(FS)量表、Heartland宽恕量表(HFS)以及状态自我宽恕量表(SSFS)3种工具。有关自我宽恕的相关研究显示,自我宽恕与人格特质的关系还待探讨,而自我宽恕与心理健康水平有相关。未来的研究应深化自我宽恕的界定、拓展其研究方法、扩大其研究内容。  相似文献   

艾娟 《心理科学进展》2014,22(3):522-529
群际宽恕(Intergroup Forgiveness)是指对曾经侵犯过本群的外群所具有的报复感、愤怒感以及不信任感的减少, 有意识地去理解、接近对方群体, 并积极地参与到对方群体中去的一种心理过程。学界对影响群际宽恕的因素进行了深入的研究, 分析了低人性化、竞争受害性、群体认同、愤怒、共情、道歉以及群体接触7个因素对群际宽恕产生的影响作用; 同时, 以影响因素的研究结论为基础, 不同的学者提出了提升宽恕水平, 缓和群体关系的干预性建议。但是, 作为一个新的研究主题, 还需要深入探讨群际宽恕的内部过程机制, 积极建立符合本土文化的干预模型。  相似文献   

禅宗牧牛图是禅宗修习中思维锻炼和心理调伏次第的形象描述,其目的是通过观修牧牛过程潜移默化消除觉知心理问题的主体功能与心理问题及其载体,从而彻底消除心理问题,永断烦恼之根而达到解脱之境.不仅具有深厚的佛道文化底蕴,而且符合中国文化传统,易于普及和得到认可,对于"保险箱"等现代心理治疗技术具有一定的启示.  相似文献   

为探讨团体宽恕干预在大学生恋爱受挫群体中的应用效果,本研究以31名在恋爱中受到过伤害的女大学生为对象进行6次团体宽恕干预,并设立一般干预组和控制组进行比较。研究结果显示:(1)前测中,三个组在恋爱宽恕问卷的四个维度、抑郁量表、焦虑量表和幸福感量表上均不存在显著差异;(2)后测中,在恋爱宽恕问卷的四个维度上,宽恕干预组均优于控制组,而一般干预组和控制组没有显著差异;在抑郁、焦虑和幸福感三个量表上,宽恕干预组和一般干预组都要优于控制组,但两个干预组之间差异并不显著;(3)前后测比较显示,宽恕干预组在各个指标上均有了显著变化;一般干预组在抑郁、焦虑和幸福感量表的得分上有了显著变化,但在恋爱宽恕的各个维度上(除报复维度)变化不显著;控制组则在各个指标上都没有显著变化。研究表明,面对恋爱受挫群体,宽恕干预的针对性更强,并对大学生的心理健康教育具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

This study tested a theoretical model of the relationship between collectivism and forgiveness. Participants (N= 298) completed measures of collectivistic self‐construal, forgiveness, and forgiveness‐related constructs. A collectivistic self‐construal was related to understanding forgiveness as an interpersonal process that involved reconciliation. Individuals with more collectivistic views reported higher trait forgivingness, which predicted the tendency to respond to specific offenses with decisional rather than emotional forgiveness. Individuals with a more collectivistic self‐construal may place more value on interpersonal harmony, reconciliation, and decisions to forgive rather than emotional peace. Implications suggest that counselors understand issues of conflict, hurts, and forgiveness within an assessment of clients’ self‐construal.  相似文献   


The present study examined the practice of forgiveness in Nepal. A model relating collectivism and forgiveness was examined. Participants (N = 221) completed measures of collectivism, individualism, forgiveness, conciliatory behavior, and motivations for avoidance and revenge toward the offender. Collectivism was positively related to forgiveness. Forgiveness was strongly related to conciliatory behavior and motivations for avoidance and revenge toward the offender. Decisional forgiveness was a stronger predictor of motivations for revenge than was emotional forgiveness.  相似文献   

This essay explores the current and historical meaning of forgiveness in Arab and Islamic cultural and religious contexts. It also hopes to encourage further empirical research on this understudied topic in both religious and peacebuilding studies. In addition to the perceived meaning of forgiveness in an Arab Islamic context, this essay examines the links between forgiveness and reconciliation. Relying on religious sources including the Qur'an and Hadith, as well as certain events in Islamic history, the essay identifies various ways to conceptualize and explain the meaning of forgiveness. This theoretical and conceptual segment is followed by a section which explores current perceptions of forgiveness among Arab Muslim teachers in five different communities. The empirical data for this analysis is based on a larger comparative regional study that has been completed through surveys and structured interviews with educators from Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestinians from the West Bank and Israel. Our study concluded that the teachers' perceptions of forgiveness were mainly derived from religious sources and identities and that Islamic religious discourse provided a solid foundation for framing the meaning of forgiveness.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that personality plays a role in the study of forgiveness, but the literature has been limited. This study sought to determine whether gratitude accounted for a significant portion of the variance beyond that of personality in the study of dispositional forgiveness (enduring resentment, sensitivity to circumstances, and overall propensity to forgive). One hundred and fifty-two Portuguese college students (51% females and 49% males, mean = 21.10 years) participated in the study. The results confirmed that personality, particularly agreeableness and neuroticism correlate with enduring resentment and overall tendency to forgive. Additionally, results using multiple regression models indicated that gratitude explained a significant amount of variance of overall propensity to forgive.  相似文献   

Forgiveness in Javanese collective culture is examined by considering harmonious value (HV) a subjective value on maintaining social harmony and rumination. In Study 1, we conducted an exploratory sequential mixed‐method study to develop a scale measuring HV. In‐depth interviews with eight Javanese adolescents revealed three major domains of HV (Study 1a). In a second quantitative study (Study 1b), we developed items and assessed 347 Javanese adolescents in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Principal component analysis and confirmatory factor analysis supported three factors: cooperation during conflict, forbearing and resolving conflict. After confirming that the translated scales had acceptable reliability, we conducted Study 2 with 424 Javanese adolescents from both urban and village settings. Using hierarchical multiple regression, we found that HV accounted for a variance in decisional forgiveness above and beyond rumination. In addition, decisional forgiveness also accounted for variance in emotional forgiveness above and beyond rumination. In fact, HV accounted for variance in emotional forgiveness above and beyond both rumination and decisional forgiveness together. This revealed the importance of valuing social harmony in this collectivistic culture. Moreover, decisional forgiveness was also important in predicting the Javanese collectivists’ emotional forgiveness.  相似文献   

为探讨宽恕干预对降低农村留守儿童拒绝敏感性的作用,本研究将18名高拒绝敏感性农村留守儿童随机分配到实验组和控制组,其中实验组接受为期六周的团体宽恕干预,控制组不接受任何干预。结果显示:(1)留守儿童的拒绝敏感性水平与宽恕水平之间存在显著负相关。(2)在前测数据中,实验组和控制组之间不存在显著差异;在后测和追踪数据中,实验组儿童的拒绝敏感性水平显著低于控制组。(3)在干预之后,实验组留守儿童的拒绝敏感性水平显著下降,并且维持在较低水平,而控制组留守儿童的拒绝敏感性水平始终处于较高水平。该结果在一定程度上证明宽恕干预对降低农村留守儿童的拒绝敏感性水平是有效的,并且其效果稳定。  相似文献   


The author investigated (a) the effects of a victim's perspective taking and a transgressor's apology on interpersonal forgiveness and (b) forgiveness as a mode of dissonance reduction. Before the participants read a scenario describing a situation in which they imagined being mistreated by a classmate, the author randomly assigned them to 1 of 4 perspective-taking conditions: (a) recalling times when they had mistreated or hurt others (i.e., the recall-self-as-transgressor condition); (b) imagining how they would think, feel, and behave if they were the classmate (i.e., the imagine-self condition); (c) imagining how the classmate would think, feel, and behave (i.e., the imagine-other condition); or (d) imagining the situation from their own (i.e., the victim's/control) perspective. After reading the scenario, the participants read an apology from the classmate. The participants in the recall-self-as-transgressor condition were significantly more likely than those in the control condition to (a) make benevolent attributions, (b) experience benevolent emotional reactions, and (c) forgive the transgressor. The relationship between the perspective-taking manipulation and forgiveness was mediated by the benevolent attributions and positive emotional reactions experienced by the victims.  相似文献   

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