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In serial stage models, perception and action are usually thought to be linked to each other by an S-R translation mechanism. However, phenomena of S-R compatibility suggest a more direct relationship between perceptual and action domains. We discuss behavioral and psychophysiological evidence that irrelevant stimulus information automatically activates response codes, but then decays over time.

In a series of reaction time studies and electrophysiological experiments, we investigated both temporal and functional properties of the assumed automatic response activation process. We found that the amount of interference due to irrelevant spatial information depends upon how long its availability precedes that of the information relevant for response selection. This indicates that response activation decays rather quickly. If response-relevant and irrelevant spatial information are simultaneously available, electrophysiological measurements show that automatic activation of the spatially corresponding response rises soon after stimulus onset, but then dissipates and gets replaced by the activation of the response indicated by the relevant stimulus attribute.

We conclude that these findings do not support a pure translation account, but rather suggest the presence of two parallel and (at least partially) independent routes from perception to action: A direct route, allowing for automatic activation of response codes if stimulus and response features overlap, and an indirect route linking S and R codes in an arbitrary manner. Via the direct route responses may be primed independent of task-specific contingencies, while the correct response is selected via the indirect route. This use suggests that (a) the transmission of stimulus information to response stages does not (fully) depend on task relevance and that (b) different stimulus features can be transmitted asynchronously and independently from one another.  相似文献   

This study presents an explanation of orthogonal stimulus-response compatibility (SRC) effects that vary with hand or response location: the end-state comfort hypothesis. It posits that responses are spatially transformed and cognitively mapped onto the stimulus dimension according to relative hand posture, thereby mediating the pattern of facilitation and interference in response selection. In the first three experiments, we investigated the eccentricity effect, finding that responses by the left hand in left hemispace are faster with up-left/down-right mapping while responses by the right hand in right hemispace are faster with up-right/down-left mapping (Michaels & Schilder, 1991, Experiment 1). The endstate comfort hypothesis correctly predicted that the eccentricity effect occurred irrespective of the relative position of the stimulus and response device in the sagittal plane (Experiments 1 and 2), and that it reversed when the stimulus-response set was reversed, regardless of the relative position of the stimulus and response device in the fronto-parallel plane (Experiments 2 and 3). Experiment 4 shows a new orthogonal SRC effect that was predicted by the end-state comfort hypothesis. Our results are inconsis tent with other explanations, such as the virtual-lines hypothesis and the salient-features hypothesis.  相似文献   

Adaptation to motion can produce effects on both the perceived motion (the motion aftereffect) and the position (McGraw, Whitaker, Skillen, & Chung, 2002; Nishida & Johnston, 1999; Snowden, 1998; Whitaker, McGraw, & Pearson, 1999) of a subsequently viewed test stimulus. The position shift can be interpreted as a consequence of the motion aftereffect. For example, as the motion within a stationary aperture creates the impression that the aperture is shifted in position (De Valois & De Valois, 1991; Hayes, 2000; Ramachandran & Anstis, 1990), the motion aftereffect may generate a shift in perceived position of the test pattern simply because of the illusory motion it generates on the pattern. However, here we show a different aftereffect of motion adaptation that causes a shift in the apparent position of an object even when the object appears stationary and is located several degrees from the adapted region. This position aftereffect of motion reveals a new form of motion adaptation--one that does not result in a motion aftereffect--and suggests that motion and position signals are processed independently but then interact at a higher stage of processing.  相似文献   

Bimanual asymmetrical movements are generally found to be slower than symmetrical movements but asymmetrical movement normally involves visual separation of targets which might account for the effect. By using a system in which the subject controls two cursors on an oscilloscope screen by moving two levers the S-R relationship on either hand can be reversed, thus providing an asymmetrical movement task without visual separation of targets. Movement times for five right-handed subjects were recorded on four unimanual and six bimanual conditions varying with respect to both S-R and R-R compatibility. In the unimanual conditions, the left hand was found to be as fast as the right when the opposite S-R relationship was used. In the bimanual tasks visual separation of targets was a relatively minor factor movement time being strongly influenced by S-R compatibility and to a lesser degree by R-R compatibility. The results suggest that compatibility, rather than being a property of a single central channel, differs, as between the two cerebral hemispheres.  相似文献   

In choice-response tasks employing correction-procedure, error-correcting responses are typically found to be faster than equivalent correct responses. An experiment was made to compare error-correction RT under conditions of good and poor S-R compatibility in a two-choice task. After practice, variations in S-R compatibility producing significant variations in mean correct RT nevertheless have no effect on error-correction time. The contrast between this result, and one previously reported (Burns, 1965) leads to a re-discussion of the processes of error detection and correction.  相似文献   

Object files (OFs) play an important role in theories of mid-level vision. On some influential views, OFs operate and persist only via spatiotemporal continuity. One open question concerns what occurs when direct spatiotemporal continuity is absent: Do OFs move in accordance with any motion correspondence ultimately resolved? Specifically, do OFs accord with apparent motion (AM) correspondences, which arise despite a lack of continuous spatiotemporal stimulation? In Experiment 1, subjects were presented with an AM display consisting of two circles that, across two frames, were seen as moving between two noncontiguous locations. The two objects were primed with two symbols and were then moved in a single step; a third symbol appeared, and could either match the symbol from the closer or the further object. We found a robust object specific preview benefit (OSPB) for the shorter path, in other words, the path along which AM was perceived. In order to control for the possibility that priming occurs at any nearby object, in Experiment 2, the original two objects never disappeared, but two new objects appeared in the would-be AM locations. No AM was perceived, and no OSPB obtained. In the third experiment the OSPB effect persisted even when motion along the shorter path included an unlikely featural transformation (circles turning into squares). In Experiment 4, which was nearly identical to Experiment 2, no OSPB obtained despite unique featural matches between the initial and new objects, seemingly because no AM was perceived. In Experiment 5, we failed to find an effect of featural priming, even when distance between the objects was equated. Finally, we extended the OSPB effect to two additional kinds of AM—line motion (Experiment 6) and phi motion (Experiment 7), supplying strong evidence that AM correspondences and OF correspondences are controlled by the same basic rules.  相似文献   

This research was concerned with separating the effects of three varieties of S-R compatibility: reactions toward the stimulus source, compatibility of S-R mapping, and display-control arrangement correspondence. In experiments 1 and 2, subjects pressed a green or red key located on the left and right in response to the onset of a green or red stimulus presented in a left or right window. Half of the subjects pressed the key which corresponded to the color of the stimulus (compatible S-R mapping) while the other half pressed the alternate colored key (incompatible S-R mapping). In the compatible mapping task, reactions were faster when location of stimulus and response corresponded than when they did not while, in the incompatible task, reactions were faster when location of stimulus and response did not correspond. This apparent reversal in the tendency to react toward the stimulus source was attributed to display- control arrangement correspondence rather than to logical recoding of the directional cue. Experiment 3 established that faster reactions toward the stimulus source occured only under compatible mapping instructions.  相似文献   

In multistable perception, the brain alternates between several perceptual explanations of ambiguous sensory signals. It is unknown whether multistable processes can interact across the senses. In the study reported here, we presented subjects with unisensory (visual or tactile), spatially congruent visuotactile, and spatially incongruent visuotactile apparent motion quartets. Congruent stimulation induced pronounced visuotactile interactions, as indicated by increased dominance times for both vision and touch, and an increased percentage bias for the percept already dominant under unisensory stimulation. Thus, the joint evidence from vision and touch stabilizes the more likely perceptual interpretation and thereby decelerates the rivalry dynamics. Yet the temporal dynamics depended also on subjects' attentional focus and was generally slower for tactile than for visual reports. Our results support Bayesian approaches to perceptual inference, in which the probability of a perceptual interpretation is determined by combining visual, tactile, or visuotactile evidence with modality-specific priors that depend on subjects' attentional focus. Critically, the specificity of visuotactile interactions for spatially congruent stimulation indicates multisensory rather than cognitive-bias mechanisms.  相似文献   

In speech perception, phonetic information can be acquired optically as well as acoustically. The motor theory of speech perception holds that motor control structures are involved in the processing of visible speech, whereas perceptual accounts do not make this assumption. Motor involvement in speech perception was examined by showing participants response-irrelevant movies of a mouth articulating /ba/ or /da/ and asking them to verbally respond with either the same or a different syllable. The letters "Ba" and "Da" appeared on the speaker's mouth to indicate which response was to be performed. A reliable interference effect was observed. In subsequent experiments, perceptual interference was ruled out by using response-unrelated imperative stimuli and by preexposing the relevant stimulus information. Further, it was demonstrated that simple directional features (opening and closing) do not account for the effect. Rather, the present study provides evidence for the view that visible speech is processed up to a late, response-related processing stage, as predicted by the motor theory of speech perception.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported aiming at a further understanding of the effect of response-specificity, operationalized as the degree of commonality of direction of movements. In a previous study, Spijkers (1987) has claimed that response-specificity affects the readiness of the motor system and is not related to response-selection processes. These suppositions were generally confirmed in experiments 1 and 2 respectively. Common to both experiments were the variables average movement velocity and response-specificity. In experiment 1 the effect of the additional variable foreperiod duration was found to interact with that of response-specificity, hereby confirming its expected relation to the muscular system. The effect of response-specificity did not interact with that of spatial S-R compatibility in the second experiment, but also failed to show a main effect. The third experiment examined the supposed relation of response-specificity more directly through manipulation of the muscle-tension of the responding limb. The predicted form of the interaction between the effect of response-specificity and muscle-tension was confirmed which provided additional evidence for the interpretation of response-specificity effects in terms of differential muscular activation.  相似文献   

In three experiments we explored the nature of representations constructed during the perception and imagination of pitch. We employed a same–different task to eliminate the influence of nonauditory information and to minimise use of cognitive strategies on auditory imagery. A reference tone of frequency 1000, 1500, or 2000 Hz, or an imagined tone of a pitch indicated by a visual cue, was followed by a comparison tone (1000, 1500, or 2000 Hz) to which either a speeded same or different response was required. In separate experiments, same–different judgements were mapped to vertically (Experiments 1 and 2) and horizontally arranged responses (Experiment 3). Judgements of tones closer in pitch yielded longer reaction times and higher error rates than more distant tones, indicating a pitch distance effect for perceptual and imagery tasks alike. In addition, in the imagery task, same–different responses were faster when low-pitched tones demanded a bottom or left key response and high-pitched tones a top or right response than vice versa, suggesting that pitch is coded spatially. Together, these behavioural effects support the assumption that both perceived and imagined pitch are translated into an analogical representation in the spatial domain.  相似文献   

Two types of stimulus-response compatibility (SRC) effect occur with orthogonal stimulus and response sets, an overall up-right/down-left advantage and mapping preferences that vary with response position. Researchers agree that the former type is due to asymmetric coding of the stimulus and response alternatives, but disagree as to whether the latter type requires a different explanation in terms of the properties of the motor system. This issue is examined in three experiments. The location of the stimulus set influenced orthogonal SRC when it varied along the same dimension as the responses (Experiments 1 and 2), with the pattern predicted by the hypothesis that the stimulus set provides a referent relative to which response position is coded. The effect of stimulus-set location on orthogonal SRC was independent of the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) for a marker that indicated stimulus-set side and the imperative stimulus. In contrast, a spatial correspondence effect for the irrelevant stimulus-set location and response was a decreasing function of SOA. Experiment 3 showed that the orthogonal SRC effect was determined by response position relative to the stimulus-set location and not the body midline. The results support the view that both types of orthogonal SRC effects are due to asymmetric coding of the stimuli and responses.  相似文献   

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