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情绪冲突:一个新的研究主题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
情绪冲突是心理学中一个新的研究主题,相关研究主要源自认知冲突的研究。本文分三部分对情绪冲突进行了介绍,包括:(1)情绪冲突的溯源,概括介绍了认知冲突领域的研究情况;(2)与情绪冲突有关的行为研究,包括采用情绪Stroop范式、词-面孔Stroop范式、情绪启动范式和情绪Flanker范式等进行的研究;(3)情绪冲突的脑成像研究,主要包括情绪冲突的检测和解决的脑机制。未来的研究,需要广泛借鉴认知冲突的研究范式,对情绪冲突发生的条件、影响因素、动态变化及相应的神经机制进行深入研究,并结合对情绪障碍(如抑郁症和焦虑症)患者的考察,将基础研究转化为实际应用  相似文献   

基因多态性对情绪调节神经回路的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着脑成像和基因分析等新技术手段的综合运用, 情绪调节的神经生物学基础研究有了很大进展。综述相关研究表明: 情绪调节的神经回路涉及背侧-腹侧前额叶、前额叶-杏仁核和皮层-边缘系统的相互作用, 这些神经回路受到5-羟色胺传运体(5-hydroxytryptamine transporter, 5-HTT)、儿茶酚转甲酶 (Catechol-O-methyltransferase, COMT)和色氨酸羟化酶2(Tryptophan hydroxylase 2, TPH2)等基因变异, 以及不同基因多态之间交互作用的影响。情绪调节神经回路的功能出现障碍将导致情绪疾病的产生。  相似文献   

情绪与语言加工的相互作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
情绪与语言加工的相互关系逐渐受到了研究者的重视。一方面,情绪对语言加工有着重要的影响,表现为:(1)语言中蕴含的情绪信息对语言加工的影响,包括情绪词、情绪性语句、情绪性篇章的加工;(2)情绪背景对语言加工的影响,包括自身的情绪状态背景(如,抑郁、焦虑、快乐等心境),以及情绪语调/语境、情绪图片、音乐等外在情绪线索诱发的情绪背景;(3)内化的情绪反应模式(如身体姿势、面部表情等)对语言加工的影响。另一方面,语言对情绪加工也有着重要的影响,表现为:(1)语义概念对情绪知觉的影响;(2)语言指导在情绪学习中的作用;(3)语言在情绪调节中的作用。未来的研究应该深入探讨情绪与语言加工的相互作用的内部机制,并将基础研究和教育及临床应用结合起来。  相似文献   

情绪记忆的神经基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情绪记忆具有强烈、持久的特点,在记忆中具有优势地位。杏仁核是情绪记忆的关键脑区,其外侧核被认为是情绪回路建立的中心部位。恐惧条件反射是情绪记忆,特别是情绪回路研究的有效手段。情绪记忆的编码,储存与提取受到杏仁核与各相关脑区共同影响,其中激素调节在这些过程中发挥重要作用。文中结合最新的研究成果对情绪记忆的神经机制进行讨论  相似文献   

情绪识别一直是学界关注的热点。虽然已有研究探讨了动态面孔表情、动态身体表情和声音情绪的脑机制, 但对每种情绪载体的整体认识相对不完善, 同时对不同情绪载体之间神经机制的共性和区别知之甚少。因此, 本研究首先通过三项独立的激活似然估计元分析来识别每种情绪模式的大脑激活区域, 然后进行对比分析以评估三种情绪载体之间共同的和独特的神经活动。结果显示, 动态面孔表情的大脑活动包括广泛的额叶、枕叶、颞叶和部分顶叶皮层以及海马、小脑、丘脑、杏仁核等皮层下区域; 动态身体表情的激活集中于颞/枕叶相关脑区以及小脑和海马; 声音情绪则引起了颞叶、额叶、杏仁核、尾状核和脑岛的激活。联合分析表明, 三种情绪载体跨模态激活了左侧颞中回和右侧颞上回。对比分析的结果证明了视觉刺激比听觉刺激更占优势, 动态面孔表情尤为突出, 同时动态身体表情也发挥着重要作用, 但声音情绪有其独特性。总之, 这些发现验证和拓展了三种情绪载体的现有神经模型, 揭示了情绪处理中心的、普遍性的区域, 但每种情绪载体又有自己可靠的特异性神经回路。  相似文献   

反社会行为具有重要的遗传学基础。MAOA基因是反社会行为的重要候选基因,该基因与环境对反社会行为具有交互作用,然而其内在作用机制尚不清楚。与情绪管理相关的脑区和神经回路,以及与工作记忆能力相关的脑区和神经回路在其中起重要作用。未来研究可从多基因-环境交互作用、理论模型验证、脑结构与功能的中介作用等方面进一步深化MAOA基因与反社会行为的关系研究。  相似文献   

情感风格及其神经基础   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王振宏  郭德俊 《心理科学》2005,28(3):751-753,746
情感风格是个体在情绪反应与情绪调节等方面表现出的稳定的、一致性差异。情感风格的两个主要成分是情绪反应与情绪调节差异。情感风格与情绪恢复性、趋近——退缩系统、精神疾病的易感性等密切相关。前额皮层、前扣带皮层、杏仁核等及其构成的神经回路的结构与机能差异是情感风格的神经基础。  相似文献   

刘晓洁  李丹 《心理科学》2011,34(2):393-397
作为社会中存在的个体,无时无刻不在与各类人群交互作用,并在此过程中产生一系列与这些群体有关的情绪反应,也就是所谓的集体情绪。随着道德情绪研究的发展,集体情绪的研究逐渐与道德相联系。文中侧重探讨道德领域中的集体情绪,梳理了集体道德情绪的产生以及主要的集体道德情绪(集体内疚、集体羞愧)等的研究现状,指出未来的道德情绪研究应该在纵向研究、神经生理学研究以及积极情绪研究等方面进一步努力。  相似文献   

智能是人类最有特色的行为,正是通过智能活动,人类对自然环境进行了杰出的控制。智能与大脑皮层中大量的神经回路有关。本文讨论了智能赖以存在的基础-神经系统的发育,形成构筑和退化的过程,及其与智能的关系。神经生长锥的延长,分支,迁移到射靶运动,导致突触的形成和可塑性到神经联系的建立,关注局部神经回路到功能神经网络的形态构筑和功能特点,以及神经网络损伤对智能的影响。  相似文献   

以往研究指出青少年阶段是情绪障碍的高发时期, 各种情绪问题深刻影响青少年的身心健康。通过文献分析得出青春期压力所采取的应对方式(即个体对压力事件做出反应的稳定方式)可能是决定青少年情绪障碍易感程度的核心因素; 而认知训练可降低该易感性, 从而提高青少年的心理健康水平。为了验证上述观点, 综合采用行为调查与生理测量, EEG/ERP与fMRI手段, 拟开展如下4个方面的研究工作:1)青春期发育阶段影响个体负性情绪易感性的大脑机制; 2)认知应对方式与青春期发育阶段的交互作用对负性情绪易感性的影响及大脑机制; 3)认知训练(包括注意训练、解释训练与接受训练)对健康青少年负面情绪易感性的调节作用及大脑可塑性机制; 4)认知训练对青少年抑郁/焦虑症患者情绪应对方式与临床症状的影响及大脑可塑性机制。通过上述系列研究, 揭示青少年更高情绪障碍易感性的认知神经机制, 找出并培养有利于青少年身心健康的情绪应对方法, 从而为情绪障碍的临床治疗奠定理论与实践基础。  相似文献   

Emotional reactivity in infancy and early childhood may play a role in the regulation of brain plasticity and hemispheric organization, which has possible implications for vulnerability to psychopathology. Empiric findings demonstrate the role of attachment patterns in emotional reactivity modulation and limbic circuitry shaping.  相似文献   

The authors present an overview of the neural bases of emotion. They underscore the role of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and amygdala in 2 broad approach- and withdrawal-related emotion systems. Components and measures of affective style are identified. Emphasis is given to affective chronometry and a role for the PFC in this process is proposed. Plasticity in the central circuitry of emotion is considered, and implications of data showing experience-induced changes in the hippocampus for understanding psychopathology and stress-related symptoms are discussed. Two key forms of affective plasticity are described--context and regulation. A role for the hippocampus in context-dependent normal and dysfunctional emotional responding is proposed. Finally, implications of these data for understanding the impact on neural circuitry of interventions to promote positive affect and on mechanisms that govern health and disease are considered.  相似文献   

Stein DJ 《CNS spectrums》2008,13(3):195-198
A range of studies have contributed to understanding the psychobiology of emotional regulation. Functional imaging studies have demonstrated that cortico-limbic circuitry plays an important role in mediating processes such as reappraisal and suppression. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex may be important in conscious reframing, while ventromedial prefrontal cortex and orbitofrontal cortex may be particularly important in emotion evaluation. Gene variants and early environments impact underlying emotional regulation and its neurobiology. It may be hypothesized that during interventions such as psychotherapy there are improvements in emotional regulation, together with the normalization of related psychobiological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Early adversity, for example poor caregiving, can have profound effects on emotional development. Orphanage rearing, even in the best circumstances, lies outside of the bounds of a species-typical caregiving environment. The long-term effects of this early adversity on the neurobiological development associated with socio-emotional behaviors are not well understood. Seventy-eight children, who include those who have experienced orphanage care and a comparison group, were assessed. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to measure volumes of whole brain and limbic structures (e.g. amygdala, hippocampus). Emotion regulation was assessed with an emotional go-nogo paradigm, and anxiety and internalizing behaviors were assessed using the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders, the Child Behavior Checklist, and a structured clinical interview. Late adoption was associated with larger corrected amygdala volumes, poorer emotion regulation, and increased anxiety. Although more than 50% of the children who experienced orphanage rearing met criteria for a psychiatric disorder, with a third having an anxiety disorder, the group differences observed in amygdala volume were not driven by the presence of an anxiety disorder. The findings are consistent with previous reports describing negative effects of prolonged orphanage care on emotional behavior and with animal models that show long-term changes in the amygdala and emotional behavior following early postnatal stress. These changes in limbic circuitry may underlie residual emotional and social problems experienced by children who have been internationally adopted.  相似文献   

Contribution of acetylcholine to visual cortex plasticity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Acetylcholine is involved in a variety of brain functions. In the visual cortex, the pattern of cholinergic innervation varies considerably across different mammalian species and across different cortical layers within the same species. The physiological effects of acetylcholine in the visual cortex display complex responses, which are likely due to cholinergic receptor subtype composition in cytoplasm membrane as well as interaction with other transmitter systems within the local neural circuitry. The functional role of acetylcholine in visual cortex is believed to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of cortical neurons during visual information processing. Available evidence suggests that acetylcholine is also involved in experience-dependent visual cortex plasticity. At the level of synaptic transmission, activation of muscarinic receptors has been shown to play a permissive role in visual cortex plasticity. Among the muscarinic receptor subtypes, the M(1) receptor seems to make a predominant contribution towards modifications of neural circuitry. The signal transduction cascade of the cholinergic pathway may act synergistically with that of the NMDA receptor pathway, whose activation is a prerequisite for cortical plasticity.  相似文献   

Neural correlates of emotional intelligence in adolescent children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The somatic marker hypothesis posits a key role for the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and insula in the ability to utilize emotions to guide decision making and behavior. However, the relationship between activity in these brain regions and emotional intelligence (EQ) during adolescence, a time of particular importance for emotional and social development, has not been studied. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we correlated scores from the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory, Youth Version (EQ-i:YV) with brain activity during perception of fearful faces in 16 healthy children and adolescents. Consistent with the neural efficiency hypothesis, higher EQ correlated negatively with activity in the somatic marker circuitry and other paralimbic regions. Positive correlations were observed between EQ and activity in the cerebellum and visual association cortex. The findings suggest that the construct of self-reported EQ in adolescents is inversely related to the efficiency of neural processing within the somatic marker circuitry during emotional provocation.  相似文献   

Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) enables the non-invasive measurement of spatiotemporal characteristics of brain function, which has received increasing attention during the last years. This new birth of interest is attributable to unique characteristics of the NIRS technique, which may be summarised in certain technical advantages: its experimental and ecological validity and the extension of application to clinical samples. This paper presents the main applications of the NIRS technique that measures changes in brain activation to study emotions and social neuroscience field. In the first part of this paper, we discuss the basic principles, strengths, and limitations of NIRS for the study of principal emotional functions. In the second part, we focus on the actual applications of NIRS in emotional and social research. In this regard, first, we consider some main topics of emotional contexts, such as visual (facial expression) and auditory cues recognition, and social neuroscience field. Second, we discuss the utility to apply NIRS simultaneously to other techniques (electroencephalography, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to improve the intrinsic power of such measures. Third, we consider the possible applications of NIRS devices to study specific emotion-related functions (such as connectivity and plasticity applications).  相似文献   

This paper addresses the extent and limits on brain plasticity during development through the detailed study of imprinting in the domestic chick and the development of face processing in human infants. In both of these systems, evidence for constraints on plasticity is reviewed. The first source of constraint comes from the basic architecture of learning mechanisms that support plasticity. With regard to the chick, a specific "Hebbian" model based on the known neural circuitry of the region of the brain involved is presented and discussed. In human infants, a more abstract model inspired by cortical circuitry is mentioned. The second source of constraint comes from biases on the nature of the stimuli selected for attention by the young organism. Both in the chick and the human there is evidence for a subcortical brain system which orients their attention toward conspecifics, and particularly to their faces. It is argued that these systems tutor, or bias the input to, the more plastic learning systems.  相似文献   

杨瑜  李鸣  陈红 《心理科学进展》2020,28(1):128-140
成为母亲对女性而言是人生经历的特殊阶段, 她们在这个阶段发生的生理和心理的适应性改变对其自身和子代健康具有重要意义。母性应激是阻碍母亲适应性改变顺利进行的重要因素。母性应激会破坏人类母亲和雌性哺乳动物的母性行为、认知功能和情绪调节, 这种影响与糖皮质激素、催产素、催乳素等内分泌系统的调节失常; 母性环路、边缘系统及前额叶皮质等神经环路对刺激的神经反应改变以及神经发生、树突和突触重塑的可塑性变化有关。  相似文献   

The present study examined the differential contribution of cortical and subcortical brain structures in emotional processing by comparing patients with focal cortical lesions (n = 32) to those with primarily subcortical dysregulation of the basal ganglia (Parkinson's disease n = 14). A standardized measure of emotional perception (Tübingen Affect Battery) was used. Only patients in the more advanced stages of Parkinson's disease and patients with focal damage to the (right) frontal lobe differed significantly from controls in both facial expression and affective prosody recognition. The findings imply involvement of the fronto-striatal circuitry in emotional processing.  相似文献   

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