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This study examines factors that influence the severity of discipline administered to a subordinate information gatekeeper who is guilty of covering up an event and concealing and distorting information. Undergraduate business students read one of eight versions of a case depicting faulty upward communication, in which three variables-the superior-subordinate dependency relationship, the subordinate's motivation, and the subordinate's remorse-were manipulated. Unethicality of the offense was evaluated to be quite high across all experimental conditions, yet mild discipline was recommended when the superior was highly dependent on his subordinate and when the subordinate acted out of altruism for his superior. Probability of reoccurrence of the infraction was judged lowest when the offending subordinate displayed remorse. These findings are interpreted as representing a pragmatic orientation toward discipline based on perceived costs or benefits to the administrator. Conditions that increase the vulnerability of decision-makers to faulty upward communication are discussed.  相似文献   




The authors surveyed 86 pregnant women (73%White, 8% Asian, 7% African American, 6% Hispanic, and1% Native American) to examine individual andorganizational factors associated with organizationalcommitment and planned timing of their maternity leavesand return to work after childbirth. Women whoseorganizations offered guaranteed jobs after childbirthplanned to work later into their pregnancies and toreturn to work sooner after childbirth. Women whoperceived supportive work-family cultures were morecommitted to their organizations and planned to returnmore quickly after childbirth than women who perceived less supportive cultures. Also, women with lesstraditional attitudes toward parenting planned to worklater into their pregnancies and return to work soonerafter childbirth.  相似文献   

Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) describe actions in which employees are willing to go above and beyond their prescribed role requirements. Theory suggests and recent research supports the notion that these behaviors are correlated with indicators of organizational effectiveness. Studies have yet to explore whether relationships between OCB and organizational effectiveness are generalizable to non-United States samples. The present study examined relationships between OCB and indicators of organizational effectiveness—employee-level customer-service behavior; and unit-level measures of profit, efficiency, and customer perceptions of service quality—for bank branches in Taiwan. The results suggest significant relationships between OCB and a number of the indicators of effectiveness. Implications and limitations of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the factorial validity of the 5-factor model of sport organizational effectiveness developed by Papadimitriou and Taylor. This questionnaire has 33 items which assess five composite effectiveness dimensions pertinent to the operation of sport organizations: calibre of the board and external liaisons, interest in athletes, internal procedures, long term planning, and sport science support. The multiple constituency approach was used as a theoretical framework for developing this scale. Data were obtained from respondents affiliated with 20 Greek national sport organizations with a questionnaire. Analysis indicated that the 5-factor model of effectiveness is workable in assessing the organizational performance of nonprofit sport organizations. The application of the multiple constituency approach in studying sport organizational effectiveness was also suggested.  相似文献   

The two objectives of the research reported in this article were to investigate the relationship between organizational creativity and innovation and psychological well-being of employees, as well as the relationship between organizational factors and organizational creativity and innovation. Ninety-five employees working in a high-tech field of industry participated in the study. The relationships were tested in a LISREL model and the result showed a significant relationship between perceived organizational creativity and innovation and individual psychological well-being. Of the organizational factors included in the model, organizational climate and work resources were found to be significantly related to perceived creativity and innovation in the organization. Taken together, the results suggest that enhancing the conditions for creativity and innovation is beneficial for the individual in terms of better psychological well-being.  相似文献   

Successful consultation relies on the consultant's ability to conceptualize the operations of the total organization. An overview of the theoretical and practical applications of the construct “organizational effectiveness” (OE) is presented in relation to consultation. Barriers limiting earlier conceptualizations and applications of the construct are identified and discussed. A model of OE that melds open systems, organizational, and consultation theories is presented as a tool for guiding maximally beneficial consultation interventions. The implications of this model for consultation practice, advancing theory and research, and professional ethics are discussed.  相似文献   

影响儿童情绪自我调节的因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情绪自我调节较多的研究主要集中在有关情绪自我调节的表现方式和发展阶段水平方面,本文则从情绪自我调节的积极指向方面探讨其影响因素,认为大脑成熟顺序、社会认知发展及文化宗教等方面的因素影响着儿童的情绪自我调节.为对儿童的发展进行更好的干预提供依据.  相似文献   

影响员工工作投入的组织相关因素研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
以361名企事业员工为被试,采用问卷法和结构方程建模分析方法探讨了组织公平、角色压力、组织支持感和组织承诺对工作投入的影响及其途径。结果表明:角色压力、组织公平与组织支持感均对工作投入和组织承诺有较好的预测效力。经检验,组织公平和组织支持感对工作投入产生显著的间接影响,组织承诺则主要表现为直接影响;而角色压力对于工作投入既有直接影响,又存在间接影响。  相似文献   

学业情绪及其影响因素   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
学业情绪是指在教学或学习过程中,与学生学业相关的各种情绪体验。个体的自我认知、成就目标、认知能力等个体因素以及班级、家庭、课堂等环境因素都会影响学业情绪,且自我认知是环境因素影响其学业情绪的一个重要中介变量。另外,学业情绪具有领域特异性。未来研究的方向主要在于学业情绪的界定和具体结构的深入探讨、学业情绪的发展特点、对特殊群体学生学业情绪的关注以及积极探索有效的干预措施等方面  相似文献   

综述了感觉寻求人格特质的生物遗传机制的相关研究。主要从3个方面对该问题进行了探讨:(1)单胺类物质与感觉寻求人格特质的关系;(2)激素对感觉寻求人格特质的影响;(3)感觉寻求人格特质的生物遗传性  相似文献   


Objective: To explore and compare the perception of productive activities (studies, work) held by young adults with schizophrenia and their therapists.

Method: An exploratory qualitative study was carried out using the Model of Competence (Rousseau, 2003). Nine client-therapist dyads were recruited. Data collected were transcribed, coded, and processed with QSR.N'VIVO (2002).

Results: Therapists and clients agree about the personal characteristics (e.g., motivation, coping) and activities (e.g., prior work or study experiences) that have positive (e.g., social skills) or negative influence (e.g., symptoms of schizophrenia) on competence in productive activities. Their perceptions differ about the environmental characteristics that influence competence: some elements are mentioned only by clients (e.g., work environment) or therapists (e.g., using community resources).

Conclusion: The framework offered by a specialized clinic can promote exchanges and the congruence of perceptions between therapists and clients. Interventions focusing on the environment should be further developed in relation to productive activities.  相似文献   

艾娟 《心理科学进展》2014,22(3):522-529
群际宽恕(Intergroup Forgiveness)是指对曾经侵犯过本群的外群所具有的报复感、愤怒感以及不信任感的减少, 有意识地去理解、接近对方群体, 并积极地参与到对方群体中去的一种心理过程。学界对影响群际宽恕的因素进行了深入的研究, 分析了低人性化、竞争受害性、群体认同、愤怒、共情、道歉以及群体接触7个因素对群际宽恕产生的影响作用; 同时, 以影响因素的研究结论为基础, 不同的学者提出了提升宽恕水平, 缓和群体关系的干预性建议。但是, 作为一个新的研究主题, 还需要深入探讨群际宽恕的内部过程机制, 积极建立符合本土文化的干预模型。  相似文献   

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