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The relationship between local-level motion detection and higher level pattern-forming mechanisms was investigated with the motion quartet, a bistable stimulus for which either horizontal or vertical motion patterns are perceived. Local-level perturbations in luminance contrast affected the stability of the perceived patterns and, thereby, the size of the pattern-level hysteresis obtained by gradually changing the motion quartet's aspect ratio. Briefly eliminating luminance contrast (so nonmotion was perceived during the perturbation) eliminated pattern-level hysteresis, and briefly increasing luminance contrast (so motion was perceived during the perturbation) increased pattern-level hysteresis. Partially reducing luminance contrast resulted in bistability during the perturbation; pattern-level hysteresis was maintained when motion was perceived, and eliminated when nonmotion was perceived. The results were attributed to local motion/nonmotion perceptual decisions in area V1 affecting the magnitude of the activation feeding forward to motion detectors in area MT, where the stability of pattern-level perceptual decisions is determined by activation-dependent, future-shaping interactions that inhibit soon-to-be-stimulated detectors responsive to competing motion directions.  相似文献   

A dynamical model is used to show that global motion pattern formation for several different apparent motion stimuli can be embodied in the stable distribution of activation over a population of concurrently activated, directionally selective motion detectors. The model, which is based on motion detectors being interactive, noisy, and self-stabilizing, accounts for such phenomena as bistability, spontaneous switching, hysteresis, and selective adaptation. Simulations show that dynamical solutions to the motion correspondence problem for a bistable stimulus (two qualitatively different patterns are formed) apply as well to the solution for a monostable stimulus (only one pattern is formed) and highlight the role of interactions among sequentially stimulated detectors in establishing the state dependence and, thereby, the temporal persistence of percepts.  相似文献   

Kim H  Francis G 《Perception》1998,27(7):785-797
To indicate motion in a static drawing, artists often include lines trailing a moving object. The use of these motion lines is notable because they do not seem to be related to anything in the optic array. The dynamic behavior of a neural-network model for contour detection is analyzed and it is shown that it generates trails of oriented responses behind moving stimuli. The properties of the oriented response trails are shown to correspond to motion lines. The model generates trails of different orientations depending on the speed and length of the movement, and thereby predicts different uses of two types of motion lines. The model further predicts that motion lines should bias real motion in some situations. An experiment relating motion lines to ambiguous motion percepts demonstrates that motion lines contribute to motion percepts.  相似文献   

Four motion quartets, each ambiguous with respect to the perception of parallel-path horizontal or vertical motion, were arranged in a diamond configuration. Both global parallel-path motion (the same motion axis for all the quartets), which is typical for multiquartet stimuli, and global rotational rocking are perceived. Experiment 1 indicated that rotational rocking is established at different levels of processing. Globally, larger displacements of each quartet's elements increase the angle of rotation and, thereby, the perception of rotational rocking. Locally, larger displacements have the opposite effect, weakening motion percepts. Experiment 2 showed that global-to-local feedback affects the local perception of rotation-consistent versus rotation-inconsistent motion directions. Experiment 3 provided evidence for hysteresis effects indicative of competition between global rotational rocking and parallel-path motion. The experimental results were simulated by a two-level dynamical model incorporating global-to-local feedback, with recurrent feedforward/feedback loops creating detection instabilities that amplify activation at both global and local levels of the rotational-rocking pattern.  相似文献   

Individuals with a dismissing-avoidant pattern of attachment are assumed to repress anxiety-related signals, a disposition hypothesized to interfere with facial mimicry and emotional contagion. Further, they are assumed to have one internal working model associated with anxiety, operating out of awareness at early, automatic stages of information processing, and another positive model operating at later, cognitively controlled stages of processing. The main aim of the present investigation was to compare facial mimicry in dismissing-avoidant and non-dismissing subjects at different levels of information processing. Pictures of happy and angry faces were exposed to 61 subjects at three different exposure times (17, 56, and 2,350 ms) in order to elicit facial muscle reactions, first at automatic levels and then at a more controlled levels. Corrugator activity ("frowning muscles") represented negative emotions and zygomaticus activity ("smiling muscles") positive emotions. The dismissing-avoidant subjects scored significantly lower on emotional empathy than the non-dismissing subjects. At the automatic level the dismissing-avoidant subjects showed "normal" corrugator responses (negative emotions) upon exposure to angry faces. At the cognitively controlled level of processing (2,350 ms) a significant interaction effect was shown between Faces x Muscles x Attachment pattern. The dismissing-avoidant subjects showed no corrugator response and an increased zygomaticus response ("smiling reaction") to the angry face, whereas the non-dismissing subjects reacted with a significant mimicking reaction. The dismissing-avoidant subjects' tendency to "smiling" in response to the angry face at the controlled level (2,350 ms) may be interpreted as a repression of their earlier, automatically evoked (56 ms) negative emotional reaction.  相似文献   

Responding to stimuli of different perceptual categories is usually faster when the categories are presented isolated from each other, in pure blocks, than when they are presented intermixed, in mixed blocks. According to criterion models, these perceptual mixing costs result from the use of a less conservative response criterion in pure than in mixed blocks. According to alternate processing models, mixing costs result from time-consuming switching in mixed blocks between different computational processes called on by the different perceptual categories. In 5 experiments, participants had to identify number stimuli of different categories. The results showed clear mixing costs whenever these categories differed in their assumed computational processing requirements but not when they differed on features that seemed trivial from a computational viewpoint. The results favor the alternate processing conception.  相似文献   

We investigated people's ability to decide how much time to spend on the task at hand. To make such decisions well, one must take into account, among other things, the cost of failing and how one's task performance changes as a function of time. We first investigated timing decisions when the underlying task was perceptual. Decisions were highly efficient and suggested that people can make good use of perceptual knowledge and abstract reward information. Previous studies have found that perceptual decisions are generally optimal, but that cognitive decisions are generally suboptimal--a perception-cognition gap. Does a similar gap exist for timing decisions? We compared timing decisions for a perceptual task with timing decisions for more cognitive tasks. Performance was highly similar across the tasks, which suggests that knowledge can be acquired, and used to make timing decisions, in an equally efficient way regardless of whether that knowledge is derived through perceptual or cognitive experience.  相似文献   

Confidence in a perceptual decision is a judgment about the quality of the sensory evidence. The quality of the evidence depends not only on its strength (‘signal’) but critically on its reliability (‘noise’), but the separate contribution of these quantities to the formation of confidence judgments has not been investigated before in the context of perceptual decisions. We studied subjective confidence reports in a multi-element perceptual task where evidence strength and reliability could be manipulated independently. Our results reveal a confidence paradox: confidence is higher for stimuli of lower reliability that are associated with a lower accuracy. We show that the subjects’ overconfidence in trials with unreliable evidence is caused by a reduced sensitivity to stimulus variability. Our results bridge between the investigation of miss-attributions of confidence in behavioral economics and the domain of simple perceptual decisions amenable to neuroscience research.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological evidence suggests that attention can be modulated as early as 100 msec after stimulus presentation. However, it is not clear whether these changes are based primarily on stimulus properties such as perceptual load (i.e., the level of perceptual difficulty), or other properties, such as general attentional set or learned expectations concerning perceptual load. Using event-related potentials, this study examined how implicit learning of perceptual load conditions modulates selective attention at sensory levels of perceptual analysis. The results show significant differences in P1 amplitude recorded over occipital areas of the brain as a function of learned expectations of perceptual load, only when perceptual load could be reliably predicted by the preceding stimuli. Moreover, differences in processing were found when both low and high perceptual load conditions could be predicted. These findings suggest that implicit learning modulates the allocation of attention at early stages of perceptual processing.  相似文献   

A theory of speech monitoring, proposed by Levelt (1983), assumes that the quality of one's speech is checked by the speech comprehension system. This system inspects one's own overt speech but would also inspect an inner speech plan ("the inner loop"). We have elaborated and tested this theory by way of formalizing it as a computational model. This model includes a new proposal concerning the timing relation between planning the interruption and the repair: the proposal that these two processes are performed in parallel. We attempted to simulate empirical data about the distribution of error-to-cutoff and cutoff-to-repair intervals and the effect of speech rate on these intervals (these intervals are shorter with faster speech). The main questions were (1) Is an inner monitor that utilizes the speech perception system fast enough to simulate the timing data? (2) Can the model account for the effects of speech rate on these intervals? We conclude that including an inner loop through the speech comprehension system generates predictions that fit the empirical data. The effects of speed can be accounted for, given our proposal about the time course of planning interruption and repair. A novel prediction is that the error-to-cutoff interval decreases with increasing position in the phrase.  相似文献   

Cognitive Processing - A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-021-01027-4  相似文献   

Subjects indicated whether two letters, two words, or a letter and the first letter of a word were the same. Letter targets were matched more quickly than word targets when the stimuli were presented simultaneously. When the target and comparison stimuli were separated by a 3-sec interval, word targets were matched more quickly than a letter and a letter in a word. It was also shown that the physical similarity of the targets and comparison stimuli had a greater effect in the simultaneous matching conditions. These findings are consistent with a model of word processing in which letters are individually compared prior to word identification at a physical level of processing. At a higher level of processing, words may be encoded as a unit, and the identification of the letters within the word may require a decoding of the word unit.  相似文献   

Observers made speeded old-new recognition judgments of color stimuli embedded in a multidimensional similarity space. The paradigm used multiple lists but with the underlying similarity structures repeated across lists, to allow for quantitative modeling of the data at the individual-participant and individual-item levels. Correct-rejection response times (RTs) got systematically faster as the similarity of foils to the old study items decreased. There were also intricate patterns of speed-accuracy trade-offs that varied across individual items and participants. An exemplar-based random-walk model provided a good overall quantitative account of the recognition choice probabilities, mean correct RTs, and mean error RTs associated with the individual items on the basis of their positions in multidimensional similarity space. However, the model failed to predict the very long RTs associated with correct rejections of a prototype foil.  相似文献   

Research in perceptual decision making is dominated by paradigms that tap the visual system, such as the random-dot motion (RDM) paradigm. In this study, we investigated whether the behavioral signature of perceptual decisions in the auditory domain is similar to those observed in the visual domain. We developed an auditory version of the RDM task, in which tones correspond to dots and pitch corresponds to motion (the random-tone pitch task, RTP). In this task, participants have to decide quickly whether the pitch of a “sound cloud” of tones is moving up or down. Stimulus strength and speed–accuracy trade-off were manipulated. To describe the relationship between stimulus strength and performance, we fitted the proportional-rate diffusion model to the data. The results showed a close coupling between stimulus strength and the speed and accuracy of perceptual decisions in both tasks. Additionally, we fitted the full drift diffusion model (DDM) to the data and showed that three of the four participants had similar speed–accuracy trade-offs in both tasks. However, for the RTP task, drift rates were larger and nondecision times slower, suggesting that some DDM parameters might be dependent on stimulus modality (drift rate and nondecision time), whereas others might not be (decision bound). The results illustrate that the RTP task is suitable for investigating the dynamics of auditory perceptual choices. Future studies using the task might help to investigate modality-specific effects on decision making at both the behavioral and neuronal levels.  相似文献   

Schoolchildren, aged 16 years showed poorer incidental learning for nouns if the orienting task was one of finding rhymes for the items compared to assigning each word to a semantic category. On a recognition task including homophone and synonym foils, rhyming subjects made significantly more phonemic errors, whereas categorizing subjects produced a significantly greater number of semantic confusions. Subjects instructed to construct images for each of the nouns showed a performance pattern similar to the categorizing group. The results are interpreted in terms of Herriot's (1974) view that different levels of processing are associated with the coding of different clusters of stimulus attributes.  相似文献   

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