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If odor perception involves mnemonic processes, differences in olfactory experience should affect discriminative ability. This was examined here by comparing discriminative performance in children and adults. Using an oddity test of discrimination, in Experiment 1 we tested 6-year-olds (G1), 11-year-olds (G6), and adults (A) on their ability to discriminate unfamiliar odors that varied either in quality (Q) or in quality and intensity (QI). G1 participants were poorer at discriminating the QI set, relative to G6 and A. In Experiment 2, we used an analogous visual procedure and confirmed that this age-related difference was olfactory specific. In Experiment 3, we repeated Experiment 1 but used an articulatory suppression task. G1 participants were poorer than G6 and A participants for both the Q and the QI sets. The implications of these findings for experiential accounts of odor perception and olfactory working memory are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous choice reaction time studies have provided consistent evidence for faster recognition of positive (e.g., happy) than negative (e.g., disgusted) facial expressions. A predominance of positive emotions in normal contexts may partly explain this effect. The present study used pleasant and unpleasant odors to test whether emotional context affects the happy face advantage. Results from 2 experiments indicated that happiness was recognized faster than disgust in a pleasant context, but this advantage disappeared in an unpleasant context because of the slow recognition of happy faces. Odors may modulate the functioning of those emotion-related brain structures that participate in the formation of the perceptual representations of the facial expressions and in the generation of the conceptual knowledge associated with the signaled emotion.  相似文献   

The origins of the bilingual advantage in various cognitive tasks are largely unknown. We tested the hypothesis that bilinguals' early capacities to track their native languages separately and learn about the properties of each may be at the origin of such differences. Spanish-Catalan bilingual and Spanish or Catalan monolingual infants watched silent video recordings of French-English bilingual speakers and were tested on their ability to discern when the language changed from French to English or vice versa. The infants' performance was compared with that of previously tested French-English bilingual and English monolingual infants. Although all groups of monolingual infants failed to detect the change between English and French, both groups of bilingual infants succeeded. These findings reveal that bilingual experience can modulate the attentional system even without explicit training or feedback. They provide a basis for explaining the ontogeny of the general cognitive advantages of bilinguals.  相似文献   

The authors used a habituation-dishabituation procedure to test the ability of male mound-building mice (Mus spicilegus) to discriminate individual odors from males of another species of mouse. Male mound-building mice failed to spontaneously discriminate individual odors from Mus musculus musculus males, a natural competitor. After 24-hr contact with a male of one of the M. musculus subspecies (M. m. musculus or M. m. domesticus), experienced M. spicilegus males discriminated the individual odors of unfamiliar males of the same subspecies. These results confirm that discrimination of individual chemosignals is not confined to olfactory cues of a single species and provide new information about the effect of short-term contact on discrimination of individual odors across species.  相似文献   

An investigation of very short term olfactory recognition memory was made with odors of low familiarity to subjects. The experimental procedure was that currently used to make qualitative similarity judgments on odors delivered in paired succession. Subjects made similarity judgments in a yes/no recognition paradigm on odors that were either identical or different. The dependence of recognition performance upon the degree of qualitative similarity was assessed by using two sets of dissimilar odor pairs: slightly dissimilar pairs (S1) and very dissimilar pairs (S2). Performance in terms of correct judgments (hits, correct rejections) was rather good for identical pairs in both sets and was nearly perfect for very dissimilar pairs with a delay of 2–300 sec, suggesting no effect of time or similarity on performance. However, for slightly dissimilar pairs, false alarms increased in number, thereby indicating a dependence of the recognition score on the qualitative distance between odors. In addition, false alarms tended to increase with the lengthening of the retention interval. It was suggested that the subjects based their responses on their capability to detect differences between odors rather than recognizing their similarities. Correct identifications were thus preserved at the cost of increasing false alarms when the discrimination task was made more difficult by closer similarity between odors (S1) or by the fading of memory traces with time. Studying the congruence between the similarity judgments and the kind of evocations associated with paired odors gives some support to the view that recognition performances had some cognitive/semantic basis.  相似文献   

Short-term memory of odors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Five experiments examined recognition memory for sequentially presented odors. Participants were presented with a sequence of odors and then had to identify an odor from the list in a test probe containing 2 odors. All experiments demonstrated enhanced recognition of odors presented at the start and end of a series, compared with those presented in the middle of the series when a 3-s retention interval between list termination and test was used. In Experiments 2 and 3, when a 30-s or 60-s retention interval was used, participants performed at slightly lower levels, although the serial position function was similar to that obtained with the 3-s retention interval. These results were noted with a 5-item (Experiments 1 and 4), 7-item (Experiment 2), 6-item (Experiment 3), and 4-item (Experiment 5) list of odors. As the number of test trials increased, recognition performance decreased, indicating a strong role for olfactory fatigue or interference in these procedures. A verbal suppression task, used in Experiments 4 and 5, had little influence on serial-position-based performance.  相似文献   

Interference and facilitation in short-term memory for odors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The color of odors.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction between the vision of colors and odor determination is investigated through lexical analysis of experts' wine tasting comments. The analysis shows that the odors of a wine are, for the most part, represented by objects that have the color of the wine. The assumption of the existence of a perceptual illusion between odor and color is confirmed by a psychophysical experiment. A white wine artificially colored red with an odorless dye was olfactory described as a red wine by a panel of 54 tasters. Hence, because of the visual information, the tasters discounted the olfactory information. Together with recent psychophysical and neuroimaging data, our results suggest that the above perceptual illusion occurs during the verbalization phase of odor determination.  相似文献   

Multidimensional analysis of twenty-one odors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Berglund, B., Berglund, U., Engen, T., & Ekman, G.1 Multidimensional analysis of twenty-one odors. Scand. J. Psychol., 1973, 14, 131–137.-The present paper reports an experiment on the application of multidimensional scaling to the sense of smell for the purpose of revealing basic psychophysical dimensions of odorants matched in perceived intensity and varying only in perceived quality. The results showed clear evidence for the existence of individual odor spaces, but in apparent contradiction to related studies in the literature individual differences were too large to establish a representative odor space for the whole group. For nearly all individual subjects one of the factors extracted seemed to represent a unique hedonic dimension apparently unrelated to the physical attributes of the odorants. It is suggested that such psychological factors may be as important a basis for the judgment of the similarity of odors as the physical attributes of the odorants. Both the interpretation of multidimensional analysis and the extent to which the sense of smell is analytic or synthetic depend on an understanding of this problem.  相似文献   

In two experiments, implicit and explicit tests were used to investigate the lateralization of odor memory. Odors were at all times presented monorhinically. At test, odors were presented to either the ipsi- or the contralateral side of the nostril used for inspection. In Experiment 1, participants were first primed to a set of odors. At test, response latencies for odor identification were measured. The results were that priming odors tested via the left but not the right nostril were identified faster than control odors. In Experiment 2, a similar design probed episodic recognition memory. Memory performance did not differ between the left and right nostrils, but the measures of response latency favored the right side. The study demonstrates that it is possible to tap differences in memory performance between the cerebral hemispheres through monorhinic presentation of odors in healthy persons, and that these differences depend on the test nostril rather than the inspection nostril.  相似文献   

The present experiments explore whether there may be some forms of implicit memory for odors. In the first experiment, the elaborateness of olfactory encoding was varied at presentation. For (explicit) recognition memory testing we found positive effects of labeling responses to odors at encoding. Implicit memory measures (temporal and preference judgments) did not reveal reliable effects of prior odor presentation, however. The second experiment corroborated effects of levels of processing on r recognition memory. Again, perceptual or affective judgments remained insensitive for prior odor exposures. Implicit memory could only be detected with verbal measures at the testing stage (labeling accuracy or latency). These results are consistent with the proposal that odor information is represented at different levels of processing that are even with implicit memory measures only partly accessible.  相似文献   

It is known that in a detection task the type of rigid transformation to be detected (reflection vs. translation) interacts with the type of display (closed vs. open contours). The advantage for closed contours found with reflection is believed to be a general within-object advantage, whilst the advantage for open contours found with translation is an exception, described as a lock-and-key process (Acta Psychol. 95 (1997) 119). We tested rotation, using a reaction time paradigm, and found the same result as for translation. Moreover, we found that the critical factor is not the number of objects present, rather it is whether the comparison is made across a surface or across an aperture between surfaces. Post-experiment interviews did not confirm any difference for observers who reported using a conscious lock-and-key mental transformation. We speculate that seeing a translation or a rotation across a closed figure is difficult because the closure of the figure emphasises the mismatch of the contour polarities on the two sides of the figure. That is, there may be a closed object advantage for detecting a difference in polarity which interferes with the task of detecting a regularity in shape. Evidence from the analysis of foil rejection trials supports such a speculation.  相似文献   

The ability to remember odor-name associations for recent odors (those associated with everyday products experienced within the past 2 years) and distant odors (those associated with children's toys not encountered for 3 years or more) was examined in two experiments. In recognition tasks, subjects attempted to match odor names to odors, or odors to odor names. In a recall task, subjects tried to identify odors by name. The results showed that although odor retention was better for recent than distant odors, significant retention remains for odors not experienced since childhood. These results are consistent with other studies that found very slow and gradual loss of odor information in memory. They extend that research by showing that odor information is still available over a much longer period of time.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the accuracy of the memory for odors and for the location of odors. In Experiment 1, 5 unfamiliar odors were presented in each of 2 rooms. Twenty participants were instructed to remember only the odors (odor-only control group) and 20 were instructed to remember both the odors and the room where the odors were presented (odor place group). In Experiment 2, both the odor presentation room and the sex of the experimenters were manipulated to increase the uniqueness of the odor location. The results demonstrated that the memory for an odor is superior to the memory for the location of an odor. The results also indicated that the intention to learn the sources of an odor improves the memory for the source. These results are discussed in the context of the source monitoring framework.  相似文献   

Olfactory experiences represent a domain that is particularly rich in crossmodal associations. Whereas associations between odors and tastes, or other properties of their typical sources such as color or temperature, can be straightforwardly explained by associative learning, other matchings are much harder to explain in these terms, yet surprisingly are shared across individuals: The majority of people, for instance, associate certain odors and auditory features, such as pitch (Belkin, Martin, Kemp, & Gilbert, Psychological Science 8:340–342, 1997; Crisinel & Spence, Chemical Senses 37:151–158, 2012b) or geometrical shapes (Hanson-Vaux, Crisinel, & Spence, Chemical Senses 38:161–166, 2013; Seo, Arshamian, et al., Neuroscience Letters 478:175–178, 2010). If certain odors might indeed have been encountered while listening to certain pieces of music or seeing certain geometrical shapes, these encounters are very unlikely to have been statistically more relevant than others; for this reason, associative learning from regular exposure is ruled out, and thus alternative explanations in terms of metaphorical mappings are usually defended. Here we argue that these associations are not primarily conceptual or linguistic, but are grounded in structural perceptual or neurological determinants. These cases of crossmodal correspondences established between contingent environmental features can be explained as amodal, indirect, and transitive mappings across modalities. Surprising associations between odors and contingent sensory features can be investigated as genuine cases of crossmodal correspondences, akin to other widespread cases of functional correspondences that hold, for instance, between auditory and visual features, and can help reveal the structural determinants weighing on the acquisition of these crossmodal associations.  相似文献   

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