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Browne provided a method for finding a solution to the normal equations derived by Mosier for rotating a factor matrix to a best least squares fit with a specified structure. Cramer showed that Browne's solution is not always valid, and proposed a modified algorithm. Both Browne and Cramer assumed the factor matrix to be of full rank. In this paper a general solution is derived, which takes care of rank deficient factor matrices as well. A new algorithm is offered.  相似文献   

This paper provides a generalization of the Procrustes problem in which the errors are weighted from the right, or the left, or both. The solution is achieved by having the orthogonality constraint on the transformation be in agreement with the norm of the least squares criterion. This general principle is discussed and illustrated by the mathematics of the weighted orthogonal Procrustes problem.  相似文献   

A general solution for weighted orthonormal Procrustes problem is offered in terms of the least squares criterion. For the two-demensional case. this solution always gives the global minimum; for the general case, an algorithm is proposed that must converge, although not necessarily to the global minimum. In general, the algorithm yields a solution for the problem of how to fit one matrix to another under the condition that the dimensions of the latter matrix first are allowed to be transformed orthonormally and then weighted differentially, which is the task encountered in fitting analogues of the IDIOSCAL and INDSCAL models to a set of configurations.The authors are grateful to the Editor and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

Methods for orthogonal Procrustes rotation and orthogonal rotation to a maximal sum of inner products are examined for the case when the matrices involved have different numbers of columns. An inner product solution offered by Cliff is generalized to the case of more than two matrices. A nonrandom start for a Procrustes solution suggested by Green and Gower is shown to give better results than a random start. The Green-Gower Procrustes solution (with nonrandom start) is generalized to the case of more than two matrices. Simulation studies indicate that both the generalized inner product solution and the generalized Procrustes solution tend to attain their global optima within acceptable computation times. A simple procedure is offered for approximating simple structure for the rotated matrices without affecting either the Procrustes or the inner product criterion.The authors are obliged to Charles Lewis for helpful comments on a previous draft of this paper and to Frank Brokken for preparing a computer program that was used in this study.  相似文献   

Orthogonal procrustes rotation for two or more matrices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Necessary and sufficient conditions for rotating matrices to maximal agreement in the least-squares sense are discussed. A theorem by Fischer and Roppert, which solves the case of two matrices, is given a more straightforward proof. A sufficient condition for a best least-squares fit for more than two matrices is formulated and shown to be not necessary. In addition, necessary conditions suggested by Kristof and Wingersky are shown to be not sufficient. A rotation procedure that is an alternative to the one by Kristof and Wingersky is presented. Upper bounds are derived for determining the extent to which the procedure falls short of attaining the best least-squares fit. The problem of scaling matrices to maximal agreement is discussed. Modifications of Gower's method of generalized Procrustes analysis are suggested.  相似文献   

Brokken has proposed a method for orthogonal rotation of one matrix such that its columns have a maximal sum of congruences with the columns of a target matrix. This method employs an algorithm for which convergence from every starting point is not guaranteed. In the present paper, an iterative majorization algorithm is proposed which is guaranteed to converge from every starting point. Specifically, it is proven that the function value converges monotonically, and that the difference between subsequent iterates converges to zero. In addition to the better convergence properties, another advantage of the present algorithm over Brokken's one is that it is easier to program. The algorithms are compared on 80 simulated data sets, and it turned out that the new algorithm performed well in all cases, whereas Brokken's algorithm failed in almost half the cases. The derivation of the algorithm is given in full detail because it involves a series of inequalities that can be of use to derive similar algorithms in different contexts.This research has been made possible by a fellowship from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences to the first author. The authors are obliged to Willem J. Heiser and Jos M. F. ten Berge for useful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

An integrated method for rotating and rescaling a set of configurations to optimal agreement in subspaces of varying dimensionalities is developed. The approach relates existing orthogonal rotation techniques as special cases within a general framework based on a partition of variation which provides convenient measures of agreement. In addition to the well-known Procrustes and inner product optimality criteria, a criterion which maximizes the consensus among subspaces of the configurations is suggested. Since agreement of subspaces of the configurations can be examined and compared, rotation and rescaling is extended from a data transformation technique to an analytical method.  相似文献   

Van de Geer has reviewed various criteria for transforming two or more matrices to maximal agreement, subject to orthogonality constraints. The criteria have applications in the context of matching factor or configuration matrices and in the context of canonical correlation analysis for two or more matrices. The present paper summarizes and gives a unified treatment of fully general computational solutions for two of these criteria, Maxbet and Maxdiff. These solutions will be shown to encompass various well-known methods as special cases. It will be argued that the Maxdiff solution should be preferred to the Maxbet solution whenever the two criteria coincide. Horst's Maxcor method will be shown to lack the property of monotone convergence. Finally, simultaneous and successive versions of the Maxbet and Maxdiff solutions will be treated as special cases of a fully flexible approach where the columns of the rotation matrices are obtained in successive blocks.The author is obliged to Henk Kiers for computational assistance and helpful comments.  相似文献   

The asymptotic standard errors for the procrustes solutions are derived for orthogonal rotation, direct oblique rotation and indirect oblique rotation. The standard errors for the first two rotations are obtained using the augmented information matrices. For the indirect oblique solution, the standard errors of rotated parameters are derived from the information matrix of unrotated loadings using the chain rule for information matrices. For all three types of rotation, the standard errors of rotated parameters are presented for unstandardized and standardized manifest variables. Numerical examples show the similarity of theoretical and simulated values.  相似文献   

The problem of rotating a matrix orthogonally to a best least squares fit with another matrix of the same order has a closed-form solution based on a singular value decomposition. The optimal rotation matrix is not necessarily rigid, but may also involve a reflection. In some applications, only rigid rotations are permitted. Gower (1976) has proposed a method for suppressing reflections in cases where that is necessary. This paper proves that Gower’s solution does indeed give the best least squares fit over rigid rotation when the unconstrained solution is not rigid. Also, special cases that have multiple solutions are discussed. The author is obliged to Henk Kiers and Alwin Stegeman for helpful comments on a previous draft.  相似文献   

Cureton & Mulaik (1975) proposed the Weighted Varimax rotation so that Varimax (Kaiser, 1958) could reach simple solutions when the complexities of the variables in the solution are larger than one. In the present paper the weighting procedure proposed by Cureton & Mulaik (1975) is applied to Direct Oblimin (Clarkson & Jennrich, 1988), and the rotation method obtained is called Weighted Oblimin. It has been tested on artificial complex data and real data, and the results seem to indicate that, even though Direct Oblimin rotation fails when applied to complex data, Weighted Oblimin gives good results if a variable with complexity one can be found for each factor in the pattern. Although the weighting procedure proposed by Cureton & Mulaik is based on Landahl's (1938) expression for orthogonal factors, Weighted Oblimin seems to be adequate even with highly oblique factors. The new rotation method was compared to other rotation methods based on the same weighting procedure and, whenever a variable with complexity one could be found for each factor in the pattern, Weighted Oblimin gave the best results. When rotating a simple empirical loading matrix, Weighted Oblimin seemed to slightly increase the performance of Direct Oblimin.The author is obliged to Henk A. L. Kiers and three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

Matrices of factor loadings are often rotated to simple structure. When more than one loading matrix is available for the same variables, the loading matrices can be compared after rotating them all (separately) to simple structure. An alternative procedure is to rotate them to optimal agreement, and then compare them. In the present paper techniques are described that combine these two procedures. Specifically, five techniques that combine the ideals of rotation to optimal agreement and rotation to simple structure are compared on the basis of contrived and empirical data. For the contrived data, it is assessed to what extent the rotations recover the underlying common structure. For both the contrived and the empirical data it is studied to what extent the techniques give well matching rotated matrices, to what extent these have a simple structure, and to what extent the most prominent parts of the different loading matrices agree. It was found that the simple procedure of combining a Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) with Varimax on the mean of the matched loading matrices performs very well on all criteria, and, for most purposes, offers an attractive compromise of rotation to agreement and simple structure. In addition to this comparison, some technical improvements are proposed for Bloxom's rotation to simple structure and maximum similarity.This research has been made possible by a fellowship from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences to the author. The author is obliged to René van der Heijden for assistance in programming the procedures in the simulation study reported in this paper, and to Jos ten Berge, three anonymous reviewers and an associate editor for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) carried out in the last decades to test the Five-factor simple structure have generally obtained negative results. McCrae, Zonderman, Costa, Bond, and Paunonen (1996) suggested that CFA limitations were the main cause of such negative results. They also claim that Procrustes Orthogonal rotation method is an adequate procedure to test the replicability of the Five-factor structure. The aim of the present paper is twofold: (A) comparing several Exploratory factor procedures (including the Procrustes rotation) to test what is the most appropriate one to analyse the replicability of the Five-factor structure, and (B) replicating the CFA results of the McCrae et al.’s study with a larger number of subjects. The normative American (N = 1000), and Spanish (2000) standardization samples of the NEO-PI-R, together with an independent university sample (N = 948) were analysed. Results were replicated in the three samples, and suggest that: (1) structural properties of the Five-factor model, as measured by the NEO-PI-R, are invariant irrespective of the Exploratory factor procedure used, and (2) when CFA limitations are surpassed, the Five-factor structure is supported.  相似文献   

J. O. Ramsay 《Psychometrika》1990,55(3):551-553
This research was supported by grant APA 3020 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The author would like to thank Dr. David O'Hare for providing the data used to illustrate the use of the program MATFIT.  相似文献   

The Maxbet method is an alternative to the method of generalized canonical correlation analysis and of Procrustes analysis. Contrary to these methods, it does not maximize the inner products (covariances) between linear composites, but also takes their sums of squares (variances) into account. It is well-known that the Maxbet algorithm, which has been proven to converge monotonically, may converge to local maxima. The present paper discusses an eigenvalue criterion which is sufficient, but not necessary for global optimality. However, in two special cases, the eigenvalue criterion is shown to be necessary and sufficient for global optimality. The first case is when there are only two data sets involved; the second case is when the inner products between all variables involved are positive, regardless of the number of data sets.The authors are obliged to Henk Kiers for critical comments on a previous draft.  相似文献   

This paper contains a globally optimal solution for a class of functions composed of a linear regression function and a penalty function for the sum of squared regression weights. Global optimality is obtained from inequalities rather than from partial derivatives of a Lagrangian function. Applications arise in multidimensional scaling of symmetric or rectangular matrices of squared distances, in Procrustes analysis, and in ridge regression analysis. The similarity of existing solutions for these applications is explained by considering them as special cases of the general class of functions addressed.The author is obliged to Henk Kiers and Willem Heiser for helpful comments.  相似文献   

Kaiser presented a method for finding a set of derived orthogonal variables which correlate maximally with a set of original variables. A simpler, more complete derivation of Kaiser's result is given and compared to related types of transformations. The transformation derived here suggests a direct method for finding the orthogonal factor solution which is maximally similar to a given oblique solution.  相似文献   

Earlier cross-cultural research on replicability of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) suggested that personality trait structure is universal, but a recent study using an Italian translation has challenged this position. The present article re-examines the psychometric properties of the Italian NEO-PI-R and discusses the importance of orthogonal Procrustes rotation when the replicability of complex factor structures is tested. The arguments are supported by data from a slightly modified translation of the NEO-PI-R, which was administered to 575 Italian subjects. These data show a close replication of the American normative factor structure when targeted rotation is used. Further, the validity of the Italian NEO-PI-R is supported by external correlates, such as demographic variables (age, sex, education), depression, and affect scales.  相似文献   

James Algina 《Psychometrika》1980,45(3):393-396
Conditions for removing the indeterminancy due to rotation are given for both the oblique and orthogonal factor analysis models. The conditions indicate why published counterexamples to conditions discussed by Jöreskog are not identifiable.The author would like to thank Gordon Bechtel and the reviewers for their comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

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