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Latino/a Theology is rising among theologians of Latin American descent in the United States. This article describes five characteristics: 1) it is specific to the cultural context of marginalized Hispanic history; 2) it focuses on the theme of mestizaje/mulatez, the biological and cultural mixing of European Spanish with Africans and indigenous Americans; 3) it derives from popular religion; 4) it deals with everyday life, lo cotidiano; 5) like liberation theology, it emphasizes praxis.  相似文献   

This article introduces English for Bible and Theology (EBT), an inherently interdisciplinary field that merges English language learning with the content of biblical and theological studies in a context that is, by nature, cross‐cultural. Within this collaboration there exists the possibility not only to enable theological study, but also to enhance it through a focus on personal meaning and its communication, both of which are foundational to the communicative language classroom. That is, EBT seeks both to aid students worldwide in attaining the specialized language and cultural proficiency necessary to access English theological resources and to provide a community in which students can connect theological content to their lives. It is this second aim that provides EBT its relevance across a range of theological contexts, as native English‐speaking students likewise stand to benefit from the application of EBT's principles.  相似文献   

David Siegenthaler 《Dialog》2003,42(3):242-249
A primary purpose of theology is the explication of the relationship of Creation to the transcendent for the sake of responsible action in the world. Environmental policy arenas need a perspective that can take them beyond a more limited utilitarianism. Ecology needs theology. We can appreciate to a much greater extent today than we could a generation ago that all theologies are products of particular people within particular social, cultural, historical, geographical situations. To do theology adequately, it is clearer now that many perspectives must be considered—both within and outside one's own tradition. Theology must be conversational. One's assertions of values and proposed actions must be weighed against the assertions of others. Only through such engagement will theology be meaningful to lives that must be lived with integrity in a world of manifold ambiguities. That world is the whole world in which human community is sustained and to which human beings are responsible. The practical effects of theological engagement will be to help us all find a better “common good” than may be obtained otherwise.  相似文献   

This essay attempts first to understand some aspects of public reactions in Norway and Scandinavia to the tsunami catastrophe in the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004. Secondly, it takes this understanding as a hermeneutical resource for reading the Book of Job. As a biblical scholar, I can only hope that the cultural analysis in the first part is not too aberrant to be considered relevant, at least in its major line of reasoning. My hope for the second part would be that it makes a case for developing additional paradigms for doing biblical studies.  相似文献   

This article considers Luther's theology of creation with a view to the contemporary relevance of its fundamental standpoint. For some, the writers of past generations who do not share our scientific and cultural standpoint ought to be excluded from discussions of the theology of creation, but I argue that consideration of the individual, contemporary, corporeal and dialogical character of Luther's theology of creation shows that it contains a great deal from which we can learn today.  相似文献   

This article on the mission theology of the church, a personal perspective by the vice‐moderator of CWME, draws on documentation produced by the commission and also responds to the Faith and Order document, The Nature and Mission of the Church. It is based on the trinitarian paradigm of mission referred to as missio Dei, which emphasizes the priority of God's sending activity in the world, by the Son and the Spirit, and the contingency of the church and its mission activities upon that. Therefore, it is concerned with the participation of the church in God's mission to and in the world, and from this perspective, has a particular interest with the actual, empirical church rather than the ideal church, recognizing that the church exists in many different forms in particular social, cultural, economic and political contexts. The article argues that the church is “missionary by its very nature”. Both theologically and empirically, it is impossible to separate the church from mission. Indeed mission is the very life of the church and the church is missionary by its very nature the Spirit of Christ breathed into the disciples at the same time as he sent them into the world. The mission theology of the church as it has developed in ecumenical discussion over the 20th and early 21st centuries is discussed in terms of the relationship of the church to the three persons of the Trinity: as foretaste of the kingdom of God; as the body of Christ; and as a movement of the Spirit. The article shows that being in mission is to cross the usual boundaries and bring new perspectives from outside to bear, and this is a never‐ending, enriching process.  相似文献   

Guillermo Hansen 《Dialog》2010,49(2):96-107
Abstract : Three themes structure Lutheranism's interpretation of the biblical narrative as it intersects with the present challenges of Empire: justification by faith as a declaration of inclusiveness; God's threefold‐multidimensional action creating and sustaining democratic practices (two kingdoms); and the cross as the critical ‘weapon’ against the ‘glory’ of Empire. This implies placing our theology within the present cultural and religious debate in a way consistent with the methodology of the cross: a theology done from the bowels of Empire, revealing its true face behind its alleged ‘benevolent’ mask.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a fundamental premise for the conversation between science and theology: In our experience of the natural world we encounter an excess of awareness and of meaning that overwhelm our perceptions, language, and thought. We attempt to construct the coherence of our awareness through our science, and we attempt to render it meaningful in our thoughts and language. Metaphor and symbol are primary vehicles for our attempts at meaning. Since its task is to articulate meaning, theology must acknowledge this premise, if it is to engage the sciences adequately.  相似文献   

Latin American liberation theology has almost never seen itself as an expression of or in direct relation to the international student movements of May 1968. Nevertheless, from today's perspective, one can say that what was called liberation theology was a web of relationships of many movements and events. It was undoubtedly part of the enormous worldwide movements of the 1960s, interacting with the various expressions of struggle for cultural and political liberation that manifested themselves in many different forms in different parts of the world. The same can be said about feminist liberation theology in Latin America, which emerged a few years later. Latin American feminist theology, however, unlike liberation theology, has never been concerned with making a claim of originality, nor has it struggled to be recognized as a typical Latin American way of thinking and movement. It is part of the tradition of the liberating spirit of the past and the present in its different forms, including the legacy of 1968.  相似文献   


The goal of the current project was to examine whether engagement in intellectual/cultural activities explains the long-term effects of education on cognitive abilities throughout adulthood, and whether it compensates for educational differences in cognitive abilities throughout adulthood. Participants between 18 and 96 years of age completed a comprehensive questionnaire about intellectual/cultural activities that they participated in and performed a wide variety of cognitive tests. There were no mediation effects of engagement in intellectual/cultural activities on the relationship between education and cognitive functioning. In contrast, engagement in intellectual/cultural activities was found to moderate the relations between education and the level of fluid ability, working memory, speed of processing, and episodic memory. Findings suggest that the risk of cognitive decline in people with less education can be reduced via engagement in intellectual and cultural activities throughout adulthood.  相似文献   

本文从新约的历史逻辑审视汉语神学,指出新约的历史逻辑研究,虽然和圣经神学在研究内容上(信仰观方面)有某种程度的关联,但它在研究形式上由于还致力于新约的语言观、时间观、正义观的阐明,所以,它远远超出了一般以讨论圣经文本的信仰教义为使命的圣经神学,应当属于人文-社会学的新约学范畴.其人文性表现在新约文本的语言观、时间观的阐释中;其社会学的特征体现在新约文本的正义观的论说中.在研究方法上,新约的历史逻辑在根本上区别于圣经神学.汉语神学的描述性的定义为:以圣经基督论为启示的中心、以汉语为母语的基督徒的信仰为经验的根据、以汉语思想文化传统为阐释的背景、以历代教会及其神学思想(希腊化、拉丁化、欧美)的学典为言说的参照、以汉语学者的基督经验的宗教学研究为基础的神学.其次,从新约的历史逻辑审视圣经神学,其结果至少应当包括关于耶稣基督事件本身的言说、关于耶稣基督事件的人言的言说(初期教会如何看待耶稣基督事件留下的人言)、关于耶稣基督事件的历史事实的清理.如何具体地把这三者揭示出来,构成新约的历史逻辑为方法论的汉语圣经神学的内容.  相似文献   


Daniel Callahan, in his provocative book Setting Limits, Medical Goals in an Aging Society, has affirmed that in a period of declining resources, it should be the function of medicine to help elderly to achieve a natural and fitting life span, and has invited the elderly to set limits to their demands. “To set limits” in a cultural context marked by frenzied consumerism, and a discriminatory attitude toward aging is to demand of the elderly what no one else is willing to do. What is needed for the “setting of limits” is a frame of reference where loss and negativity can be accepted without despair. In the Paschal Mystery Christianity provides us with a model of humanhood where the letting go of power and the acceptance of creatureliness are predominant characteristics. Disengagement is not simply for the end of the life cycle, but on-going from the beginning.  相似文献   

Throughout the 1980s Margaret Thatcher dominated British and global politics. At the same time she maintained an active Christian faith, which she understood as shaping and informing her political choices and policies. In this article I argue that we can construct from Thatcher's key speeches, her memoirs, and her book on public policy a cultural “theo‐political” identity which guided her political decisions. Thatcher's identity was as an Anglo‐Saxon Nonconformist. This consisted of her belief in values such as thrift and hard work, care for the family and local neighbor, and charitable generosity; her belief in the renewal of the national British Christian spirit; and her notion of morality as the opportunity for free choice. Without a recognition of the centrality of her theo‐political identity, it is difficult to understand the values and beliefs which were central to her political life. The methodological issues raised by the construction of this theo‐political identity are examined in this article. The aim of the proposed methodology is to develop theological insights into a political phenomenon like Thatcher rather than make policy judgments or recommendations.  相似文献   

Contemporary African theological reflection has not sufficiently paid attention to the reality of postmodernism in general, its cultural expressions in particular. In this essay, I depict some of the illusions of a postmodern culture and how their power to shape the economic, cultural and imaginative visions of Africans remains one of the key theological challenges. Accordingly, the crucial test for African theology today will be whether it can generate enough critical skills and inspire new forms of community, which are capable of challenging, as well as offering alternatives to, the dangerous and playful nihilism of a postmodern culture.  相似文献   

Joseph Poulshock 《Zygon》2002,37(4):775-788
It is not uncommon for Darwinists and memeticists to speculate not only that god–memes (cultural units for belief in a god) evolved as maladaptive traits but also that these memes do not correspond to anything real. However, a counter–Darwinian argument exists that some god–memes evolved as adaptive traits and did so with a metaphysical correspondence to reality. Memeticists cannot disallow these positive claims, because the rules they would use to disallow them would also disallow their negative claims. One must either accept that positive Darwinian theological claims can fall within the bounds of science (and therefore be judged on their explanatory merits alone) or must disallow both sets of arguments, including any claims that god–memes fail to correspond to reality. Given that many Darwinists do not appear to accept a modest version of science that avoids negative metaphysical claims, precedence exists in memetic and Darwinian discourse for making positive metaphysical claims as well.  相似文献   

Abstract : What is the role of science in theology? What internal dynamics compel theology to take science seriously? Those are the questions—posed in a characteristically cautious academic fashion. There is a back‐story that needs to be told, however, if we are to get at these questions with the vigor they require: Without radical reformation of theology, there is little chance that we can even begin to work on the agenda that science poses to Christian faith and life. Faith is a journey in which we seek to make sense of the world and our lives in it in the light of the gospel we have received. The gospel is about God, God's presence and redemptive work in Jesus Christ and God's continuing presence in the Holy Spirit. But since it is God's presence and work in the world and for us, the gospel is also about the world and about human being—and that is where science comes in, provoking its reformation. Science is now an irreplaceable source of knowledge about the world and ourselves, and in some respects its knowledge is normative. Scientific knowledge has reshaped our view of the world and ourselves in ways that are so commonly known that it is unnecessary to elaborate. To relate our gospel to our actual lives in the empirical world—that is theology's motivation for taking science seriously. But theology must be reformed and reshaped if it is to be capable of taking science seriously. In this essay we focus on this reforming of theology.  相似文献   


The active engagement between science and religion is one of the preeminent ways in which we explore the sanctity of the world and the world reveals the sacred to us. Using Karl Rahner's concepts of transcendental/categorial causality and everyday mysticism, this paper enters into dialogue with the scientific insights of Stephen Hawking and Andrew Newberg, engaging the mystery of the cosmos and the mystery of the human person as an avenue to experiencing the mystery of God. In doing so, theology is challenged by scientific insight to a mysticism that engenders a less ontocentric and more humbly apophatic approach.  相似文献   

Hans Raun Iversen 《Dialog》2014,53(4):319-326
This article argues that there are considerable advantages for society, university, theology and the church to conduct theological research and education of pastors at a secular state university like the University of Copenhagen. The disadvantage is foremost that learning from a practice‐theory‐practice model is not found in theological education at the secular university. In the case of Denmark, this is, however, more due to the theology and set up of the church than to the university, where it is commonplace to integrate practice in academic studies.  相似文献   

Lay practitioners of Buddhism, especially lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/queer persons, are given little guidance by the traditional Dharmology (Buddhist theology) of sex. The most extensive discussions are the detailed prohibitions in the monastic rule, which focus on the mechanics of sex rather than on love and relationships. What advice there is on sex for lay persons is either vague or over‐determined by its cultural context. Christianity, despite being homophobic and mistrustful of sex, has developed a positive attitude towards sex within heterosexual marriage. An investigation of this suggests a Dharmology of sex as relationship, based on central Buddhist doctrines such as interdependent arising. This Dharmology can be strengthened by queering it with reference to Harry Hay's notion that gay subject–subject consciousness is more compatible with Buddhist non‐duality than the hetero subject–object consciousness. It can be claimed, therefore, that Buddha Nature, and Buddhism itself, is queer.  相似文献   

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