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Examples of gene-environment interaction in human behavioral data are relatively rare; those that exist have used simple, dichotomous measures of the environment. The authors describe a model that allows for the specification of more continuous, more realistic variations in environments as moderators of genetic and environmental influences on behavior. Using data from a population-based Finnish twin study, the authors document strong moderating effects of socioregional environments on genetic and environmental influences on adolescent alcohol use, with nearly a five-fold difference in the magnitude of genetic effects between environmental extremes. The incorporation of specific environmental measures into genetically informative designs should prove to be a powerful method for better understanding the nature of gene-environment interaction and its contribution to the etiology of behavioral variation.  相似文献   

Although many socialization agents influence children's behavior (D. L. Vandell, 2000), the evidence (e.g., from intervention studies) indicates that each exerts its influence only within its own domain. Context effects and genetic effects are among the confounding factors that make it impossible, given current data, to reject the null hypothesis of zero long-term effects of parenting on child outcomes. Problems with the prevailing view of development cannot be solved by invoking within-home environmental differences or gene- environment interactions. Group socialization theory can account for findings that do not fit the prevailing view. The theory attributes outside-the-home socialization to identification with a peer group and assimilation of group norms, but attributes nongenetic variation in personality to differentiation within the group. The latter proposition is still largely untested but other aspects of the theory are well supported by evidence.  相似文献   

Basic quantitative genetic models of human behavioral variation have made clear that individual differences in behavior cannot be understood without acknowledging the importance of genetic influences. Yet these basic models estimate average, population-level genetic and environmental influences, obscuring differences that might exist within the population and masking systematic transactions between specific genetic and environmental influences. This article discusses a newer, more sophisticated and powerful quantitative genetic model that articulates these transactions. Results from this model highlight the ways in which the gene- environment interaction and correlation are intertwined. They can be used to integrate findings from quantitative and molecular genetic studies and to understand the roles of genetic influences and social forces in manifested behaviors, even when DNA sequence variation is not relevant.  相似文献   

In contrast with early theories of socialization that emphasized the role of parents in shaping their children's personalities, recent empirical evidence suggests an evocative relationship between adolescent personality traits and the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship. Research using behavior genetic methods suggests that the association between personality and parenting is genetically mediated, such that the genetic effects on adolescent personality traits overlap with the genetic effects on parenting behavior. In the current study, the authors examined whether the etiology of this relationship might change depending on the adolescent's personality. Biometrical moderation models were used to test for gene- environment interaction and correlation between personality traits and measures of conflict, regard, and involvement with parents in a sample of 2,452 adolescents (M age = 17.79 years). They found significant moderation of both positive and negative qualities of the parent-adolescent relationship, such that the genetic and environmental variance in relationship quality varied as functions of the adolescent's levels of personality. These findings support the importance of adolescent personality in the development of the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship.  相似文献   

This study investigated how infants gather information about their environment through looking and how that changes with increases in motor skills. In Experiment 1, 9.5- and 14-month-olds participated in a 10-min free play session with both a stranger and ambiguous toys present. There was a significant developmental progression from passive to active social engagement, as evidenced by younger infants watching others communicate more and older infants making more bids for social interaction. Experiment 2 examined longitudinally the impact of age and walking onset on this progression. The transition to independent walking marked significant changes in how often infants watched others communicate and made active bids for social interaction. Results suggest that infants transition from passive observers as crawlers to active participants in their social environment with the onset of walking.  相似文献   

Children’s engagement and disengagement, adherence and non-adherence, compliance and non-compliance in healthcare have important implications for services. In family therapy mere attendance to the appointments is no guarantee of engaging in the treatment process and as children are not the main initiators of attendance engaging them through the process can be a complex activity for professionals. Through a conversation analysis of naturally occurring family therapy sessions we explore the main discursive strategies that children employ in this context to passively and actively disengage from the therapeutic process and investigate how the therapists manage and attend to this. We note that children competently remove themselves from therapy through passive resistance, active disengagement, and by expressing their autonomy. Analysis reveals that siblings of the constructed ‘problem’ child are given greater liberty in involvement. We conclude by demonstrating how therapists manage the delicate endeavour of including all family members in the process and how engagement and re-engagement are essential for meeting goals and discuss broader implications for healthcare and other settings where children may disengage.  相似文献   

Parenting is traditionally conceptualized as an exogenous environment that affects child development. However, children can also influence the quality of parenting that they receive. Using longitudinal data from 650 identical and fraternal twin pairs, we found that, controlling for cognitive ability at age 2 years, cognitive stimulation by parents (coded from video recorded behaviors during a dyadic task) at 2 years predicted subsequent reading ability at age 4 years. Moreover, controlling for cognitive stimulation at 2 years, children's cognitive ability at 2 years predicted the quality of stimulation received from their parents at 4 years. Genetic and environmental factors differentially contributed to these effects. Parenting influenced subsequent cognitive development through a family-level environmental pathway, whereas children's cognitive ability influenced subsequent parenting through a genetic pathway. These results suggest that genetic influences on cognitive development occur through a transactional process, in which genetic predispositions lead children to evoke cognitively stimulating experiences from their environments.  相似文献   

Human voluntary movement involves the integration of kinaesthetic information with efferent motor activity during the planning and execution stages of movement. While much is known of the inhibitory and excitatory effects resulting from activation of specific kinaesthetic sensory receptors, in the present study we employed cyclic passive movement of the index finger in order to activate a range of kinaesthetic receptors in a manner that was intended to correspond to how these receptors might be active during a comparable voluntary movement. We intended to identify how this passive movement protocol might affect the excitability of the corticomotor pathway. During 1 Hz cyclic passive movement of the index finger there was an approximately 60% reduction in the amplitude of the motor evoked response from the first dorsal interosseous muscle. The results of the present study demonstrate that passive movement can have a profound effect on the excitability of the corticomotor pathway.  相似文献   

从浙江省三所全日制高中选取348名高一到高三的学生为被试, 采用集体上机填答的方式实施问卷调查, 考察家庭环境对高中生发展的影响及作用机制, 探讨自主的中介作用及其性别差异。使用描述检验、相关分析和结构方程模型等方法, 结果发现:(1)男生的情感自主显著高于女生, 感知到的家庭亲密度水平显著低于女生;(2)家庭环境和自主与积极发展呈显著正相关, 与消极发展呈显著负相关, 积极发展与消极发展呈显著负相关;(3)家庭环境对积极发展有显著的正向预测作用, 对消极发展有显著的负向预测作用, 且对积极发展的预测作用显著高于消极发展;(4)总体上, 自主在家庭环境和高中生积极、消极发展的关系中起显著的中介作用;自主在家庭环境和积极发展间的中介作用在男生和女生样本中均达到显著水平, 而在家庭环境和消极发展间的中介作用在男生样本中为完全中介, 在女生样本中不显著。研究结果为从家庭角度促进高中生的积极发展、降低消极发展的可能性提供了依据。  相似文献   

Youth with emotional and behavioral disorders are often dealing with many challenges such as strained relationships, academic difficulties and family conflict in addition to their clinical symptoms. Youth can access intervention for these challenges in day and residential treatment centers. However, little is known about how these adolescents cope with stress or the strategies they use. The purpose for this study was to explore the ways youth report coping with stress, and in particular the active, passive/depressive and risky strategies they report using in response to stress. A second purpose was to explore the relationships between active, passive/depressive and risky strategies and their self-reported psychological difficulties. Using a crosssectional design, 30 adolescents (12–18 years of age, 79 % female) completed standardized measures of psychological difficulties and coping with stress. Youth reported using a variety of strategies to cope, and endorsed learning to live with it, and doing an activity alone as the two most commonly used. There were robust relationships between active (negative association) and risky behaviors (positive association) with psychological difficulties. Implications for family therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

According to family investment theory, a family’s socio-economic status can have a noteworthy impact on the academic performance and future lives of adolescents. However, the mechanism for this remains poorly understood. We examined the mediating and moderating effects of family emotional and cultural environment on the relations between family socio-economic status and learning burnout. Specifically, we investigated whether different family emotional environments have a moderating effect on the relationship between family socio-economic status and learning burnout and on the mediating effect of family cultural environment. A sample of 1181 junior and senior high school students completed multidimensional measures of family socioeconomic status, family emotional and cultural environment, and learning burnout. A regression analysis showed that socio-economic status significantly predicted learning burnout. The achievement, cultural, and recreational dimensions of family cultural environment were all mediators of this relationship. Moreover, cultural dimension was moderated by the family conflicts factor of family emotional environment.  相似文献   

王挺  肖三蓉  徐光兴 《心理科学》2011,34(3):664-669
以855名中学生为被试,采用路径分析等实证方法构建了个体差异变量人格特质、社会环境类因素家庭环境对道德判断能力影响的关系模型,揭示了人格特质、家庭环境各维度对中学生道德判断能力发展的直接和间接影响。当前中学生的人格特质对道德判断能力发展的总影响效应为正,家庭环境对道德判断能力发展的总影响效应为负。人格特质和家庭环境是一个整体,还应从综合的角度,用发展和系统的眼光看待其对道德判断能力的影响。  相似文献   

We investigated individual differences in the stimulus control of navigational behavior in the water maze by comparing measures of place learning in one environment to measures of latent learning (via passive placement on the goal platform) in a novel environment. In the first experiment, 12 rats were trained to find a slightly submerged hidden platform at a fixed location in room A for 10 days (4 trials/day). Fast and slow place learners were identified by their mean escape latency and cumulative distance to the goal during acquisition. The same animals were then given a 2-min passive placement on the submerged platform in room B. Latent learning was assessed by the animal's escape latency on a single swim trial immediately following the placement in room B. The results showed that the good latent learners in room B were not necessarily the fast place learners in room A. This weak correlation may be related to the fact that some rats swam near the area in room B that corresponded to the former goal location in room A relative to a common polarizing cue (i.e., the door/entrance to both rooms). When the view of the door was blocked in a second experiment a significant positive correlation between place acquisition and the latent learning test was obtained, although escape performance following passive placement was not improved. These findings suggest that while place navigation and latent learning via passive placement may involve some common cognitive-spatial function, other associative (S-S and/or S-R) processes that occur during place navigation/active movement may be required for animals to exhibit truly accurate navigational behavior characteristic of asymptotic escape performance in the water maze. Additional implications for neurobiological studies using a procedural pretraining design are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reviews behavioral-genetic research to show how it can help address questions of causation in developmental psychopathology. The article focuses on studies of antisocial behavior, because these have been leading the way in investigating environmental as well as genetic influences on psychopathology. First, the article illustrates how behavioral-genetic methods are being newly applied to detect the best candidates for genuine environmental causes among the many risk factors for antisocial behavior. Second, the article examines findings of interaction between genes and environments (G x E) associated with antisocial behavior, outlining steps for testing hypotheses of measured G x E. Third, the article envisages future work on gene-environment interplay, arguing that it is an interesting and profitable way forward for psychopathology research.  相似文献   

This study examines how far traces of the Nazi past can still be found in the psychological family environment of college students and academics attending a counselling centre two generations after the end of World War II. It considers how such traces can be elicited in discussions and tackled systematically within a therapeutic context. It was found that many families had never talked about their memories of the Nazi period, ignoring or repressing them. This study showed that the failure to discuss such topics within families was of decisive significance during counselling sessions, and that current problems often relate to an unprocessed family past.  相似文献   

The interrelationship of neighborhood, school, peer, and family factors and adolescent drug involvement was investigated. Data were collected separately from 518 adolescents and their mothers when the children were between 9 and 18 years of age and again two years later. Neighborhood and school effects were not directly related to adolescent drug use. Neighborhood effects were mediated through the domains of school, peer, and family; school effects were mediated through the peer domain. Family and peer variables had a direct impact on adolescent drug involvement. Risk factors in the adolescents' peer environment can be ameliorated by protective factors in their school environment. Implications for the prevention of drug use are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to explore how the relationship between interparental discord and child's self-concept shapes participation in bullying behavior by elementary and middle-school children. The main finding is that child's self-concept mediates the effects of interparental discord on bullying behavior. Further, the results of the study support a symbolic interactionist view of child self-development, in which children internalize the environment provided by parents. This internalization gives way to self-concept, which guides behavior. This study adds to the growing body of literature that seeks to understand whether and how characteristics of children mediate the effects of parental attributes on behavioral outcomes. The proposed implications for the prevention of bullying include building children's self-concept, intervening in parental conflict, and involving the entire family system in the intervention process.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Families are dynamic systems that are permeable to influences from the outside world, such as daily stressors at work and at school. Our research uses naturalistic methods to investigate how family interactions change in response to such experiences and how other family members contribute to that process. We argue that the short-term effects of daily stressors on family dynamics can have cumulative, long-term implications for family health and functioning. Naturalistic studies that incorporate daily diary, observational, and physiological measures can offer new insights into families' everyday stress responding and coping processes.  相似文献   

青少年期母子性格与家庭亲密度的关系:性格喜好的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究旨在考察性格喜好与母子性格、家庭成员亲密度的关系以及性格喜好在其他两个变量之间的中介作用。成都市632对初高中学生及其母亲分别自评并填写了艾森克人格问卷,同时评价喜欢对方性格的程度。另外,青少年还报告了与家庭成员的亲密程度。通过相关分析、多元方差分析、层级回归分析以及结构方程模型建模,结果发现:性格喜好与母亲性格、青少年性格均有显著关系,青少年对母亲的性格喜好程度与家庭成员间的亲密感有显著正相关。青少年性格和青少年对母亲的性格喜好程度能直接预测家庭成员亲密度,同时青少年和母亲的性格还通过青少年对母亲的性格喜好程度间接作用于家庭亲密度,提示性格喜好在二者的关系中发挥了重要的中介作用。  相似文献   

家庭功能对青少年疏离感的影响: 有调节的中介效应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
徐夫真  张文新  张玲玲 《心理学报》2009,41(12):1165-1174
采用问卷法调查了608名初一至高二城市青少年, 通过结构方程模型探讨了青少年疏离感与家庭社会经济地位、家庭功能和同伴接纳的关系。结果发现: (1) 青少年疏离感年龄段差异显著, 高中生的疏离感显著高于初中生; (2) 青少年疏离感的三个维度之间存在显著差异。其中环境疏离感最高, 其次是社会疏离感, 人际疏离感最低; (3) 家庭功能在家庭社会经济地位与青少年疏离感之间起完全中介作用, 这一中介作用的实现受到同伴接纳的调节, 即家庭功能对青少年疏离感的影响是有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   

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