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The construct validity of the Willoughby Personality Schedule (WPS) as an index of social anxiety was established in the present study. The WPS correctly identifies social phobics from controls in 88% of the cases.  相似文献   

Neuroticism and the recall of positive and negative personality information   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent investigations have shown that high-N scorers preferentially process negative information about themselves. The present experiment investigated: (1) whether this effect is related to, or independent of, the well-established effects of depressed mood on information processing; (2) whether the effect is specific to self-referent information or extends also to information about others; and (3) the mechanism by which the effect occurs. High-N scorers, compared to low-N scorers, recalled more negative information about themselves but not about others, and this effect was independent of depression. In addition, the positive self-referent, but not other-referent, personality information recalled by high-N scorers was more extremely positive than that recalled by low-N scorers. Detailed examination of the data provided evidence that the idiosyncracy in information processing associated with high neuroticism is one of selective attention. The findings are discussed in relation to cognitive vulnerability to depression, certain cognitive-therapy procedures and the effects that a therapeutically-induced change in neuroticism is likely to have on an individual's memory for past emotional experiences.  相似文献   

Eight hundred and eight children in normal schools between the ages of 7 and 16 yr were rated on Rutter's Teachers' Rating Scale, and completed the EPQ giving Psychoticism (P), Extraversion (E), Neuroticism (N) and Lie (L). The children also reported on their own misbehaviour and social attitudes. Children exhibiting Antisocial behaviours were markedly high on P; also scoring low on L, and reporting non-conforming behaviour and attitudes. Children showing Neurotic behaviours did not have particularly distinctive personality scores, but were rather extraverted and conforming (high L). There was no relationship between Neuroticism as a disorder and Neuroticism as a personality trait. It is suggested that the P scale might usefully assist in the detection of antisocially disturbed children or in the selection of ‘high risk’ groups.  相似文献   

In a previous study by the authors, immediate extinction of conditioned vasomotor responding was obtained, under conditions of both continuous and partial reinforcement, when the UCS delivery apparatus was removed and subjects were informed that there would be no further UCS presentations. The present study varied the number of continuous reinforcement trials using the same conditioning procedure. Forty human subjects were randomly divided into two groups, given thermal vasomotor conditioning procedures on either 25 or 100 continuous reinforcement trials. At the onset of extinction half of each group was given traditional noninformed extinction procedures, while the other (informed) half had the thermal stimulator removed. Immediate extinction was obtained in informed subjects given 25 conditioning trials. However, there was no significant reduction of responding in informed subjects given 100 conditioning trials. Consequences for behavior theories and therapies are discussed.  相似文献   

The present experiment studied the effects of mental and cold stress on finger temperature in 9 females suffering from peripheral vasospastic attacks (Raynaud's disease; RD group) and 9 female controls. Each S sat in a 0°C cold-storage room for 15 min, on 2 separate days. In one condition they were required to count backwards aloud under threat of electric shock to the hand. Finger temperature, pulse rate and subjective ratings of stress were recorded. A significant interaction with time and mental stress was observed only for the Control group with decreased finger temperature late in the session. Pulse rate was significantly elevated during the cold + mental-stress condition compared to the cold-only condition in the Control group, but not in the RD group. Subjective ratings of stress increased for both groups during the cold + mental-stress condition, with no significant difference between the groups.  相似文献   

Twenty-one agoraphobics participated in a 6-month study designed to (a) compare imaginal flooding under high- (no sedation) and low- (sedation used) anxiety conditions: (b) examine the long-term effects of imaginal flooding in the absence of further exposure treatment; and (c) explore the impact of communications training on chronic anxiety and panic attacks. A reevaluation of the effects of sedation is presented in this report.Imaginal flooding without sedation was, on the whole, superior to the attention control placebo and imaginal flooding with sedation on therapists' and clients' ratings of fear and avoidance. However, the superiority of the non-drug flooding group cannot be attributed (as was concluded in an earlier report) to higher levels of anxiety across flooding sessions. Rather the drug (methohexitone sodium) appears to have impeded across-session habituation, perhaps by interfering with long-term memorial processes.The effects of imaginal flooding without sedation were stable over 4 months without further exposure treatment. These clients did receive training in solving important interpersonal problems through self monitoring and increased expressiveness. Contrary to hypotheses, not only was no further improvement obtained on fear and avoidance with this treatment, but also anxious mood and panic attacks remained unaffected. It is surprising to note that in-vivo treatment was no more effective than imaginal flooding on fear and avoidance. These and other findings suggest imaginal flooding well warrants further study.  相似文献   

Most studies which have examined the effects of lack of control have utilized test tasks in which active responding is required, and generally they have found impaired learning. Those few studies which have required passive responding in the test task generally have found facilitation of learning. The present two experiments examined the effects of lack of control in both active and passive avoidance tasks in a primate species (Macaco mulatta) not previously used in this research area. In Experiment 1, although the group without control (IE) tended to be inferior at active and superior at passive avoidance in comparison to the group with control (E), there were no significant differences. In Experiment 2, utilizing a difficult discrimination task in which subjects were required to learn when and when not to respond actively to avoid aversive stimulation, greater group differences were found. Two monkeys from Group IE failed to escape in active avoidance acquisition and, as a whole. Group IE was somewhat slower to respond than Group E. At passive avoidance, however. Group IE was superior to Group E and, as a consequence, more efficiently solved the discrimination problem. Implications of the present results for interpretation of the effects of lack of control as deficits are discussed.  相似文献   

Acquisition and relapse rates for 178 enuretic children were examined as a function of varying intermittent alarm schedules ranging from the standard (100%) bell-and-pad conditioning alarm treatment to a variable-ratio (VR) alarm schedule of 30–59%. Median follow-up time was 25 months. Children who experienced multiple wetting (MW) events beyond the third treatment week experienced twice as many wettings to reach dryness criterion as non-multiple wetting (NMW) children. Approximately one-third of the sample proved to be MW children. Optimal relapse results for NMW children were achieved with the 70–79% VR alarm schedule (10% relapse rate). MW children treated with the standard experienced a 100% relapse rate. For MW children the lowest relapse rates were attained with a 60–69% VR schedule (42% relapse). Older children experienced higher relapse rates than younger children, but age differences were eliminated with a 70–79%, VR alarm schedule. Collectively, the results demonstrate optimal VR intermittent alarm schedules for differen: categories of enuretic children.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixty female patients with a DSM-III diagnosis of agoraphobia completed a measure of fears and general symptoms (FSS) and personality (HDHQ). Many patients had significant psychological symptoms in addition to their agoraphobia. FSS scores were factor analysed. First-order analysis revealed agoraphobia as a heterogeneous clinical entity occurring independently of a large General Symptoms factor which included panic attacks. Second-order analysis revealed a General Symptoms/Social Phobia factor and a well-defined but heterogeneous Agoraphobia factor comprising the lower-order factors Claustrophobia, Travel Fears and Agoraphobia (fear of crowded public places). Correlations of first- and second-order factors with HDHQ scores showed that the Travel Fears factor was not associated with abnormal personality traits, whereas the Claustrophobia and Agoraphobia factors were. This suggested that travel fears should respond well to behaviour therapy per se, whereas additional treatment aimed at modifying abnormal personality traits may sometimes be indicated for claustrophobia and fear of crowded places. The heterogeneous nature of agoraphobia and the large size of the independent General Symptoms factor underlined the desirability of a multi-modal approach to treatment and research.  相似文献   

A hundred dental patients and 40 dentists were asked to describe the sensations, discomfort and fear which they associated with a number of dental treatments. A number of patients were also asked to describe their experiences immediately after routine conservation procedures. It was concluded that although patients could accurately anticipate the pattern of sensations involved in treatment (even if they had not experienced some of the procedures), they expected more intense sensations and greater discomfort and apprehension than they were likely to experience. Dentists expressed more realistic ideas about the sensations produced by dental treatment. The discrepancy in patients' expectations appears to persist in spite of many discontinuing experiences, the fear of treatment being fostered by discomfort and the intensity of sensations expected, by lack of experience and, to a modest degree, by uncertainty about the sensations anticipated. Cognitive theories of fear do not appear to explain all these influences adequately. These observations support the need for information about sensations in treatment to help not so much with the experience of dentistry but rather with its anticipation.  相似文献   

The ways in which 80 agoraphobic patients had acquired their phobia were investigated. The patients were requested to answer a questionnaire concerning: (a) the origin of the phobia, with items relevant for conditioning experiences, vicarious experiences and experiences of negative information/instruction; (b) physiological reactions; (c) anticipatory anxiety; (d) negative thoughts while in the phobic situation. In addition, data on mode of onset, precipitating factors, family history of phobias, marital and occupational status and severity of the phobia were obtained. The reported anxiety reaction was conceptualized in terms of the Three-Systems Model of fear and anxiety, i.e. anxiety as composed of a physiological, cognitive and behavioral component. The results showed that a large majority (81%) of the patients attributed their phobias to conditioning experiences, while 9% recalled vicarious learning, none recalled instruction/information and 10% could not recall any specific onset circumstances at all. In another classification 46% of the patients had a rapid, 36% a gradual and 18% a slow onset of their phobias. There was no relationship between either the ways of acquisition, or the modes of onset, and the anxiety components, nor did the conditioning and the indirect groups differ in severity of phobic reactions.  相似文献   

The present study investigated two new weight-control strategies: an intermittent low-calorie regimen and intermittent scheduling of booster sessions. A new approach to predicting patient weight loss, based on a pretreatment assessment with a highly-structured eating regimen, was also studied. Forty-eight obese patients were randomly assigned to either a Standard Behavioral weight-control condition or to an Intermittent Low-calorie Regimen (< 750 cal for 2 days/week) condition and to one of two maintenance schedules: a Spaced schedule in which the six booster sessions were held at monthly intervals, or a Massed schedule, in which four of the six meetings were held during the third month. Neither the intermittent low-calorie regimen nor the intermittent scheduling of booster sessions significantly affected weight loss. However, weight loss at 1 year was related to compliance to self-monitoring and to self-reported change in eating habits and exercise. In addition, weight loss at 1 year was related to weight loss during the initial pretreatment assessment period.  相似文献   

The importance of individual response patterns in agoraphobic patients was examined in the present study. Forty psychiatric outpatients with agoraphobia were assessed in individually relevant natural phobic situations. During this behavioral test their heart rates were measured continuously, and self-ratings of experienced anxiety were made at fixed intervals. On the basis of their reactions in the test situation, the patients were divided into two groups showing different response patterns—behavioral and physiological reactors. Within each group the patients were randomly assigned to one behaviorally-focused method (exposure in vivo, E) and one physiologically-focused method (applied relaxation, AR). The patients were treated individually for 12 sessions. Both treatments yielded significant improvements on most measures; 60% of the E group and 70% of the AR group patients were clinically improved after treatment. The between-group comparisons showed that both treatments did equally well both for behavioral and physiological reactors. Thus, the differential effects for these methods obtained in previous studies were not seen.  相似文献   

The generality of Spearman's hypothesis that varying differences between whites and blacks on various tests of mental ability are correlated with their g-loadings was tested by analyzing group data from the Hawaii Family Study of Cognition. Data from the three largest ethnic groups tested in the Hawaii Study (Americans of Japanese, Chinese or European ancestry; total N = 5333) were subjected to a principal-component analysis and the first principal component was used as a measure of g. Ethnic group and generation (parent-offspring) differences on 15 tests of specific cognitive abilities were then correlated with their first principal-component loadings. In general, correlations between ethnic group differences and g-loadings are smaller than those recently reported for white-black differences by Jensen (1983); however, those between generation differences and g-loadings are larger. Ethnic group differences on first principal-component scores in the Hawaii Study are less than parent-offspring differences; thus, the correlation between group differences on tests of mental ability and their g-loadings may be a function of the magnitude of the group difference for general mental ability. Because a group difference on g requires group differences on tests which load on g, an observed group difference in general mental ability may necessarily result in a correlation between group differences on individual tests and their g-loadings.  相似文献   

Self-recording was used as part of a comprehensive package of interventions to treat a case of obsessive-compulsive neurosis. The discrepancy between the self-recording data and other indices of improvement provoked consideration of the value of self-monitoring in light of Rachman's (1976) typology of obsessive-compulsives and the three major theoretical explanations of the reactivity of self-monitoring (Nelson and Hayes, 1981). It is hypothesized that self-monitoring may be countertherapeutic and misleading when there is stimulus/response equivalence or a checker type of obsessive-compulsive client.  相似文献   

A cluster analysis of the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire, Hostility and Direction of Hostility Questionnaire and Psychological Screening Inventory scores from 181 delinquents at Deerbolt Borstal, England, revealed four personality types which were labelled ‘Withdrawn’, ‘Normal’, ‘Disturbed’ and ‘Truculent’. A 3-year reconviction follow-up showed that the groups differed in terms of recidivism. Sixty-four percent of the Withdrawn group reconvicted whilst 87% of the Normal, 79% of the Disturbed and 76% of the Truculent group reconvicted. Controlling for the influence of number of previous convictions the Withdrawn group differed significantly from the other groups in terms of recidivism. The results are discussed with reference to similar results obtained in a previously reported study in a detention centre.  相似文献   

The report tests the hypothesis that normals who exhibit schizophrenic tendencies are likely to show verbal-memory deficits of the types observed in schizophrenics. Thirty-four middle-aged men were tested using the MMPI 2–7–8 schizophrenic-tendency scales, the Sorting Consistency Task and the Physical Anhedonia Scale. The dependent variables were four memory tests selected on the basis of their known discriminating power and their relevance. The results showed the Schizophrenia (8) and Psychasthenia (7) scales of MMPI, and the Sorting Consistency Task effectively detected memory deficits in normals. When partialling out intelligence, as a measure of general current cognitive functioning, it appeared that one of the deficits reflecting encoding difficulty disappeared. This suggests that normal ‘high-risk’ subjects for schizophrenia show a ‘generalized deficit’, which affects memory in addition to a ‘differential deficit’ in retention. Though tentative, the results can be taken as an indication that ‘high-risk’ subjects indeed show memory deficits and that detecting these deficits requires relatively sensitive tools.  相似文献   

Contradictory findings concerning relationships between intelligence-test scores and different EEG evoked-potential (EP) measures have been reported. The positive findings suggest that intelligence is correlated with the number and amplitude of components in the EP waveform. Since there is evidence that both of these parameters are influenced by stimulus intensity, we examined the extent to which an EP/intelligence relationship may depend on stimulus intensity. In a sample of 22 Ss a relationship between EP amplitude and intelligence was found and the magnitude of this correlation was related systematically to stimulus intensity. The maximum correlation (r = 0.69) with scores on the Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices was obtained at an intermediate level of intensity. These findings may account for some of the inconsistencies in the literature. Moreover, they suggest an explanation for higher general intelligence in terms of greater central activation of neural processes in response to normal levels of stimulation.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to investigate relationships between individuals' personality characteristics and their perceptions of violent TV portrayals. A panel of 40 viewers rated brief violent episodes from five categories of programming, contemporary British crime-detective series, American police series, westerns, science-fiction series and cartoons on eight scales. These responses were then related to viewers' scores on the N, E and P dimensions of the EPQ. Results showed that violent scores from contemporary settings were rated as more serious than scores from non-contemporary and fantastic settings. In addition, viewers exhibited individual differences in ratings of TV violence which were related to certain of their EPQ scores. In particular, high N scorers tended to perceive violence generally, but especially that from contemporary British drama, as more serious than did low N scorers. This study indicates the need to include personality measures in the analysis of audience reactions to TV violence.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a refund system on court-referred clients' adherence to the attendance and data-collection requirements of a program contract. Male and female clients admitted to a group treatment program for driving under the influence of alcohol were or were not required to place a $50 refundable deposit at the beginning of treatment. The results showed that subjects in the refundable deposit groups had fewer unexcused absences and were more efficient in returning data-collection forms, suggesting that deposits have considerable utility in a clinical/research setting.  相似文献   

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