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In this essay, I argue that the contemporary notion of law has been reduced to regulations and disciplinary codes that do not and cannot give meaning to our emotional lives and moral sensibilities. As a result, we have increasing numbers of what I call “abysmal individuals” who suffer from a split between law—broadly conceived as that which gives form and structure to social life—and personal embodied sensations of pain and pleasure. My attempt to understand the place of Abu Ghraib within American culture leads to an analysis of our valorization of innocence and ignorance that not only becomes the grounds on which we morally (if not legally) excuse abusive behavior as “fun,” but also becomes part of the justification for condoning some forms of violence while condemning others. In addition, I argue that the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate violence trades on underlying assumptions about the relationship between culture and nature, technology and bodies, wherein bodies are imagined as natural and outside of the realm of law.
Kelly OliverEmail:

In response to criticism following news of the mistreatment of Iraqis at the US prison in Abu Ghraib, some media personalities and politicians suggested that the treatment of these prisoners “would have been even worse” had former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein still been in power. It was hypothesized that the contemplation of this argument has undesirable consequences because counterfactual thinking can elicit both contrastive and assimilative effects. In the reported study, participants considered how the prisoners at Abu Ghraib would have been worse off under Saddam. The results revealed that generating downward counterfactuals made participants feel better about Abu Ghraib (thereby evidencing contrast), and also lowered ethical standards regarding how the US should treat prisoners of war in the future (thereby evidencing assimilation).  相似文献   

作为本土领导研究的典范,郑伯埙团队研究的家长式领导理论对本土的理论构建与主位研究方法做出了重大贡献。然而,由于威权维度与德行和仁慈维度负相关、家长式领导这一构念与其三个维度之间的关系不明晰等问题的存在,该理论在发展中遇到了问题。目前,围绕家长式领导,出现了单维与多维并存、本土理论与外域理论竞争的多重格局。本文在对家长式领导的构念进行剖析后,总结了目前相关的实证研究,重点评析了该理论遇到的问题,并在此基础上从解决构念的内在矛盾、扩大研究层次及中西对比三个方面对未来的发展方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

卢会志  刘永芳  许科 《心理科学》2008,31(1):242-244
以认知心理学理论为基础的内隐领导理论研究近十几年来引起人们极大的兴趣,逐渐成为领导研究的新热点.本文通过对该领域当前最新研究成果的回顾与思考,探讨了内隐领导理论的概念、结构、一致性与影响因素,并提出了实践与未来研究的建议.  相似文献   

Morality is a critical factor in leadership that its absence could turn an otherwise powerful leadership model (i.e. transformational leadership) into a disastrous outcome. The importance of morality for leaders is self-evident in light of the far-reaching effects of leaders' actions or inaction on other people. Such proposition necessitates the discourse in the objectivity of universal moral principles as the legitimate basis of a sound understanding of moral leadership. Examining transformational leadership from a moral-laden perspective, this paper argues that morality is a necessary component of leadership and that deontological moral reasoning provides a sufficient ground for morally attractive leadership theories.  相似文献   

Trickle-down模式正逐渐成为领导效应研究的新范式。它阐释了组织中较高层次领导的行为或其认知如何沿着组织的垂直管理层次自上而下层层滴漏。该模式通过对领导行为联动效应和多层配对的剖析, 弥补了传统研究聚焦于单一层次领导研究的不足。系统梳理trickle-down模式下的领导效应之涵义特征、理论基础、效能机制, 并深入探讨已有研究的欠缺, 对于实现领导力的整合、拓展本土化的领导行为研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The authors synthesized counseling leadership literature to identify themes of counseling leadership. Using an inductive approach to content analysis, the authors analyzed 11 empirical articles, 9 conceptual articles, and 13 leadership profiles. Results yielded 24 emergent leadership themes that were sorted into 3 groups. Findings pave the way for more comprehensive research on counseling leadership and allow for increased intentionality in teaching, training, and practicing counseling leadership.  相似文献   

Although childhood abuse is strongly associated with psychological difficulties, survivors may not perceive their experiences as abusive. Depression, anxiety, dissociation, and physical health complaints may decrease perceptions of abuse and may also be exacerbated by individuals' abuse perceptions. The current study examined abuse perceptions, abuse experiences, and current symptoms among 185 university students. Ninety-six participants repeated the study 1–2 years later. At Time 1, self-labeling as “abused” or “maltreated” was not related to psychological or physical health symptoms. At Time 2, self-labeling as “abused” or “maltreated” was positively related to depression, anxiety, and dissociation. Results indicate that abuse perceptions may change over time and may be connected with emotional and physical symptoms.  相似文献   

在高不确定,高度竞争,高度挑战的任务情景下,领导力在团队中将扮演怎样的角色?变革型领导力与交易型领导力又是如何预测团队任务绩效的?为了回答这些问题,该研究对130名学生被试,31个团队,用ERP沙盘模拟游戏来进行模拟实验。通过高度模拟现实中企业经营的情景,从而提高实验结果的外部效度。实验结果表明,变革型领导力与交易型领导力都能够积极地预测团队任务绩效,消极领导力与任务绩效呈负相关,虽然并没有达到统计学显著水平,但研究结果的方向都支持了实验假设。  相似文献   

Dating violence has been linked to past experiences of childhood emotional abuse; however, little research has explored how stress reactivity functions within interpersonal relationships to amplify or attenuate these associations. The present study investigated the moderating effects of cortisol stress reactivity on associations between retrospective self-reported childhood emotional abuse and later self-reported interpersonal violence in young adult dating relationships. The current sample consisted of 57 young adult heterosexual dating partners (46 females, 11 males) between the ages of 18 and 24. Salivary cortisol samples were collected before and after a stress task to measure stress reactivity. Moderation analyses were conducted through the PROCESS macro in SPSS version 22. The relation between childhood emotional abuse and dating violence varied depending on cortisol reactivity, such that the association between childhood emotional abuse and young adult dating violence was stronger for those who demonstrated low levels of cortisol reactivity. The association between childhood emotional abuse and dating violence was not significant for those who demonstrated high cortisol reactivity. Findings underscore the importance of studying physiological mechanisms that may confer risk in the relationship between child emotional abuse and later interpersonal consequences.  相似文献   

领导学研究的新发展:诚信领导理论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
诚信领导是一个全新的领导学构念,指的是一种把领导者的积极心理能力与高度发展的组织情境结合起来发挥作用的过程。该文首先分别介绍了诚信领导的概念、特点及测量方法,并比较了诚信领导与其他类型领导的联系和区别;接下来进一步分析了诚信领导在组织中的功效;最后指出该理论尽管强调了一些诸如情绪过程、领导者道德等以往领导理论所忽视的方面,但诚信领导的测量工具、诚信领导与组织结果之间的调节因素等问题仍有待于实证研究的进一步探讨  相似文献   

以91项实证研究(92个独立样本, 33517名员工)为对象, 综合使用元分析、相对权重分析和结构方程技术, 考察了中国组织情境下领导方式的有效性问题。研究者从导向(行为-关系)和性质(积极-消极)两个方面, 选择了变革型、领导-部属交换和破坏型3种领导方式; 从产出类型(态度-行为)方面, 选择了下属工作满意度、情感承诺、留职意愿、任务绩效和组织公民行为5种有效性指标。结果表明:(1)变革型领导和领导-部属交换与员工积极性态度和行为正相关, 破坏型领导与员工积极性态度和行为负相关。(2)三种领导方式的有效性有所不同:在对下属态度的影响上, 领导-部属交换作用最强, 变革型领导次之, 破坏型领导最弱; 在对下属行为的影响上, 破坏型领导作用最强, 领导-部属交换次之, 变革型领导最弱。(3)关系导向领导方式在行为导向领导方式与下属反应关系中起部分中介作用, 即除了直接影响, 变革型和破坏型领导还通过提高和降低领导-部属交换质量影响下属态度和行为。  相似文献   

Leadership succession in democratic governments and political parties is an ubiquitous but relatively understudied phenomen, where the political becomes intensely personal and vice versa. This article outlines the puzzles that leadership succession poses to political analysts, reviews the literature, and offers a conceptual framework deconstructing the process in terms of a flow from succession contexts and triggers via the role choices of key participants (incumbents and aspiring successors) through to the eventual succession outcomes. It concludes by presenting a series of testable hypotheses to describe and explain leadership successions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses character assessment from a leadership level perspective. The organization studied is developing a leadership model for the next century. One of the leadership traits identified as essential was character. Approximately one thousand managers in the company were given two character assessment instruments via a Web-based medium. Significant differences were found between early-, mid-, and mature-level managers with an increasing trend in character traits across the levels. This research is consistent with Katz and Kahn's (1976) levels of leadership research.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine the impact of exposure to Bringing in the Bystander—High School Curriculum (BITB-HSC) on school personnel, which included a seven session classroom curriculum for ninth through twelfth graders (student curriculum), a bystander training workshop for school personnel (school personnel workshop), and reading materials (handout). We examined how exposure to these various BITB-HSC intervention components was associated with school personnel's knowledge and bystander efficacy, intentions, and barriers specific to student relationship abuse (RA) and sexual assault (SA). Participants were 488 school personnel from 12 high schools in upper New England who completed the 4-month follow-up survey that assessed for intervention exposure (284 participants completed both the baseline and follow-up survey). Whereas 53% of participants were exposed to no intervention components, the other half of the sample were exposed to a combination of intervention components. Higher baseline knowledge and reactive bystander intentions were associated with subsequent exposure to both the student curriculum and the handout, and fewer barriers to bystander action predicted exposure to the school personnel workshop. Exposure to the school personnel workshop, student curriculum, and handout was associated with subsequent greater knowledge, exposure to the student curriculum predicted reactive bystander intentions, and exposure to the handout predicted higher reactive bystander intentions and bystander efficacy. Findings suggest that despite challenges with engagement, exposure to the BITB-HSC components may be a useful tool in improving school personnel's responses to RA and SA among high school students.  相似文献   

The torture of detainees at Abu Ghraib has been characterized as an isolated incident and blamed on a few “bad apples.” However, as similar reports of war crimes throughout Iraq continue to surface, it seems increasingly apparent that in the anxious post-9/11 context, the low-level agents who carried out such violence were designed to function in this way. This paper suggests that the U.S. military transformed ordinary soldiers into the cruel and ruthless guards at Abu Ghraib through the use of basic recruitment and training strategies, general authorizations for increased aggression and violence after 9/11, specific authorizations for more aggressive interrogations, a range of pressures and protections, and the dehumanization of prisoners. While the legitimate needs of an effective Army must be preserved, this paper offers several specific ways we might reform the U.S. military and prevent such abuses in the future.  相似文献   

Multiple forms of abuse may co-occur, resulting in specific abuse typologies. A stratified random probability survey was conducted in Denmark with 4,718 participants, aged 24, from the 1984 birth cohort. A total of 2,980 interviews were successfully conducted. Latent class analysis was implemented using 20 categorical abuse experience items across four domains of childhood maltreatment. Logistic regression was conducted to ascertain whether abuse typologies could be differentiated by child protection status and gender. Four distinct abuse typologies were revealed: a non-abused group, a psychologically maltreated group, a sexually abused group, and a group experiencing multiple abuse types. Child protection status and female gender were predictive of group membership in certain abused groups compared to a non-abused group.  相似文献   

This study examined the link between cognitive coping strategies, type of abuse, and posttraumatic stress symptomatology. In a sample of 294 undergraduate women, several key findings emerged: (a) reported use of cognitive coping strategies significantly differed based on the type of abuse; (b) some differences in posttraumatic stress symptomatology emerged based on the type of abuse; (c) once the cognitive coping strategies were accounted for, the type of abuse was no longer associated with posttraumatic stress symptomatology. These findings suggest that peritraumatic dissociation, punishment, and social control significantly mediated the relationship between the type of abuse and posttraumatic stress symptomatology. This is important information for interventionists striving to help their clients maximize already-occurring adaptive strategies (e.g., social control).  相似文献   

When contesting for political office, leaders do not only seek to build their own following but also to engage in attacks to destabilize opponent leaders. However, research has yet to explore and explain the nature of attacks that seek to destabilize a leader's influence. Building on the identity leadership model which sees leadership as flowing from a leader's capacity to promote a sense of shared identity with followers, we argue that a leader can be destabilized if followers come to see the leader as defiling, devaluing, dividing, and destroying this shared sense of “us.” To explore these ideas, we analyzed the attack rhetoric used by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during the 2016 U.S. presidential debates to examine how they sought to subvert each other's leadership. Our analysis supports the proposed model and sheds light on the hitherto underexplored topic of leadership destabilization. Moreover, by helping us understand the ways in which principles of identity leadership can be weaponized to destabilize leadership, the analysis defines an important agenda for future research.  相似文献   

The negative reciprocity norm (NRN) is the personal moral code specifying retaliation as a proper response to wrongdoing ( Eisenberger, Lynch, Aselage, & Rohdieck, 2004 ). We examined the role of negative reciprocity in interpreting and reacting to the prison abuses at Abu Ghraib. Results showed that people who believed that American soldiers behaved wrongly at Abu Ghraib were more likely to view punishing the soldiers responsible as a highly moral response and were less likely to contribute money to a charitable organization that helps American soldiers. These relationships were only present among those highly endorsing the negative reciprocity norm.  相似文献   

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