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The present study examined whether or not acute alcohol intoxication inhibits or facilitates the incubation phase of Wallas' (1926/1970) four-stage model of creativity. Sixty male and female participants were randomly assigned to three groups of equal size: a Control group, a Placebo group and an Alcohol group (alcohol dose: 1.0 ml of 100% alcohol/kg body weight, delivered on two occasions). It was shown that the Alcohol group produced significantly more incubations and significantly higher levels of originality. No differences between groups regarding the scientific value of the products were obtained. Possible consequences of alcohol intoxication for creative production are discussed and a theoretical framework is introduced.  相似文献   

An experimental study explored how type of task (hard or light creative task or hard non-creative task) would affect the propensity to drink either alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverages. Subjects worked for forty minutes and a following taste test indicated that subjects working on the hard creative task drank more totally and more of both the alcohol and the placebo drinks than subjects working on the hard non-creative task. Also subjects with light creative work drank more alcohol than did the control subjects. The results were discussed in terms of a need to calm down during a phase of restitution after creative work. The results are in keeping with how creative artists seem to use alcohol.  相似文献   

According to the four stage model of creativity (Wallas, 1926/1970) the first stage is a phase of preparation, which requires a persistent intellectual effort over time and ability to reason deductively. The present study explored whether alcohol intoxication would impair these two abilities. 42 men and women were randomly assigned to either an Alcohol, a Placebo, or a Control group. After drinking subjects completed two tests measuring persistent effort and deductive reasoning. Results indicated that the Alcohol and Placebo groups were impaired with respect to persistent effort and that the Alcohol group also was impaired with respect to deductive reasoning. Consequences for the creative production under alcohol intoxication were discussed.  相似文献   

Time and people's perceptions of it have commonly been held to influence creative thought. One critical concern is the effect of temporal orientation, a focus on the past, present, or future, on creative thought. To address this issue, 197 undergraduates were asked to produce a solution to an educational creative problem-solving task. Solutions to this problem were scored for quality, originality, and elegance; preparatory activities were scored for effective execution of requisite creative problem-solving processes. Temporal orientation, time pressure, and framing were manipulated. It was found that temporal orientation, time pressure, and framing did not exert strong effects on solution quality, originality, and elegance. However, temporal orientation, time pressure, and framing exerted stronger, albeit different, effects on the effectiveness of process execution with time pressure contributing to effective execution of some processes, but not others. The implications of these findings for understanding the ways in which time influences creative thought are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the cognitive processes underlying creative inspiration, we tested the extent to which viewing or copying prior examples impacted creative output in art. In Experiment 1, undergraduates made drawings under three conditions: (a) copying an artist's drawing, then producing an original drawing; (b) producing an original drawing without having seen another's work; and (c) copying another artist's work, then reproducing that artist's style independently. We discovered that through copying unfamiliar abstract drawings, participants were able to produce creative drawings qualitatively different from the model drawings. Process analyses suggested that participants' cognitive constraints became relaxed, and new perspectives were formed from copying another's artwork. Experiment 2 showed that exposure to styles of artwork considered unfamiliar facilitated creativity in drawing, while styles considered familiar did not do so. Experiment 3 showed that both copying and thoroughly viewing artwork executed using an unfamiliar style facilitated creativity in drawing, whereas merely thinking about alternative styles of artistic representation did not do so. These experiments revealed that deep encounters with unfamiliar artworks—whether through copying or prolonged observation—change people's cognitive representations of the act of drawing to produce novel artwork.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT High and low self-monitors, who either anticipated or did not anticipate further interaction with a same-sex confederate, alternated with that person in disclosing personal information on three very private topics The confederate spoke first on each topic, presenting either highly intimate or nonintimate information in response to all three issues Content analyses of subjects' disclosures revealed that both high and low self-monitors reciprocated the intimacy and (to a lesser extent) the emotionality of a partner with whom future interaction was not anticipated, but that only the high self-monitors reciprocated the partner's self-disclosures when future interaction with that person was anticipated Supplementary measures suggested that the anticipation of future interaction increased the agentic concerns of all participants, thereby inducing high self-monitors to become even more attentive to situational cues when deciding how or what to disclose, while prompting low self-monitors to rely even less on situational cues and more on personal thoughts and feelings as the basis for their self-presentations Taken together, the results indicate that the prospect of future interaction is an important situational moderator of the self-disclosing tendencies of both high and low self-monitors, and they provide little if any support for recent “instrumental hedonism” interpretations of self-monitoring activities  相似文献   


This paper reviews the literature as it relates to psychotherapy and creativity. The focus is on the creative process and the role of the therapist as “artist” in the practice of couple therapy. The theory on which the paper is based in problem-centered with influences from the writing of Satir, humanistic psychology and psychodynamic psychotherapy. The paper attempts to offer suggestions as to how therapists might enhance their innate creative ability when working with couples.  相似文献   

Within the investment theory of creativity (Sternberg & Lubart, 1996), creativity is defined as a 2-part process of buying low by investing in unusual ideas and then selling high by convincing others of the value or usefulness of these new ideas. This process requires both creative ideation and perseverance. The purpose of this research was to examine the psychometric properties of instrumentation proposed to assess the 2 underlying constructs in this definition: the creative ideational behavior required to buy low and the persevering behavior required to sell high. In particular, psychometric properties of a creativity ideation measure, the Runco Ideational Behavior Scale (RIBS Scale: Runco, Plucker, & Lim, 2001) and a perseverance measure, the Grit Scale (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, & Kelly, 2007) were examined in this study. Two samples of undergraduate students (= 187; = 817) completed a survey including these two scales and demographic information. Factor analyses were performed on the RIBS and Grit Scales. The RIBS Scale was found to have a 2-factor structure and 2 proposed new subscales. The Grit Scale’s previously reported 2-factor structure was confirmed.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the influence of various affective states on creative problem-solving. In Study 1, individual differences in mood were measured using an adjective checklist immediately prior to task performance. Insight problems were then employed to measure creative problem-solving. Performance was compared with that obtained for analytic problem-solving tasks that were included as contrast variables. Results showed that positive mood led to significantly poorer creative problem-solving performance. No link was found between negative mood and general arousal. Performance on the contrasting analytic problem-solving tasks was negatively related to anxiety, but not to positive or negative mood states. In Study 2, the procedure was followed with the addition of experimentally induced mood states. The results obtained in Study 1 for mood ratings were replicated. In the induced mood conditions, negative mood significantly facilitated creative problemsolving performance relative to induced neutral mood, which in turn was better than the control condition. The poorest performance was obtained in the positive mood condition. The results are discussed in the context of contrasting theories of the relationships between mood and problem-solving performance.  相似文献   

从信息加工的角度看创造力过程   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
传统意义上定义的创造力并不能完全揭示创造性行为和认知的本质,最近的研究从认知信息加工的角度提出了创造力活动中的认知过程具有一定的普遍性和规律性,并将认知过程分为初级过程和次级过程,初级过程为产生合成过程,提取和组织信息;次级过程则是对信息进行更高层次的筛选和监控,同时初级过程和次级过程存在一定的交互作用  相似文献   

Poetry is an effective, creative tool in counseling. This article enumerates the advantages of using poetry and poetic methods (e.g., such language makes use of a natural system of communication) and mentions techniques for incorporating either the poem as a whole or in part. Ways of creating poetic awareness in counseling are emphasized. Guidelines for when to use poetry in counseling are suggested along with cautions on the incorporation of this method.  相似文献   

Although the first research on the creative process was based on interviews with the aim of identifying the main stages (macro‐process), in the last 50 years researchers have focused more on the analysis of micro‐processes, i.e., the mechanisms underlying the generation of ideas. This interest in the micro‐processes is partly a result of the tools available to researchers to carry out rigorous studies on the creative process. In this article, we present a useful and relevant analytical tool for macro‐processes to assess the creative process in a natural context and when it occurs. Here, the reader will find advice on establishing a research protocol for the creative process by using diaries. Examples of diaries and results are presented. The advantage of this tool is that it enables a direct, rich, and inexpensive assessment of the creative process. Thus, the ecological validity of the diary method is particularly high.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that job performance initially increases, plateaus, and then eventually declines. A major factor that may be relevant for explaining these performance changes is the ageing process. This study examined the within-person effect of ageing on changes in a specific type of job performance (creative performance), and whether the age of career onset is a moderator. These questions were investigated using two measures of creative performance data spanning several decades from 300 authors and analysed using hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) techniques and hierarchical generalised linear modelling techniques (HGLM). The results revealed an inverted U-shaped relationship between time and creative performance, and an inverted U-shaped relationship between ageing and creative performance when controlling for work experience. The age at which an individual starts their career was a significant moderator of the shape of performance trajectories. Findings are discussed in relation to how this study contributes to the literature on performance trajectories and the effects of ageing on performance.  相似文献   

The present study brings together 2 separate lines of research in the alcohol field: alcohol expectancies and policy attitudes. Expectancies concerning the short- and long-term effects of drinking (e.g., aggression), were predicted to be stronger determinants of support for alcohol availability control when the target person was another, compared to when discussing effects of one's own drinking. In a population-based survey conducted in 1992, 804 current drinkers were asked about self and other alcohol expectancies, as well as attitudes toward various alcohol policies. Results showed a distinct self-other discrepancy, with people more likely to expect alcohol to have a greater effect over others than over themselves. Further, it was found that these other-expectancies were among the strongest predictors of favoring tighter alcohol controls. These findings lend support to findings of a self-other bias in social psychology, and provide insight as to the structure of public opinion on alcohol policy.  相似文献   

Alcoholism results from an interplay between genetic and environmental factors, and is linked to brain defects and associated cognitive, emotional, and behavioral impairments. A confluence of findings from neuroimaging, physiological, neuropathological, and neuropsychological studies of alcoholics indicate that the frontal lobes, limbic system, and cerebellum are particularly vulnerable to damage and dysfunction. An integrative approach employing a variety of neuroscientific technologies is essential for recognizing the interconnectivity of the different functional systems affected by alcoholism. In that way, relevant experimental techniques can be applied to assist in determining the degree to which abstinence and treatment contribute to the reversal of atrophy and dysfunction.  相似文献   


The essential components of creativity—persons, processes and products—were investigated inside a creative environment by deeply focusing on the cognitive stages of the creative decision making process. Mental imagery and external representation were considered as the implicit parts of creativity for enhancing design studio process. An experiment was conducted with 15 subjects who designed the public area of a train as the task in design studio. Observation, protocol analysis, and rating scales were used as assessment tools. Considering the components of creativity, it was found that the highest correlation was between process and overall creativity. Person and product followed process, respectively. However, no significant relationship was observed between imagery and creativity in design process. Three-dimensional representations were found to lead to more creativity compared to 2-dimensional depictions.  相似文献   

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