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A series of studies are reported which indicate that high communication apprehensives have lower academic achievement in traditional interaction-oriented educational systems than low communication apprehensives, but that no similar relationship exists in a communication-restricted educational system. Data are also reported indicating that high communication apprehensives prefer mass lecture classes over small classes while moderate and low communication apprehensives' preferences are the reverse. The implications of these results for choosing or designing instructional systems are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined gendered perceptions of relational and physical aggressive behaviors and personal experiences with both types of aggression. Prior research suggested that physical aggression by males and relational aggression by females would be perceived most negatively. College students (186 female, 128 male) rated the acceptability and harmfulness of aggression in scenarios in which type of aggression and perpetrator and target gender were varied. As predicted, relational aggression by female characters and physical aggression by male characters were rated as less acceptable and more aggressive/harmful than the same behavior by the other gender. Thus, expectations regarding the gender-appropriateness of aggression appear to affect perceptions of such acts. Despite popular conceptions that females use and are harmed by relational aggression more than males, there was no gender difference in experience with relational aggression, nor were female targets viewed as more harmed by such aggression than their male counterparts.  相似文献   

We observed the beer drinking behavior of 308 university students in several bar and party settings. The following relationships were found: (a) males drinking beer in bars consumed 0.92 oz per min; (b) females drank less beer than males, and stayed in a bar for a longer time period; (c) patrons drank significantly more beer when drinking in groups and when purchasing beer in pitchers versus cups or bottles; and (d) intervals between party arrival and first drink and between party departure and last drink varied inversely with blood alcohol concentration. We discuss these findings with regard to developing interventions to prevent alcohol-impaired driving.  相似文献   

College students were related to one another over a variety of measures associated with motivation to study in college. The inverse factor analysis of these relahionships revealed ten motivational types. Data for 12 hypothetical students, entering the analysis as an extension matrix, helped to interpret the types found among the real studenb. In a table of results, the average value on each measure for students of each type k compared with the average value for students who were found to be the opposites of each type. Consistencies among the measures of each type make good psychological sense. In addition, the actual studenb, all known personally to the author, seemed adequately to belong to the types into which the analysis placed them.  相似文献   

The present research examined the influence of parents, peers, and the media in predicting college students' Appearance-based Rejection Sensitivity (Appearance-RS)—the degree to which individuals anxiously expect to be rejected based on their physical appearance. Given that women are socialized to be more appearance-focused than men, women were hypothesized to show greater Appearance-RS in response to sociocultural influences than men. A survey was administered to 220 students at a large public university in the United States. Overall, women showed greater sensitivity to appearance rejection than men. Specifically, perceptions of peer conditional acceptance based on appearance were associated with Appearance-RS among women. In addition, the more women and men internalized media ideals and felt media pressure to look attractive, the more sensitive they were to appearance rejection. No significant effects of parental influence were found. Thus, peer conditional acceptance predicted Appearance-RS among women, and media influence predicted Appearance-RS among women and men.  相似文献   

大学生睡眠质量与某些心理功能关系的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
李德明 《心理学报》1985,18(4):82-86
268名大学生的睡眠质量经问卷调查之后,对20名好睡眠者和20名差睡眠者给予数字广度、数字符号、木块图和数字划消四项心理功能测验。测验证明,好睡眠者的数字广度短时记忆显著较差睡眠者要好。该结果表明,睡眠质量可能与人的短时记忆有密切关系。睡眠行为与心理功能的关系有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

大学生孤独感、应对策略与气质类型的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用问卷法以453名大学生为被试研究了孤独感、孤独感应对策略与气质类型的关系。结果表明:大学生在孤独感总分、孤独感和孤独应对策略及气质类型各维度上存在性别、城乡、专业差异;大学生孤独感各维度与其气质类型以及3种类型的孤独感应对策略得分间呈不同程度的相关;气质类型、孤独应对策略因子对孤独感,以及气质类型、孤独感各因子对孤独应对策略分别构成显著回归效应。  相似文献   

This study explored relationships among feminist identity, gender traits, and symptoms of disturbed eating. Seventy-one college women completed the following: weight-related questions, Feminist Identity Development Scale, Personal Attributes Questionnaire, Figure Rating Scale, and Eating Disorders Inventory. Identification with feminist values negatively correlated with body dissatisfaction, bulimic symptoms, and feelings of ineffectiveness. Identification with stereotypical masculine traits was inversely related to perfectionist tendencies and feelings of ineffectiveness, but was unrelated to body concerns. These results suggest factors promoting body dissatisfaction and disturbed eating may have less impact on college women identifying with feminist values, such as commitment to nonsexist roles and personal empowerment.  相似文献   

Research examining body dissatisfaction among lesbians has attempted to compare lesbians' and heterosexual women's attitudes toward their bodies. Studies have yielded mixed results, some indicating that lesbians, compared to heterosexual women, are more satisfied with their bodies, and some indicating that the two groups of women are equally dissatisfied. In an attempt to more closely explore lesbians' attitudes toward their bodies, we conducted interviews with 26 lesbian college students and inquired into how the following areas might be related to body-image concerns: (a) lesbian beauty ideals, (b) the sources through which lesbian beauty ideals are conveyed, (c) lesbian conflict about beauty, (d) negative stereotypes about lesbians' appearance, and (e) lesbian concerns about feminine identity. Results indicated that young adult  相似文献   

中国大学生羞耻和内疚之现象学差异   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
谢波  钱铭怡 《心理学报》2000,32(1):105-109
采用对26条项目进行定量评定的方法,考察了305名中国大学生的羞耻和内疚在现象学表现上所存在的差异。实验结果表明:(1)在中国大学生中,羞耻和内疚在现象学上的差异与西方人基本相似;(2)与西方研究的不同点在于该研究中未发现羞耻和内疚在对个人能力的负性评价上的差异;(3)羞耻和内疚都有可能在有他人在场和无他人在场时被体验到。  相似文献   

大学生羞耻和内疚差异的对比研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以 48名北京大学本科生为被试 ,检验羞耻和内疚差异的 3种假设 :研究一同时检验“公开化与私人化”和“个人无能与违背道德”两个假设 ;研究二检验“伤害自我与伤害他人”假设。方法是依次呈现一系列不同的负性情境 (情境事先已按要检验的假设加以控制 ) ,要求被试设想自己亲身经历该情境 ,然后回答体验到的羞耻和内疚的程度及理由。结果表明 :①“公开化与私人化”对羞耻和内疚的影响有显著差异 (p <0 0 5 ) :“有他人在场”可以易化羞耻 ,而内疚感的产生一般不需要“观众”在场。②“违背道德”在引发羞耻和内疚感上基本相等 ,而“个人无能”引起更多的羞耻感 (p <0 0 1)。③“公开化与私人化”和“个人无能与违背道德”的交互作用不显著。④“伤害自我”更多引起羞耻感 (p <0 0 5 ) ,而“伤害他人”更多引起内疚感 (p <0 0 1)。  相似文献   

中小学生学业成绩、自我概念和动机定向之间关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了五十年代以来西方教育心理学界对中小学生的学业成就、能力知觉、控制知觉和动机定向之间关系的研究、研究结果表明;学生的学业成就、能力知觉(包括能力评价和能力情感)、控制知觉(包括不可知控制和内控-依赖他人)和动机定向之间的关系以不可知控制为中心,存在着不同程度的因果关系及发展差异.这个结论对如何在教学中提高学生的学习效率有着重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

In this introduction to the special issue on teaching about gender and ethnicity in psychology, we consider the assumptions underlying an inclusive curriculum that pays attention to gender and ethnicity and address why such a curriculum has merit. We review empirical studies, assessing whether existing curricula are inclusive, and present an overview of the articles and the recurrent themes. These themes include the complexity of the interaction between ethnicity and gender; the difficulty of deciding which of the many possible ethnic groups to include in course material; the dominance of evaluative comparison in discussions of differences among groups; the interdisciplinary nature of research on ethnicity; and the tendency in psychology to ignore the importance of the power differences that confound analyses of the effect of ethnicity and gender.  相似文献   

小学生生活压力、学业成就与其适应行为的关系   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
探讨了4—6年级小学生的生活压力状况,并请其班主任评价适应状况,以探讨生活压力、学业成就与适应行为的关系。研究结果表明:小学生最常经历的负性生活压力事件的来源以学习成绩为主;其生活压力随年龄的增长呈上升的趋势,无性别差异;小学生的适应行为在班主任的评价中,男生有更多的不适应行为;在年龄差异方面,六年级学生的依赖性较低;而适应行为的有效预测变量为学业成就、性别、家庭月收入、日常生活压力及年龄。  相似文献   

Using a sample of Caucasian and Asian American college students, this research examined gender differences within race and race differences within gender with respect to a wide range of body image and disordered eating variables. Results indicated that: (a) regardless of race, women reported more problem attitudes and behaviors than did men; (b) gender differences were similar for Asian Americans and Caucasians, although Caucasians evidenced slightly more gender differences than did Asian Americans; (c) for men, race made no difference; and (d) for women, some race differences were found, with Caucasian women engaging in more dieting and binging behavior and Asian American women reporting lower self-esteem and less satisfaction with their racially defined features. Suggestions for future research are made, and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生专业适应性、学习倦怠与学习策略的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用大学生专业适应性问卷、学习倦怠量表和学习策略问卷,对802名大学生进行了测试,考察了大学生专业适应性、学习倦怠和学习策略的基本状况,以及专业适应性、学习倦怠与学习策略的关系。结果表明:大学生的专业适应性、学习倦怠和学习策略整体情况良好,但也有相当比例的大学生缺乏有效的学习策略,专业适应不良并表现出学习倦怠倾向;专业适应性对学习策略有显著的正向预测作用;学习倦怠对学习策略有负向预测作用,并在专业适应性和学习策略之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

以432名初中学生为被试,通过问卷调查,考察初中生成就目标定向、学习策略与学业成绩之间的关系。结果表明:成就目标定向、学习策略对学业成绩均存在显著的总体影响,其中学习策略对学业成绩产生显著的直接影响,并且主要是通过认知策略和动机策略来产生;成就目标定向对学业成绩不存在显著的直接影响,但通过学习策略这个中介变量产生显著的间接影响。成就目标定向主要是通过元认知策略对学习策略产生显著的直接影响。  相似文献   

大学生的压力与心理健康   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
李虹  林崇德 《心理学报》2003,35(2):222-230
目的是探讨大学校园压力对大学生心理健康的影响。其意义在于根据压力与心理健康的不同关系,有的放矢地制定干预策略,使大学生在压力之下仍然能够保持心理健康。大学校园压力被定义为学习压力,个人压力和消极生活事件,并由相应的量表所测量。心理健康被定义为:一般健康状况和自尊,也由相应的量表所测量。研究问题是:(1)大学校园压力对大学生的心理健康是否有负面影响?(2)学习压力对大学生的心理健康是否有负面影响?(3)个人压力对大学生的心理健康是否有负面影响?(4)消极生活事件对大学生的心理健康是否有负面影响?同时建立了4个相应的理论假设。研究所采用的是横断和相关设计原则,并采用回溯性调查问卷方法对来自北京市3所高校的788名大学生进行了研究。研究结果证明了全部4个理论假设。研究结论是:大学校园压力对大学生的心理健康有负面影响,而与心理问题呈正相关  相似文献   

文化和性别在积极情绪和消极情绪中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
国外关于文化和性别在积极情绪和消极情绪中的作用的新近研究认为,文化和性别及其相互作用会产生基本不同的积极情绪和消极情绪的连接模式.在个体文化的社会(如美国),人们倾向于以对立的方式(如两极方式)来体验和表达情绪;在集体文化的社会(如中国),人们倾向于以辨证的方式来体验和表达情绪.而且,女性在这种倾向性的表现上明显高于男性.最后,作者论述了该领域若干有待深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

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