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Aspects of the social pecking of domestic chicks in a free response situation were examined in a series of experiments. It was proposed that a dual pattern of responses involving (a) a preponderance of pecks at the head of a conspecific, and (b) heightened emotionality (as indicated by the emission of distress calls) might be taken to reflect an aggressive tendency, and evidence was reviewed that showed that a brief period of isolation was a sufficient condition to elicit such a pattern. The main questions asked in this paper are: (a) whether the gender of a chick had a material influence on the incidence of such social pecking, and (b) whether orders established in pecking exchanges reflected a unidimensional social ordering among chicks. In the 1st set of studies the effect of the sex of subject on rates of social pecking was tested. While an isolation procedure clearly produced the dual pattern of heightened head pecking and calling, reliable sex differences were not in evidence. In a 2nd study, concerned with the generality of social orders as observed in social pecking exchanges, the isolation procedure again was sufficient to produce apparently aggressive reactions but the resulting peck orders between chicks did not predict success in later tests when the same 2 subjects were pitted against one another in either approach or avoidance competitive tasks. These results are discussed in terms of the relationship of infant aggression to adult aggression, and suggestions are made for a revised view of the development of the aggressive behavior of fowl.  相似文献   

From weaning until sexual maturity, the rates at which young male rats hold each other supine during play fighting appear to become progressively asymmetrical. These changes have been previously thought to reflect an initial lack of dominance and a later development of dominance-subordinance relationships. In this paper it is shown that pairs of male rats exhibit asymmetries in playful attack and playful defense throughout development. The changes, resulting in greater asymmetry of pinning rates, are shown to result from age-dependent changes in defensive tactics; the relationship, therefore, remains constant while the form of the behavior changes. Furthermore, it is not the animals showing the highest rates of playful attack who become dominant in older ages.  相似文献   

Following an initial intruder aggression test, 10 pairs of adult male rats matched on aggressiveness were formed. The first 20 min of paired cohabitation were used to determine dominance and subordinance between pau members. Residents judged to be dominant from this observation session gained significantly more weight during cohabitation and exhibited significantly more aggression on the second aggression test than their subordinate counterparts. Significant correlations among various measures of aggression were found, but open field performance did not correlate, with the measures of aggression nor did changes in open field scores reflect changes in aggression.  相似文献   

Male Mongolian gerbils show an increase in infanticide and pup-cannibalism after 24-hr food deprivation, suggesting that food acquisition is a function of this activity. Dominant animals show high levels of infanticide, but subordinate animals are inhibited from this activity. An increase in infanticide is seen when males from a single sex group are isolated; this increase resembles that observed when a male is separated from his pregnant mate [Elwood, 1980]. These results suggest a mechanism whereby males are normally brought into a noninfanticidal state during cohabitation with their pregnant mates owing to subordination by the latter. In this manner males are able to utilize strange pups as food but avoid harming their own offspring.  相似文献   

Rape has been posited to be an outgrowth of male reproductive strategies. Forced copulations may have evolved as a consequence of the low parental investment made by males in producing and raising offspring. We designed a laboratory experiment which paired rhesus macaque males with females in order to assess the influence of intersexual aggression on male sexual activity. Younger and older adult males had comparable levels of sexual behavior, but younger males were more aggressive towards females than were older males. In addition, females threatened younger males more than older males. Male attacks on females did not result in sexual intercourse. On the contrary, a negative correlation existed between male aggression towards females and male success at achieving intromissions. Female aggression towards males appeared to be an effective tactic which reduced the chances of sexual intercourse. We conclude that intersexual aggression acts either as a mechanism of dominance assertion or as a means to increase spatial distance between individuals. These data do not support the idea that rape in humans has an evolutionary foundation derived from male reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

The social relations of three adult males in a captive chimpanzee group were evaluated for 12 months. The observations encompassed a period of transition in the dominance hierarchy providing an opportunity to assess behavioral patterns involved in the initiation of status changes. This study shows that dominance in the chimpanzee is expressed primarily through ritualized and non-contact behavior rather than by overt aggression. In particular, display behavior is important for indicating dominance rank, in communicating aggressive intent, and as a prelude to status struggles. The functional relationships between status, displays and other socio-sexual behavior patterns are presented.  相似文献   

Leap orders in pairs of male chickens were traced in a longitudinal study from near hatching to about 11 weeks of age. Birds were given a series of 39 day-long social separations, each followed by a day-long reunion. Tests for aggression occurred during the first 5 min of reunion. Pecks were frequent early in the test series, but soon diminished; leaps supplanted pecks as the most frequent response at about midseries, and abated in turn. To account for this dual pattern of the waxing and waning of aggressive responses, it was hypothesized that leap orders had formed in midseries, thus obviating further agonistic behavior. Support for the hypothesis was found: Early peck orders did not predict later leap orders, but early leap orders did predict subsequent leap and peck orders.  相似文献   

Research from a variety of disciplines suggests a positive relationship between Western cultural sexualization and women's likelihood of suffering harm. In the current experiment, 157 young men were romantically rejected by a sexualized or non‐sexualized woman then given the opportunity to blast the woman with loud bursts of white noise. We tested whether the activation of sexual goals in men would mediate the relationship between sexualization and aggressive behavior after romantic rejection. We also tested whether behaving aggressively toward a woman after romantic rejection would increase men's feelings of sexual dominance. Results showed that interacting with a sexualized woman increased men's sex goals. Heightened sex goal activation, in turn, predicted increased aggression after romantic rejection. This result remained significant despite controlling for the effects of trait aggressiveness and negative affect. The findings suggest that heightened sex goal activation may lead men to perpetrate aggression against sexualized women who reject them.

Two groups of pigtail monkeys were merged, a third was formed, and individual males were introduced into a group in a series of experiments examining the effects of social context upon agonistic rank, aggressive expression, and testosterone levels. In the first experiment, two heterosexual groups, containing adult males unfamiliar to the other group, were merged. The two groups fought, and the smaller group was defeated. The alpha and beta males of the defeated group were singled out for repeated attack and both showed significant drops in circulating levels of testosterone. Both males were removed from the group during the first day, but testosterone levels did not recover to baseline levels for several days. The alpha male of the victorious group, on the other hand, showed a significant rise in testosterone, which was apparent only on the day following the merger. In order to study the influence of previous social familiarity on male reception into a group, another group was formed by removing males from the victorious group and placing them in a separate enclosure. The males in the new group established a dominance hierarchy unrelated to their previous social ranks with one another. Three months later, each of the six adult males remaining in the parent group was individually introduced into the new group for one day or less. Each of the males introduced into the new group accepted a social position at the lower end of the dominance hierarchy without regard to his previous rank relationships with the host males when they were all in the parent group. Even the alpha and beta males of the parent group were relegated to low rank positions in the new group, despite having ranked over each of the host males since birth. In contrast to the aggression directed at the unfamiliar males in the first experiment, a minimum of aggression was directed to the familiar males introduced into the new group in the second experiment. Although the males introduced accepted low social ranks, it appeared that each was readily integrated into the group with a minimum of aggressive interaction during the time he was scheduled to remain in the group. There were no significant changes in circulating levels of testosterone in any of the males during the introductions of familiar males to one another.  相似文献   

Genetically sterile male Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus, were tested in the laboratory to determine both 1) behavioral characteristics, and 2) the ability of sterile males to compete aggressively and sexually with wild Norway rat males. Sterile males were larger in weight, more frequently dominant, won as many fighting encounters, were as aggressive as wild males, and mounted females more frequently. Behavioral activities were similar for both strains when compared under laboratory conditions with no apparent abnormal behavior exhibited by the sterile males. Use of sterile males in biological control programs is discussed.  相似文献   

There is currently much interest in the potential impact of psychological factors on immune responses. An attempt was made to assess the effects of dominant/subordinate polarity in male mice on the cytotoxic activities of their natural-killer (NK) cells. On the basis of repeated agonistic encounters, categories of subordinate and dominat animals were selected. These animals were compared with manipulated controls (introduced to a novel test cage without an opponent on each occasion) and undisturbed controls (who remained in isolation without manipulation). In terms of NK activity, immunosuppression was observed in both dominant and subordinate categories when compared to undisturbed controls. There were, however, no differences between the fighting exposed subjects and the manipulated controls, suggesting that stress accounts for any changes. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Effects of timing of social isolation on play fighting and serious fighting were studied at different ages in male golden hamsters. Litters were isolated at 21, 35, and 65 days of age, and tested in a resident-intruder paradigm. Behaviors were compared within grous and with a fourth group of socially reared conspecifics. The earlier the pups were isolated, the more they engaged in play activities. Later, in adulthood, the aggression level of the same animals was retested using the same paradigm. The three isolated groups showed a high level of aggression, with significant differences among them. When compared with socially reared subjects, a reliable difference in the level of aggression was also found. These results support the view that early social experience is important, suggesting that isolation during early critical periods of socialization has a significant impact on play fighting, whereas short periods of isolation may be enough to trigger adult agonistic behavior. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examined adolescent narcissism, temperament (frustration and affiliation), and social goals in association with peer‐reported physical and relational aggression (N = 384; 12–14 years). Narcissism was positively associated with dominance goals and negatively with closeness goals for peer interaction. Moreover, narcissism was positively associated with physical aggression via dominance goals for boys, and with relational aggression via dominance goals for both genders. Temperamental frustration and affiliation were both positively associated with relational aggression, but also interacted in their associations with this variable; affiliation was positively associated with relational aggression only at high levels of frustration. Supporting and extending existing research, the present findings suggest that adolescent personality and social goals are meaningfully associated with physical and relational aggression in the peer context.  相似文献   

The aggressive behavior of large Clibanarius vittatus against small C. vittatus was investigated. Large C. vittatus were more aggressive and showed fewer fear reactions in all conditions tested. The degree of dominance of large over small C. vittatus was much more marked and more predictable when the smaller crab occupied a Polinices rather than a Littorina shell and the large crab occupied a Littorina shell in both conditions. Evidence is given to suggest that C. vittatus reacts more to the shape than the size dimensions of a Polinices shell, and that small crabs occupying a Polinices shell are less active than other crabs occupying a Littorina shell.  相似文献   

Few studies have compared the action of both nicotine (NIC) and bupropion (BUP), an antidepressant used to treat NIC dependence, on social and aggressive behavior at different ages. This study aims to determine whether these drugs produce differential effects in adolescent (postnatal day: 36-37) and adult (postnatal day: 65-66) mice that have been housed individually for 2 weeks in order to induce aggressive behavior. Mice received BUP (40, 20, or 10 mg/kg), NIC (1, 0.5, and 0.25 mg/kg as base), or vehicle earlier to a social interaction test. BUP (40 mg/kg) decreased social investigation and increased nonsocial exploration in both adolescent and adult mice. The same effects were also observed in adult mice administered with a lower dose of the same drug (20 mg/kg). In adolescents, NIC (1 mg/kg) decreased social investigation, but this effect did not reach statistical significance in adults. In conclusion, a differential sensitivity to the effects of NIC or BUP emerged in some of the behavioral categories when the two age groups were compared.  相似文献   

A novel "field" study recently published in Aggressive Behavior found that individual differences in baseline testosterone concentrations were positively correlated with endorsement of political aggression and that baseline cortisol concentrations were negatively correlated with self-reported aggression among Palestinian boys living in Gaza. Here, we discuss recent evidence indicating that testosterone and cortisol interact to predict competitive, aggressive, and dominant behaviors and urge researchers collecting both hormones to perform and report analyses that formally test for such interaction effects.  相似文献   

Six domestic hens were exposed to a series of five pairs of two-key concurrent variable-interval schedules with a range of changeover delays from no delay to 15 s. Times spent responding on each alternative and total, within_, and post-changeover-delay response ratios were analyzed in terms of the generalized matching law. The sensitivity parameters, a, for response and time data were generally low when no changeover delay was programmed but were not 0.0. They were higher for all other changeover-delay values, with some tendency to increase as the changeover delay lengthened at very short delays. Within-delay responding was insensitive to reinforcement-rate differences at all changeover delays (a values close to 0.0). As a result of this insensitivity, post-changeover-delay responding was more sensitive to reinforcement-rate changes than was total responding. Interchangeover intervals increased systematically with changeover-delay duration. Responding, particularly after the changeover delay, was well predicted by an equation based on a reinforcer-loss model.  相似文献   

The experiments were performed on adult male cats selected initially as good mousekillers. Cats were tested in pairs and each pair was introduced separately to the experimental compartment. The attitude toward the partner before and during the predatory competition test as well as superiority in catching and killing the mice, considered as an index of dominance, were registered. In the course of experiment five types of relations between the predatory dominance and aggressive behavior were observed. The concept of dominance as an outcome of several factors was discussed. It was concluded that predatory dominance is not based exclusively on aggressive mechanisms, as it may be formed and sustained without overt aggression.  相似文献   

Social dominance rank in red grouse has a large inherited component. The relative contributions of mothers and fathers to the dominance ranks of their sons and daughters were studied by breeding a dominant and a subordinate strain and crossing them. Both parents contributed equally to the dominance ranks of both sons and daughters. Cocks from the dominant strain were more aggressive and had bigger combs than cocks from the subordinate strain. Dominant cocks and hens, however, did not weigh more than subordinates.  相似文献   

The importance of isolation and imprinting as separate factors influencing early aggressive responses in chicks (Gallus gallus) was studied in two separate experiments. In addition the effect of the presence or absence of the imprinting stimulus in the test situation was examined in Experiment 1. Neither imprinting per se, nor the presence of the imprinting stimulus significantly affected aggressiveness. Rearing conditions (isolation vs social rearing) did, however, influence aggressive responses. Isolated chicks were significantly more aggressive than socially reared buds. The adaptedness of selective aggression in socially (naturally) reared chicks, as well as the indiscriminant aggressiveness caused by social deprivation is discussed.  相似文献   

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